When she could put it off no longer, Gia headed back behind the counter to where Jupiter was busy cranking out the coffee drinks. Without looking at her, he said, "It seems that there is no one who does not love you, Georgia."

"Gia," she corrected, crossing her arms and propping a hip against the counter. "I prefer Gia."

"Then Gia it is. Are you ready for coffee now?" He gestured at her Mrs. Cullen mug on the counter nearby. It sat at the ready with an empty single serving pour-over cone perched atop it. "I will bring it to you in the lounge."

"The lounge?" Gia's eyebrows rose at the absurdity of the tiny messy break room being called a lounge.

"Please," he said, pushing a cup topped with foam toward Belinda. He stepped back away from the machine and turned to face her fully. He did look at her then. "I promised you a cup of coffee to start your day. Allow me to serve you."

"Fine," she said, sending him a conciliatory smile. Good grief, the guy was relentless. He was definitely flirting with her, and although it didn't bother her—in fact, it was really quite flattering—it might make someone else uncomfortable. As a manager, she supposed it was her job to talk to him about it, to explain that things might be a little different in California than in Rome where sexual harassment on the job was concerned, and that he had to be more reserved while at work.

How on earth was she going to start that conversation? Hey, so, Jupiter. You know how you smile at me with those sexy eyes and tell me you want to make me a cup of coffee to die for? That will make me fall passionately in love with you? Yeah, well, someone might think you're flirting with me and get upset because you're making them uncomfortable. So think you can tone it down a little and maybe be a little less...less beautiful in every way? Who, me? No, I'm not uncomfortable with it. I kind of like it. But someone else who sees you flirting with me might be offended by it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because they think you should be making their coffee and not mine? Jealous? No, that's not what I mean. Okay, yes. Ricky was acting jealous, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a customer who might feel like it's inappropriate for you to flirt with me when they're paying you to make them a cup of coffee. I know they're not paying you since you're working for free...oh, never mind. Just don't look at anyone, don't talk to anyone, don't touch anyone, and you might be okay.

"I hate being a manager in today's workplace," Gia muttered under her breath. Just as she was about to head to the back, a movement out the window caught her eye and she looked up to see Ricky's truck pulling out of the driveway. What on earth had he been doing? She hadn't seen his truck when she parked, so he couldn't have been here that long. Why hadn't he come inside?

Or was he out there spying on her? "You have got to be kidding me." She rolled her eyes and pushed through the break room door. But hey, she hadn't said 'Seriously?' again.

A few minutes later, Jupiter entered with her mug held in both hands. He paused just inside the room, grinned cockily, and said, "Are you ready for this?"

Gia snorted and patted the table in front of her with both hands. "Bring it, baby." Ugh. Why was she saying all these stupid things around this guy? Bring it? Who even said that anymore? And she'd said it earlier, too, along with 'Seriously' a million and one times. And how on earth was she supposed to call him on the carpet for flirting when she'd called him 'baby' just now?

Jupiter set the cup down in front of her and she smirked at the image in the golden foam on top; the Wonder Woman logo was unmistakable. "I love it," she declared grinning down into drink. Her thumb traced the slightly raised lettering on the side of the mug, drawing his eyes to the movement.

"You have not even tasted it, Mrs. Cullen."

She looked up at him, her eyes as wide as her grin. "I don't want to mess it up. It's remarkable. So what is it? I'm pretty picky about my coffee, just so you know."

Jupiter lowered himself to the stool opposite her, braced his forearms on the table, and leaned forward. "Taste it. It is authentic. Very elegant. Like you, I think." He tipped his head just a little, waiting, watching, making her think of the Mr. Cullen. She took a deep breath and lifted the drink to her lips.

And closed her eyes as the full-bodied smoky flavor of the dark roast mellowed by steamed heavy cream washed over her tongue, making it curl with pleasure. She swallowed, the liquid sliding down her throat, warming her chest and leaving behind traces of oak and caramel, even though she was fairly certain he hadn't added any flavored syrups. Honey, perhaps? She didn't say anything, didn't open her eyes, just took another sip, letting the brew linger in her mouth a little longer.

"Does it satisfy you?" he murmured, his voice hushed in the quiet room, almost as though he didn't want to interrupt her nirvana moment. But she could hear the smile in the way the words were formed. Clearly, he was satisfied.

"Jupiter Valentine, you are a magic man. This is amazing. What did you do to this coffee?" She finally set the cup down and looked up at him.

He straightened and pressed a palm to his chest. "Your words are ambrosia," he purred.

"Stop, please." She waved a hand at him, brushing off his melodrama. "Seriously. What is it? I think we should add this to our menu and name it after you. We could call it, um..." She furrowed her brows in thought. She took another sip. "Mmm. This is like the perfect get up and go morning cuppa Joe."

"Ah, but maybe it is my secret recipe and—."

"I got it!" She cut him off and reached a hand across the table to grab his. "Jupiter Rising. You know, like Venus Rising? Since it's a get up and go morning cup of coffee, right? Or hey. Cuppa Jupiter! What do you think?" Okay. Two sips of the strong brew weren't enough to send her buzzing already, but she was definitely feeling a little stirred up by the way the guy across the table was looking at her.

"And if I told you," he continued, as though she hadn't interrupted, turning his hand over and clasping hers, "I would have to kidnap you and take you back to Rome with me when I go home."

"I'll fire you if you don't tell me," she said, both of them knowing she would do no such thing, especially since his hours were volunteered as appreciation for his uncle's hospitality. "I have no scruples." She tugged her hand free and took another sip, hoping the cup hid the blush she was sure had pinked her cheeks.

Jupiter laughed out loud. "You blackmail me. Fine. I will tell you how I make it. I know you Americans like your coffee in a large size. I think you believe a demitasse cup is not such a good value?" He waved away her response before she could get one out, but she didn't mind. She was too busy sipping on the best cup of coffee she'd ever had in her life. "If I filled your cup with only espresso and cream, you would be like a Grand Prix race car driver." He lifted both hands like he was steering a car and made speedway sounds that had Gia giggling. "So I made a pour-over with Ricardo's favorite bold roast coffee, then I add a shot of espresso alternately with steamed heavy cream and sweetened it with honey. Of course, you might prefer caramel syrup or a different flavor?"

Gia shook her head. "No, I think a flavored syrup would take away from the balance. I like the honey, but I guess I can see using caramel, too."

Jupiter nodded. "Yes. I agree, it is good this way. Like I said, genuine and elegant, yes?"

"Genuine and elegant. Excellent way to describe it." Gia pointed at him. "Now you know you're going to have to make me one of these every morning. Unless you teach me how to do it." She knew enough about coffee to understand that there was so much more to making a perfect drink than just using a specific formula. A good barista had an intuitive sense about balance and blend, about the texture of the grounds, the temperature of the water and cream, the consistency of the crema cap on the espresso and the milk foam, the method of layering ingredients, cup size and shape, and presentation. Every detail mattered.

Jupiter rubbed his jaw as though weighing out the options, but after only a moment's pause, he said, "I think perhaps I will continue making it for you." He reached up and cupped the back of his neck, his biceps flexing visibly beneath the sleeve of his fitted oxford shirt. She dropped her gaze, hoping he hadn't noticed that she'd noticed. "But maybe we will call it Venus Rising, I think. You are the beautiful Venus with your white skin and fire in your hair. And my coffee will wake you up each morning."

Gia tried not to think about the fact that he was comparing her to the naked goddess emerging from the sea on a half shell. She smiled kindly, knowing now was the time to say something. "Jupiter, listen. I appreciate your compliments. I really do. You make me feel great. Self-conscious, but great," she chuckled, a little embarrassed. She hurried on. "But while we're at work, I really need you to be..." Man, how on earth did she say this? "Maybe don't flirt so much, okay? Sometimes people can misunderstand and get the wrong idea about you. I just don't want anyone to cause trouble for you, so...."

But Jupiter was shaking his head before she even finished. "I know this already, Gia. My uncle told me." He reached across the table and brushed her arm with his fingertips, then pulled away as though thinking twice about touching her. "It is different in Italy. Flirting is good business."

"I understand," Gia assured him. She didn't know what else to say. She fought the compulsion to apologize for the expectations in the workplace, but she also understood how awful it could be when uncomfortable behavior went unchecked.

He shrugged good-naturedly. "I will try very hard to behave like a gentleman."

She wrinkled her nose at him and said in a light voice, trying to smooth things over the best she could, "You're free to flirt as much as you want when you're not on the clock."

Jupiter grinned. "So I may flirt with you in the parking lot?"

Gia snorted and pushed to her feet, not bothering to answer him. "Thank you for the coffee, Jupiter. You were right. That truly was the best cup of coffee I've ever had."

"And now you are passionately in love with me, yes?"

This time Gia laughed out loud. Clearly, the message hadn't quite sunk in all the way. "Oh, Jupiter. What am I going to do with you?"

"I have many suggestions," he replied, hardly missing a beat. Then he held up his hands in submission and chuckled. "Do not worry. I will wait to share them with you until we are in the parking lot."

It was going to be a long week, but Gia was suddenly looking forward to the challenge of keeping Jupiter in line.