
As always in life, I often bite off more than I can chew. I learn to swim by jumping in. This book is no exception. It would not exist were it not for my exceptionally tolerant wife, partner and friend, Esther, who has always supported me and accompanied me across the globe. She’s allowed me to pursue my work. Esther, thank you for always being there and for joining me on this adventure.

I could not have done this without my kids, Fabian and Sophia. You’ve shown me what’s important in life, kept me focused on the present and the future, not the past. You’ve helped me to understand the impact technology can have on children. Hopefully, someday you’ll understand why you weren’t allowed on Instagram!

And I would not be who I am or where I am today without you, Mum and Dad. You have always done your best to put the ambitions for me, Nadia and Julian at the forefront and encouraged us to follow our dreams. I know you’re still mad at me for writing that piece about boarding schools on Medium, but, hopefully, this acknowledgement will make up for it. :)

To Craig Taylor who is possibly one of the most patient, thoughtful and considerate human beings I have ever met. [HA, HA.] Throughout this book, Craig has pushed the limits of what I thought was possible and helped me to take my thinking to a deeper level. Truth be told this book would not exist if it weren’t for Craig. Craig lives in a wooden hut on a remote island in Canada. Please buy his books so that he can move to the mainland one day.

And, lastly, to the many who have played decisive roles in this decade-long quest to make internet history. To Nalden, my business partner, I hope we’ll continue to work together, like the Gilbert and George of tech; to Bas, for thinking up WeTransfer; to the original team of Dave, Anne, Rinke (RIP) and Stefan; to the friends I have made on the way, including Nelly, Gilles, Troy, Giles, Gail; and to all the individuals I have had the opportunity to lead and be led by. Thank you for serving as the inspiration and providing the foundation for The Trust Manifesto.