
If you’re reading this, thank you. I have amazing readers and I’m forever grateful you take time out of your lives to spend with my characters and stories.

To my husband, I couldn’t do this without you. When I’m on deadline, hangry, over-caffeinated, sleep deprived, unwashed, snarling/crying/laughing as I write, you’re there to support me. Whether it’s with beta feedback, hashing out a sticky point in the plot, or gentle prodding to shower and eat, you’re the reason I’m able to write “the end” on my books. Thank you for being my HEA.

Thank you to Shannon Lumetta for all of beautiful covers for this series. You’re a magical sorceress. MJ, thanks for the early feedback and reminding me I can be funny.

I’m blessed to have an amazing team of editors and proofreaders: Melissa Ringsted at There for You Editing, Janice Owens, and Elli Reid. Grazie mille to Fiona for formatting this series. You are patient, kind, and the best cat herder around. To Jenn Beach, you are amazing. Thank you for all that you do behind the scenes and all of your insights. You keep my crazy train running smoothly.

Thank you to Jessica Estep and KP Simmon at Inkslinger PR for insight and guidance in all things marketing and promotion. Meire Dias at Bookcase Literary Agency, thank you for your ongoing championing of my books.

To the members of Daisyland, thanks for your enthusiasm and passion for my books. I love our virtual club house, To the RC, you’re the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for your time and encouragement.

Thanks to my fellow authors who continue to inspire and encourage me. To Julie, Tina, and Melulia, thank you for cheering me on when I kept swearing this book would never be finished. To my fellow authors of the Nerdy Little Book Herd, thanks for all the laughs and being awesome. To the authors of the Cocky Collective, I’m proud to stand alongside you. To the Indie book community, thank you for the years of support, friendship, wisdom, and generosity that goes beyond writing and publishing. To every blogger who shares, reads, reviews, and promotes the authors and books you love, thank you. We are a sisterhood.

Most of all, dear reader, thank you for reading this book. I appreciate every review, message, and email from you.

I love hearing from readers. Come find me on social media and say hi, or email me at