[1] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Mad person. Lit. ‘Gone mountain-wandering crazy’.

[2] Khazalid: Insanity.

[3] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Grumbler.

[4] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Murderous traitor.

[5] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Deeply carved lines; the lines in the face of a very old duardin.

[6] Kharadrid: Surgeon or doctor.

[7] Kharadrid: Forty-two grunti make up an ufzhen. One hundred and twelve ufzhen make up a raadfathom.

[8] Kharadrid: Prison guards. Lit. ‘Cell gate keepers’. In Mhornar, these are a specialised, less well-paid subdivision of the copperhats.

[9] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Foolish person.

[10] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Typical duardin underwear – high to the chest, widewaisted, and long to the knee.

[11] Kharadrid: An aeronaut’s all-in-one underwear, long in the leg and the arms, with a flap for the necessities. Rarely changed.

[12] Kharadrid: Lit. ‘Metal in-way’, the great tunnel-like streets inside a sky-port city.

[13] Kharadrid: Lit. ‘Blue sky-way’, the wide avenues that criss-cross the upper surface of a sky-port, though as Mhornar is in misty Ulgu, one rarely sees the sky.

[14] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Fortress.

[15] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Hall or, more usually in the Kharadrid dialect, mansion.

[16] Kharadrid: Copperhats. Lit. ‘Red metal hats’, a slightly derogatory term for the Kharadron city watch.

[17] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Shadow aelves, one of several terms used for the aelven inhabitants of Ulgu by the duardin.

[18] See events in The Arkanaut’s Oath.

[19] Kharadrid: Standard unit of ale in many sky-ports. Slightly more than two pints.

[20] Khazalid/Kharadrid: The precise meaning is ‘enduring’, but it usually refers to a fortress or duardin kingdom.

[21] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Nonsense. Lit. ‘Troggoth dung’.

[22] Khazalid/Kharadrid: The Necroquake.

[23] Kharadrid: The supranational body of the sky-ports. The Geldraad is a cross between a court of law and a supreme authority. Its council of senior duardin are chosen by each sky-port, the numbers of councillors each is entitled to being dictated by the value of the port’s current market capitalisation on the geldrungburz (the Khara­dron stock market). Disputes are settled in the Geldraad, and important agreements that affect all Kharadron civilisation are made there. It’s the closest thing the otherwise independent sky-ports have to a unified governing body.

[24] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Aelves.

[25] Kharadrid: Ship’s poet.

[26] Khazalid: Pig-like animal once common to the mountains round certain karaks.

[27] Khazalid: Small piece of hard cheese ancient duardin miners kept under their helmet for emergencies.

[28] Khazalid: Loosely, ‘nonsense’ (one of several different variations).

[29] Kharadrid: Lit. ‘The Trade Mist Gate’.

[30] Kharadrid: Lit. ‘Sun beacon’, the old Khazalid word for ‘lighthouse’. In the Kharadrid dialect, the word covers everything from lighthouses to fortresses to self-sufficient outposts.

[31] A potent Mhornar ale known as much for its slogan of ‘A fizz of aether in every gulp!’ as for its exquisite palatability. The slogan is famous across the baraks, so much so that people tend to repeat it every time the ale is mentioned, leading to some suspicion that it might, in fact, be horribly addictive.

[32] I did tell you.

[33] Kharadrid: ‘A two thousander’. Lit. ‘A score of hundreds’. From the original old Khazalid of skor (twenty, or a score) and kantuz (one hundred, note the additional syllable in kanatuz). In Modern Kharadrid, this compound numerical word is a specific weight: 2,000 hundraks. As a hundrak is little over a pound, a skorkanatuz is just shy of a ton.

[34] Kharadrid: Invoice. Lit. ‘Abstract count’. This is one of several words from Kharadrid that have found their way back into Khazalid, replacing Brynakrekkonazkronki in the older language, a word that is not only much more complicated and time-consuming to say, but which also has many connotations of oath and responsibility not exactly pertinent to the free exchange of goods and money.

[35] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Sky.

[36] Khazalid/Kharadrid: A slackness of bowels caused by an overindulgence of ale.

[37] This is, of course, a metaphor, but there is a rare meteorological condition high in the Fifth Air that sees the air literally sprouting teeth of ice. The Kharadron of Barak-Thrund call it Akgazsmaktufizkaaz.

[38] Kharadrid: Lit. ‘Air prawns’. There is a baffling array of aerial-aquatic life in the skies of Chamon, much of it spending at least some of its life cycle in the oceans of the realm before taking to the skies. Nearly all words for these creatures are of pure Kharadrid derivation, because other ground-dwelling duardin rarely, if ever, encounter them.

[39] Kharadrid: The sense of it is best left untranslated, but it literally means ‘Substandard tooling!’

[40] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Drake. A dragon.

[41] Kharadrid: Obscure technical reference to a nut, unscrewed, which has been dropped and fallen into the workings of a machine, where it lies just out of reach of a duardin’s longest pliers.

[42] Khazalid: Lit. ‘Bald chinhood’, meaning ‘childhood’ in the old duardin speech.

[43] Khazalid/Kharadrid: A crop of high nutritional value that grows well in impoverished soils. A single zpud plant will provide a bushel of tubers. They were grown in great quantities in the karaks of the Khazalid Empire, and are cultivated still by the Kharadron in huge, automated greenhouses. Many varieties exist, although all are rock-hard and require long cooking to render them edible.

[44] Kharadrid: The Kharadron reckon temperature differently to their Dispossessed kin, as their scale takes into account pressure as well as the temperature. So twenty-four runkeleln is roughly the freezing point of water, but only at the atmospheric pressure of the middle Fifth Air, whereas at the terrestrial pressures of the Third Air, it would be ten runkeleln. It is important to note that the Runkel is not a linear scale, but rather dictated by complicated ratios between pressure and temperature that are too esoteric to relate here.

[45] Kharadrid: Hammock.

[46] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Parts of a duardin that are impossible for him to scratch.

[47] Khazalid: Shaven ancestor!

[48] Khazalid: A turn of phrase with no direct translation, it means, roughly, ‘good grief’, only in much stronger terms.

[49] Kharadrid: Marker station.

[50] Kharadrid: Lifeboats.

[51] Khazalid: ‘Plentiful aether!’ Or, ‘Huzzah!’

[52] Khazalid: Degrees. The Kharadron use a system of degrees derived from the hyzhenstrol or day (lit. ‘Hysh walk’), as the ancient duardin calculated their calendar and geometries from the positions of the Mortal Realms in relation to Hysh. The krung, or rotation, is divided into eight futuzontuk or half-quarters (lit. ‘quarter divided by two’), each with sizdonizfut (lit. ‘six tens and four’, or ‘sixty-four’) dregez. There are therefore five hundred and twelve degrees in the standard Kharadron rotation.

[53] Kharadrid: Bird or airfish leavings.

[54] Kharadrid: The smell of duardin sweat accumulated over the course of a voyage, when arkanauts have little to no opportunity to remove their aerosuits and bathe.

[55] Khazalid: Expression of surprise common to the northern karaks of the ancient duardin empire.

[56] Kharadrid: Kharadron bowling.

[57] Khazalid/Kharadrid: A one-sided fight, a sound thrashing.

[58] Kharadrid: ‘Red sailor’.

[59] Kharadrid: Unit measuring the aelchemical potency of various materials.

[60] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Lit. ‘Bearded council’. A committee of the oldest and wisest members of a group of duardin, most often a crew on a ship.

[61] Kharadrid: The Kharadron don’t use the term ‘longbeard’ as much as the Dispossessed, as they often trim their beards so they will not interfere with the working of their flight suits.

[62] Kharadrid: ‘One, two, three!’

[63] Khazalid/Kharadrid: Ancient duardin cry of triumph that dates back to forgotten days. It roughly translates as ‘The halls, the halls, the halls!’

[64] Kharadrid: Jury-rig.

[65] Kharadrid: Childish, less severe form of ‘bozdok’.

[66] Khazalid/Kharadrid: The common duardin runic alphabet.

[67] Kharadrid: Health and safety. Lit. ‘Anti-disaster’, ‘contra-death’.

[68] Kharadrid: A nut cracker. A very small, easily concealed pistol named for the one-handed device gripped in the fist to crack nuts.

[69] Khazalid: A very old saying, lit. ‘No head smacks on the low tunnel roof, no extra fine gold’. Or, more succinctly, no pain, no gain.

[70] Khazalid: A wedding. Lit. ‘Dawi bond’.

[71] Khazalid: Especially bright diamonds.

[72] Khazalid: Gold with a reddish hue, also a term for a large, bulbous nose.

[73] Kharadrid: Lit. A ‘gift of the ongoing sun’ or a ‘gift of intention’. Even in Kharadron society, duardin courtship is a complicated affair. The giving of a sollengav is one of the steps that officially marks a prospective couple’s association with each other.