THE GEORGE INN, Portsmouth, was the scene of feverish activity. Coaches rolled in and out, baggage cluttered the entrance, the inn servants bustled around and nobody took much notice of the lieutenant who had just entered from the street. It was June 3rd, 1794, and the inn parlour was full of senior officers, uniformed, gold-laced, weather-beaten and confident men, all known to each other and known to the waiters. Some minutes passed before Richard Delancey could gain anyone’s attention and even then the servant he accosted was gone again in an instant. “Admiral Macbride, sir? That’s his flag lieutenant on the staircase. Coming, sir!” Following the pot-boy’s glance, Delancey saw an elderly officer with a portfolio under his arm talking to a still older man in civilian clothes—perhaps a dockyard official. Making his way with difficulty through the crowd, Delancey reached the foot of the stair at the moment when the two men had finished their conversation. Before the flag lieutenant could go upstairs he asked whether he might see Admiral Macbride. “And who are you, sir?” was the terse reply. Instead of giving his name, Richard Delancey presented a document, the written order his captain had received that morning from Commodore McTaggart. The flag lieutenant glanced at the paper and then again at its bearer. “Very good, Mr Delancey, the Admiral will see you. Be so good as to follow me.” He led the way upstairs and along a corridor, pausing finally at the last door but one. “If you will wait here I’ll see whether the Admiral is engaged.” Delancey waited for ten minutes, sitting in what was probably the flag lieutenant’s bedroom, and was then summoned to the Admiral’s presence.
John Macbride was in his fifties at this time but looked older, being only recently promoted rear-admiral after a long career in which hard work had played a greater part than any brilliant success in battle. Grey-haired, conscientious and tired, he was working hard at this moment, his table covered with papers, his secretary at his elbow and a clerk busy in the background with tapes and sealing wax. He signed four more letters while Delancey watched, tossed them to a midshipman and then looked up to see that he had a visitor. His flag lieutenant hastened to explain: “Mr Delancey, sir, under orders to report to you.” Delancey bowed stiffly and stood to attention, his hat under his left arm. Macbride looked at him in silence, wondering whether he had wasted his time in sending for the man. The officer before him was of the middle height, dark-haired, sturdily built but otherwise nondescript. if there was anything to distinguish him it was the contrast of dark hair and blue eyes. Or was there something else? He looked sullen, of course: that was to be expected. could he be something of a dreamer, a romantic? The first impression he made was to that extent unfavourable, but one had to be fair. who else, anyway, was available?
“Pray be seated, Mr Delancey,” said the rear-admiral, taking up a document which had been placed at his elbow. it was headed “Richard Andros Delancey—commissioned 1783” and ran to half a page of notes. As Delancey sat down he felt horribly on trial. Could anything come of this interview? He told himself to expect nothing, least of all from anyone’s patronage.
“I am told, Mr Delancey, that you are a native of Guernsey. Is yours a Guernsey name?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Is your family one of local consequence?”
“No, sir. The Andros family—on my mother’s side—held high office under King Charles II but their estates are lost now and her kinsfolk have mostly left the island.”
“How old are you?”
“Thirty-four, sir.”
“And you speak French like a native?”
“Like a native perhaps of the Norman coast.”
“A coast with which you are familiar?”
“Yes, sir. I used to fish there as a boy.”
“So you know the navigational hazards, the rocks, the racing tides. . . . No easy place, even in daylight. . . . Have you been in Guernsey recently?”
“No, sir.”
Macbride rose to his feet and paced the room much as if it had been his quarterdeck. He paused finally at the window, looking out across the harbour.
“You know, I expect, that the Artemis has been lost, wrecked on the seven sisters?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then you will also have heard that Captain Fletcher was among those who perished.”
“So I understand, sir.”
“There has been a court of inquiry and there has to be a court martial. That is a mere formality in this case and those tried will certainly be acquitted. But one result of this affair has been to make some of us think again about the late Captain Fletcher. Some senior officers—I do not say all—think that last year’s court martial should have ended with a different verdict. They do not think, nor do I, that the officers of the Artemis were justified in what they did. But there was some excuse for them at least. And any excuse that can be urged must apply more particularly to the more junior of them; the fourth lieutenant for example. in my opinion, you should be given another chance. That is why I have sent for you, Mr Delancey.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“You have been in the Grafton receiving ship since the time of the court martial?”
“Yes, sir.”
“it is time you went to sea again. There is no likelihood of your being posted to a ship of the line, still less to a frigate. You could be sent, however, on a special service and one for which you seem to be well qualified. Success in this could lead to a better posting and even— who knows?—to promotion. But are you the man to send? That is what I have to decide and the decision cannot even wait until tomorrow. Two things I must make clear from the outset. First, I cannot order you to accept the mission I have in mind. Second, I can give you no more than a temporary posting, one which will end when the task has been performed.”
“Am I to know, sir, what the task is?”
“Not until the eve of the operation.”
“Then I have only this to say: I shall accept the chance if it is offered to me.”
“Very good, Mr Delancey. I shall ask you now to wait in the parlour for perhaps an hour. You shall hear then what I have decided.”
When Delancey had left, the rear-admiral turned to his flag lieutenant and asked, simply, “Well, Mr Rymer?” That officer shook his head and replied:
“I question, sir, whether he is the active man you need for what I suppose to be a hazardous mission. He has spent the last eight or ten months in the Grafton, much as if he had spent that time ashore. Before that—the Artemis affair. He does not impress me favourably, sir. I should judge him to be unreliable.”
“What do you think, Wainwright?” asked Macbride, addressing his secretary.
“Well, sir, I can but admire his courage. He agreed to accept a mission which—for reasons of secrecy—you could not describe. Not every man would have done that.”
“I take your point. Or is not that proof that he is desperate?”
“But who else is there?” asked Wainwright. “You are asked to find a not-too-senior lieutenant who speaks French, knows the enemy coast, is in Portsmouth now and has no berth in a seagoing ship. We were fortunate, sir, to find anyone answering to that description. I can certainly think of no other.”
“Have we been sufficiently thorough in our inquiries?” asked the flag lieutenant. “Why not ask at the Admiralty?”
“Because there isn’t time,” replied the secretary impatiently. “Lord Moira’s plan has to be put in execution immediately. The officer chosen must sail tonight.”
“Very true,” said the rear-admiral, “I too have my doubts about Mr Delancey but there are only two courses open to me. Either I send him or else I inform Lord Moira that we cannot give him the assistance for which he has asked. I am loath to confess that a mission must fail for want of activity on our part. No, my decision is made. Make out the necessary orders, Wainwright, and you, Mr Rymer, see that Delancey sails in the Cormorant by this evening’s tide. He is to report, on arrival, to Captain the Prince of Bouillon.”
While the orders were being written and signed Delancey was in the parlour below. He had expected to find himself among strangers, too junior for the company and looked at askance. Many of the senior officers had gone, however, since his first arrival at the George and he was surprised to recognize an old lieutenant with whom he had some slight acquaintance, a one-legged man called Harris who was third in command of the Warspite, another hulk at permanent anchor. Harris was a useful officer in his way but cynical, a man embittered by disappointment. It was a relief, nevertheless, to find someone there with whom he could pass the time of waiting. They exchanged greetings and Harris sent the pot-boy for two tankards of porter.
“And what errand has brought you here, Mr Delancey?”
“Admiral Macbride sent for me, sir. There is some possibility of my going to sea again.”
“You? Possibility be damned. You were finished when you gave evidence against Fletcher at the court martial. No other captain will have you. You’ll serve in the Grafton until she sinks or the war ends, same as me in Warspite. Could be worse, y’know, could be worse! Your health, sir, and confusion to the French!”
“But it’s not the same for me as it is for you, sir. With a leg shot off in battle you are very well posted and nobody could ask why you are not on more active service.”
“I’ll tell you a secret, young man, but don’t repeat it along the quayside. I lost my leg in the after hold of the Norwich, crushed by a barrel of salt pork. I was only in action twice—in the last war, you’ll understand—and came away without a scratch. But keep that to yourself.”
“Aye, aye, sir.”
“And I’ll give you a piece of advice. Don’t accept any posting that you may be offered. If you are chosen for a mission you may depend upon it that the Admiral could find no one else. It will be one of those affairs in which you are bound to fail, whatever you do being wrong and failure to do anything being worse. If there were any prospect of success some favourite would have been sent for, the Admiral’s son-in-law or the Commodore’s younger brother. The mission they offer you was rejected—mark my words—by everyone above you in the list. It will end only in death or disgrace or both. In the Grafton you’ll at least stay alive.”
“‘Til we’re aground on the beef bones we throw over the side.”
“You’ll be safer then for she can’t even sink at her moorings.”
“Here’s a health then to the heroes of the harbour watch. Waiter!”
Over half an hour passed in idle talk, Delancey being glad of company. There was too much truth, he knew, in what Harris said. It would be folly to expect anything to come of the interview he had attended on the floor above. No favour would ever be shown to a man suspected of disloyalty. Captain Fletcher’s acquittal had implied the condemnation of all who had testified against him as a seaman or as an officer. Upholding Fletcher against his lieutenants in the name of discipline had cost George III another ship and the lives of nearly two hundred men. Fletcher had been a lubberly, useless blackguard and his officers were all on the beach for telling the truth about him. The truth? They had told only a quarter of the truth. It was enough to ruin each one of them, though. What a fool he had been! But he was younger then and too easily led. He had learnt his lesson but it was now too late to apply it. . . .
It was all very well for Harris to tell him to stay in the Grafton or go ashore. But what else was there to do? There was no home to which he could go, no other trade he knew, no money with which to set himself up in business. His father had died, content with the knowledge that he, Richard, had been placed on the quarterdeck. It had been all and more than the family could afford. His sister had married and left the island and both his brothers were thought to be dead, the elder certainly and the younger most likely. There were Guernseymen with whom he had been at school but none he could name as a special friend. Some of the fishermen might remember him but his schoolfellows had thought him awkward and shy, more to be teased than liked.
“Mind you,” Harris broke in on his thoughts. “I don’t deceive myself into thinking that an admiral has an easy life. They have more work to do than you or I, and Macbride, for one, must be working like a brewer’s dray-horse. By the time all his transports are collected and the troops embarked he’ll be ready to quit the service.”
“I know about the transports,” said Delancey, “but where are the troops?”
“In camp at Netley. There are several infantry regiments with more, I hear, on the way. Some cavalry marched in yesterday and some artillery the day before.”
“And they are going overseas?”
“The rumour is that they are destined for Flanders. God knows whether that is true but a big expedition is planned, you may depend on it. Look at the tonnage that Macbride has collected! They say that Lord Moira is to command but he seems to have gone; perhaps back to London. He was in Portsmouth last week, though—I saw him here with Macbride.”
“I recently heard a story that the French are planning something too, with troops collected at St Malo.”
“S’death—I never heard that. They’ll lose their enthusiasm when they put to sea and find Lord Howe waiting for them!”
At this point Lieutenant Rymer interrupted the conversation, hurrying across to them from the stairs.
“Mr Delancey, I have orders for you. Collect your gear from the Grafton and go on board the Cormorant sloop now at Spithead but due to sail by this evening’s tide. You will be a supernumerary, on passage merely to Guernsey, where you will report to Captain the Prince of Bouillon. Here are your orders to that effect with a covering letter to the Port Admiral. Here is a letter to the captain of the Grafton and another to the captain of Cormorant. They both need the Port Admiral’s signature. Ask at his office for Lieutenant Watkins and give him this note with my compliments. And here, last of all, is a letter to His Highness which you will deliver to him in person. Do you clearly understand what you have to do?”
“Aye, aye, sir.”
“Goodbye then—and good luck!” The flag lieutenant was gone again in a minute, leaving Harris to stare at Delancey with surprise and disbelief.
“Wonders will never cease! So you are going to sea! But remember what I said. Look out for squalls! If there was any credit to be got out of your mission the job would have been given to someone else. Keep a sharp look-out! Be ready to cut and run!”
Richard Delancey was on board the Cormorant before sunset, outwardly calm but secretly thrilled to be at sea again and on active service.
The sloop was ship-rigged, of eighteen guns, a sister-ship to the Amazon. She was a smart ship with white decks, new paintwork and every rope in its place. There were all the signs that her captain was an artist in his way, even to paying for gold leaf on the scrollwork. The breeze sang in the rigging and the ship was alive under him, a racehorse impatient to start. This passage to Guernsey, to his birthplace, was nothing in itself but it could lead on to fortune. What Harris had said was merely envious. Damn the fellow! There might be something in his confounded suspicions but he put the thought aside. He was an officer chosen for a special mission and one from which he might return with his reputation made. This could be—no, it must be!—the big opportunity of his life, the turning point of his career. After seeing a hammock slung in his borrowed cabin he came on deck to report for duty. He moved over to the lee side of the quarterdeck as Captain Bastable appeared, uncertain what duty, if any, would be expected of him.
“Good evening, Mr Delancey.”
“Good evening, sir.”
“Welcome aboard. Your orders, I gather, are to report to Philip D’Auvergne. You will find him ashore at St Peter Port. If this wind holds we should be there tomorrow before noon. I shan’t ask you to stand watch but you will probably want to see the ship sail.”
“Aye, aye, sir.”
Delancey was secretly relieved. His fear had been that he would be told to take charge of the deck, out of practice as he was after nearly a year in harbour. But Bastable had his own reputation to think about and wanted no mishap at Spithead, not even in a failing light. He took the ship to sea himself.
Delancey found that it all came back to him, the sequence of orders for weighing anchor and making sail.
“All hands up anchor! Ready there forward? Heave away! Keep step—stamp and go!” Then came the sound of the fiddle and the groan of the capstan, the sound of footsteps together and then the cry, “Anchor’s a-peak, sir!”
The next task was to make sail and Delancey could see that the topmen were ready along the topsail yards.
“Let fall!” came the order and the great sails dropped and filled in an instant with the thunder of cannon and the sudden quiet as they took on their classic curve.
“Sheet home! Hoist away! Brace up forward!”
The anchor was now at the cathead and hooked and the captain gave the quartermaster his course, “South-west by west—Steady!” The voyage had fairly begun and the captain sent the port watch below, handing over the deck to Lieutenant Saunders. The ship leaned over to the breeze, the bow wave frothed back from the stem and the stars came out among the rigging. A sailor again, Delancey stayed to watch the moonrise, pacing the quarterdeck with Saunders.
“Have you been in St Peter Port recently?” he asked.
“Three weeks ago.”
“Can you tell me then about the Prince of Bouillon? Is he a French émigré?”
“No, Mr Delancey, he is not. He comes of a well-known family in Jersey He joined the Navy and was commissioned during the war with the American Colonies. When the Arethusa was wrecked near Ushant in 1778 D’Auvergne was taken prisoner and remained in France until exchanged.”
“And came back a prince? “
“The Dukes of Bouillon have D’Auvergne as their family name and the late Duke—who died two years ago—had no proper heir. He adopted this British officer as his son.”
“Were they, in fact, related?”
“Oh, yes, distantly So the experts say.”
“And the Duchy of Bouillon is or was an independent principality?”
“More or less. But the D’Auvergnes have, or rather had, an even bigger estate in France. It centres on the Castle of Navarre, near Evreux. Marshal Turenne was their great man, back in the reign of Louis XIV.”
“I am fortunate to find you so well-informed.”
“D’Auvergne has been the talk of Guernsey. All I have told you could be heard in the market-place.”
“And what ship does D’Auvergne command?”
“I can’t say. He has some small craft and gunboats, used for gaining intelligence and helping the French émigrés. D’Auvergne himself is to be found on shore.”
“I am most grateful to you, sir. I think I had best turn in now and look forward to meeting the Prince tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Mr Delancey.”
Next morning was sunny with a stiff breeze from the east. Alderney was sighted and the Cormorant entered the Russel under all canvas. From the quarterdeck Delancey watched as the Guernsey coast came in sight. First there was the flat land north of the bridge at St Sampsons, the separate island called the Vale. Vale Castle was seen next with the colour flying over its batteries, and finally the sloop came abreast of Castle Cornet and saluted the flag.
As the gunfire re-echoed from the cliffs and aroused the screaming of the gulls, Delancey was looking afresh at the town in which he had been born. In the foreground were the breakwaters which enclosed the harbour, beyond these the red-roofed warehouses which lined the shore and beyond them again the roofs which surged up the hillside to Hauteville, the higher and newer part of the town. There was the tower of the town church and further along to the north he could identify the very garret window of the room he had shared with his two brothers, Mathew and Michael (Rachel’s room had been on the other side, facing the street). Yes, he was home again and felt the warmth of recognition and the return of boyhood memories. There was none left of his family in Guernsey and hardly even their names would be recalled but this was all the home he had. Here were the same fishing boats in the harbour, the same sunlight on the granite walls and now, suddenly, on his left, came the booming reply from the saluting battery on the castle. By the time the gulls had finished their renewed protest, the sloop was at anchor in the roads at St Peter Port, her sails furled and her gig lowered. Cormorant remained only long enough to land her passengers, leaving again for Falmouth as soon as the gig had returned. Delancey looked about him and thought that there was twice the activity he had ever seen in St Peter Port before. There were ships in the harbour, more in the roads, with boats going to and fro and goods being carted into the warehouses. A longshoreman took his gear on a barrow and Delancey walked behind it to the watch-house where his belongings could be left in safety. He inquired about the whereabouts of the Prince and was given directions to a warehouse fronting the harbour. As Delancey passed the town church, a column of infantry made its way up High Street; Guernsey was evidently at war.
The Prince of Bouillon’s headquarters were marked only by the sentry who stood guard at the entrance. Delancey was shown a ladder by which he reached the first floor, finding himself at a door which opened on a temporary office. The opening above the quayside to which bales and barrels would normally be hoisted had been roughly boarded over, leaving only a makeshift window from which the harbour could be seen. Facing it, seated at a kitchen table, was a young officer of his own rank. There were a few more chairs and a map nailed on the wall. There was no other furniture save the paper and ink on the table and a telescope placed on the top of a barrel. Delancey made his bow and introduced himself. “I have a letter here for His Highness,” he reported formally, “and I must deliver it to him in person.” The Prince’s staff officer was called Bassett and seemed a cheerful young man. “The Prince should be here within the next few minutes,” he assured his visitor. “Pray be seated and tell me your errand.”
“I should tell you with pleasure if I had myself been told,” said Delancey. “My orders were merely to report here.”
“My guess,” said Bassett, “is that you are to have temporary command of the cutter Royalist. Am I right, sir, in supposing that you speak French and are familiar with these waters?”
“I am a Guernseyman, sir, and no stranger here.”
“You are the very man we need then. If you come to the window I will point out the vessel you are to command.” The cutter was alongside the quay and seemed to be the centre of feverish activity.
“She should be ready for sea tomorrow, rigged, armed and provisioned for one month. You will have a master’s mate, boatswain, midshipman, cook and carpenter’s mate, with a corporal of marines as well. These are picked men, you will understand, not the cutter’s regular crew.”
“And what do I have to do?”
“The captain would rather tell you that himself. He’ll be here presently. There is to be a conference here tomorrow, by the way, at which you will have to be present. The lieutenant-governor will be there—General Small—and with him General the Lord Moira.”
“Lord Moira? Here?”
“He arrived the day before yesterday.”
“Did he, though? Did he come in disguise?”
“No, and he’ll be at tomorrow’s review.”
“A review?”
“Yes, it’s His Majesty’s birthday.”
“So it is. I had forgotten that. So all the world (Robespierre included) will know that Lord Moira is here. Might not the French conclude that something is being planned?”
“That they may guess but they won’t know what the plan is. That secret has been well kept.” There was some movement on the floor below and Bassett added, “I think that will be the captain.” A minute later he and Delancey stood to attention as D’Auvergne entered. “Lieutenant Delancey reporting for duty,” said Bassett and Delancey presented the captain with his sealed letter from Portsmouth. D’Auvergne sat at the table, breaking the seal and quickly glancing through the contents. He was middle-aged but vigorous, with good features, stern expression and the intolerant and humourless look of a fanatic.
“Sit down, Mr Delancey,” said D’Auvergne. “And welcome to my squadron. I am glad to have you aboard.” He smiled briefly, looking more human for a moment and then asked:
“Do you know the French coast and would you dare approach it after dark?”
“Yes, your Highness.”
“That is the mission for which you have been chosen.”
“Aye, aye, sir.”
“You will have the temporary command of the cutter Royalist. With her you will enter a small French harbour, which will have been captured by our friends, and land there a British agent. More of that tomorrow. In the meanwhile you shall take command of the Royalist. I will say a few words to the crew and tell them that you are to lead them on special service. Mr Burrows, master’s mate, will meet us on board with a muster list of the seamen and marines and a summary of the stores. Where is your own sea-chest?”
“At the watch-house, sir.”
“Good. Mr Bassett, you will see to it that Mr Delancey’s gear is sent on board the Royalist.”
“Aye, aye, sir.”
“And now, Mr Delancey, when your immediate work has been done I should like you to dine with me at the Golden Lion. There are some matters we shall have to discuss and some other officers I want you to meet. Two o’clock, then, at the Inn. Tomorrow you must be here at midday for the conference at which the details will be settled. You will have a few days after that during which you can exercise your men. In the years to come this may well be described as the turning point of the war. The role you are to play is of the highest importance and can make all the difference between victory and defeat. You will do well, Mr Delancey, of that I am sure.”