
The page references in this index correspond to the print edition from which this ebook was created, and clicking on them will take you to the the location in the ebook where the equivalent print page would begin. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Accion 136

ad blockers 70

Adams, Douglas 285, 292–7

Adidas 210

Adobe UK 285

AI see artificial intelligence

Airbnb 43, 46–7

ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) 169–70

Alexa (Amazon voice assistant) 4–6, 11, 228

Alexa (ranking engine) 50

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 239

Alexis 13

Alibaba 17–18

Allende, Isabel 300

Amazon 231, 266, 291, 307

Alexa 4–6, 11, 228

business model 145

and convenience 123

and Goodreads 50

and PillPack 50

predictive analytics 50–51

Prime 50

psychological profiling 50

reviews 43

and Ring 6

Studios 50

and trust 49–51

and a ‘voice sniffer algorithm’ 5

Web Services (AWS) 126

American Cable 180

Amsterdam 158–70, 208

Anything But Guns 196–7

AOL 119, 153


confidence 183

emergence story 169

and the FBI 279

Fry’s views 278–9

and individual rights 229

and Jobs 166, 203–4, 283

public attitudes to 182, 231, 307

T&Cs 42

and trust 182

as warmest tech company 182

Ariely, Dan 60

artificial intelligence (AI) 225, 230, 278

DeepMind 24

ASC 239

Ashbery, John 12, 13 113, 130, 131, 132–7

AT&T 10

Axios 10

Babbage, Charles 245

Baihe 17–18

banking industry 130–37

Bec, Alex 88

Beerens, Bas 79, 84, 162

Ben & Jerry’s 114, 133, 178–80, 250, 288

Ben Hayoun, Nelly 176, 177, 178, 187–8

Berman, David: ‘Candy Jail’ 29

Berners-Lee, Tim 30, 305

Berreby, David 38

Big Data 55–66, 100–113

and asking the right questions 64

and boomtown 69–73, 302

and Cheney-Lippold 105–6, 107–8

as ‘digital truth serum’ 112

as an environment 112

failures 66

and false discovery 66

and insight 62–4, 102

and LinkedIn 58

MIT conference ‘Big Data: The Management Revolution’ 55, 56, 66

and porn 102

and Responsible Technology 217–18 see also Responsible Technology

speaking for us 105

Stephens-Davidowitz and the value of 102–4, 112

as storytelling 61

as theft 60

as tombstone 60

and WeTransfer 92–3

and Zuboff 106

Big Tech 168, 188, 213, 218, 225, 292

Bilton, Nick: Hatching Twitter 52–3

BitTorrent 175

Black Mirror 45

blockchain technology 268

Bloomberg 17

Böhme, Rainer 38, 39 157, 158

Brexit 243

Brightest Flashlight free app 41–2

Bruinsma, Geert-Jan 158

Brynjolfsson, Erik 60

Buffett, Warren 298–9

Business Insider 35

Business Wire 6

California 184–93

Calo, Ryan 25

Cambridge Analytica 27, 28, 116, 147

car industry 9–11, 25

car repairs 48

Cashmore, Pete 77


Cheney-Lippold, John: We Are Data 4, 105–6, 107–8

Cherny, Andrei 130, 131–8

chess computers 225

Chetan Sharma Consulting 10


Chinese value systems 245

and Google 52

and Yahoo 119

Chrome 127

Citymapper 6

Comcast 180, 181–2

CompuServ 153

consent forms 38

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 133

control 126, 138, 271, 275, 289, 291

and AI 230

corporate 153, 303

maintaining business control 84–5, 239

regulative see regulation

user control 231, 245, 262, 279, 287–92, 301, 304

by VCs 254

convenience 123

cookies 4

Craigslist 113

credit scoring 17–20

Curtis, Richard, Project Everyone 300

customer service 287



aggregation 268

big see Big Data

and the car industry 9–11, 25

dark 102

gatekeepers 293

gathering/harvesting 16, 21, 22, 24, 25, 53

Google searches as most important data on human psyche 102

inferred 293

and internet fingerprint 4

lean see lean data

metaphors and clichés 22

mining/extraction 16, 62, 81–2, 91, 92–3, 105, 106–7, 111, 113, 117, 170, 172, 188, 189, 190, 214–15, 216–17, 218–19, 225, 226, 307

as a normalizing tool 20

protection 117, 199

rate of increase of information 8

responsible 117, 240

scientists 21, 55, 61, 63–4, 65, 92, 103, 204

scraping 21, 53

session data 119, 120

sharing/file sharing 25, 82, 111, 122, 174, 205–6, 228

streams 22, 73

value of 302

volunteered 293

and your internet identity 4

dating apps 16–17

Davenport, Thomas H. 64

Day-Lewis, Daniel 45

Deep Thought 225

DeepMind 24

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 245

DeleteUber 242

Deloitte 36–7, 108

DHL 158

Diaspora 289

digital exhaust 218

Digital Village 293

Diller, Barry 72

Dollar Shave Club 187

Dotcom, Kim 82, 174

dotcom crash 141

Doteveryone 243, 296, 302

DoubleClick 122

Drinkwater, Sarah 233–47

Dropbox 259

DuckDuckGo (DDG) 113, 114–30

blog, 125

Duley, Giles 192

eBay 137, 169

Ebert, Roger 265

The Economist 62, 242, 305

Elbaz, Gil 59–60

empathy 18, 19, 264–6, 274

VR as an empathy machine 264–5

end user license agreements (EULAs) 39

Eno, Brian 32

Equifax 19, 24

Ethos Water 247, 248, 249–54

EULAs 39

Everpress 211

extraction architecture 214–17

EyeEm 289

Facebook 11, 24, 53, 92, 95, 116–17, 130, 146–7, 181, 212–13, 215, 219, 231, 291

and ALEC 169–70

business model 144–5

and data sharing 122

and Drinkwater 242–3

governance 150

hacking 117

hate speech allegations 288

and individual rights 229

leaving 287–8

as a monopoly 116–17

and offline values 98

paternalism 96

privacy policy 40

and Stamp 294, 295

and transparency 96, 211

and trust 294

and US Department of Housing and Urban Development 24–5

and Wales 144–5, 147

Factual 59

fake news 199, 226

FBI 279

FedEx 158

file sharing 82, 111, 158, 174, 204, 205–6

financial industry 130–37

Fiorina, Carly 62

Firefox 113

Fitbit 6–7

flow 94, 189–90, 198, 260–61

Foer, Franklin: World Without Mind 96–7

Fonderie 47 (organization) 247

food delivery services 140–41, 266

Ford, Henry 203

Fry, Stephen 224, 272–86

Furstenberg, Diane von 72

Galloway, Scott 295

Gandy, Oscar 107

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 117, 199

geotracking 16

Getty, Jean Paul 298–9

Glitch 242

Gmail 14

González, Emma 195

Goodreads 50

Google 24, 90, 127, 130, 169, 212–13, 215, 231, 291, 307

and ALEC 169–70

backdoor gateway to searches in 122

and China 52

corporate surveillance 122

data sharing between services 122

and DeepMind 24

and DoubleClick 122

and Drinkwater 235–8

Gmail 14

Google Docs 7, 13

Google Maps 6, 215, 236

Google+ social network exposure of user information 35

and individual rights 229

and passwords 33

privacy policy 122

private browsing mode 128

searches as most important data on human psyche 102

and transparency 211, 237 290

Guardian 38, 49, 66, 154–5

H&M 210

hacking 117

Hastie, Trevor 66

hate speech 288

Headspace 187

Hellerstein, Joe 61

High Line, New York 71–3

Hightail 174

Hill, Judith 175–6

Hoberman, Brent 290

Holland 85, 157–70, 205, 207–8, 239

Holley, Peter 9, 10

Honest Company 187

Houston, Drew 191

Hudson, Will 88

Huffington, Arianna 77

Hughes, Chris 116–17

IAB 101

IBM 58, 92, 297–8

IMDb (Internet Movie Database) 50

immersive technologies 267–8

see also virtual reality (VR)

insight 62–4, 102

Instagram 28, 40–41, 276

giving up 287–8

institute of advertising standards (IAB) 101

Intercept 53


acceptance as a physical place 67–9

achievements 305

as boomtown 69–73, 302

Chinese value systems of 245

companies tracking user movements 3–7

DARPA funding 245

fighting for a healthier internet 69

fingerprints 4

and government surveillance 122

identity 4

Internet of Things 278

monetization of web 3, 226, 231

and monopolies 24, 116–17, 212

need for new 26–30

neutrality 199

and offline values 98–9

online reviews and ratings 43–7

privacy 114–30

as real world 300–304

regulation see regulation

Russian value systems of 245

and T&Cs 36–43

and the Trust-Lite society 35, 42, 54

underworld 112

It’s Nice That 88

Jacobs, Jane 289–90

Jeremiah Johnson (Pollack film) 284–5

Jobs, Steve 166, 203–4, 283–4, 285

Kasparov, Garry 225, 226–33

Keltanen, Matti 66

Kennedy, John F. 232

Koblin, Aaron 260–73

Köpsell, Stefan 38, 39

Kumar, Apurva 9

Kutcher, Ashton 164 83

Lane-Fox, Martha, Baroness 290–92, 297 290

Layar 81

lean data 66, 95, 100, 109–12, 193, 199 82

Liao, S. Matthew 288

Liberty United 247

LinkedIn, and Big Data 58

Litman-Navarro, Kevin 40

Live Nation 175

Lohr, Steve 55, 66

London Review of Books 169, 186

Los Angeles 186–8, 190

Into Action festival 194

Lyft 113

Lynch, David: Lost Highway 13

Madrigal, Alexis 3

Marks, Mason 24–5

Marks & Spencer 291

matchmaking 17–18

dating apps 16–17

Maven, Project 238

McCandless, David 92

McKinsey & Company 248, 249

Media6Degrees 63

Meeker, Mary 306

MegaUpload 82, 174

Merrill, Douglas 65

Microsoft 58, 92

Milk, Chris 264

millennials 210

Miller, Arthur: The Crucible 44

MIT conference ‘Big Data: The Management Revolution’ 55, 56, 66

Moby 176

monopolies 24, 116–17, 212

Mundie, Craig 58

Musk, Elon 204, 232

Nalden (born Ronald Hans) 77–9, 80, 83, 84, 88, 162

NameDrop 37–8

National Health Service 24

Netflix 119, 193, 291

New York Times 5, 40, 55, 59, 73, 84, 288

NHS 24

Nield, David 4

Nike 83

Notice and Take Down Policy Group 111

Obar, Jonathan 37

Oeldorf-Hirsch, Anne 37

Olsen, Patrick 9

Omidyar, Pierre 233

Omidyar Network 113, 233, 234–5, 236, 243–4, 246

Omotenashi 104

OnStar 41

Open Society Foundations 299

Oracle 58, 92

Otonomo 9

Oy Transfer 79

Paglen, Trevor 67

passwords 33

Patagonia 113, 133

Peeple 43

Pepsi 252–3

Perlich, Claudia 63

PillPack 50

Pivot 295

populism 23

pornography 102, 111

Porter, Eduardo 73–4

predictive analytics 9, 50–51

Present Plus 83, 160

Prince 175–6


awareness 123–4, 128–30

in browsing see private browsing

concerns with telematics 108

education 128–30

online expectations 114

policies (PPs) 25, 36, 37, 40, 111, 122

real-world consequences of released private information 119–20

rights 98

scandals 28, 116–17, 147

settings 147

trade-offs 108, 123, 229

value of 302

private browsing 70, 230

DDG see DuckDuckGo

modes 128

Project Maven 238

psychological profiling 50

RapidShare 82, 174

ratings, online 43–7

Reading Plus 13

regulation 213, 292–7

European 239

REI Co-op 113, 114

Responsible Computer Science Challenge 244

Responsible Technology 66, 100, 199, 212–20

reviews, online 43–7

Reynolds, Glenn: An Army of Davids 77

Ring 6

Robinson, Sir Ken 94, 189

Rohingya Muslims 288

Rotten Tomatoes 46

Royal Mail 158

San Francisco 181, 185–6

SAP 58, 92

Schmidt, Eric 8

Schmitz, Kim (Kim Dotcom) 82, 174

Schoolman, Carlota Fay 302

Schutt, Rachel 55

Sears and Kmart 41

secretprojectrevolution 175

Serra, Richard 302–3

Silicon Beach 187

Silicon Valley 117, 141, 158, 170, 204, 208

and Drinkwater 238–9, 241

narrative/myths 166, 169, 208

VC culture 163, 168, 185, 226

Skoll, Jeff 137

Skoll Foundation 137

smartphones xiii, 7, 10

Snapchat 41, 187

Snowden, Edward 27

Solheim, Jostein 179

Solnit, Rebecca 169–70, 186

Soros, George 298–9

Spectrum 180

SpiderOak 114 125

Stamp, Robbie 292–5

Starbucks 247, 250, 251, 252–3

Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth: Everybody Lies: 102–4, 112

Sternfeld, Joel 72

Stoneman Douglas school shootings 194

Stripe 244

Szalay, Alex 65

TaskRabbit 43

telemetry 108

Television Delivers People 302

terms and conditions (T&Cs) 36–43, 111, 211

terms of service (ToS) 36, 37

Thiel, Peter 165

Thum, Peter 247, 248–60

TIME magazine 81, 118

Tinder 17

TOMS Shoes 114, 133

transparency 73, 81, 95–6, 99, 112, 159, 182, 211, 302, 306

and Facebook 96, 211

and Google 211, 237

and lean data 95–6, 199

and Responsible Technology 296

and WeTransfer 174, 199, 205

and Wikipedia 142

Triodos 133

TrueCar 187

Trump, Donald 243

trust 20, 23, 24, 294, 307

age of 31–54

and Amazon 49–51

and Apple 182

and the banking industry 130–37

and Big Data 56

bonds of 22

and car repairs 48

companies calling for 16, 24

companies redefining 288

and data as a normalizing tool 20

and Facebook 294

and T&Cs 36–43

Trust-Lite society 38, 42, 53

Wales on Wikipedia, Facebook and 138–56

and WeTransfer 79, 159, 199, 207

Turtle Conservancy 300

TwitPic 41

Twitter 41, 149–50, 176, 195, 229, 276, 291

Uber 24, 32, 210, 242, 263

Unilever 178, 179–80

United States of America

Department of Housing and Urban Development 24–5

gun reform efforts 194–7

internet neutrality changes 199

populist rise 23

smartphone penetration 10

Yahoo and US Congress 119

University of the Underground 176–7, 178, 188–9

Utrecht, Ellen 195

Varian, Hal 62–4

Vaynerchuk, Gary 77

Venice Beach 199

venture capitalists (VCs) 19, 161–4, 168, 185, 297

and Drinkwater 236–7, 239, 240–41

Silicon Valley VC culture 163, 168, 185, 226

and Thum 254–5, 259–60

Verizon 10, 180

Verkerk, Stefan 162

Vero 289

Vestor, Kim Tim Jim (Kim Dotcom) 82, 174

Vinyl Factory 32

virtual reality (VR) 260–63, 264–8, 270–71

Volkow, Ben 10

VPNs (virtual private networks) 70, 219, 230

VR (virtual reality) 260–63, 264–8, 270–71

Wales, Jimmy 138–56

Walmart 298–9

Warren, Elizabeth 133

Washington Post 9, 10, 24–5

Waze 6

Webvan 140–41

Weinberg, Gabriel 116, 117–30

Weiner, Jeff 58

Weise, Karen 5

WePresent 200


advertising 23, 109–10, 172–3

and Anything But Guns 196–7

basic settings 199–200

and Big Data 92–3

birth, development and growth 79–91, 254, 255–6

in California 184–93

classic design 206

collaborations 113, 173, 174–5, 184, 187–8, 189, 196, 197–8, 199

as a cultural business 160

current user numbers 199

data gathering 16

donated ad space to support arts 191–2, 200–201

ethos, values, and incentives to work for 23, 258–9

film production 194–7

finding the people 87–91

and flow 94, 189–90, 198

growth and lessons in Amsterdam 157–70

and 83

and lean data 95, 100, 109–12, 193, 199

net-neutral internet 199

Net Promotor Score 200

and Notice and Take Down Policy Group 111

path-making 202–9

and Present Plus 83, 160

and Prince 175–6

redefining itself 171–7

and Responsible Technology 212–20

T&Cs 111

transparency 174, 199, 205

and trust 79, 159, 199, 207

and University of the Underground 176–7, 188–9

and US gun reform 194–7

venture capitalists 161–4

and WePresent 200

Wikipedia 118, 138–56

Wired 81, 116

Wong, Nicole 244

Woolley, Suzanne 17

World Value Index 210

Wozniak, Steve 285

Yahoo 119, 169–70

Yelp 43

YouSendIt 89, 174

YouTube 45–6

Zuboff, Shoshana 214

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism 106

Zuckerberg, Mark 27, 39, 97, 145, 149, 238, 294, 295–6

in The Social Network 91