- Acceptor atom
- Acceptor levels, atom
- Activation energy
- Adams, William Grylls
- Adiabatic expansion of gases
- Advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage
- Advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR)
- Air-mass-ratio (AM ratio)
- Albedo of Earth
- Alpha (α) decay
- barrier penetration model of
- Alpha (α) particles, scattering of
- Alpha (α) rays
- Alta Wind Energy Centre
- Aluminium
- Angle of attack
- Angular distribution, of scattered α particles
- Asymmetry term
- Atomic mass number
- Atomic mass unit
- Atomic nucleus
- binding energy
- charge of
- composition of
- energies
- forces, characteristics of
- mass of
- nuclear charge, distributions of
- nuclear matter, distributions of
- semi-empirical mass formula
- size of
- Atomic number
- Band gap, of semiconductors
- Beam attenuation
- Becquerel, Antoine Henri
- Becquerel, Edmond
- Becquerel (Bq)
- Bernoulli, Daniel
- Bernoulli's equation
- Beryllium
- Beta (β) decay
- Beta (β) rays
- Betz, Albert
- Betz criterion
- Biased p–n junction
- Binding energy
- curve of nuclides
- of nucleus
- per nucleon
- Bioenergy
- Biofuels
- Biological energy storage
- Blackbody radiation
- emissivity
- laws of
- photon, birth of
- Rayleigh–Jeans formula for
- Bohr, Niels
- Bohr's model of hydrogen atom
- Boiling water reactor (BWR)
- Bolometer
- Boltzmann, Ludwig
- Boltzmann distribution
- Boltzmann factor
- Borschberg, Andre
- Boyle's law
- Bragg, W. H.
- Bragg, W. L.
- Bremsstrahlung
- Brush, Charles
- Bush's wind turbine system
- Cadmium selenide (CdSe)
- CANDU reactor
- Capacitors
- Carnot, Sadi
- Carnot cycle
- Chain of radioactive decays
- Chain reactions
- Chapin, Darryl
- Characteristic X-rays
- Chemical atomic mass
- Chemical energy storage
- Coblentz, William C.
- Cockcroft, John
- Coefficient of performance
- Commercial nuclear reactors
- advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR)
- boiling water reactor
- CANDU reactor
- Magnox reactor
- pressurised water reactor
- Compound nucleus
- Compressed air energy storage
- Consumption of energy
- Contact potential
- Continuity equation, fluids
- Controlled fission reactions
- chain reactions
- commercial nuclear reactors
- control of fission reactions
- nuclear waste
- reactors
- Controlled thermonuclear fusion
- Control rods
- Convection, thermal
- Coolant
- Copper
- Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave
- Coriolis force
- Coulomb barriers
- Coulomb energy
- Coulomb force
- Coulomb repulsion
- Cour, Poul la
- Covalent bonding
- Cross-section for nuclear reaction
- beam attenuation and
- energy dependence of
- mean free path and
- Crystalline solids, band structure of
- Curie, Marie
- Curie, Pierre
- Curie (Ci)
- Current–voltage characteristic of p–n junction
- Cut-in/out speed, turbine blades
- Cyclotron frequency
- Daily insolation, Sun
- Darcy, Henry
- Darcy friction factor
- Darcy–Weisbach equation
- Darrieus turbine
- Day, Richard Evans
- de Broglie wavelength
- Decay chains
- Decay laws of radioactivity
- Deep geothermal energy
- Degree of freedom
- Delayed neutrons
- Density of states function
- Deuteron
- Diffusion current
- Diffusion equation
- Diffusion length
- Dimensional analysis, in fluid mechanics
- Diode equation
- Diodes
- Direct band semiconductors
- Doldrums
- Donor atoms
- Donor energy levels
- Doping
- Downwind turbines
- Drift current
- Dye-sensitised solar cell
- Edinburgh Duck
- Effusion
- Einstein's equation, photoelectric effect
- Einstein's mass–energy relationship
- Electrical energy storage
- capacitors
- fuel cells
- lead-acid battery
- rechargeable batteries
- super-capacitors
- superconducting magnetic storage
- Electrical power, distribution of
- Electricity
- Electromagnetic induction
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electromagnetic standing waves
- Electron capture
- Electron–hole pair
- Electrons
- Electrostatic force
- Emissivity, blackbody radiation
- Endothermic reaction
- Energy
- biofuels
- consumption
- conversion of
- density
- electricity
- equivalence of
- form of
- fossil fuels
- geothermal
- hydroelectric
- importance of
- mechanical
- non-renewable
- nuclear
- in nuclear fission
- in nuclear fusion
- photovoltaic solar cells
- renewable
- solar
- sources of
- storage
- thermal
- threshold
- tidal
- waves
- wind
- Energy storage
- biological
- capacity of
- chemical
- compressed air
- density
- electrical
- flywheel
- hydrogen
- mechanical
- parameters of
- pumped hydroelectric
- round-trip efficiency
- systems
- thermal
- types of
- Equation of state of ideal gas
- Equilibrium, secular
- Equilibrium tide model
- Equipartition theorem
- Equivalence of energy
- Equivalence of mass
- Euler, Leonard
- Exothermic reaction
- Extraterrestrial spectrum
- Extrinsic semiconductors
- Faraday, Michael
- Faraday's law
- Fast fission factor
- Fermi, Enrico
- Fermi–Dirac distribution
- Fermi energy
- Fermi levels
- Ferrel cell
- Fetch
- Ffestiniog Power Station, North Wales, UK
- Fill factors
- First law of thermodynamics
- Fission reactions, control of
- Fission reactors
- coolant
- efficiency of
- fuel
- moderator of
- product poisoning of
- Flat plate water heater
- Fluids, flow of
- Bernoulli's equation
- continuity equation
- laminar
- steady
- turbulent
- Flux Φ of beam
- Flywheel energy storage
- Forward-biased p–n junction
- Fossil fuels
- Four-factor formula
- Fourier's law of conduction
- Fowler, William
- Frisch, Otto
- Fritts, Charles
- Fuel cells
- Fuller, Calvin
- Fusion energy gain factor
- Gallium arsenide (GaAs)
- Gallium indium arsenide (GaInAs)
- Gallium indium phosphide (GaInP)
- Gamma (γ) decay
- Gamma (γ) rays
- Gas centrifuge technique, for uranium enrichment
- Gas diffusion technique, for uranium enrichment
- Gases
- adiabatic expansion of
- isothermal expansion of
- specific heats of
- Gemasolar Solar Power Facility
- Geothermal energy
- Germanium (Ge)
- Geysers
- Glass cover, thermal transmission by
- Global warming potential
- Gluons
- Greenhouse effect
- Greybody
- Grove, William
- Hadley, George
- Hadley cell
- Hahn, Otto
- Head loss
- Heat
- Heat engines
- equation of state of ideal gas
- and first law of thermodynamics
- and second law of thermodynamics
- specific heats of gases and
- thermal efficiency of
- Heat pump
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- Heliostats, central receiver with
- Helium burning
- Hero of Alexandria
- Hoyle, Fred
- Huntorf compressed air storage plant, Germany
- Hydroelectric power
- flow of viscous fluid in pipe
- hydroelectric turbines
- plants and principles of operation
- Hydroelectric power plants
- Hydroelectric turbines
- impulse
- Pelton impulse turbine
- reaction
- Hydrogen burning
- Hydrogen economy
- Hydrogen energy storage
- Hydrogen gas
- Ideal gas equation
- Ignition point
- Impact parameter
- Impulse hydroelectric turbines
- Indirect band semiconductors
- Induced nuclear fission
- Inertial confinement
- Inertial confinement fusion
- Internal energy
- Intrinsic semiconductors. See also Fermi energy
- Irradiance of solar radiation
- Isothermal expansion of gases
- Isotopes
- Itaipu Dam
- Jeans, James
- Joule, James
- Jupiter
- Laminar flow, fluid
- Laser ionisation, for uranium enrichment
- Law of mass action, for semiconductors
- Lawson, John D.
- Lawson criterion, for performance of nuclear fusion
- Lead-acid battery
- Light concentrators
- Limpet
- Linear attenuation coefficient
- Liquid-drop model, of nuclear fission
- Lithium
- Llyn Stwalan
- London Array
- Longitudinal waves
- Low-pass filter
- Lummer, Otto
- Lunar tides, period of
- Magic numbers
- Magnetic confinement
- Magnox reactor
- Mass defect
- Mass equivalence
- Mass number
- Mass spectrometer
- Mass spectroscopy
- Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of speeds
- McIntosh plant, Alabama, USA
- Mean free path
- Mean lifetime
- Mean time, particle traveling
- Mechanical energy
- Mechanical equivalence of heat
- Meitner, Lise
- Mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel
- Moderator
- Modes of vibration, of molecule
- Modulated wave, propagation of
- Monochromatic waves
- Moseley, Henry
- Moseley's law
- Multi-junction solar cells
- Nacelle
- National Ignition Facility (NIF)
- Neap tides
- Nellis Solar Power Plant
- Neutron number
- Neutrons
- delayed
- moderation of
- prompt
- reproduction factor
- thermal
- Non-renewable energy
- n-type semiconductors
- Nuclear binding energies
- Nuclear charge, distributions of
- mean radius of
- skin thickness of
- Nuclear energies
- Nuclear fission
- controlled reactions
- cross-sections for
- energy in
- induced
- liquid-drop model of
- neutrons, moderation of fast
- process of
- products
- versus radiative capture
- reactions
- uranium enrichment
- Nuclear forces, characteristics of
- Nuclear fuels
- Nuclear fusion
- Coulomb barrier for
- energy in
- inertial confinement fusion
- magnetic confinement fusion
- performance criteria of
- process of
- reaction rates
- reactions
- thermonuclear, controlled
- Nuclear masses
- Nuclear matter, distributions of
- Nuclear radiation
- Nuclear reactions. See also Nuclear fission; Nuclear fusion
- cross-sections
- Q-value of
- rates
- Nuclear waste
- Nucleon number
- Nucleons
- Nucleus
- binding energy of
- charge of
- compound
- energy from
- liquid drop model of
- mass of
- shell model of
- size
- Nuclides
- binding energy curve of
- lifetime of
- radioactive
- Segré chart of
- transuranic
- One-dimensional heat equation
- One-dimensional wave equation
- Open circuit voltage
- Optical window
- Order of magnitude
- Oscillating water column systems
- Overtopping devices
- Ozone–oxygen cycle
- Parabolic trough concentrator
- Particle accelerator
- Pauli exclusion principle
- Pearson, Gerald
- Pelamis energy converter
- Pelton impulse turbine
- Penstock
- Phonon
- Phosphorus
- Photo-dissociation
- Photoelectric effect
- Einstein's equation of
- quanta of energy and
- Photoelectrons
- Photon
- absorption at p–n junction
- birth of
- random walk of
- Photosynthesis
- Photovoltaic solar cells
- Piccard, Bertrand
- Planck's radiation law
- Planté, Gaston
- Plasma
- p–n junction
- biased
- current–voltage characteristic of
- electron and hole concentrations in semiconductor
- in equilibrium
- Fermi energy in
- photon absorption at
- Poisson probability formula
- Polar cell
- Poloidal field
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Potential well
- barrier penetration
- deuteron
- one-dimensional finite
- one-dimensional infinite
- particle, quantum mechanical description of
- Power coefficient
- Pressurised water reactor (PWR)
- Primary energy sources
- Prinsheim, Ernst
- Prompt neutrons
- Proton–proton chain
- Protons
- Pseudo force. See Coriolis force
- p-type semiconductors
- Pumped hydroelectric energy storage
- P–V diagram
- Quantum dot solar cells
- Quasi-static processes
- Queisser, Hans
- Q-value
- energy
- of fusion reactions
- of nuclear reaction
- Radiant exitance
- Radiative capture
- cross-section for
- nuclear fission versus
- Radiative recombination process
- Radioactive carbon dating
- Radioactivity
- decay laws of
- and nuclear stability
- Segré chart of stable nuclides
- α decay
- β decay
- γ decay
- Radioisotopes
- Radio window
- Radon
- Rance Tidal Power Station
- Random walk of photon
- Range, of tide
- Rated output speed
- Rated power output
- Rayleigh, Lord
- Rayleigh–Jeans formula for blackbody radiation
- Rayleigh scattering
- Reaction hydroelectric turbines
- Rechargeable batteries
- Refrigerators
- Relative wind
- Renewable energy
- disadvantage of
- sustainability and
- Reservoir capacitor
- Resonance escape probability
- Reverse-biased p–n junction
- Reverse saturation current
- Rotational wind
- Round-trip efficiency, energy storage
- Rutherford, Ernest
- Rutherford postulated
- Rutherford's model of structure of atom
- Rutherford's scattering
- Salpeter, Edwin
- Schrödinger equation
- SeaGen tidal current plant
- Secondary cells. See Rechargeable batteries
- Secondary energy sources
- Second law of thermodynamics
- Segré chart of stable nuclides
- Semiconductors
- band gap of
- crystalline solids, band structure of
- direct band
- electron and hole concentrations in
- extrinsic
- indirect band
- intrinsic
- law of mass action for
- majority carriers in
- minority carriers in
- n-type
- p-type
- solar cells
- Semiconductor solar cells
- construction
- equation
- maximum power delivery from
- p–n junction, photon absorption at
- power generation by
- Shockley–Queisser limit
- Semi-empirical mass formula
- asymmetry term
- Coulomb term
- pairing term
- surface term
- volume term
- Semi-empirical mass formula (SEMF)
- Shallow geothermal energy
- Shell model of nucleus
- Shockley, William
- Shockley–Queisser limit
- crystal lattice, dissipation of energy in
- electron–hole recombination
- Short-circuit current
- Significant wave height
- Silicon
- Sinusoidal waves
- Siting of wind turbines
- Solar cells
- construction
- efficiency maximisation
- equation
- light concentrators
- maximum power delivery from
- multi-junction
- quantum dot
- Solar constant
- Solar energy
- Solar heaters
- heat transfer processes
- thermal conduction
- thermal convection
- thermal transmission by glass cover
- vacuum tube collectors
- water heaters
- Solar panels
- Solar power
- blackbody radiation
- geothermal energy
- heat engines
- solar heaters
- solar radiation and interaction with earth
- stellar fusion
- Solar radiation
- characteristics of
- intensity of
- interaction with earth and atmosphere
- absorption processes
- greenhouse effect
- scattering processes
- season, latitude and daily insolation
- irradiance of
- penetration into ground
- Solar thermal power systems
- central receiver with heliostats
- parabolic trough concentrator
- Solar water heaters
- absorption of radiation
- flat plate
- Specific heats of gases
- Spectral absorption factor
- Spectral emissivity
- Spectral power distribution
- Spectral radiant exitance
- Spring tides
- Standard mass of atmosphere
- Standing waves
- Star, formation and evolution
- Steady/laminar flow, fluid
- Steam reforming
- Steam turbines
- Stefan, Josef
- Stefan–Boltzmann law
- Stefan's constant
- Stellar fusion
- solar radiation
- star formation and evolution
- thermonuclear fusion in Sun
- Strassman, Fritz
- Streamlines
- Sun–Earth system
- Super-capacitors
- Superconducting magnetic storage
- Tan-y-Grisan reservoir
- Tapered channel (Tapchan) method
- Thermal conduction
- Thermal convection
- Thermal efficiency, of heat engines
- Thermal energy
- Thermal pollution
- Thermal reservoir
- Thermal resistance
- Thermal transmission by glass cover
- Thermal utilisation factor
- Thermographs
- Thermonuclear fusion
- Thermonuclear fusion, controlled
- Threshold energy
- Tidal current power
- Tidal energy
- Tidal force
- Tidal power
- force
- harnessing
- lunar tides, period of
- origin of
- tidal range, variation and enhancement of
- Tidal range
- power
- resonant enhancement of
- variation and enhancement of
- Tidal wave
- Tip-speed ratio
- Titanium oxide (TiO2)
- Toroidal solenoid
- Transuranic nuclides
- Transverse waves
- Travelling waves
- Triple-alpha process
- Tritium
- Trochoid
- Tsunamis
- Turbines, wind
- Betz criterion
- blades
- action of
- rotational speed of
- design and operation
- siting of
- wind power extraction by
- Turbulent flow, fluid
- Ultraviolet catastrophe
- Uncertainty principle, quantum mechanics
- Upwind turbines
- Uranium
- enrichment
- in fission cross-sections
- in induced nuclear fission
- Vacuum tube collectors
- Varactor diode
- Virial theorem
- Viscosity
- Vitrification
- ‘1/v’ law
- Volume flow rate
- von Fraunhofer, Joseph
- Walton, Ernest
- Water power
- hydroelectric power
- tidal power
- wave power
- Water waves
- on deep water
- energy of
- physical characteristics of
- power of
- on shallow water
- velocity of
- Wave energy converters
- challenges for
- Edinburgh Duck
- oscillating water column systems
- overtopping devices
- Pelamis energy converter
- Wave power
- water
- wave energy converters
- wave motion and
- Waves
- on deep water
- dispersion of
- energy
- groups
- group velocity of
- longitudinal
- monochromatic
- motion
- one-dimensional equation
- phase velocity of
- on shallow water
- significant height
- sinusoidal
- standing
- tidal
- transport energy
- transverse
- travelling
- water
- Wells turbine
- Wheeler, John A.
- Wien's displacement law
- Wind energy
- Wind farm
- Windmills
- Wind power. See also Wind turbines
- extraction by wind turbine
- flow of ideal fluids
- history of
- origin and directions of
- Wind turbines
- Betz criterion
- blades
- action of
- rotational speed of
- design and operation
- siting of
- wind power extraction by
- Work
- X-rays
- characteristic
- emission from atom