Makes about 4 cups/945 ml whipped cream, to equal an 8-ounce/225 g container of whipped topping

WHEN I TOLD PEOPLE I WAS WRITING A BOOK ABOUT MIDWESTERN BAKING, I immediately had to follow it up by saying that it wasn’t going to be a book full of Cool Whip and Jell-O. Even though those two things make up a fair amount of my own dessert memories, I believe there’s a tastier way to get a whipped cream topping that’s easily transportable, stable enough to last through a potluck, and made days ahead of when you actually need it, so you’re not whipping cream like a crazy person in front of your guests. It’s a savior during holidays when you already have one million other things to do.

3 tablespoons/42 g cold water

¾ teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1½ teaspoons unflavored gelatin

2 cups/480 g heavy whipping cream

6 tablespoons/45 g confectioners’ sugar

¼ teaspoon cream of tartar

In a small, microwave-safe bowl, whisk together the cold water, vanilla, and gelatin until smooth. Let soften for 5 minutes. Microwave on HIGH until melted, about 10 seconds.

Pour the cream into a medium bowl or the bowl of an electric mixer. Whisking constantly, add the melted gelatin mixture until blended. Add the confectioners’ sugar and cream of tartar and whisk to blend. With handheld beaters or a stand mixer on medium-high speed, whip the cream to smooth, stable peaks, but still soft in appearance (think: shaving cream right out of the can). Do not overwhip—if in doubt, use an electric mixer just until the cream holds its shape, and then finish beating by hand with a whisk. Use immediately, or transfer to an airtight container to refrigerate for up to 3 days. If storing, remove from the refrigerator and whisk energetically to smooth and fluff the cream before using.

TIP > If you’re looking for a substitute for tubs of prepared whipped topping for, say, a dessert salad, I recommend the cream cheese–bolstered whipped cream method in the recipe here.