The ride back to
Willowbank takes
a lot longer. No one
talks. No one seems
to breathe. Dixon
passed his physical;
he reports for duty
next week. Malcolm
rocks his knees back
and forth, and my
stomach growls so
loud, Dixon turns
the radio up just
to drown it out.
I reach into my
pocket, feel around
for the piece of
notebook paper
on which I copied,
word for word,
exactly what
Captain Kidd, who
might be the most
famous pirate ever,
said in his ship’s log
on June 3rd,
more than two hundred
fifty years ago.
When we stop
along Route Nine
for gas and snacks,
I read the headline
on the papers stacked
beside the station:
Casualties Increase
as Johnson Moves
to Boost American
Troops. Before Dixon
and Malcolm come
back outside, I slide
the papers behind
the air pump
on which someone
has drawn a green
peace sign and
written underneath: