Sometimes we get to where we want not by design, but by a confluence of events. Although twenty years ago I did not see this book or teaching cooking classes in my future, I always asked the universe to point me in the direction of personal fulfillment and meaningful societal contribution. Nothing could make me happier than empowering others to nourish themselves and their families. Writing this book was both exciting and challenging, and I have many people to thank for steering me through the process.
To my husband, Daniel, the love of my life, my best friend, and my biggest cheerleader. Thank you for encouraging me every step of the way, for tasting beet greens and quinoa and date-sweetened muffins for the last twenty-plus years, and allowing me to do what I love.
To my three precious jewels, Emma, Anna, and Andrew (a.k.a. Mr. Picky), for giving me my favorite job in the world—being your mom. You have inspired me to be more patient, challenged me to make better food and filled my heart with an infinite amount of love.
To my parents, Lois and Mario, who taught me everything I know about hard work and putting family first, and who made a lot of sacrifices for me to have the opportunities I did. An extra special thank-you to my father, who allowed us to live a life with organic vegetable gardens, compost heaps, and an understanding of why eating whole foods matters.
To my Aunt Maria, my soul sister in the kitchen and whom I credit with encouraging my love of food and cooking from the time I was a wee one. You are the most talented cook I know and my best teacher.
To my mother-in-law and father-in-law, Sonia and David, who have been West Coast parents to me for almost twenty-eight years. Thank you for your unconditional support, for treating me like your daughter, and (Sonia) for buying me every new kitchen gadget you thought I had to have.
To Brandi Bowles, my incredible book agent, for peeling back the layers and seeing what I had to share in this book. Thank you for your guidance and believing in me. I know you always had my back.
To my cookbook editor, Renée Sedliar, who patiently and deftly helped guide me through this process of my first book. Thank you for going to bat for me when I needed it and for never making me feel that too many questions were too many questions. To the rest of the team at Da Capo: John Radziewicz, Kevin Hanover, Raquel Hitt, Miriam Riad, Lisa Diercks, and Christine Marra, thank you for your enthusiasm for this cookbook and for helping me share the message of good food.
To Amy Neunsinger, my most incredible photographer. You are so gifted and perfectly understood my philosophy and translated it through your lens. Not only were your images beautiful, you were the leader I needed for this book’s shoot.
To Vivian Lui, whom I trusted to cook my recipes for this book. You were flawless, a joy to work with, and I learned so much from you.
To Brian Boone for helping me pick the perfect props, which is definitely not my forte, and making it fun.
To my friend Hillary Hartman, for insisting I teach that first cooking class. You started it all! Thank you for not taking no for an answer! To all my girlfriends, but especially Andrea Stanford, Lori Goler, Melissa Bomes, Nancy Paul, and Nina Kotick. I couldn’t ask for a better crew. Thank you for always being available for an opinion, a taste, advice, or a shoulder to lean on. And thank you for encouraging me not to sell myself short. I love you dearly.
To Jenni Kayne, for inviting me into your beautiful kitchen every month for the last seven and half years, and for always inspiring me to take my recipes to the next level. I have loved our collaborations and our friendship that has developed.
And to Nicole Hirshberg, my most dedicated cooking class student over the last decade, my sounding board, and my friend. Thank you for showing up every month with your amazing group of gals and for all your valuable feedback. You have made me a better teacher.
To Peggy Curry and the entire Growing Great organization. You are pioneers in the farm-to-table, whole foods movement. Thank you for allowing me to help educate children and their parents about the value of eating higher-quality food. The work you do has made a difference in so many lives and has inspired me to pay it forward.
To my cooking class assistants, Elizabeth Lim, Lauren O’Neil, Leslie Scheid, Danielle Wolfe, and my summer interns, Hannah Geiser and Sydney Navid. Thank you for making me look good every single every day with your professionalism, attention to detail, and positive energy. Thank you for putting up with me when I wanted to test the squash recipe for the twelfth time or when I couldn’t remember how many tablespoons of vinegar I added to that dressing we tested last week. I adore each of you and I couldn’t have done any of this without you.
To all my cooking class students, who inspire me to create the best recipes possible and who push me to keep learning. I continue to do what I do because of you. Thank you for showing up to my classes every day with your open hearts and open minds. You have taught me so much and you have influenced the pages of this book more than you know. I love you all.
Last, but certainly not least, to the readers of my blog, all of whom I wish I could meet in my kitchen, this book is for you.