Vance, Louis Joseph, IV:421, 471, 473, 584, 616
Vancouver, Wash., Ill: 75m Vandalia, Ill., 1:595 Vandenberg, Arthur Hendrick, IV: 709 Vanderbilt, Consuelo, IV:758 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, III: 4, 444; IV:756
Vanderbilt, William Henry, 111:214 Vanderbilt University, V: 100-2, 106-7 magazine published at, IV: 74 Vanderbilt University Quarterly, IV:74 Vanderlip, Frank Arthur, IV: 519, 689 Vanderpoel, John Henry, IV: 147 Vanguard, IV: 176m Vanity, IV: 78, 85
Vanity Fair, 11:104, 148, 150, 152, 179, 184, 188, 205; III:265m, 440; IV:47, 373, 760; V:171 sketch of, 11:520—29 Vardanian, Governor, V:280 Varney, Harold Lord, V:21, 2 5 Vassar Female College, 111:102-3 Vazquez de Ayllon, Lucas, IV:12 1m Veblen, Thorstein Bunde, 111:542;
IV: 192 ; V:95
Vedder, Elihu, 111:411; IV: 144, 781 Vedder, Henry Clay, III: 72m, 182 Vedette, III: 132 Vegetarian, IV: 3 17 Vegetarian Magazine, IV:317 Vehicle Monthly, III:2 16m Velocipedist, 111:211 Venable, Edward Carrington, IV: 729 Venable, Richard M., 111:383 Venable, William Henry, III :262m;
IV: 140 n
Venereal disease, campaigns against, IV:553
Verdict, IV:386
Verdon, Ida, IV:502
Verlaine, Paul, IV:451
Vermont Chronicle, II: 7 In
Vermont Medical Monthly, IV:313m
Vermonter, IV:82
Verne, Jules, 11:270; 111:254, 460;
IV:513, 685
Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin, 1:280, 326, 608
Verrill, Addison Emory, 1:304 Versailles
conference, 11:2 59 treaty, V:208 Verse, see Poetry Very, Jones, 1:650, 662, 736 Veterans’ magazines, 111:132; IV: 69 Veterinary journals, 111:143
Vice, see Comstock, Anthony; Crime; Crime stories and reports; Municipal corruption; Prostitution Vice-control periodicals, IV: 199—200 Vick, E. C., 111:483-84 Vick, James, 11:90 n Vickery, P. O., 111:38 Vickery’s Fireside Visitor, 111:38 Vickroy, T. R., 111:312 Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 111:162; IV:342
Vicksburg Daily Citizen, 11:151 Victor, Metta Victoria Fuller, 1:587; 11:114, 172, 302, 466, 467;
111:224; IV:366
Victor, Orville James, 1:587; 11:114,
193, 467
Victor Talking Machine, V:81 Victoria, Queen of England, 1:397; IV:2 26, 685
Viereck, George Sylvester, IV: 509-10, 654
Views, IV: 351m
Vigilance committees (1865), 11:120 Vigilant, IV:350 Villard, Henry, 111:344; V:330 Villard, Oswald, V:89, 207 Villard, Oswald Garrison, III:331 w, 346; IV:726, 748 as editor, 111:350-56 Villon, Francois, IV:425; V:118 Vincent, George Edgar, 111:545; IV: 181, 191, 748
Vincent, John Heyl, 111:173, 545;
Vindicator, III: 146m Violin World, IV: 2 54 Violinist, IV:254 Virginia
early handicrafts in (1791), 1:60 secession of (1861), 1:654 See also specific cities and towns Virginia, University of, 1:648
magazines published at, 1:489; 11:99 Virginia City, Mont., Ill: 75m Virginia Evangelical and Literary Magazine, 1:205, 795 Virginia Historical Register and Literary Companion, 1:382, 809 Virginia Law Journal, III: 145m Virginia Law Register, IV: 347m Virginia Literary Museum, 1:489, 800 Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, IV: 139 Virginia Medical Monthly, III:140m Virginia School Journal, IV:2 70m Virginia Seminary Magazine, IV:294
“Virginian, The” (Wister), V:119
Virginias, 111:148
Virginius affair (1873), 111:280
Vision, IV:296
Visitor, 1:205«, 793
Vitchesbain, J. H., 111:299 n
Vivas, Eliseo, IV: 739, 740
Vivisection, campaign against, IV:562
Vizetelly, Frank Horace, IV: 573
Vizetelly, Henry, 11:410
Vocalist, IV:2 54w
Vogue, V: 165m
sketch of, IV:756-62 Voice (temperance journal), 111:310 Voice (Werner’s), 111:170; IV:2 51 Voice of Angels, 111:82 Voice of Freedom, see: Emancipator Voice magazines, musical, 111:170 Voice of Masonry, 11:215; IV:222w Voice of Missions, IV:238 Voice of the Negro, IV:214 n Voice from the Old Brewery, 111:314 Voidato-Patcevitsch, Iva Sergie,
IV:756w, 761 Volcanology, IV:621 Volk, Leonard Wells, IV: 114 Volstead Act, V: 212
Von Hutten zum Stolzenberg, Baroness (Bettina Riddle), V:249 Von Kotzebue, August, V:121 Voorhees, Daniel, 11:545 Vorse, Mary Heaton, IV:584; V:133 Vosburgh, Frederick G., IV:630, 632 Vose, John D., 1:426; 11:179 Vox Humana, III:198«
Vrooman, Frank Buffington, 111:478
W.B.A. Review, IV:222 Waco, Tex., IV:292, 443 Wade, John Donald, V:116w Wadsworth, F. L., III:82w Wag, 111:268 n Wages, 1:33-34; 111:12-13
See also Salaries; Strikes; Trade unions; Working class Waggoner, J. Fred, 11:235 Wagner, Harr, IV: 1-6 Wagner, Richard, 11:253; 111:192-93; IV :249
Wagner, Robert (artist), IV:66, 451 Wagner, Robert Ferdinand, IV: 749 Wagner, Samuel, 11:91 Wahl, William H., I:556»; 111:127 Wait, Thomas B., 1:541 Waite, Henry Randall, IV: 181 Wakeman, Edgar L., 111:54
Wakeman, Thaddeus Burr, IV:2 77 Waldie’s Literary Omnibus, 1:361, 803 Waldo, James E., 111:45 Waldo, Richard H., V:137 Wales, George E., 11:464 Wales, James Albert, 111:268, 525, 528, 552
Wales, Salem Howe, II:316«, 319
Waley, Arthur, V:237
Walford, L. B., 111:550
Walker, Charles Rumford, II:493«
Walker, E. C., 111:301
Walker, E. D., IV:480, 481-84
Walker, Edwin, IV:2 19
Walker, General Edwin A., V:3«, 316
Walker, Francis Amasa, 1:535;
III:465», 470; IV:173, 719, 721; V:330
Walker, Frank, IV:423 Walker, Harry Wilson, IV:86 Walker, Helen D., IV:708 Walker, Howell, IV:630 Walker, J. Bernard, 11:323 Walker, James (editor of the Christian Examiner), 1:284 n, 286-87, 289 Walker, James John, IV:472 Walker, John Brisben, IV:35, 37, 169, 216, 218, 234, 319, 480«, 482- 91, 600; V:342 Walker, Mrs. M. L„ 111:95 Walker, Mary, 111:91, 96 Walker, Robert J. C., IV:671n Walker, Robert John, II: 540m, 542, 543 Walker, Roy, 111:505 Walker, Ryan, IV:205, 415 Walker, T. Dart, IV :100m Walker, Timothy, 1:452, 601 Walker, W. D., III:533m, 534 Walker, Wareham, II: 65m Walker, William, 1:752, 753 Walking matches, 111:218-19 Wall, James Walter, 11:545 Wall Street
magazine comment on, 1:472 See also Stock Exchange Wall Street Underwriter and the Joint Stock Register, II:94m Wallace, Alfred Henry, IV:407 Wallace, Benjamin J., II:62m Wallace Edgar, 111:489; IV:466; V:85 Wallace, Francis, IV:478 Wallace, Henry (founder of Wallace’s Farmer ), IV:340
Wallace, Henry (legal editor), I :451 m W allace, Henry Agard, IV:730; V:191 m, 216, 219-21
Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 111:157
Wallace, J. M. Power, II:93«
Wallace, John H., 111:215 Wallace, John S., 1:427 Wallace, Lew, 111:248; IV:141 Wallace, Ray, IV:367w Wallace, T. C., 1:57 5 Wallace, Walter W., IV:214 Wallace, William, II:93»
Wallace’s Farmer, 11:90 n; 111:157; IV:340
Wallace’s Monthly, 111:215 Wallach, Rita Teresa, IV: 744 Wallack, Lester, 111:204; IV:256, 721 Wallack, Mrs. Lester, IV:12 7w Wallin, Samuel, 11:454 Wallingford, Conn., 11:207 Wall-Paper News and Interior Decorator, IV:323«
Walpole, Hugh, 111:489; IV:436, 438;
V:86, 117 n, 123, 265, 337 Walpole, N.H., 1:194 Walsh, Francis, Jr., I:44«
Walsh, Henry Collins, V:248 Walsh, Richard John, IV:453w, 469 Walsh, Robert, 1:146, 155, 189, 409; 11:221
as editor, 1:129, 222, 271-76, 307 quoted, 1:184, 185, 436 Walsh, Thomas, IV:436 Walsh, William Shepard, IV:64, 125 Walsh, William Shepherd, III:396«, 399-400
Waltmer’s Magazine, IV:2 85w Walton, Francis, III:422w, 434-35 Walton, Joseph, I:562w, 564-65 Waltz, popularity of, 1:479 Wanamaker, John, II:75«; 111:235;
IV:246; V:72, 74 Wang Doodle, II: 18 5 Wannamaker, William Hane, V:2 73«, 283
War Cry, 111:85; IV:288 War Medicine, IV: 531 War reporting, see specific wars War of 1812, 1:125, 161, 188, 240-41, 243, 272, 280, 285 Warbler, IV:310«
Ward, Artemus, see Browne, Charles Farrar
Ward, C. J., 111:161
Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, 11:267, 395, 505«; III:99», 247, 508; IV:2 57, 292, 304, 350, 514, 538, 593, 768
Ward, Herbert, IV:726 Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 11:402; 111:471; IV: 110, 141, 280-81, 295, 601, 720
Ward, John Quincy x\dams, 111:182, 183 Ward, Julius Hammond, 11:249 Ward, Kirk, IV:106 Ward, Lauriston, IV:126«
Ward, Leo L., V: 183-85 Ward, Lester Frank, IV: 191, 514 Ward, William Hayes, II:367n, 374,
376, 377, 378; III:465»; IV:719 Ware, Eugene Fitch, IV:97 Ware, Henry, 1:134, 262, 288, 570—71 Ware, Henry, Jr., 1:135, 138, 285 Ware, John, I:152«, 288; 11:228 Ware, William (editor of Christian Examiner), 1:284 n, 28 7-88, 401, 609
Ware, William Robert, III:129»; IV:323
Ware’s Valley Monthly, 111:51 Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge, 111:74 Waring, George Edwin, 1:732; 11:413, 506 n; 111:461
Warman, Cy, IV:50, 224, 331, 593, 651, 692
Warne, Colston E., V:58 Warner, Arthur, 111:355 Warner, Charles Dudley, 1:535; 11:398, 399, 402, 424, 425, 506«, 511»; 111:238, 257, 314, 424, 439, 463, 503; IV:61, 255, 267, 513 Warner, Eltinge F., V:260-62, 265,
Warner, Francis Lester, II:493;z
Warner, Glen Scobey (Pop), IV:700
Warner, H. J., 1:29 2n
Warner, Susan, 11:171; 111:100
Warner, William Bishop, IV: 584
Warren, A. C., 11:409
Warren, A. W., 11:475
Warren, Earl, IV:476
Warren, Fred D., IV:205, 206n
Warren, J. L. L. F., 11:90
Warren, John Collins, 11:139
Warren, Joseph, II:432w, 433
Warren, Mrs. Mercy, 1:203
Warren, O. G., 11:209
Warren, Robert Penn, IV:730, 740;
V: lOOw, 107, 1 10-16, 242 Warren, Ohio, IV:356 Warrington’s Musical Review, III:197« Washburn, Edward Abiel, 11:551 Washburn, Elihu Benjamin, IV: 719 Washburn, Emory, 11:23 5 Washburn, L. K., III:88w; IV:278 Washington, Booker Taliaferro, 11:271; 111:430; IV:213, 214, 743, 780; V:275-76, 278, 287
Washington, George, 1:52-53, 97-98,
101, 102, 116, 263, 553
Washington, D.C.
nationalist era magazines in, 1:164 expansionist era magazines in abolitionist periodical, 1:457 general magazines, 1:268, 346 literary magazines, 1:356, 677ft, 678 Sunday school magazine, 11:101 Civil War era magazines in (1850-65) military periodical, 11:150 Sunday school magazine, 11:101 post-Civil War magazines in Masonic periodical, 111:315 military periodicals, 111:132 scientific periodicals, III :109ft, 112 temperance periodical, III:310ft urban weeklies, IV: 89 women’s rights magazine, 111:96 Gilded Age magazines in (1885-1905) amateur periodical, IV :390ft family veterans’ periodical, IV: 69 Florence Crittenton periodical,
IV: 200
forestry periodical, IV:343 free-silver periodicals, IV: 163 geographic periodicals, IV:620-32 governmental magazines, IV:90 health periodical, 111:139 historical publication, 111:140 insurance periodical, IV:351ft labor periodical, 111:300 legal periodical, IV:347 n literary magazines, IV:89, 92 military periodical, 111:132 news periodical, IV :648ft political periodicals, IV:73, 89, 178 populist periodical, IV: 176 religious magazines, IV:285ft, 298 review magazine, IV:61 scientific periodicals, 111:112;
IV :308
settlement-house periodical, IV:195w society magazines, IV: 89-90 temperance periodicals, III: 310ft; IV:210
trade-union periodicals, IV:220 urban weeklies, 111:89-90 women’s periodical, IV:361 women’s suffrage periodicals, 111:95; IV:355 modern magazines in (1905-)
anthropological journal, IV: 308 current events periodical, V:191w forestry periodical, IV:343 geographic magazine, IV:620ft Indian periodical, IV:2 15ft insurance periodical, IV:351n legal periodical, IV:347ft Masonic periodical, IV:222ft
medical journal, IV:313ft military periodical, 111:132 religious magazines, 11:65, 67ft rifle periodical, IV:381?z temperance periodical, IV:210 trade-union periodical, IV:220 Washington, Idaho and Oregon Farmer, IV:341
Washington, N.C., 111:80 Washington Christian Advocate, II:67ft Washington Confidential (Mortimer), V: 24-25
Washington Hatchet, IV:89 Washington Law Reporter, III: 144ft; IV :347ft
Washington Life, IV:90 Washington Medical Annals, IV:313ft Washington Mirror, IV: 89 Washington Newsletter, IV:285ft Washingtonian, III :310ft Wasp, 1:170, 792; 11:118ft, 111:56-57, 101; IV:77, 106
Wasson, David Atwood, 1:290; 11:152, 503, 505; 111:18, 35ft, 78, 230, 301, 302
Watch Tower, III:85ft Watch and Ward Society, Mencken’s conflict with, V: 13-15 Watchman (Boston), IV:291 Watchman (Chicago), 111:82; IV:287ft Watchman (Washington), 111:80 Watchman-Examiner, 1:138, 796 Watchman of the Prairies, II: 65ft Watchman and Reflector, 11:64, 266; 111:72
See also Watchman-Examiner Watchword, III:85ft
Water cure, 1:441, 475, 700; 11:87; IV:316
Water-Cure Journal, 1:441, 808; 11:87;
111:139; IV:316 Water-Cure Monthly, 11:87 Water-Cure World, 11:8 7 Water-Gas Journal, 111:131 Water and Gas Review, IV:323ft Water sports, 111:211; IV:634, 636 Water Works Engineering, IV:323ft Water Works and Sewerage, IV:323ft Waterloo, Iowa, IV: 186ft, 344ft, 345 Waterloo, Stanley, IV: 115ft, 767 Waterman, Nixon, IV:224, 390ft Waterman’s Journal, IV:62 Watertown, N.Y., IV:221ft Waterville, Maine, 11:3 6 ft ; III: 215ft; IV :363ft
Watervillonian, see: Yankee Blade Waterways Journal, IV:334 Watkins, Tobias, 1:126, 293-96
Watrous, A. E., 111:528 Watson, Dawson, IV:451 Watson, Donald, IV:629 Watson, Egbert P., III:116n Watson, Elizabeth, 111:82; IV:304« Watson, Elmo Scott, III:274ra Watson, Henry Brereton Marriott, IV:116», 691
Watson, Henry C., 1:366, 757«, 758;
II:452«, 455; 111:196 Watson, J. F., I:279w Watson, James Sibley, Jr., 111:542 Watson, James V., 11:67 Watson, John (“Ian Maclaren”),
111:429; IV:49n, 134, 226, 230, 435, 544, 593, 685 Watson, John Broadus, V:121 Watson, John Whitaker, 11:472 Watson, Stephen Marion, 111:2 59 Watson, Thomas Edward, IV: 178 Watson, Thomas John, IV:147« Watson, Warren, III:109«
Watson, William, 11:21 In; 132, 141,
Watson, William Perry, 111:142 Watson’s Art Journal, 111:196 Watson’s Weekly Art Journal, 11:197 Watters, James, 1:122 Watterson, Henry, 11:251; 111:477; IV:164w
Wattles, John D., II:75«
Waud, Alfred R., 11:45, 397, 409, 449, 466, 474, 481; 111:187, 359-60, 420
Waud, William, 11:474 Waugh, Arthur, 111:550; IV: 121 Waugh, Beverly, I:299w Waugh, Evelyn, V:136 Waugh, William W., IV:81»
Wausau, Wis., IV:390«
Waverly, Iowa, IV:345«
Waverly Library, IV: 118 Waverly Magazine, 11:41-42, 100;
IV: 79«
Way of Faith, IV: 296
Wayland, Francis, 1:461; 11:154
Wayland, Julius Augustus, IV:204-6
Wayland’s Monthly, IV:205-6
Wayne, Hamilton, III:402w
Wayside Monthly, IV: 115
magazines on, 1:470; 111:293; IV:489, 495, 614, 662; V:75-78, 149 increase in, IV: 10-11 Weapons, development of, IV:319 Weatherby, George W., III:53«
Weaver, James Baird, 111:157; IV: 177, 406
Weaver, John Van Alstyn, 111:390; IV: 440
Weaver, Richard M., IV: 738
Weaver, William Dixon, III: 12 2w
Webb, Alfred, 111:337
Webb, Charles Henry (“John Paul”)>
Webb, George J., 1:435 Webb, James Watson, 11:282 Webb, Mohammed Alex Russell, IV:287 W T ebb, Sidney, IV: 746 Webb Publishing Company, V:45 Webbe, John, 1:24, 71, 72, 73-74 Webber, Charles Wilkins, 1:752-53 Weber, Charles, 11:464 Webster, Daniel, 1:255, 318, 423, 751, 753, 781; 11:227, 290 Webster, David, I:451»
Webster, Frank B., 111:111 Webster, Franklin, IV: 3 50 Webster, Harrie, IV:233 Webster, Henry Kitchell, IV:690; V:85, 290
Webster, Jean, IV:546
Webster, John White, I:152«; 11:228
Webster, Noah
attacked, 1:147-48, 186, 257, 235-36 as contributor, 1:62-64, 600 as editor, 1:29-30, 104-7, 156 as member of Friendly Club, 1:115 Webster-Hayne debate (1830), 11:234 Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, V:43« Webster’s Dictionary, 11:177 Wedekind, Franz, V:2 58 Wedel, Mildred Mott, V:344-45 Editorial Note by, V:xv-xvii Wee Wisdom, IV:286 Weed, Clarence Moores, V:158 Weed, Thurlow, 111:376 Weeden, William Babcock, 111:436 Week, 111:256 Weeklies
in nationalist era (1794-1825), 1:121-29
religious, 1:136-38
in expansionist era (1825-50), 1:354— 66
in Civil War era (1850-65), II:33— 45, 150, 178, 206 home, 1:57-58 library, II: 1 72 religious, 11:61, 103 average circulation of, 11:10 earliest (1771), 1:92 increase in, 1:210
in movement for cheap literature, 1:348
as newspaper supplements, IV: 69-70
number of, 1:341-42, 387; II:4w payments to contributors, 11:21-22 trends, 11:33-45 variety, 11:33—34
See also Urban weeklies; specific weeklies Weekly, V:74 Weekly Budget, 111:45 Weekly Export Bulletin, IV:186«
Weekly Journal of Free Opinion, 11:367 n Weekly Magazine, 111:53; IV:55» Weekly Magazine of Original Essays, 1:122, 149, 173, 174, 790 Weekly Messenger, 1:355, 674, 803 Weekly Mirror, 1:320 n, 329-30 Weekly Museum, 1:122, 790 Weekly News and Southern Literary Gazette, II: 1 lOra
Weekly Novelette, 11:36, 411 n, 468 Weekly People, IV: 175 Weekly Recorder, II:63«
See also: Presbyterian Banner Weekly Register, see: Niles’ Weekly Register
Weekly Review, 11:379 Weekly Sports, IV:47«, 372-73 Weekly Trade Circular, 111:491, 492 Weekly Underwriter, IV: 3 50 Weekly Underwriter and the Insurance Press, II:94n
Weekly Weather Chronicle, 111:112 Weeks, Edward Augustus, Jr., II:493«, 515
Weeks, Raymond, V: 182-83, 185 Week’s Progress, IV: 64 Weir, Robert Walter, 1:520; 11:475 Weiss, John, 1:292 n, 775, 776, 778;
111:78, 91, 301, 386 Weitenkampf, Frank, IV: 720 Welby, Mrs. Amelia B. Coppuck, 1:553, 692
Welch, Deshler, IV: 260 Welch, Thomas B., 1:208, 521; III: 143w Welch, W. Henry, IV:68w Welcome Friend, IV:367 n Welcome Guest, 11:411 Weld, Ezra W., I:108w Weld, Horatio Hastings, I:127», 359, 360n, 361, 546», 587; 11:410 Weld, Mason C., 1:731 Weldon, Charles Dater, 11:397 Welford, B. R., 11:346 Well-Spring, 11:101 Welles, Gideon, 111:376 Welliver, Judson Churchill, IV:601, 615, 616, 617, 662; V: 149, 288 Wellman, Walter, III:270«; IV:456,
593, 625
Wellman’s Literary Miscellany, 11:116 Wells, Anna Marie, 1:412 Wells, Benjamin Willis, IV:733w, 734 Wells, Carolyn, 11:431; III:400«, 401, 485, 504, 530, 532, 555; IV:46n, 49 n, 50, 388, 389, 436, 438, 646, 692; V:251 Wells, Charles H., IV:92 Wells, David Ames, 111:292, 498 Wells, Herbert George, 11:257; 111:478; IV:466, 474, 490, 498, 501, 552; V:51, 84, 211, 336 Wells, John, 1:115 Wells, Samuel Roberts, 1:441, 447 Wells, Thomas Bucklin, II:383«, 403 Wells, William, III:465«
Wells, William Bittle, IV: 107 Wells, William Harvey, 11:303 Wells and Lilly, 11:22 1, 227 Wellstood, William, 1:328, 522; 11:303; 111:187
Welsh, Herbert, IV: 60
Welty, Eudora, IV:739; V:284
Wenham, Mass., 111:161
Wentworth, E., II:301n
Wenzell, Albert Beck, IV:455, 564, 692
Werfel, Franz, IV:553
Werk, Emil, IV:381
Werner, Edgar S., 111:170
Werner’s Voice Magazine, 111:170;
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, IV:737 Wertheim, Maurice, 111:355-56 Wertheimer, Rose M., IV:656 Wessel, E. L., IV: 64 n West, 11:119-21, 206, 548-49; III:58- 60, 414-15, 473 agriculture in, 11:434 cattle-raising in, 111:61-62 culture in, 1:432; 111:242—44 expansionist spirit in, IV:94-95 politics, 1:342
development of, 111:49-50; IV: 102-3 general press accounts of early (1741-94), 1:32 nationalist era (1794-1825), 1:207, 241, 275
expansionist era (1825-50), 1:355, 384-86, 422-23, 609, 674, 725 Civil War era (1850-65), 11:118- 21, 425, 434
Post-Civil War era (1865-85), 111:61-62, 376
Gilded Age, 111:473; IV: 102-3 literary talent in, 111:242-44 music in, 111:242-44 outlawry in, 111:62 political changes in, 1:340
West —C ontinued
problems of, 111:60-62; IV: 103 religion in, 1:369 wildlife in, 111:60-61 West, Benjamin, 1:201, 436 West, Henry Litchfield, IV:432w, 438, 517 *
West, James H., IV:283 West, Jessamyn, IV:476 West, Rebecca, IV:441, 503; V:211 West, Robert (Congregational editor), III:77w
West, Robert A., I:743n, 744 West American Monthly, 11:115n West American Review, II:115n West American Scientist, 111:109 West Coast and Puget Sound Lumberman, IV: 32 5n West Grove, Pa., IV:342n West Meriden, Conn., Ill:21 On West Shore, 111:57, 148 West Virginia Bar, IV:348n West Virginia School Journal, 111:168 Westcott, Edward Noyes, IV: 141 Westcott, Thompson, 1:450 Western Academician, 1:491, 803 Western Architect, IV:323 Western Architect and Builder, 111:129 Western Art Journal, II:194n Western Art-Union, 11:191 Western Baptist, IV:292 Western Baptist Review, 11:63 Western Bookseller, 111:23 5 Western Breeders’ Journal, 111:158 Western Brewer, 111:135 Western Camera Notes, IV:150n Western Christian, 11:65n Western Christian Advocate, 1:389, 802; 11:66; 111:70
Western Christian Monitor, 1:120n Western Confectioner and Baker, 111:13 5 Western Continent, 1:362, 808 Western Creamery, IV:186n Western Cyclist, III:214n Western Democratic Review, 11:116 Western Dental Journal, IV: 317 Western Destiny, V:26n Western Druggist, 111:133 Western Economist, IV:351n Western Educational Review, 111:51 Western Electrician, IV:322 Western Empire, IV: 341 Western Episcopalian, II:70n Western Examiner, 1:659, 802 Western Farm Life, IV:341 Western Farmer, I:444n; 11:90; 111:157 Western Farmer and Gardener (Cincinnati), 1:443n, 805
Western Farmer and Gardener (Indianapolis), I:444n, 807 Western Field, IV:381n Western Finance and Trade, 111:147n Western Friend, 111:81 Western Fruit-Grower , IV: 341 Western Galaxy, IV: 104 Western General Advertiser, II:114n Western Granger and Home Journal, 111:149n
Western Graphic, IV: 107 Western Herald, II:71n Western Home, 111:101 Western Home Journal, 111:157 Western Home Visitor, 11:51 Western Homoeopathic Observer, II;85n Western Horseman, 111:215 n Western Hotel Reporter, 111:136 Western Insurance Review, III:146n Western Journal, III:116n Western Journal and Civilian, 11:389, 809; 11:116
Western Journal of Education, 11:117; IV :271n
Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, 1:439 n Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery, 1:439, 439n, 805 Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics, and Gynecology, IV:314n Western Jurist, III:145n Western Lady’s Book, 11:52, 58 Western Law Journal, 1:452, 807;
Western Literary Cabinet, 11:58 Western Literary Journal and Monthly Magazine, 1:388, 807 Western Literary Journal and Monthly Review, 1:387, 803 Western Literary Magazine, 11:115 Western Literary Messenger, 11:20, 116 Western Luminary, 1:206, 798 Western Machinist, 111:116 Western Magazine, 1:389, 808; 111:53 Western Magazine and Review, see:
Western Monthly Review Western magazines
far-Western, 11:116-18
mailing difficulties of, I:120n
predictions of, 1:208
problems of, I:120n, 193, 207, 518
publishing centers of, 1:205-7;
11:114-16; 111:56-57; IV:103-8 quality of, 1:208, 384—90 resources of, 1:205 trends, 11:113-21
See also specific magazines, cities, and towns
Western Manufacturer, 111:12 7 Western Medical and Physical Journal, 1:439ft, 799
Western Medical Review, IV:314n Western Medical Times, III: 141 w Western Messenger, 1:387, 658-63 Western Methodist, III:7In Western Minerva, 1:797 Western Mining World, IV:322 n Western Monitor, 1:311 Western Monthly, III:413«, 414-15 Western Monthly Magazine, 1:387, 595-98, 515
Western Monthly Review, 1:120 n, 146, 175, 191, 514-15 sketch of, 1:559-61 Western Musical Review, III:197n Western Musician, IV:254n Western News Company, III:8 Western Paper Trade, 111:135 Western Penman, 111:170 Western Pioneer, 11:65 n Western Plowman, 111:156 Western Poultry Journal, IV:345n Western Presbyterian, III:7 4n; IV:293« Western Quarterly Reporter of Medical, Surgical and Natural Science, 1:207, 797
Western Railroad Gazette, 11:81 Western Railroader, III:126«
Western Recorder, 11:64, 65n; IV: 292 Western Reserve Library, V:349 Western Review, II:116n Western Review and Miscellaneous
Magazine, 1:146, 164-65, 191,
193, 205-6 founded, 1:207 sketch of, 1:311-12
Western Review of Science and Industry,
III: 109n
Western Rural, I:444n; 11:90; 111:149, 156; IV: 176
Western School Journal, IV:271 n Western Soldiers’ Friend, 111:52 Western Spirit, 111:135 Western Sportsman and Live Stock News, 111:215 n Western Standard, 111:74 Western Star, 111:82 n Western Stationer, 111:135, 235 Western Stock Journal, 111:159 Western Teacher, IV:271n Western Tobacco Journal, 111:135 Western Undertaker, 111:133 Western Underwriter, IV:35 In Western Unitarian Association, 1:659 Western Watchman, III:69n Western Weekly, IV:104n
Western World, IV: 104 Westerner, IV: 108 Westfield, N.Y., 111:168 Westminster, 111:74 Westminster Lesson Leaf, III:8n Westminster Review, 11:130; IV:228 Westmoreland, Gen. William C., V:323n
Weston, 111:51, 184 Weston, Bertine E., III:517n, 519 Weston, Christine, IV:554 Weston, H. G., 111:72 Weston, John W., 111:113 Weston, S. E., II:35n Weston, Samuel Burns, IV:27 Westrum, Adrian Schade van, IV: 127 Wet Dog, IV:391 Wetjen, Albert Richard, IV:473 Wetmore, Alexander, IV:62 7, 628 Wetmore, Claude H., IV: 101 Wetmore’s Weekly, IV: 101 Wevill, George, 11:523; 111:441 Weybright, Victor, IV: 749 Weydemeyer, Joseph, 11:207 Weyl, Walter Edward, V:191n, 196-97, 209
Weyman, Stanley John, 11:482; IV:456, 592, 616, 685 Weyman, William, I:2 5n Wharton, Don, IV: 731 Wharton, Edith, II:506n; 111:489;
IV:409, 434, 457, 490, 721, 723, 724, 726, 727, 728; V:336 Wharton, Francis, 1:697 Wharton, Thomas Isaac, I:279w, 282 What Cheer, Iowa, V:x What to Eat, IV:363 What’s the Use? IV:390rc Wheatley, Phillis, 1:89 Wheatley, Richard, 111:545 Wheaton, Henry, 11:2 28 Whedon, Daniel Denison, I:299w,
300-301, 741; 111:23, 70, 383 Wheel, 111:213
Wheel and Cycle Trade Review, 111:21 3n; IV:379
Wheeler, Andrew Carpenter (“Nym
Crinkle”). III:199«, 200 ; IV:66, 410, 434
Wheeler, Benjamin Ide, IV:74 Wheeler, Cora Stuart, II:36«
Wheeler, Edward Jewitt, IV:506«,
509-510, 569 n, 571-73 Wheeler, Ella, see Wilcox, Ella Wheeler Wheeler, Everett Peppered, 11:512 Wheeler, Howard, V:7 2n, 85 Wheeler-Lea Act (1938), V:140 Wheeling, W. Va., 111:168
Wheelman, 111:212, 213», 219, IV:633- 34
Wheelman’s Gazette, 111:213; IV:379 Wheelock, John Gall, IV:654; V:258 Wheelwoman, IV:378 Wheelwright, John Tyler, IV: 559 Wheelwright, Philip, IV:739 Whelpley, F. M., 1:753 Whelpley, James Davenport, I:750n, 7 52 Whidden, Hamlin, IV:645 Whig Review, see: American Whig Review
Whigham, Henry James, 11:349 n, 355; IV:147m, 458
Whim, 1:166, 795; IV :390m Whip, 111:2 69 n
Whipple, Chandler H., IV:417m Whipple, Charles K., 11:292 Whipple, Edwin Percy, 1:406 423, 490, 553, 720; 11:26, 240, 243, 389, 503, 505m; 111:1 72, 232 Whipple, Leander Edmund, IV:287m Whipple, Leon, IV: 747m, 748, 749 Whiskey Ring scandal, III:4, 289 Whist, IV:382
Whist, growth of, IV:381-82 Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, III: 182m; IV:144
Whitaker, Daniel Kimball, 1:383, 664- 65, 721-25; II:110m, 339; 111:45 Whitaker’s Magazine, I:383m; II: 11 Ow Whitaker’s Southern Magazine, 1:38 3m; 11 : 110 n
Whitcher, Mrs. Frances Miriam, 1:585— 86
White, Andrew Dickson, 11:271, 414;
111:164, 439, 498; IV:514 White, Charles Ignatius, 1:371, 716-17 White, Frank Marshall, 111:528;
IV: 556m, 563 White, George G., 11:335 White, Horace, 111:297, 337, 344, 346, 349; IV: 163 m, 171, 180 White, J. D„ 11:91 White, J. M., IV: 108 White, Leander Mitchell, 104 n White, Matthew, Jr., IV:117 m, 362,
Min, 420-21, 609, 612, 617 White, Maunsell, 11:340-41 White, Nelia Gardner, IV:771; V:184, 27 3 m
White, Owen P., IV:470 White, Richard Grant, 1:425, 613, 753, 771; 11:26, 424, 505m, 510m;
III: 13m, 21, 32, 207, 231, 238, 272, 273, 309, 363, 368-69, 375, 376, 419, 456
White, Stanford, 111:467; IV:481, 718
White, Stewart Edward, 11:273; 111:430, 512; IV: 105, 601, 637, 638, 695; V:80, 119
“White, Thom,” see Elliott, Charles Wyllys
White, Thomas Willys, 11:629-44 White, Trumbell, IV: 116, 499, 636;
V:27 n, 30, 32, 72 n, 84-85 White, William Allen, 11:512; III: 5 10m, 512, 513, 514, 555; IV:97, 107m, 210, 472, 592, 600, 685, 692, 696, 703, 706, 721, 728; V:333 White, William Chapman, IV:730 White, William N., 111:154 White Banner, 11:29, 212 White Elephant, IV: 11 7 White Owl, IV:11 7m White River Junction, N.H., IV:82 White Springs, Mont., 111:158 Whitefield, George, 1:76—77 Whitefield controversy (1741), 11:75-77 Whitehead, John, IV: 296 White’s Sayings, IV :247m Whiting, Frances, IV:480m Whiting, Henry, 11:233 Whiting, Lillian, III:42m; IV:45m, 81 Whitlock, Brand, 111:488; IV:46m; V:85, 88
Whitlock, L. L., 111:82 Whitman, Bernard, 1:571 Whitman, Edmund Allen, IV:728 Whitman, Leroy, II: 547m, 549 Whitman, Walt, 11:359, 366, 433, 680; 11:39, 42, 168-9, 253, 254, 271, 429, 498, 501, 508; 111:41, 230, 231, 238, 241, 278, 305, 344, 373-74, 473, 548; IV:87, 121, 129, 279-80; V:8-9, 238, 342 Whitney, Adeline Dutton Train,
II:505w; 111:463, 508; IV:538 Whitney, Caspar, 11:483; IV:458, 633m, 637-38
Whitney, Eli, 1:304 Whitney, Flora, V:192 Whitney, Harry Payne, IV:466, 467 Whitney, J. H., 111:188 Whitney, J. L., 111:518 Whitney, Thomas R., 11:123 Whitney, William C., V:192 Whitney, William Dwight, 11:248; 111:536, 537
Whitney’s Musical Guest, III: 197m Whiton, James Morris, 111:429 Whitson, Thomas, IV: 53m Whittaker, Charles, IV: 101 Whittaker’s Milwaukee Magazine, 111:55 Whittelsey, Mrs. A. G., II: 57m Whittelsey, S., II :57m
Whittemore, George, IV: 184 Whittier, Cal., IV: 296 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1:412; 11:134, 168, 175, 197ra, 211, 221, 275, 373, 496, 501, 502, 504, 510; IV: 129, 398 criticism of, 111:455 as contributor, 1:355, 563, 600-2, 609, 679, 680, 737, 764 as editor, 1:457
Whittier, Matthew (“Ethan Spike”), 11:527
Whittingham, William Rollinson, 11:365 Whole Family, IV:48 Wholesale Grocery Review, IV: 187ra Whyte-Melville, George John, 11:439 Wichita, Kan., 111:55; IV:178 Wickerman, Charles I., IV:67Ira Wickersham, George Woodward, IV: 500 Wickware, Francis G., V:344 Widdemer, Margaret, IV:440- V:236
Wide Awake, 111:175, 177 sketch of, 111:508-9 Wide Awake Library, 111:179; IV: 119 Wide West, 11:118ra Wieland, C. M., 1:192 Wieniawski, Henri, 111:193, 416 Wiese, Otis, V: 140 Wiese, Otto Lee, IV:580ra, 585-88 Wiggam, Albert Edward, IV:787 Wiggin, Frank A., IV:81ra Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 11:400; 111:503;
IV:544, 546, 724, 768 Wigglesworth, Michael, 1:570 Wikoff, Henry, 1:681 Wikoff (Chevalier) Henry, II:44ra Wilber, John, 1:564 Wilber, Ray Lyman, IV:533 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 11:309, 417 462; 111:53, 100, 229-30, 511; IV:49ra’, 84, 98, 120, 123, 359, 361, 408, 496, 537, 542, 612, 765; V:136, 248
Wild Oats, 111:265, 266ra
Wild West shows, 111:209
Wild West stories, IV: 120
Wild West Weekly, IV: 119
Wilde, Oscar, 111:250, 400; V:247
Wilde, Richard Henry, I:546ra, 630, 633
Wilde, Willie, IV:57-58
Wilder, B. F., 111:484
Wilder, C. D., 111:484
Wilder, George Warren, 111:482, 484;
IV:47; V:74-75, 81-82 Wilder, Jones Warren, 111:481 483, 484 Wilder, Marshall Pinckney, IV:57 Wilder, Royal G., 111:84
Wilder, Silas W., 11:180, 181 Wilder, Thornton, V:337 Wildlife
destruction of, 111:60-61 illustrations of, IV: 627, 725 magazines on, IV:593, 62 7 Wildman, Edwin, IV:511, 519 Wildman, Rounsevelle, III:402ra, 407-8 Wile, Simeon, 111:132 Wile, William C., III:140ra Wiley, David, 1:152-53 Wiley, Harvey Washington, IV:65l; V: 134, 138
Wiley, Isaac William, II:301ra Wiley, John, 1:375, 551 Wiley’s Literary Telegraph, 111:492 Wilford’s Microcosm, 111:89 Wilhelm II (German Kaiser), IV:231 Wilkes, George, I:480ra, 481; 11:203,
Wilkes, John, V:316 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., IV: 139 Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times, 11:203-4 See also: Spirit of the Times Wilkins, Mary Eleanor, 11:3 98 ra ,*
111:389, 487; IV:71ra, 480, 544, 769; V:73
Wilkins, Milan William, IV: 175 Wilkins, William E., 111:147 Wilkinson, Florence, IV:100ra, 602 Wilkinson, Harold, I:580ra, 593 Wilkinson, Marguerite, IV:440 Wilkinson, William Cleaver, III:465ra Will, Thomas Elmer, IV:415 Will Rossiter Monthly, IV:253-54 Willamette Farmer, 111:158 Willard, C. D., IV:107ra Willard, Emma, 1:495 Willard, Frances Elizabeth Caroline, 11:303; 111:416; IV:72, 181,
358; V:287
Willard, Josiah Flynt, IV:115ra, 12 5,
Willard, Mary B., 111:310 Willard, Sidney, I:255ra, 257, 344, 604- 5; 11:227
Willets, Gilson, 11:464 William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, IV: 139 Williams, Albert Rhys, IV: 749 Williams, B. Lawton, IV:733 Williams, Ben Ames, 11:435; 111:489;
IV:366ra, 693, 709; V:85 Williams, Blanche Colton, V: 117, 123 Williams, Byron, IV:367ra Williams, Churchill, IV: 708 Williams, David, III: 128ra, 129; IV:183 Williams, Eleazar, 11:421, 422ra
Williams, Gluyas, IV:475, 502, 566 Williams, Gurney, IV:476 Williams, Henry T., II:90n; 111:161 Williams, J. H., III:2 70n Williams, Jesse Lynch, IV:271, 389, 466, 721
Williams, John S., 1:422 Williams, John W., 1:2 76 Williams, Maynard Owen, IV:628, 632 Williams, Michael, IV:520 Williams, Miles Evans, III:156n; IV:340
Williams, Samuel, I:122n Williams, Samuel H., 111:53-4 Williams, Sarah Langdon, 111:94 Williams, Talcott, 11:379; III:235n Williams, Valentine, IV:471 Williams, Walter, V:64 Williams, Whiting, IV: 728 Williams, William Carlos, IV: 739;
V: 173, 177-78, 237, 241 Williams, William W., 111:262 n Williams, Wythe, IV: 469 Williamson, A. J., 11:37-38 Williamson, Alice Muriel, 111:496;
V: 1 58
Williamson, Charles Norris, 111:486; V:158
Williamsport, Pa., IV:68-69 Willing, Jennie F., 111:310 Willis, Julia, 11:352 Willis, Nathaniel, 1:8, 138, 492 as editor, 11:262-66
Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1:274, 409, 759; 11:57, 150, 166, 264, 265, 498; 111:17, 102, 229; IV:677 as contributor, 1:129, 138, 335, 392, 495-98, 506, 507, 509, 546, 585, 608, 627, 633, 719
as editor, I:320n, 323, 325, 327-30, 344, 356-58, 360n, 366, 577-79; 11:349-54
quoted, 1:411, 415, 736-37 Willis, Sara P., see Parton, Sara Payson Willis
Willkie, Wendell, IV:476, 711 Wills, Helen, IV: 700 Wills, Jesse Ely, V:100n, 110, 112 Wills, Ridley, V:100n, 107-8 Willsie, Honore, see Morrow, Honore Willsie
Wilmer, Lambert A., 1:380, 587n, 639; IV:6 7 5—7 6
Wilmington, Del., II:63n; III:31n, 71n, 1 43m
Wilmington, N.C., III:75n Wilshire, Henry Gaylord, IV:206
Wilshire’s Magazine, IV:206 Wilson, Alexander, 1:123, 177, 201, 221, 235
Wilson, Allen Benjamin, 11:318 Wilson, Clarence True, IV:470 Wilson, Edmund, IV:730; V:191n, 211, 214-15
Wilson, Forceythe, II:505n; 111:237,
Wilson, Franklin, 1:666 n Wilson, George Henry, III:19 7n Wilson, Harry Leon, III:520n, 530;
IV:695, 696; V:30 Wilson, Henry D., IV:491, 492 Wilson, James, 111:157; IV:494, 779 Wilson, James Grant, 11:69, 272, 551; 111:260, 376, 397, 416, 418, 429; IV:14 n
Wilson, John S., 1:589 Wilson, Matthew, 1:90 Wilson, “Tug,” 111:218 Wilson, William Lyne, IV: 73 Wilson, Woodrow, 1:535; 11:258-259, 273, 378, 401, 402, 485, 512; 111:349, 350, 486, 531, 546;
IV: 180, 181, 462-63, 465, 478, 509, 516, 549, 617, 655, 662, 705, 707, 769, 782-83, 785;
V:36, 71, 92, 197-201, 204-8, 216, 333
Wilson Bulletin, IV:310n Wilson’s Photographic Magazine,
II: 194 n
Winchell, Newton Horace, IV: 309 Winched, Walter, IV:477, 567; V:308, 313
Winchell’s Quarterly, IV: 53 Winchester, E., 11:215 Winchester, Jonas, 1:358-59, 418; 11:215
Winchester, Mass., IV:390n Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 111:386 Windle, C. A. and C. Pliny, IV:442n, 449
Windle’s Liberal Magazine, IV:442n, 449
Wine magazines, 111:135
Wine and Spirit Bulletin, IV:189n
Wine and Spirit Gazette, IV:189n
Wine and Spirit Review, 111:135
Winer, Jacob, IV: 18In
Wines, Frederick Howard, IV: 742
Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson), V:177
Wing, Dewitt C., V:167n, 169
Wing, J. M., til: 135
Wing, Joseph E., 111:159
Wingate, Charles E. N., 111:550
Wingate, Charles Frederick, 11:248;'
Winged Foot, IV:369 Winger, Albert E„ IV:476-78, 763« Winnemucan, Nev., IV: 108 Winnetka, Ill., IV:271 Winona, Minn., IV:341 Winship, Albert Edward, IV:268 Winslow, Helen Maria, IV:356 Winslow, Thyra Samter, V:263 Winsmore, Robert, IV: 57 7 Winsor, Justin, 111:258, 320, 347, 357, 455, 518; IV:136; V:350 Winston, N.C., IV:214m Winston, Robert Watson, V:274-75 Winston-Salem, N.C., IV:339 Winter, Ella, IV: 730 Winter, William, 11:35, 39, 376, 462, 482, 527; III :14m, 35 n, 199n, 200, 229, 322, 374; IV: 108m, 261m
Winter bathing, 11:214 Winters, Yvor, V:241 Winthrop, Maine, I :444m Winthrop, Robert Charles, 111:322 Winthrop, Theodore, 11:503, 505 Winthrop Press, V:152 Wirsig, Woodrow, IV: 763m, 771 Wirt, William, 1:184, 205, 409 Wirth, Louis, IV: 192m Wisconsin Agriculturist, 111:157 Wisconsin Archaeologist, IV: 140m Wisconsin Engineer, IV :321m Wisconsin Farmer, 11:89; IV:340 Wisconsin Farmer (Madison),
Wisconsin Journal of Education, II :99m; IV:2 70
Wisconsin Medical Journal, IV:314m Wisconsin University, IV:32 1m Wisdom Monthly, IV: 50 Wise, Daniel, I:299m, 354; 11:67 Wise, Herbert C., IV: 124m Wise, Isaac Mayer, 11:77 Wise-Man, IV :2 85m Wisherd, Edwin L., IV:628 Wistar Institute, IV:310, 314 Wister, Mrs. Annis Lee, II: 506m Wister, Owen, II:398m, 482; 111:400; IV: 105, 142, 457, 637, 691, 706; IV: 73, 118-19
Wit, see Humor and wit; Humor magazines
Wit and Wisdom, III :269m Witherspoon, John, 1:2 7, 40, 63, 89, 90, 102, 147
Witherstine, Horatio P., IV: 171m
Witness (New York), 111:83; IV:301 Witness (Putney, Vt.), II: 207m Witte, Sergius, IV: 785 Witter, James Clell, IV: 147 Witwer, Harry Charles, IV: 114m, 116m, 469, 470, 471
Wobblies, see Industrial Workers of the World
Wodehouse, P. G., IV:604, 618, 695, 709
Wolcott, Frederick, IV: 177 Wolf, George Deering, IV:298 Wolf, Henry (engraver), 111:188, 466 Wolf, William Almon, IV:469 Wolfe, Henry C., V:57 Wolfe, Thomas, IV:729; V:23 Wolfers, Arnold, V:329 n Wolman, Leo, V:211 Woman (Jackson’s), IV:92 Woman (Munsey’s), IV:61 7m Woman Citizen, 111:94 Woman Suffrage, IV:355-56 Woman’s Advocate, 11:52 Woman’s Campaign, 111:94 Woman’s Century, 111:100 Woman’s Cycle, IV:356 Woman’s Evangel, 111:81 Woman’s Home Companion, 111:100, 317, 515; IV:21, 468, 473, 479; V :44
sketch of, IV:763-72 Woman’s Home Journal, 111:100;
Woman’s Journal, 111:91, 94, 96m, 394; IV: 3 5 5—5 6
Woman’s Magazine, 111:100, 486, 489 Woman’s Magazine (Brattleboro, Vt.), IV: 3 61
Woman’s Magazine (St. Louis), IV:367
Woman’s Medical Journal, IV:315 Woman’s Missionary Friend, 111:70; IV:237, 305
Woman’s Missionary Record, IV: 238m Woman’s Temperance Union, 111:310 Woman’s Tribute, 111:95; IV:355 Woman’s Welfare, IV:354m Woman’s Words, 111:96 Woman’s Work, IV:238m, 305 Woman’s World, IV:367, 694m Women
early magazines and (1741-94) education, 1:63-64 literary entertainment for, 1:105,
poetry on, 1:64-67 writers, 1:15, 66, 109
Women —Continued
nationalist era magazines and
(1794-1825), 1:139-44, 247,
322-23 advice, 1:121 education, 1:143, 145 poetry, 1:295 writers, 1:244
expansionist era magazines and (1825-50) criticisms, 1:345
editors, 1:350, 356, 484-85, 537, 583-85; 11:307
education, 1:349-50, 484-85, 583, 672
growing role, 1:482-83 writers, 1:388, 400-1, 409, 412-13, 482, 499-500, 583-89, 743;
Civil War era magazines and (1850-65), 11:46-59 editors, II:50 education, 11:46-47 social attitudes, 11:48 writers, 11:21—22, 46—49, 170-71, 173-74, 352-53, 357, 462, 467- 68, 551; IV:679, 680 post-Civil War magazines and (1865-85), 111:392 editors, 11:463; 111:94-96, 177, 390, 404-5, 407, 428-29, 500-1, 508 education, 111:102-3, 403 writers, 11:357-58, 546; III: 90—
101, 224-27, 231, 246, 327, 368, 371, 374, 377, 389, 397-400, 403, 423-24, 439, 483, 501-3, 508-12, 549-50 Gilded Age magazines and criticisms, IV:444-45 editors, IV: 142-43, 273, 360-64, 413, 539, 581 education, IV:357-58 medical journal, IV:315 personal columns, IV: 540, 542-43 press emphasis, IV:405-6, 513 women’s activities, 111:546 writers, 111:503-4, 546; IV:120,
141, 204, 242, 354, 360-63, 366, 397, 404, 409, 490, 537-38, 542, 612, 616, 654, 765-66 modern magazines and (1905-)
editors, 111:354-55, 489, 504, 543; IV :470, 584, 700, 708, 712»,
768-71; V:25, 122-23 medical journal, IV:315 photographers, IV: 761-62 writers, 111:354-55, 479, 489, 514,
543; | IV: | 466, | 470-71, 475 | -76, |
503, | 584- | -85, | 601-2, 604, | 616, |
655, | 693, | 697, | , 709, 712n, | 713, |
727, | 729, | 761- | 62, 768-71; V | :20, |
23, | 28, 73-74, | 96, 110, 122 | -23, | |
133- | -34 |
bicycles and, IV:3 78 boarding schools for, 11:46-47 changing tastes of, IV: 3 53 employment of, IV: 3 54-5 5 as lecturers, 1:743 social prominence of, IV: 353 sports and, 111:219; IV:370-71, 378 See also Prostitution; Women’s magazines; Women’s rights; Women’s suffrage Women’s clubs, IV:356, 547 Women’s magazines
earliest (1792), 1:65—66 in nationalist era (1794-1825), 1:139-40, 247-48 in expansionist era (182 5-50),
1:322-29, 348-54, 580-94, 626- 28, 672, 733-34; 11:306-8 music criticism, 1:435 quality, 1:348-54, 388 religious periodicals, 11:301-3 signed contributions, 1:504 in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:308-9, 437-41, 453, 466-67 advertising, 11:43 7 circulation, 11:51, 303, 441 domestic journals, 11:56-59 dress patterns, 11:417-18; 437 engravings, 11:193 expenses, 11:18 high-circulation, 11:11 male readers, 1:590 payments to contributors, 11:21 religious magazines, 11:303-4 southern readership, 11:109 trends, 11:50-53 weeklies, 11:34
in post-Civil War era (1865-85), 11:304, 309-10; 111:98-101, 388— 90, 481-82
advertising, 111:11, 391, 394, 447 circulation, 11:309, 441; 111:6-7,
100, 388, 450
fashions, 111:97-98, 325, 327, 389, 481
Mid-Western, 111:51-5 5 religious magazines, 11:304; 111:70 in Gilded Age (1885-1905), 11:310- 11; ltl:390, 482-84 advertising, IV:362, 537, 539, 766 biweeklies, V: 125-31
circulation, 111:484; IV:360, 362, 537, 539, 545, 582, 586-87;'
leading periodicals, IV:3 59-64, 536-46
mail-order journals, IV: 364-68 major topics, IV:363-64 monthlies, IV: 580-83; V: 131-32 modern (1905-)
changing trends, IV: 551 leading periodicals, IV:546-55 monthlies, IV:583-88; V: 132-43 popularity with males, IV: 550-51 services offered by, IV: 548, 550, 552
Women’s rights
abolitionists and, 11:291 convention on (1848), 1:483 to education, see Education magazine comment on, 1:90, 141-43, 483-85; 111:377; IV:767; V:149 to vote, see Women’s suffrage to work, IV:354
Women's rights magazines, 11:50-53; 111:94-96, 391-95, 445-53;
IV:62, 355-56 Women’s suffrage
in expansionist era (182 5-50), 1:483— 84
in Civil War era (1850-65), 11:50, 291
in post-Civil War era (1865-85) female image, 111:306-7 lectures, 111:93
magazine comment, 11:251-52, 373; 111:90-93, 391 in Gilded Age (1885-1905) press opposition, IV: 758 press support, IV:462 suffrage movement, IV:355 in modern period (1905-), 111:486 magazine comment, 111:432;
IV: 547
Womrath, Kay, V:248
Wood, A. L. S., V: 13
Wood, Benjamin, 11:545
Wood, Charles Erskine Scott, IV: 107k
Wood, Clement, IV: 748; V:185
Wood, Eugene, IV:49 k, 604; V:80, 147
Wood, Fernando, 11:154, 455, 545
Wood, Frank, 11:520, 524
Wood, Mrs. Henry, 11:439; IV:420, 680
Wood, Mrs. John, IV:258
Wood, John Seymour, IV:2 71
Wood, Percy, V:187
Wood, S. S„ 111:98
Wood, Sam, IV :104k
Wood, Stanley, IV: 103 Wood, William, 111:141; IV: 700 Wood-Alien, Mary, IV:364 Wood Craft, IV: 184k Wood engraving, see Woodcuts Wood industry periodicals, IV: 184 Wood and Iron, 111:130 Wood Worker, III: 130k Wood’s Household Magazine, III: 7 n, 98 Woodberry, George Edward, 11:510w, 511 n; 111:347; IV:126, 128, 451, 602
Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene, 111:349; IV:303 Woodbridge, N.J., 1:26 Woodbridge, William Channing, 1:401, 541 n, 542
Woodbury, Isaac Baker, 11:197 Woodbury, J. H., II:263k, 270 Woodcock, W. H., 111:273 Woodcock’s Printers’ and Lithographers’ Weekly Gazette and Newspaper Reporter, III: 2 73 n Woodcuts
in early magazines (1741-94), 1:36, 75, 81
in nationalist era magazines (1794-1825)
agricultural periodicals, 1:153 general magazines, 1:322, 328, 346 literary magazines, 1:2 82 religious magazines, 1:2 52 trends, 1:210
women’s magazines, 1:322, 328 in expansionist era magazines
(1825-50), 1:493, 545, 567, 611, 656, 672, 714, 731, 745, 748, 781 abolitionist periodicals, 11:282 agricultural magazines, 1:731 comic magazines, 1:42 5, 771 engravers, 1:522
general magazines, 1:364, 548, 622-23,IV:675
juvenile magazines, 1:714; 11:265 literary magazines, 1:734, 762, 767, 771; IV:675
“mammoth” papers, 1:359 police gazettes, 11:32 5 quality, 1:523-24 religious magazines, 1:745 scientific periodicals, 11:317 trends, 1:521
women’s magazines, 1:592 in Civil War era magazines (1850— 65), 1:656; 11:30, 32, 37, 43, 45, 100, 116 k, 1 1 7, 1 76, 272, 304, 308, 345, 360, 375, 388,
Woodcuts— Continued
399, 400, 406, 433, 439, 476, 546
art magazines, 111:410-11 cost, 11:193
education magazines, 11:445 family magazines, 11:417, 471 general magazines, 11:449; IV: 6 79 humor magazines, 11:180-81, 182— 84
illustrated weeklies, 11:409 literary magazines, 11:390, 428;
IV: 679
popularity, 11:192-93 portraits, II: 1 76 satiric magazines, 11:523 universal use, 11:193 women’s fashions, 11:53, 55 women’s magazines, 11:195, 309 in post-Civil War magazines (1865— 85)
art magazines, 111:410—11 artistic advances, 111:18 7-90 comic magazines, 111:265—66 fashion magazines, 111:482-83 general magazines, 111:358-60,
illustrated magazines, 111:118 juvenile magazines, 11:272; 111:508 literary magazines, 11:396, 399;
“new school,” 111:466 photography and, 111:188 police gazettes, 11:329-30 religious magazines, 111:85 women’s magazines, 111:325, 410-1 1 in Gilded Age magazines (1885-1905) declining use, 111:472; IV:5, 154 fashion magazines, IV:581 general periodicals, IV: 146, 154,
literary magazines, IV: 674-75 women’s magazines, IV: 537 in modern magazines (1905-), 111:479 Woodhull, Victoria Claflin, 111:93, 95, 172
as editor, 111:443-53 Woodhull, Zulu Maud, III:452k Woodhull & Claflin’s Journal, 111:452 Woodhull & Claflin’s Weekly, 111:95, 302, 308, 313 sketch of, 111:443-53 Woodlock, Thomas F., IV: 776 Woodman, C. H., II:530k, 533 Woodpulp paper, V:86 Woodridge, George L., 11:186 Woodrow, James, II: 63w
Woodrow, Mrs. Wilson, IV:49 k, 367 n, 602; V:86
Woodruff, Clinton Rogers, IV:415 Woodruff, Frank E., IV:395k Woods, Mrs. Frances Armstrong, IV: 101 Woods, Frank E., Ill: 199k Woods, Franklin, 11:448 Woods, Henry E., II: 176k Woods Hole, Mass., IV: 309 Woods, Leonard, 1:263, 401, 571, 572 Woods, Leonard, Jr., 1:624-2 5 Woods, Robert Archey, IV:744 Woods, William Seaver, IV :569k, 574- 77
Woodstock, Md., 111:68; IV:298 Woodward, Elizabeth, IV: 553 Woodward, F. W., II:90k Woodward, George, 11:181 Woodward, George A., 111:533 Woodward, George E., II :90k Woodward, George Murgatroyd, I: 44k Woodward, George Washington, 11:545 Woodward, John D., 111:411 Woodward, Joseph, 11:179 Woodworth, Samuel, 1:128, 139, 320-21, 499, 627
Wool Markets and Sheep, IV: 344 Woolf, Benjamin, 111:202 Woolf, Michael Angelo, 111:528; IV:564 Woolf, Philip, IV :69k Woolf, Samuel Johnson, IV: 747-48; V: 84
Woolf, Virginia, V:211, 336 Woollcott, Alexander, IV:697; V:85 Woolley, Edward Mott, IV: 604 Woolsey, James J., I:666k Woolsey, Theodore Dwight, 11:3 12k, 313, 314
Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, IV: 22 7, 232; V:330
Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 11:398, 407, 506k; 111:224, 227, 261, 373, 397, 420-21, 461 Woohvorth, Frank Winfield, IV: 605 Worcester, Mass., 1:92; 111:300;
IV: 184k, 268, 272 n
Worcester, Noah, 1:131, 135, 284k,
Worcester, Samuel, I: 134 k Worcester Magazine, 1:32, 41 49-50, 55 sketch of, 92-93 Worcester’s Dictionary, 11:177 Word, 111:301; IV:287 Word coinage, V:309 Word and Way, IV: 2 92 n Word and Works, IV: 309 Worden, William L., IV:712, 713
Wordsworth, William, 1:180-81, 231,
399; 11:161
Work, magazines on, IV: 774 Work, Milton C., IV:473 Work and Win, IV: 119 Worker, IV: 175 Worker’s Call, IV: 175 Working Christian, III:73ra Working class
expansionist era magazines and (1825-50), 1:487, 719 antiunion, 1:471 factory magazine, 1:471 pro-labor, 1:470 socialist periodicals, 1:536-38 Civil War era magazines and (1850— 65)
socialist periodicals, 11:207 trade union periodicals, 11:212 unemployment, 11:5, 145 post-Civil War magazines and (1865-85)
railroad strike (1877), 111:124-25 socialist periodicals, 11:300-1 trade union periodicals, 111:125, 126 n, 129 n, 299-301 Gilded Age magazines and (1885— 1905),IV:215-21 Chicago anarchists, IV: 172 descriptions, IV: 721 socialist periodicals, IV: 173-76 trade union periodicals, 111:300- 301; IV: 1 72, 220, 221ra See also Anarchism; Communist magazines; Socialism; Strikes; Trade unions
Working Farmer, 11:89; 111:152 Working Man’s Advocate, I:445ra, 800 Working Men’s Party, 1:340 Workingmen’s Advocate, 11:212; 111:299 Workman, 11:73 Workmen’s Advocate, IV: 174 World Affairs, 11:21 In World Magazine, 111:102; IV:68ra World To-Day, IV:55, 499-500 World Trade, IV:186ra World War One (1914-1918), 11:323, 336, 403, 404, 549; 111:433, 478, 555; V:5, 49, 57, 86, 101, 124, 182, 206-9, 21 1, 217, 242, 255, 261-63, 290, 338 effects on magazines, IV: 7 70 magazine reportage on, 11:2 58-59, 403; 111:350, 488, 532; IV:529, 549-50, 574, 584, 629, 663,
696, 726-27, 770, 783; V:5, 57, 182, 208, 284
pictures, 11:3 78 poetry on, V:242
World War Two (1939-1945), IV:631, 712, 771; V :44, 57, 217-19,
231, 242-43, 284, 307, 325-26, 336
“World War III” Collier’s article on, IV:478
World-Wide Missions, IV:238ra, 305 World’s Advance, 111:499 World’s Advance-Thought, 111:82 World’s Chronicle, IV: 64 World’s Columbian Exposition Illustrated, IV: 99
World’s Events, IV:52-53, 269 n World’s Fair Puck, IV: 100 World’s Progress, 111:116 World’s Work, IV:35, 53, 223, 773-88;
V:50-51, 54-55, 7 In, 294 Worman, Ben James, IV:633ra, 635-3 7 Worman, James Henry, IV:633ra, 635-36 Worrall, John M., II:537ra, 538 Worth, Patience, IV:655 Worth, Thomas, 11:477; III:270ra, 552; IV:385
Worthington, Alfred D., IV:45ra Worthington’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine, IV:45—56 Wotherspoon, George, IV:75Ira Wren, Percival Christopher, IV:606 Wright, Carroll Davidson, IV:52ra, 171, 218, 458
Wright, Chauncey, 11:248 Wright, Frances, I:445ra, 536ra, 537-38 Wright, Frank Lloyd, V:158, 163 Wright, George Frederick, I:739ra, 741;
111:407; IV:140, 293 Wright, Guy W., I:438ra Wright, Harold Bell, IV: 584 Wright, I. B„ 1:736 Wright, J. T., IV:571 Wright, John R., IV:88ra Wright, Rawdon, 1:548 Wright, Richardson, IV:324ra Wright, Roy V., II:298ra, 300 Wright, Theodore Francis, IV:296 Wright, Willard Huntington (“S. S. Van Dine”), 111:515; IV:503, 728; V: 246ra, 256-59, 265-66 Wright, William (“Dan DeQuille”), 111:54, 407; IV:105 Wrightington, Sidney R., IV:347ra Wrigley, G. M., 11:415 Writer, IV: 142
Writers for magazines, see Contributors Writers’ magazines, IV: 142 Writing, see Style
Wu Ting-fang, 11:271; 111:512; IV:89, 193, 233
Wundt, William, IV:303 Wyant, G. G., IV :432m, 43 7 Wyatt, Edith, IV:457-58, 601 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, V:118 Wyckoff, Walter Augustus, IV:721, 724 Wyckoff, William Cornelius, IV:45m Wyeth, Andrew, V:323 Wyeth, Mary E. C., Ill: 1 75w Wyeth, Newell Convers, 11:402; 111:475, 487; IV: 63 7, 692; V:84 Wylie, Elinor, V:210, 236 Wylie, Ida Alexa Ross, IV:697, 713; V: 134
Wylie, Philip, IV:478, 709, 761 Wylly, W. H„ III:45m Wyman, Walter Forestus, IV:783
X-rays, discovery of, IV: 311, 319
Y.M.C.A., see Young Men’s Christian Association
Y.M.C.A. Watchman, 111:85
Y.M.C.A.’s, The, IV :287m
Yachting, IV:3 73
Yachting articles, IV:634, 636
Yachting magazines, 111:211; IV:373
Yale, Leroy Milton, IV:364
Yale Alumni Weekly, V:338
Yale Divinity Quarterly, IV: 2 93
Yale Law Journal, IV:348
Yale Literary Magazine, 1:488, 803;
11:99; 111:165 Yale News, V:294
Yale Publishing Association, V:338 Yale Review, 11:315; IV:73, 293, 393 sketch of, V:329-40 See also New Englander Yale Scientific Monthly, IV :306m Yale Sheffield Monthly, IV:306m Yale University, V:330, 332-33, 337 faculty contributors, 1:348 general periodicals, IV: 73 legal periodical, IV:348 literary periodicals, 1:172; 11:99;
III: 165-66
magazines published at, 1:151, 488, 5 71; III: 168m
religious periodicals, 11:70, 315 scientific periodicals, III: 108m;
IV: 310
sporting activities at, IV:375-76 Yale University Press, V:339 Yancey, Ben C., 111:154 Yankee (New York), I:355m
Yankee (Portland), 1:355, 799 Yankee Blade, 11:36; IV:4, 18, 67, 19n Yankee Doodle, 1:425, 808; 11:183 Yankee Notions, 11:54, 156, 182; 111:267
Yankee Privateer, 11:36 n Yard, Robert Sterling, III:457m, 477-78 Yarmolinsky, Abraham, IV:43 7 Yarros, Victor S., IV:312m Yates, Edmund, 111:249, 358 Yates, Giles F., 11:215 Yates, James, IV:712 Yazoo Daily Yankee, 11:151 Ybarra, Thomas Russell, 111:434;
Ye Giglampz, 111:2 67 Yeats, William Butler, 11:256; 111:543; IV: 121, 297, 425, 451, 602;
V: 1 73, 1 77-78, 228-29, 231, 258 Yellow Book, IV:49, 450 Yellow Dog, IV:391
Yellow fever epidemics, 1:122, 149;
11:86; 111:137
Yellow journalism, IV: 196, 242-43 Yellow Kid, IV:48-49, 196 Yellow-Kid characters, IV:384 Yellow Springs, Ohio, 11:87 Yenowine’s Illustrated News, IV:96 Yeoman Shield, IV: 22 2m Yerby, Frank, IV:477 Yerkes, Charles Tyson, IV:414 Yerkes, Stephen, II :53 7m, 539 Yerrinton, J. B., 11:296 Yezierska, Anzia, 111:479 Yiddish language periodicals, IV: 300 Yoder, Robert M., IV: 71 2m Yohn, Frederick Coffay, IV: 72 7 Yonge, Charlotte, III:32w Yonkers, N.Y., IV:2S5m York, Neb., IV:345 York, Pa., IV:48, 295 n Yorkston, R. P., 111:274 Yorkville, S.C., III: 73m Youmans, Edward Livingston, 111:105, 108, 172, 363, 417-18, 424 as editor, 111:495-98 Youmans, Eliza Ann, 111:496 Youmans, J. W., 1:533 Youmans, William Jay, 111:495, 498 Young, Alexander, 111:550 Young, Arthur Henry, 111:531, 554;
IV:456, 491
Young, Brigham, 111:57 Young, Cortland H., IV: 116-17;
V:145m; 146 Young, James, IV:90 Young, Owen D., V:323 m Y oung, Sarsfield, 111:441
Young, Stark, IV: 729; V:116w, 191ra,, 210, 219
Young, Thomas, 1:62, 85 Young, W. W„ V: 145«, 152 Young, William, 1:94 n, 98 Young America, I:445«, 807; 11:182 “Young America” movement, 1:682; 11:127
Young Catholic, 111:70
Young Churchman, 111:75
Young Folk’s Circle, IV: 764
Young Folk’s Monthly, 111:176
Young Folks’ Rural, 111:179
Young Idea, IV:2 75w
Young Intellectuals’ movement, V:93
Young Italy movement, 1:339
Young Klondike, IV: 109
Young Ladies’ Journal, IV:228 n
Young Mechanic, 1:445, 801
Young Men, IV:287«
Young Men of America, lYl\In, 179 Young Men’s Christian Association,
III:27n, 84-85; IV:272n, 287- 88, 369-70
Young Men’s Christian Journal, 11:75 Young Men’s Era, IV:287 n Young New Yorker, 11:468; 111:210,
Young Oologist, 111:111 Young People, 111:180; IV:274 Young People’s Magazine, 111:176 Young People’s Weekly, IV: 2 74 Young Sam, II: 182 Young Scientist, III: 109w Young Sleuth, IV: 119 Young Wild West, IV:119«
Young Woman’s Journal, IV:297 Young’s Magazine, IV: 116-17; V:146 Youngman, E. H., 11:95/2 Youth magazines, see Juvenile magazines Youth’s Casket, 11:100, 466 Youth’s Companion, 1:492, 799; 11:100, 200; 111:1 74, 177, 512; IV:16, 17, 21, 29, 79, 27 in, 597«; V:29 advertising in, 111:11 circulation of, 111:6-8 sketch of, 11:262-74
Youth’s Companion (New York),
II: 2 64/2
Youth’s Friend and Scholar’s Magazine, 1:144, 797; 11:101 Youth’s Home Library, IV: 764 Youth’s Penny Gazette, 11:10 Youth’s Temperance Banner, III:8« Ypsilanti, Mich., IV:269«
Yukon, IV: 108-9
Zabel, Morton Dauwen, V:22 5 n, 239, 241
“Zabriski, Olympe,” 111:228 Zadkine, Ossip, V: 178 Zangwill, Israel, 11:273, 402, 482;
IV: 196, 451, 456, 490, 592;
Zaturenska, Marya, V:23 7 Zell’s Monthly Magazine, III:39/2 Zieber, G. B., 1:426, 780 Ziegler, P. W., 111:176 Zimmerman, Eugene, 111:528, 553; IV:386
Zimmerman, J. Frederick, IV:255 Zingg, Charles J., IV:246»
Zion Banner, IV: 286 Zion City, Illinois, IV: 286 Zionist magazines, IV: 300 Zion’s Advocate (Portland, Maine), II:65w
Zion’s Advocate (Washington), 11:65 Zion’s Herald, 1:138, 460, 797; 11:67, 140; IV:291«
Zion’s Hope, 111:81
Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, III:85«
Zion’s Watchman, 111:83; IV:301 Zogbaum, Rufus Fairchild, 1:593;
II 483; IV:151, 720
Zola, Emile, 111:252, 254; IV:114«, 122, 124, 130, 135
Zoology, magazine articles on, 1:303-4 Zoology magazines, IV: 310 Zueblin, Charles, IV: 191 Zuppke, Robert Carl, IV: 700 Zwaska, Charles A., V:166«, 172
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