Luppentonisa. Destroyed by Bianca Monroe in “The Lost Magic.” Fist-sized amulet infused with orange and roving red, yellow, from within.

Samthanruadanosa. Ruddy amulet often referred to as ‘red heat’. Similar to Luppentonisa in faceting, with less moving color. Currently assigned to Baxter.

Handuinolomolokaya. Strawberry-colored amulet, heart-shaped, lined with white diamonds.

Arthraysecscentillium. Oval, apricot-colored amulet with cherry edges and a yellow center.


Kibbukonialamonta. Sapphire gem usually worn as a heart barrette, about the size of a pentacle coin. Currently assigned to Tipa.

Nicomedianthekus. The great lost amulet of Gelas. The largest of all amulets, and the first forged in this epoch of the gods. Has not been seen in two centuries.


Oceanusorilianno. Silver, with hints of gray and white streaked through, like swirling fog. Square, set against blunted metal. Was assigned to Baxter, but revoked. Currently assigned to Amorette.

Arragaran. Yellow heart with gentle tones of silver along the interior, the size of half a palm. Not set in metal, worn mostly as a necklace.

Dappledonamikota—Butter yellow amulet with a slate interior, rolls from yellow to gray.


Meloduncanate—Rectangular amulet earring, one of the only amulet earrings. Gaudy in opulence and thick in size.

Herimolodikus—A string of smaller amulets, fingernail-sized, with alternating purple-and-slate coloring. Currently assigned to a demigod named Dana.

Vinartaramet. Stark purple run through with no other color. Blocky faceting.

Alasparin—Brilliant purple amulet set in a ring. One of the only known ring amulets frequently seen. Known to be one of Tontes’ most powerful amulets.

Lynnkestria—Black amulet all the way through, long and flat in shape. Known as a lesser-powerful amulet. Currently assigned to Paran.