This book derives largely from an MPhil thesis submitted at the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King’s College London. I owe profuse thanks to Professor Carl Bridge and Dr Frank Bongiorno at the Centre.
I have also received valuable contributions from various members of the Cox family, notably Christopher Cox at Burrundulla; James Cox of Anglesea, Victoria; Barrie Cox; Thelma Birrell; Jamie Cox of Longford, Tasmania; and Yvonne and Bryan Cox in New Zealand.
Others to whom I owe a real debt for help and encouragement include Professor Alan Atkinson, Professor John Gascoigne, Dr Grace Karskens and most particularly Babette Smith. Nor should I fail to thank the everhelpful staff at the Mitchell Library, where the Cox family papers were deposited in 1965.
Richard Cox
Coombe Bissett
Metric Conversions
Many measurements, and all historical ones, are given in Imperial form. The equivalents are set out below:
1 mile = 1.60 kilometres
1 acre = 0.40 hectares
1 foot = 30 centimetres
1 pound (lb) = 450 grams
1 yard (3 feet) = 90 centimetres
1 pound (£) = $2
12 pence (d) = 1 shilling
20 shillings (s) = £1
1 guinea (£1 1s) = $2.10
1 gill = 140 millilitres