All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

Abbey de Notre Dame du Mont Sion,
        40, 44, 47, 67, 73, 166, 252, 270,
Abydos, 251, 271
Affonso I, 52
Affonso VI, 53
Aimery de la Roche, 176
Aksum, 330, 345
Albéric de Cîteaux, 89
alchemy, 232, 234, 282–3
Alcobaça, 62, 125–26, 160–64, 193,
        199, 228, 238
Alexandria, 108, 170, 270, 283,
Alfonso VI, 28–30, 48, 114
Almedina Gate, 273, 278
Almosquer, forest of, 308
Alvarez, Francisco, 342–44, 348
Amalfi Hostelry, 54
Amun, 244, 331, 347
André de Montbard, 84, 89, 96, 104,
        110, 115, 124, 174, 181, 333
ankh, 350
Anta do Monge, 311
anthropomorphic grave, 290
Archambaud de Saint-Aignan, 124
Ark of the Covenant, 188, 190, 193,
        242, 247, 281, 329, 334, 339,
        345, 348
arkheia, 187
armillary sphere, 268, 317, 331
Arnaldo da Rocha, Pedro, 62, 92,
        100, 148
Arnold of Sournia, 185
Arthur Pendragon, 232
Arthurian, 249, 258
Article 7, 309
Asaph, 191, 215
Atbash Cipher, 215
Augustinian canons, 36
Aymery of Limoges, 126

Balantrodoch, 133, 362
baphomet, 216, 258, 280
Baudoin I, 46, 60, 67, 72, 74, 90, 102,
        183, 225
Baudoin II, 68, 70, 78, 84, 116, 131,
bee, 45, 123, 226, 235, 335
beehive, 123, 275
Beira, 296
Beltane, 48, 75, 110, 288
Benedictines, 89, 110, 160, 248
Bernard de Clairvaux, 84–99, 104,
        110, 115–17, 122–28, 131, 133,
        136, 143, 148, 159–62, 167, 175,
        179, 181, 191, 193, 195, 198, 207,
        225–28, 235, 241, 246, 259, 261,
        282, 293, 328,
Beta Giorghis, 344
Bethany, 225, 236, 259, 301
birthmark, 45
bloodline, 16, 38, 40, 44–47, 67, 99,
        126, 148, 193, 224, 227–29, 233,
        236, 261, 328, 334
Book of Ezekiel, 251, 281
Braga, 1, 31,47–55, 57–59, 62–65, 77,
        80–82, 99, 102, 105, 111, 125,
        129, 131–34, 145, 149, 158,
        166–68, 172, 176, 179, 181, 199,
        207, 224, 226, 236, 297
Bran the Blessed, 259
Brothers of the Red Cross, 270
Building Texts, 298
    Count of, 28
    duchy of, 27–30, 38, 55, 62–64, 79,
        89, 90, 101, 110, 123, 148, 189,
        237, 334
Duke Henri of, 29
House of, 28, 30, 64, 88, 156, 166,
        227–28, 335, 360

Cailleach Bheur, 296
Calabria, 38, 43, 45, 73
Castelo Branco, 297
Castilla e León, 28,48, 76–79, 82,
        112, 135, 139, 156 289
castle of Mary and Martha, 225, 236,
        259, 318
Castro Marim, 338
Catherine, Saint, 341, 360
Cave of the Fairy, 311
caves, 186, 213, 311, 334
Celtic, 25, 27, 48, 75, 91, 110, 160,
        233, 238, 258, 288, 296, 356
Ceras, 146, 181, 197–205, 207, 209,
        218, 223, 240, 245, 296, 329
cerebral cortex, 300
chamber, ritual, 153, 213, 250–51,
        255, 264–68, 271–75, 278–80,
        291, 297, 306, 311, 314, 320
Chamber of Mysteries, 43, 206, 247,
        253, 283, 357
Champagne, county of, 2, 38, 45, 73,
        84–87, 89–95, 110, 114, 123,
        128, 136, 148, 189, 227, 237,
        242, 328
charola, 263, 350
Charter of Guimarães, 30, 134,
Chartres cathedral, 193, 242, 251,
        298, 348
chastity, obedience, and to hold all
        property in trust, 186
Chateau Mahun, 108
Chevaliers de l’Ordre de Notre
        Dame de Sion, 40, 54
Chrétien de Troyes, 115, 232, 239,
        242, 333, 356, 365
church of John the Baptist, Tomar,
        262, 264, 284–86, 290, 354
Cistercian Order, 31, 62, 65, 84,
        88–96, 104, 110, 122, 124–28,
        136, 143–50, 159–62, 173, 179,
        198, 227, 229, 233, 235, 303, 338
Cistercian Rule, 160, 179, 303
Citeaux, 89–91,125, 191
Clairvaux, 84–87, 95–98, 117, 122,
        124, 142, 143–45, 149, 156, 160,
        176, 179, 191, 194, 241
Clermont, 3–8, 35, 117
clientele Godefridi, 40
Cloister of Cleansing, 266–67
Cluny, 53, 92, 125
Coimbra, 31, 76. 81, 107, 112, 140,
        156, 175, 179, 303, 342
College of the Augurs, 206
Commenus, Emperor, 7, 13–21
conductivity discontinuity, 299
Constantinople, 7, 12, 15, 18, 177
Convent of Tomar, 104, 247, 265–77,
        306, 316, 340
Copper Scroll, 213, 250, 363
Coptic, 335, 339, 345
Council of Coimbra, 179, 303
Council of Troyes, 115–20, 127, 135,
        149, 225, 355
cross, 45, 55, 127, 136, 141, 234, 257,
        268, 270–75, 310, 316, 334–35,
crypt, 255, 309, 335, 348
cryptography, 183–85, 193, 216
cult of the head, 258

Dagobert I, 193
David I of Scotland, King, 133,
Dead Sea scrolls, 186, 215,
de la Roche, 62, 92, 166, 173, 176
De Laude Novae Militae, 295
Denis, Saint, 193, 258
Dijon, 28, 48, 63, 88, 125
Dinis, King, 331–32, 337, 355
Djehuti, 244, 249, 268, 280–83, 331,
DMT, 300
Dome of the Rock, 151
Dom Telo, 141, 175
donation of Souré, 56, 112–14, 130,
        137, 167
Door of the Initiates, 193, 242, 348
Douro, river, 27, 80
dove, 224, 330, 345
dragons, 277–79, 298, 318, 320
Druids, 27, 45, 225

earth energy, 151, 206, 297–301, 311
Edinburgh, 153
Egyptian, 44, 50, 108, 123, 188, 193,
        203, 205, 226, 229, 236, 241,
        250, 270, 280–84, 295, 298, 328,
        331, 341, 345, 350
Eleanor of Aquitaine, 144, 232, 239,
electric induction, 299
electromagnetism, 297–300
Elephantine, 346
Erea, 62, 200–03, 264
es Sakhra, 151, 169
Essenes, 41–43, 186, 195, 210–215,
        225, 227, 230, 245, 253, 259,
        266, 280, 310, 363
establish the Portuguese crown, 96,
        100, 144, 166, 237
Ethiopia, 260, 330, 333–342, 345–48
Eustace III, 16, 133
Eustache de Boulogne, 9, 16, 39

fable of Christ, 257
Feast of Tabuleiros, 331, 346
Feira, property of, 146, 297
Ferreira, village, 102, 174
First Crusade, 30, 40, 68, 72, 85,
Flanders, 16, 44, 171, 227, 233, 328,
fleur-de-lys, 193, 284, 330, 335
Fontaines-les-Dijon, 88
Fonte Arcada, 1, 105, 114, 127, 199,
Fonte do Agroal, 202
force field, 298–99
Forest of Angels, 308–11
Freemasonry, 65, 187,196, 212, 315,
Fulcher de Chartres, 6, 68
Fulk d’Anjou, 131, 232

Galahad, 329
Galicia, 27–29, 76–82, 112–14, 135,
Galvoie/Galloway, 356
gate to the underworld, 268, 277
Gelmírez, Diego, 79–81, 134, 144
Genoa, 30, 33, 363
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 232
geomagnetism, 298–301
geometry, 191, 196, 222, 241, 244,
        249, 261,267, 301, 330, 355,
Gerald de Moissac, 52
Gervais de Beauvais, 219, 309
Ghayat al hakim, 282
Ghent University, 195
Gilbert of Hastings, 177
Gisors, 44, 255, 296, 353
gnostic, 65, 188, 205, 211, 220, 225,
        229, 230, 234, 249, 257, 260,
        270, 282, 334
gnostic Apocalypse of Peter, 257
gnostic Gospel of John, 257
Godefroi Bisol, 116
Godefroi de Bouillon, 16–19, 22, 35,
        39, 43, 54, 59–66, 68, 73, 102,
        108, 128, 133, 141, 148, 166,
        206, 225, 228, 249, 253, 271,
        328, 338
Godefroi de Saint-Omer, 57, 61, 64,
        70, 133, 171, 190
Godefroy de la Roche, 92
Gondemare, 84, 87, 96, 104, 110,
        124, 128, 195
Gospel of Philip, 230
Gothic, 192–93, 203, 206, 216, 239,
        258, 284, 290, 296–99
Graal, 190, 224, 229–142, 247, 259,
        266, 271, 284, 329–333, 341,
        350, 356, 365
gravitational anomalies, 297
Green Man, 231, 243, 258, 262, 268,
        271,286, 301, 318
Guibert de Nogent, 9
Guimarães, 30, 48, 56, 63, 76–83, 99,
        100, 129–36, 139, 156

Hagia Sion, 36, 42
heavenly Jerusalem, 41, 94, 124, 195,
        197, 259, 364
heka, 230
Henrique, Count Dom, 30–32,
        48–53, 56–59, 63, 74, 78–80, 88,
        90, 97, 101, 104, 112, 125, 162,
        166, 209, 215, 228, 236, 249,
Henriques, Afonso, 48, 78, 80–83,
        96, 98–105, 113, 125, 129–142,
        146, 149, 156, 159, 162, 167,
        172–75, 177–81, 193, 202, 207,
        223, 225, 228, 237–41, 261, 266,
        271, 288, 297, 303, 315, 324–29,
        336, 355
Henry I, 132
Henry the Navigator, 263, 303, 339,
        357, 362
heresy, 51, 232, 256
Hermes, 244, 250, 268, 272, 280
hermetic, 188, 280–83, 316
hermits, 65, 89, 99, 118, 159, 231,
        233, 246, 311, 320
hidden meeting places, 309
Holy Sepulcher, 5–7, 19, 30, 35, 39,
        45, 54–57, 61, 64, 66, 70–75,
        103, 124, 143, 148, 153, 155, 157,
        209, 241, 249, 252, 277, 294,
        333, 335
honeycomb, 226, 275, 306
Honorius II, Pope, 110, 114–16
Horus, 226, 354
Hugh de Champagne, 73, 90, 95,
        103, 115, 124, 148, 189, 195
Hugues de Payns, 1, 55–61, 64, 68,
        70–75, 84–87, 90, 96, 101–04,
        109, 111, 114–18, 122, 124, 128,
        131–35, 144, 148, 166, 169, 173,
        195, 231, 237, 249, 256, 328,
        340, 355

Ibn Qasi, 239
Idanha-a-Velha, 297
Imbolc, 160
Inanna, 25, 235, 296
In Praise of the New Militia, 122–26
Inquisition, 2, 126, 216, 219, 228,
        231, 258, 261, 309, 337
Iona, 91
Iraneus, 257
iron ring, 187, 247, 255
Isis, 50–52, 132, 150, 205, 226, 235,
        243, 262, 296, 301, 303, 350, 363

Jaffa, 30, 33, 61, 110, 151-55
Jean l’Aumônier, 170
Jesus, 9, 25, 41, 70, 117, 123, 195,
        203, 205, 211, 225–31, 240, 243,
        249, 257–60, 310
João Cirita, 99, 159
Johannite heresy, 256, 261
John the Baptist, 41, 91, 95, 98, 130,
        148, 150, 158, 169, 186, 197, 212,
        227, 230, 238, 256–64, 284–86,
        290, 294, 296, 301, 327, 331, 338,
joys of Paradise, 185, 195, 261, 329

Ka’Ba, 41, 235, 341
Kaballah, 41, 65, 189. 191, 235, 255,
Karnak, 298
Kilmartin, 354, 362
kingdom within a kingdom, 176, 182,
        189, 328, 351, 355
Knights Hospitaller, 54–57, 72, 113,
        125, 78, 82, 100, 104, 127, 145,
        148, 169–71, 316, 338
Knights of São Bento de Avis, 179, 303
Knights of Solomon, 1, 54, 105, 157,
        172, 185, 338
Knights of the Holy Sepulcher, 54–56,
        70, 73–75, 103, 125, 143, 148

Lalibela, 334, 344
Lambert de Saint-Omer, 183–85,
        190, 195, 259
Lamego, 99, 126, 142
La Rochelle, 144, 232, 239, 354
Last Supper, 36, 41, 43, 253
Law of Correspondence, 270
Leça, 56, 78, 104, 127
Leo X, Pope, 257
Liber Floridus, 195
Lisbon, 328, 118, 139, 149, 158, 162,
        177, 178–81, 228, 245, 305, 337,
Lorraine, 16, 38, 44, 63, 90, 148
Loures, 296
lunar temple, 306, 313
Lusitani, 25–31, 233, 238
Lusitania, 49, 135, 199, 295, 350
Luxor, 398, 346

magi, 45
magic, 51, 193, 221, 230, 244, 249,
        259, 260, 282, 316, 339
magnetite, 300
manda, 212
Mandeans, 211, 225, 260, 266, 363
Manuel I, 284, 341, 357
Martin, Hugh, 100, 144, 158, 168
Mary Magdalene, 31, 35, 63, 140,
        150, 203, 225, 240, 243, 259,
        262, 270, 287, 289, 292, 318, 333
Mary of Scotland, 133
Masonic, 187, 282, 316, 344, 354.
        See also Freemasonry
master mason’s mark, 273
masters of the craft, 192
Mathieu de Tramlay, 310
Mathilde de Toscane, 38
megaliths. 303, 313, 357
Menelik. 330, 352
menhir, 202
Merika, 363–64
Merovingian, 16, 38–40, 44, 67,
        123, 148, 189, 193, 224–28,
        334, 360
Molesme, 89, 162, 190
Monsanto, 288–303, 314
Monsaraz, 297
Mons Dolorosus, abbey of, 356
Melrose, 356
Montbard, 92
Monteiro, Carvalho, 315, 323–26
moon, 278, 283, 311, 346, 350
Moors, 28, 52, 76, 101, 112, 118,
        125, 139, 156–59, 174, 202,
        237, 288
Mosque of Omar, 153
Mother of All Churches, 42, 205
Mount Olivet, 205
Multiplices inter, 256
Mysteries schools, 65, 188, 208, 230,
        243, 267–70

Nabancia, 199-201, 296
Nabão, river, 199, 296, 354, 357
NASA, 297
Nasoreans/Nazarites/Natzoraje, 45,
        211, 227, 266, 363
nation-state, 44, 47, 56
nautonnier/navigator, 263, 340
navels of the earth, 212
Newmage, 225
Newton, Isaac, 280–82
Nivard de Mont-Didier, 124
Nova Scotia, 362

Obedience of Bethany, 225, 236
Obidos, 354
obligation, 67, 187, 197, 225
octagon, 55, 192, 222, 241, 249, 263,
        275, 284, 303
Odo I, Duke, 79, 228
Omne datum optimum, 144
110 Hz, 292
Order of Avis, 303, 335, 341
Order of Christ, 54, 65, 338–44,
        354, 362
Order of Cister, 31, 84, 89–96, 115,
        122–28, 138, 143–50, 162, 173,
        179, 198, 229, 235,
Order of the Temple, 53–59, 64, 67,
        73, 75, 78, 81–84, 88, 95,
        101–6, 112, 126, 131, 137, 149,
        181, 186, 202, 227, 263, 331,
        338, 352, 363
Ordre de Sion, 39–47, 54, 63–67,
        72–75, 87, 92, 102, 124, 128,
        146–49, 165, 176, 181, 185, 227,
        229, 234, 257, 266, 270–73, 282,
        328, 331–35, 340
Ormus, 270–71
Orval, 37–47, 64, 73, 124, 148, 234,
Osirion, 252, 271
Osiris, 50, 231, 243, 251, 272, 354
Ourém, 237
Ourique, 139–44, 150, 173, 228,

Paes, Gualdino, 96, 100, 144, 168,
        172–182, 199, 202, 207, 223,
        273, 277, 288, 289, 303, 308,
        327–30, 333, 348, 364
Paio Ramires, 173
Palestine, 6, 30, 103, 260, 359, 363
palm tree, 201, 243
Pan, 231
Paris, 93, 116, 193, 250, 258, 296,
Payen de Mont-Didier, 116, 132,
        231–33, 356
Payo Mendes, 57, 76, 79–82, 100,
        132, 139, 142, 144, 149, 172,
        175, 338
Pedro, Dom, 99, 143, 179
Pedro Pitões, Bishop, 178, 180
Pelagius, 81, 172
pentagram, 132, 205, 267, 363
People of the Bear, 45
People’s Crusade, 12–18, 22–24, 33
Perceval, 232
Pero de Covilhã, 341
Peter the Hermit, 9–12, 15, 22, 36,
        39, 43, 51, 65, 73, 102, 227
Philipe d’Alsace, 233, 356
Phillippe le Bel, 337
Picatrix, 282–84
piercing the snake, 206, 298
pineal gland, 193, 300
Pius IX, Pope, 256
Porto/Porto Cale, 27–30, 50, 56, 77,
        100–107, 144, 159, 178–80
Portucale/Portugale, 48–59, 63,
        74–79, 82, 87, 90, 92, 101–6,
        110–13, 124–28, 131–35,
        140–42, 149, 162, 166, 215,
        228, 241, 296
PORTUGRAL, 240, 271
preceptory, 132, 232, 250, 352, 358
Presbyter John, 33, 340–42
Priscillian, 51–52
Priuré de Sion, 271, 340
Promontory of the Serpent, 311
proto-Templars, 53, 57, 65, 74, 103
pyramid, 192, 283, 291, 298, 334

Qumran, 186–89, 211, 213

Raimund Bernard, 100, 111, 131, 135
raising the dead, 208, 227–29, 243,
        251, 261, 295, 328, 349
Rashi, Rabbi, 115, 190
Raymond De Puy, 170
red cross, 45, 127, 234, 270, 340
Regaleira, Quinta da, 315–16,
        322–27, 348
Regnas in Coelis, 337
resurrection, 41, 50, 195, 215,
        230–35, 241–45, 251, 253,
        258, 268, 271, 280, 290–94,
        320, 326
Ricard, Guilherme, 1, 100, 106, 132,
        140, 143, 149
Robert the Bruce, King, 339, 355
Roland, Brother, 98, 116, 124, 127,
        143, 149, 179, 195, 241
Rollright stone circle, 298
Roncelin de Fos, 309
rose cross, 270–75, 340
Roslin Chapel, 243, 251, 254–62
rotunda of Tomar, 241–55, 262–79,
        283–87, 301, 314, 330, 339–41,
Royal Arch Freemasonry, 187
Royal Engineers, 152–53
Rule of the Brothers Consulate, 309
Rule of the Elected Brothers, 250, 309
Rule of the Templars, 85–87, 119–23,

Sabeans, 260, 266, 282, 334
sabedoria, 283
Sagres, 303
Sahyun, 41
Sainte Clair, 355
salver, 224, 233, 237, 330, 350
sang real, 224, 227, 231
Santa Cruz monastery, 176
Santa Maria do Olival, 203–06
Santarém, 62, 157, 162, 166, 168, 173,
        178, 180–82, 199, 201
Santiago de Compostela, 77–83, 99,
        134, 144
São Mamede, 130, 135
Saqqara, 296
sarcophagus, 291
Scotland, 132, 271, 296, 338, 355, 363
scrolls, 38, 171, 183–86, 190–92,
        195, 197, 210–17, 257, 261, 277,
        280, 330
secret doctrine, 211, 250, 256, 310
Seper Yatzirah, 190
serpent, 206, 277, 298, 311
Serra d’El Rei, 354
Sheba, queen of, 330, 334
Sheshat, 203
Sicambrians, 44, 115, 224
Sintra, 175, 303–15, 322–29, 348
Sion, 35–37, 40–48, 54, 94, 146, 167,
        205, 210, 225, 245, 253, 306
Sion, Switzerland, 360
Sirius, 284, 363
Solomon, King, 45, 205, 215, 224, 243
Solomon’s stables, 171
Solomon’s Temple, 1, 6, 40, 54, 70,
        105, 153–57, 172, 185, 188, 191,
        251, 281, 330
Solomon, Song of, 235
solstice, 46, 289, 327, 331
Sophia, 205, 236, 350
sophis, 152, 205, 258, 280, 363
Souré, 53, 56, 101, 107, 112–14, 130,
        37, 157, 199, 237, 296, 354
spit on the cross, 257
spring equinox, 126, 292, 326
Stephen Harding, 89, 190
St. Clair, Henry, 358, 362
St. Clair, William, 356
St. John’s, Newfoundland, 361, 364
Saint Leonard of Acre, 67, 74
Stone of Philosophy, 339
subterranean passages, 264, 278, 306,
        316, 322, 335, 353
Suffolk mound, 360
Sufi, 108m, 164, 239

Tables of Law, 189
Tables of Testimony, 189
tabotat, 332, 345
talisman, 220–22, 226, 249, 262, 310,
        316, 355
Tamar/Thamar, daughter, 225, 243
Tanit, 350, 359
Tapet, 345
Tareja, Countess, 29, 31, 48, 56,
        76–83, 99, 105, 111–14, 129,
        134, 167, 174
Tarot, 65
Tarouca, 99, 127, 241
Taxo, 235
Tejo, river, 28, 179, 201, 215, 237,
telluric current, 206, 212, 222, 258,
        292, 297–303
Temple Guiting, 232
Temple Mount, 56, 70–75, 84, 87, 96,
        103, 110, 116, 123, 151–55, 166,
        169, 183–92, 195, 211–17, 224,
        231, 244, 247, 259, 328, 357
Teukros, 49
Thebes, 345
Theodebert II, 360
Templar fleet, 352–54, 362
The Way, 210–15, 280
thirty pieces of silver, 205, 227, 331
33 miles, 31, 63, 99, 115, 117, 151,
        169, 191, 199, 237
Timbuk, feast of, 332
Tomar/Thamar/Thamara, 197, 199,
        201, 223, 242, 246–55, 262–78,
        283, 288, 296, 301, 313–16,
        328–31, 338–41, 346–50,
        354–60, 363
triangle, 249, 253, 316, 350, 352,
Trojan, 27, 44, 49, 115, 224, 259, 334
Troy, 49–50, 148, 224,
Troyes, 45, 50, 90, 115–22, 127–31,
        135, 149, 189–95, 225, 232, 234,
        239, 242, 300, 333, 355
Tuadhe d’Anu, 25, 233
tunnels, 72, 153, 264, 279, 305–09,
        314, 320, 323, 334, 348, 357
Tuthmosis III, 270, 309, 342, 353

Urban II, 3, 7, 10, 16, 18, 31, 35, 117
Ursus, 38, 271
Utterances of the Pharaoh, 188

Vale d’Absinthe, 91
Vasco da Gama, 341
Vatican, 89, 256–61, 353
Vatican archives, 309
Villa-nova, 1, 106
Virgin Queens, 334
Viriato, 25, 78, 82
Viseu, 78, 159, 175
Vulgate Cycle, 329

Waldseemuller, 364
Waleran, 231
Walter the Penniless, 12, 15, 51
Warren, Captain, 151–53, 251, 266,
Washington, George, 364
Wauchier de Danain, 233
well of initiation, 319, 324
Westford knight, 362
William of Malmsbury, 232
William the Seemly, 355
Wolfram von Eschenbach, 234, 330

Zamora, 80-83, 101, 138, 156, 167
Zoroastrian, 271, 295