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abolitionist movement, 40
Abos, Theodore, 333–34
Adams, Charles Francis
on Buchanan, 299
on election day, 16
electoral count and, 241
Lincoln’s inauguration and, 301–2
Seward and, 373
on weather conditions, 169, 291–92, 346
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 213–14
Adams, Henry, 214
Agassiz, Louis, 42, 196
Alabama, secession and, 203
Alamo, 268
Albany Evening Journal, 167, 373, 374, 375
Albany Rail Road, 202
Albine (horse), 225
Allen, A. B., 221, 486
American Agriculturalist, 221
American Anti-Slavery Society, 40
American Farmer, 76
American Journal of Science and Arts, 63
American Museum, 246
American Notes (Dickens), 38, 341
American Telegraph Co., 263
Anderson, Eliza “Eba”
health of, 4–5
letter to husband from, 221–22
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 131, 141
slave trade, 27–28
visit from, 182–83
Anderson, Larz, 240
Anderson, R. C., 357–58
Anderson, Robert. See also Fort Sumter
after fall of Fort Sumter, 474
aniticipated surrender and, 377–78
Beauregard and, 352–53, 394
Buchanan and, 192
Buell and, 108–9
cabinet meeting and, 154–56
cannon and, 149
cartridges and, 334–35, 437
Davis and, 406
defenses and, 125
description of, 4
end of war and, 479–81, 487–88
family of, 4–5
fire in Fort Sumter and, 441
flag at Fort Sumter and, 149–50
Floyd and, 126, 127
Fort Moultrie battery and, 397
Fox and, 348–49
Holt’s letter to, 204–5
intercepted letter from, 399–400
Jamison and, 335–36
lack of action from, 206
Lamon and, 351–52
lead-up to war and, 3–4, 30
letter from wife, 221–22
Lincoln’s gratitude toward, 475
Lincoln’s instructions to, 386–87, 395, 399
Lincoln’s messengers and, 402
military career of, 24–25
occupation of Fort Sumter by, 128, 130–31, 135–42, 145–46
order to fire from, 430
Pickens and, 151–52, 199–201, 207–8
plan to blow up Fort Sumter and, 352–54
possible reinforcements for, 180–81
potential attack and, 107
powder and, 450
provisions and, 8, 207–8, 335, 339–40, 394, 415
reactions to move of, 153–57, 160–62
replacing Gardner, 24, 25
Ruffin’s blaming of, 202
secession and, 118
Shannon incident and, 379
shots fired on Fort Sumter and, 315–17
slave trade and, 27–28
South Carolina commissioners and, 200–201
South Carolina’s war preparations and, 163–64, 308–9
Star of the West and, 186, 188–89, 198
start of hostilities and, 425, 432
status of Fort Sumter and, 285, 286, 306–7, 357, 362, 385–86
on strength of forts, 29–30
support for, 157–58
surrender and, 8–10, 307, 314, 456–58, 460, 461, 462, 474
suspension of mail service and, 403, 409–10
during war, 486–87
war preparations and, 206, 219
Washington’s birthday salute and, 259
weapon placement and, 322
wife’s visit to, 182–83
Wigfall and, 456–57
Young and, 455
Antelope, 200
Anticipations of the Future (Ruffin), 70–72, 78, 210
antislavery societies, 40
Apostate, The, 245
Appomattox Court House, 479
Arabia, 294
Arago, 480
Argyle (horse), 224
Aristocratic Journey, The (Hall), 224
Arkansas, secession and, 468
Arrangements Committee, 267
Artesian Basin, 216, 217
Articles of Confederation, 129
artillery accidents, 333–34
Artillery School of Practice, Fort Monroe, 24–25
Astor House, 243, 245–46
Aunt Phillis’s Cabin, 46
B&O line, 249
Bailhache, William H., 235
Baltic, 392, 396, 424, 433, 434, 460, 474, 480
Barnum, P. T., 246–47
Bates, Edward, 327, 363–64, 422–23
Bates, Therena, 19
Bates Hotel, 235–37
Battery esplanade, 147
Beauregard, P.G.T.
after fall of Fort Sumter, 475
Anderson and, 4, 308–9, 314, 352–53, 394
anticipation of attack and, 9, 415–16
arrival in Charleston, 290–91
Chesnut and, 370
Confederate commissioners and, 346–47
Confederate flag and, 465
Crawford and, 385
daily life in Charleston and, 359
fortifications and, 362
Fox and, 348
Lamon and, 352
Lincoln’s messengers and, 402–3
preparations of, 334, 418–20
Ruffin and, 303
Shannon incident and, 379
Smith and, 284
start of hostilities and, 420–21, 425
status of Fort Sumter and, 372–73
surrender and, 456–59, 461, 463, 474
suspension of mail service and, 403, 408–9
telegram to and from, 417
Walker and, 389
Wigfall and, 452
Beecher, Henry Ward, 480
Beechwood (plantation), 489
Benwell, John, 26
Bertinatti, Giuseppe, 355
Black, Jeremiah S., 154–55, 161, 180, 212
Black Hawk War, 24
Black population, size of, 6
Black Republicans, 55, 74, 86, 90, 95, 194, 204, 290. See also individual people
Blair, Francis P., Sr., 281, 469
Blair, Montgomery, 281, 326, 327–28, 351, 364–65
Bleser, Carol, 33
Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon, Jr., 77
Bonner, John, 107
Bookstaver, David S., 249
Booth, John Wilkes, 245
Borland, Mrs. Lafayette, 330–31
Boston Courier, 92
Boyce, William, 75
Breckinridge, John C., 20, 85, 168, 241–42
Brevard, Keziah, 133, 169, 393
Brevoort House, 221
Brierfield Plantation, 217
Brooklyn, U.S.S., 165, 180, 182, 184, 190
Brooks, Preston, 383
Brown, John, 66–67, 68–70, 74–75, 111, 314, 484
Browning, Orville, 238, 239, 244–45, 281, 300
Brown’s Hotel, 54, 95
Buchanan, James
Anderson and, 201
annual address from, 98–100, 102–4
as bachelor, 100–101
cabinet and, 154–56, 180, 209
Charleston Harbor and, 105–6
Davises and, 169–70
description of, 100
Floyd and, 126
Fox and, 327
Hall-Hayne mission and, 219–20
Hammond and, 54
Holt and, 156, 169
lack of action from, 192
Lincoln’s election and, 16, 83
Lincoln’s inauguration and, 298–99, 301
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 150–51, 153–54, 158, 161–62
Peace Convention and, 215
ptomaine poisoning and, 267
safety measures taken by, 261
Scott and, 164–65
secession and, 120, 121, 123–24, 156–57
slavery and, 84
South and, 101–2
South Carolina commissioners and, 144–45, 161–62
Star of the West mission and, 182
Twiggs and, 268
in White Sulphur Springs, 77
Buell, Don Carlos, 108–9, 127, 146, 155
Buist, Henry, 432
Bull Run, 476, 481–82
Byron, Lord, 411
Cabin and the Parlor, The (Peterson), 45
calcium oxide, 284
Calhoun, John C., 34, 38–39, 161, 330
Cameron, Simon, 327, 328–29, 386–87, 474, 479
Campbell, John A., 337–39, 347, 370–72, 375–76, 388–89, 397–98
canister shot, 149
cannon, firing of, 332–33
Cantey, Jack, 225
Capers, Ellison, 151–52
Capitol building, 37–38
Cass, Lewis, 98, 105, 154
Castle Pinckney, 22, 29, 159–60, 205, 292
Catawba, 460
Century Magazine, 375
“Charge of the Light Brigade, The” (Tennyson), 293
Charleston. See also Fort Sumter
after fall of Fort Sumter, 471, 472
daily life in, 359
description of, 7, 25–26
Harpers Ferry raid and, 67
naval expedition to, 9
secession convention and, 112–14
slave trade in, 5, 26–27
Charleston Bar, 25
Charleston Club, 471
Charleston Courier, 224, 468, 475
Charleston Hotel, 25–26, 292, 351, 488
Charleston Mercury, 16, 72, 84, 116, 269, 303
Chase, Salmon, 273, 287, 327, 364
Chenery House, 226
Chesnut, James, Jr.
Beauregard’s response and, 9–10
cannon fire and, 411
Confederate constitutional convention and, 277
Confederate States of America and, 217, 303
forecast from, 463
hostilities and, 446
in Montgomery, 330
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 160
resignation of, 93, 96
Russell and, 471–72
secession and, 110
start of hostilities and, 425
surrender and, 458, 459
during war, 483, 484, 485
wife’s flirtation and, 361, 369, 370, 389
Mrs. Wigfall and, 394
Withers and, 278
Chesnut, Mary Boykin
after fall of Fort Sumter, 475
ambition of, 93–94
Anderson and, 410
anticipation of war and, 393–94
cannon fire and, 411–12
on Christmas, 131
diary of, 11, 93
dinner party and, 10–11
hostilities and, 446–48
lead-up to war and, 11–12
on Lincoln’s arrival in Washington, 269
Lincoln’s election and, 93, 96
Lincoln’s inauguration and, 302, 305
Manning and, 359–61, 369–70, 389
on marriage, 330–31
in Montgomery, 277–78, 303–4, 330
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 160
on Russell, 342
secession and, 117–18
on slavery, 94–95, 304–5
start of hostilities and, 428
surrender and, 462
during war, 483–85
Washington’s birthday salute and, 259
Wigfall and, 380–81
Withers and, 33, 278
Chew, Robert S., 394–95, 402, 411
chewing tobacco, 341–42
Chicago Tribune, 238
Chittenden, Lucius E., 273
chivalry, use of term, 5–7. See also individual people
Christmas celebrations, 131–33
circus licenses, 68
Clarkson, Thomas, 51
Clinch, Duncan Lamont, 28
Cobb, Howell, 102, 105, 154, 209, 215
cockades, blue, 85, 87, 96, 114, 116, 140, 178
Code Duello, 6–7, 13, 46, 81, 173, 231, 295, 367, 388, 413, 428, 477
Coffin Land, 25
Coleman, Ann, 100–101
Columbia, South Carolina
description of, 42
secession convention and, 110–11, 112
Columbiad, The, 149
columbiads, 149, 322
Columbus, Christopher, 149
Combahee (plantation), 117–18
Committee of Five, 193–94
Confederate States Army, 268
Confederate States of America
commissioners from, 291, 312, 318–21, 337–39, 346–47, 370–72, 376, 382–83, 388–89, 397–98, 401–2
flag of, 465
founding of, 215–16
military operations in Charleston and, 290
Congress, increased conflict in, 194–95
Congressional Globe, 261, 262
Congressional Record, 261
Conrad, Robert Young, 300
Constitutional Union Party, 16
Continental Hotel, 250, 251, 252
Cooper, Samuel, 109, 142, 163–64, 206, 219, 309, 377
Corwin, Thomas, 275
control of, 55–56, 472
“cotton is king” thesis, 56, 60, 472, 485–86
impact of Lincoln’s election on price of, 20
poor harvest of, 76
Craft, William and Ellen, 132
Crawford, A. J., 108, 183
Crawford, Martin J., 291, 338, 382, 401
Crawford, Samuel Wylie
Anderson and, 131
Anderson’s wife’s visit and, 183
Beauregard and, 385
on daily life in fort, 323
Fort Moultrie battery and, 397
on Fort Sumter’s condition, 148
General Clinch and, 139
on likelihood of secession, 108
on Lincoln, 237–38
mail and, 200
move to Fort Sumter and, 137, 138
Pickens’s men and, 151
provisions and, 207, 415, 429
Shannon incident and, 380
shots fired from Fort Moultrie and, 140
shots fired on Fort Sumter and, 315–16, 317
South Carolina commissioners and, 201
status of Fort Sumter and, 258–59, 372
weapon placement and, 322
on weather conditions, 210
Crimean War, 286, 293
Crockett, Davy, 38
Cullum, George W., 422–23
Cummings Point, 205–6, 219, 258, 308, 315, 316, 420, 429–30
Dana, Charles A., 343
Daniell electric battery, 125
Danton, Georges-Jacques, 111
Davidson, James, 300–301
Davies, Harry, 178
Davis, Esther, 131
Davis, Hector, 73
Davis, Jefferson
Buchanan and, 99, 103, 169
Campbell and, 375–76
M. Chesnut and, 304
commissioners and, 388
in Congress, 195
death of son, 485
inaugural of, 278
intercepted mail and, 410
military operations in Charleston and, 290
in Montgomery, 271, 278–79
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 153
as president of Confederacy, 217–18, 277
receptions given by, 484
secession and, 119, 120–21
start of war and, 476
status of Fort Sumter and, 405–7
surrender and, 463
on war, 280
Davis, Jefferson C., 138, 188–89
Davis, Joseph “Little Joe,” 485
Davis, Maggie, 280
Davis, Samuel, 280
Davis, Varina
Buchanan and, 169–70
M. Chesnut and, 304
Davis as CSA president and, 217–18
death of son, 485
marriage of, 279–80
on Montgomery, 278–79
Porter and, 119–20, 121
during war, 484
De Bow’s Review, 65, 210
De Saussure, Wilmot G., 432
Declaration of Independence, 114, 115, 129, 255–56
Delane, John, 293
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 388
Democratic Party. See also individual politicians
Lincoln’s election and, 16
Seward’s speech opposing, 60
in South Carolina, 113
Dennison, William, 468
Dickens, Charles, 7–8, 38, 293, 341–42
divorce, 330–31
Dix, Dorothea, 175–76, 194, 248
“Dixie’s Land,” 465, 471
Dodge, William E., 267
Doubleday, Abner
after fall of Fort Sumter, 474
Anderson and, 28
Anderson’s wife’s visit and, 183
baseball and, 323
on condition of Fort Sumter, 147
defense of Fort Sumter and, 357
end of war and, 480, 488
evacuation of families and, 211
fire in Fort Sumter and, 441, 442–43
Fort Moultrie battery and, 397
on lack of support, 165
Moultrie House and, 449–50
move to Fort Sumter and, 137–38, 139–40
opposition of to negotiations, 201
Pickens’s men and, 151
provisions and, 207, 415
public dislike of, 204
Shannon incident and, 379–80
shots fired on Fort Sumter and, 316
on Skillen, 159–60
South Carolina’s war preparations and, 205–6
Star of the West and, 186, 188, 198
start of hostilities and, 425, 427, 429–31
surrender and, 461
Doubleday, Mary, 137, 138, 139
Douglas, Stephen A.
at Inaugural Ball, 302
Kansas-Nebraska Act and, 54–55
Lincoln and, 58
Lincoln’s election and, 17, 19
Lincoln’s inauguration and, 299
Douglass, Frederick, 300
Dred Scott decision, 83–84, 299
drought, 75–76
Drummond lights, 284
Drunken Dick Shoal, 25
Dryden, John, 331
dueling, defense of, 383
dyspepsia, 41, 77
East Bay Artillery, 116
Edward Albert, Prince of Wales, 24, 235, 304
electoral count, 212, 213, 229, 237, 240, 241–42
Ellis, John, 468
Ellis, Sarah S., 279–80
Embarkation of the Pilgrims (Weir), 107
embrasures, 148–49
Englishman’s Travels in America, An (Benwell), 26
Ennels, James D., 334
escalade, 149
Essay on Calcareous Manures, An (Ruffin), 62
Eutaw House, 423
“Eve of Waterloo, The,” 411
Evergreen (plantation), 62
Expressman and the Detective, The (Pinkerton), 242
Farragut, David G., 165
fashion, 67–68
Faunce, John, 424–25
Federal Writers’ Project, 132
Felton, Samuel M., Sr., 175–78, 194, 248, 250, 256
Ferguson, Samuel Wragg, 291, 425–26, 462, 481
Ferrandini, Cypriano, 178, 270
fire-eaters, 16, 21, 78, 84, 90. See also Rhett, Robert Barnwell; Ruffin, Edmund; Wigfall, Louis T.
First Bull Run, 483
First Manassas, 483
Fitzpatrick, Aurelia, 278
Fitzsimons, Ann (later Hampton), 43
Fitzsimons, Catherine (later Hammond), 34–35, 39
floating battery, 289, 309, 314
Florida. See also Fort Pickens
navy yard in, 193
secession and, 133, 143, 179–80, 202
Florida Rail Road, 143
Floyd, John B.
Anderson and, 25
cabinet meeting and, 154–56
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 145–46, 154, 164
resignation of, 156, 170
weapons sent to South by, 126–27
Forsyth, John, 291, 320–21, 382, 401
Fort Drane, 144
Fort Johnson, 10, 22, 135, 420, 426
Fort McHenry, 221
Fort Monroe, 24–25, 165, 180, 221
Fort Moultrie
Anderson assigned to, 25
Anderson’s plan and, 135–36
battery on, 397
Charleston civilians and, 29
evacuation of, 135, 143–44
Foster and, 125–26
potential attack and, 107–8
reinforcement of, 292
Ruffin and, 313–14
secession and, 118
Shannon incident and, 379
shots fired from, 134, 140, 315–16, 334
South Carolina’s possession of, 160
Star of the West and, 185, 187, 188–89
vulnerability of, 22–24, 123
weapons seized from, 205
Fort Pickens, 193, 294, 362–63, 365, 373, 376, 392
Fort Sumter. See also Anderson, Robert
Anderson’s move to, 128, 130–31, 135–42, 143–44, 145–46
aniticipated surrender of, 377
cannon of, 148–49
Confederate plans to attack, 290
consideration of reinforcement of, 327–28
daily life in, 323–24
damage done to, 434, 440, 450–51
Davis and, 405–7
description of, 147–49
end of war and, 479–81, 487–88
evacuation of families from, 208, 211
evaluation of status of, 147–48, 285–86
fire in, 440, 441–42, 444
firewood and, 357
flag of, 149–50, 444, 449, 479–81, 487–88
Foster and, 125–26
Gardner and, 22
lack of instructions to Anderson regarding, 385–86
lead-up to war and, 3–4
Lincoln’s plans for, 402–3
Pickens and, 150–52
plan to blow up, 352–54
Powhatan and, 391–92
preparations of, 393
provisions and, 4, 8, 339–40, 394, 415
reinforcements for, 180–81
rumors of evacuation of, 318, 337–39, 340, 351–52
Russell and, 294, 472
Scott and, 325–26, 362
Shannon incident and, 379–80
shots fired on, 315–17
start of hostilities and, 426–32
surrender negotiations and, 8–10
troops needed for, 29
vote to resupply, 364–65
vulnerability of, 123
weaponry of, 23, 322–23
Foster, John G.
Anderson’s plan and, 135–36, 138, 139, 142
damage done to Fort Sumter and, 437
firewood and, 357
Fort Moultrie battery and, 397
lead-up to war and, 3–4
occupation of federal arsenal and, 160
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 131
reinforcement mission and, 349
rumors of evacuation and, 340
South Carolina’s war preparations and, 205, 308, 334
on status of fighting, 440
status of Fort Sumter and, 285, 409
war preparations and, 207, 323
work on forts by, 125–26
fougasses, 323
Fox, Gustavus Vasa
after fall of Fort Sumter, 474
Anderson on, 399
arrival near Charleston, 424, 433
departure for Washington, 396–97
intercepted mail and, 409
lack of action from, 439, 445
preparations of, 392, 396
preparations to oppose, 410
proposal from, 326–27, 328–29, 362
status of Fort Sumter and, 347–49, 386
Frank Leslie’s Weekly, 114
Freeborn, 396
Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 90, 275
Fuller, Margaret, 394
Furman, James Clement, 92
Gadsden, James, 27
Galloway, Edward, 461–62
Gardner, John L., 22–24, 25, 29
Garnett, Robert S., 294
Garrick (club), 293–94
Garrison, William Lloyd, 40, 66–67, 480
Gautier, Charles, 382
Gautier’s, 382
General Clinch, 28, 139
Georgia, secession and, 209
Georgiana, 464
Ghost Amendment, 276
Gibbes, Robert Wilson, 370, 394
Gidiere, Mrs. P. R., 160, 360, 428
Gist, William H., 68, 97, 99
“Gold-Bug, The” (Poe), 22
Gordon, 419
gorge, 148
Gosport Shipyard, 24, 165
Gourdin, Robert, 411
Governor’s Island, 181
grapeshot, 149, 207
Great Expectations (Dickens), 7–8
Great Western Railroad, 227–28, 233
Greeley, Horace, 86–87, 115, 121–22, 215, 245, 283, 343
Green, Mrs. Allen, 412
Guard House Riot, 32–33
Guide to Social Happiness, The (Ellis), 279–80
gunners, 332–33
Hall, Margaret Hunter, 224
Hall, Norman J.
cartridges and, 334
Hall-Hayne mission and, 201
move to Fort Sumter and, 135, 136–37, 140
provisions and, 339–40
Star of the West and, 198–99
on status of Fort Sumter, 286
in Washington, 204, 219–20
Hamilton, Jack Randolph, 447
Hamilton, Louisa, 447
Hammer, William H., 141
Hammond, Catherine (née Fitzsimons)
husband’s infidelities and, 47, 50, 53, 486
marriage of, 34–35
in Silver Bluff, 43
in Washington, 39, 54
Hammond, Edward Spann, 486
Hammond, Elisha, 32
Hammond, Harry, 53
Hammond, James Henry
background of, 31–32, 33, 34
on “the chivalry,” 5
on Christmas, 132
Columbia home of, 42–43, 47
in Congress, 37, 38–39, 40
“cotton is king” thesis and, 472
death of, 486
description of, 31
in Europe, 41–42
Harpers Ferry raid and, 69
holdings of, 31
Jamison and, 111
Lincoln’s nomination and, 75
marriage of, 34–35
Race Week and, 224
resignation of, 96
Ruffin and, 63, 64, 69
scandal involving, 50–52
secession and, 96–97
in Senate, 47, 53–54, 55–56, 69
sexual encounters with enslaved women and, 52–53
sexual encounters with nieces and, 47–50
slavery and, 35–36, 39–41, 45, 46, 51, 55–56, 221
during war, 485–86
Withers and, 277
Hammond, Marcellus, 54
Hammond, Marcus, 96
Hammond, William Cashel, 53
Hampton, Ann (née Fitzsimons), 43
Hampton, Catty, 43
Hampton, Christopher, 49
Hampton, Harriet, 43
Hampton, Wade, II, 43, 49–50, 51–52
Handel, George Frideric, 484
Harpers Ferry, 66–67, 68–69, 74–75, 475. See also Brown, John
Harper’s Weekly, 107, 269
Harriet Lane, 392, 424–25, 433, 434
Harris, Matthias, 138, 139, 149–50, 480
Hart, Peter, 183, 449, 480
Hartstene, Henry J., 348, 419
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 267
Hay, John
on Buchanan, 299
Campbell and, 376
Floyd and, 127
Lincoln’s Bates Hotel speech and, 237, 238
on Lincoln’s travels, 260
on Lincoln’s Trenton speech, 247
Scott’s recommendation and, 364
on Seward, 287–88
Seward’s memorandum and, 374–75
on Thompson, 180
Hayne, Isaac W., 201, 204, 219–20, 228, 394
Heavy Ordnance Manual of 1861, 332
Hercules (horse trainer), 225
Herndon, William H., 17, 58, 228
Heyward, Nathaniel, 5
Hinkley Locomotive Works, 228
Holcombe, Lucy, 77
Holmes, George Frederick, 45
Holt, Joseph
Anderson and, 204–5, 209, 306–7
appointment of, 156, 169, 170
as cabinet member, 154
end of war and, 488
Fox’s plan and, 327
Hall-Hayne mission and, 219–20
Hood, John Bell, 484
Hough, Daniel, 461–62
Huger, Benjamin, 126
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 153, 319
Hurlbut, Stephen A., 350–51, 352, 364
Hutchinson, J. H., 250
Idylls of the King (Tennyson), 6
Illinois, 392
Illinois State Journal, 228, 235
Inaugural Ball, 301–2
Independence Hall, 251–52, 255
Independent (New York), 67
Institute Hall, Charleston, 113, 115
Iron Battery, 206, 308, 420, 429–30, 431, 435, 444
Isabel, 460, 462
Ivanhoe (Scott), 6
Jackson, Andrew, 38, 39, 89, 105
Jackson, John Andrew, 132
Jackson, R.M.J., 487
James Island, 10, 135
Jamison, David Flavel
Anderson and, 200, 208, 335–36
Ruffin and, 114, 203, 314
secession and, 111, 115, 116
Jeff Davis (horse), 225
Jefferson, Thomas, 129, 272
Jockey Club Ball, 224
Jockey Club Purse, 225
Johnson, Louisa, 52–53, 54, 486
Johnson, Sally, 52–53, 54, 486
Johnston, James C., 133
Jones, Thomas D., 227, 228
jousting competitions, 6
Judd, Norman, 242–43, 246, 250, 253, 256–57, 268
Kane, George P., 177
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 54–55, 58, 83
Keitt, Laurence M., 75, 116
Keitt, W. J., 75
Kennedy, John A., 248, 264, 270
Key, Francis Scott, 38
King, Henry, 394
King, Horace, 215
King, William R., 101
Kossuth, Louis, 263
“kossuth” hat, 263
Lady of the Lake, The (Scott), 11, 380–81
Lamon, Ward
Anderson and, 351–53, 354, 399
assassination plot and, 270
expectations regarding, 377
Pickens and, 370
F. Seward and, 250, 252
traveling with Lincoln, 260, 263, 264
Lancaster Daily Evening Press, 260
Lane, Harriet, 101, 267
Latrobe, John H. B., 160
Latrobe, Letitia Gamble Holliday, 394
Lawrence, Richard, 38
Lee, Robert E.
Brown and, 66
offer of command to, 469–70
Scott and, 248
start of war and, 476
surrender and, 479
in White Sulphur Springs, 76
LeFlore, Greenwood, 31
Legare, James, 394
Lehman Brothers, 217
L’Enfant, Pierre, 38
Leonardo da Vinci, 323
Lewis, Emanuel, 149
Liberator, 40, 66
Library of Congress, 38
Lincoln, Abraham
after fall of Fort Sumter, 475
arrival in Washington, 264–66, 268, 269–70
assassination of, 488
assassination plot against, 176, 178, 248–54
Buchanan’s address and, 103
cabinet of, 287, 306
call for troops from, 467–68, 469
cartoons of, 269
certification of election of, 212
departure for Washington, 227–29
description of, 246, 355
in disguise, 263
economic impact of election of, 20
election of, 15–21, 83, 86, 88–90, 93, 96, 113, 130, 212
electoral count and, 241
emissaries from, 350–52
end of war and, 479, 488
Fox and, 327, 349
frustrations of, 166–68
Gautier and, 382
inaugural address of, 235, 238–39, 244–45, 281–83, 297–98, 299–301
instructions to Anderson from, 386–87, 395, 399
intercepted mail and, 409
on invasion and coercion, 236–37
Lee and, 469
naval expedition to Charleston and, 9
nomination of, 74, 75, 78–79
in Ohio, 240
Peace Convention and, 272–75
in Philadelphia, 247, 250, 251–52, 254–55
Pickens and, 371, 402–3, 406
Powhatan and, 391–92
proposed Thirteenth Amendment and, 276
Russell and, 355, 482
sale of furniture by, 226
Scott’s recommendation and, 356, 362–63, 364
secession and, 121–24
Senate campaign of, 58–59
Seward and, 195
Seward’s memorandum and, 373–75
slavery and, 90, 197
at state dinner, 363–64
status of Fort Sumter and, 306–7, 325–26, 328–29, 378, 385–86, 389, 394
threats against, 166, 242–43, 246
travel to Washington and, 177, 233–40, 243, 245–46, 247, 249, 256–57, 260, 263–64
Trumbull and, 91–92
vote to resupply Fort Sumter and, 364–65
Lincoln, Edward, 229
Lincoln, Mary
at Inaugural Ball, 302
in Lancaster, 260
Lincoln’s election and, 20
Russell and, 482
on Seward, 266
at state dinner, 363
travel to Washington and, 228
Trumbull and, 91
on war, 479
in Washington, 267
Lincoln, Robert, 228, 235, 238, 239, 250, 297
Lincoln, Tad, 239, 247, 266
Lincoln, Willie, 239, 266
Literary Messenger, 210
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin, 86
loophole windows, 148
Louisiana, secession and, 210
Lowndes, Sabina, 117–18
Lynch, Thomas Moore, 335–36
Macbeth, Charles, 480
Magoffin, Beriah, 469
Magrath, Andrew Gordon, 20, 200, 408–9
Mahan, Dennis Hart, 7
Manassas Junction, 476, 483
Manning, John L.
M. Chesnut and, 96, 277, 304, 359–61, 369–70, 389, 411, 448, 483
Russell and, 471–72
surrender and, 458, 459
Marion, 211
Marlbourne (plantation), 63, 489
Marriage à la Mode (Dryden), 331
Marts, Joseph, 378–79
McCord, Louisa, 45
McGowan, John, 184–85, 187, 189
Meade, R. K., 189, 198–99
Means, John, 412
Melvin, Samuel H., 226
Memminger, Christopher G., 129–30
Mexican War, 24, 107, 123, 125, 217, 279, 284, 406
Miles, Mr., 370
Millens, Samuel, 207–8, 289–90
Mills House, 25–26, 211, 380, 471
Mississippi, secession and, 191–92, 202
Missouri Compromise, 55, 58, 83, 111
Montgomery, Alabama
M. Chesnut in, 277–78
as Confederate capital, 215–16
Davis in, 278–79
description of, 216
slave trade in, 216–17
Montgomery Daily Post, 216, 217
Moore, Andrew B., 278
Morehead, Charles Slaughter, 275
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 274
Morris Island
battery on, 163, 205–6, 219, 289, 334
navigation of channel and, 25
position of Fort Sumter and, 147
Rhoda H. Shannon and, 379
Ruffin’s arrival on, 404–5
shots fired from, 315
Star of the West and, 185, 186
start of hostilities and, 426, 429, 432
Morrow, Dr., 370
Morton, Charles, 196
Moultrie House, 29, 334, 449–50
“Mudsills Speech” (Hammond), 55–56, 96
Muhlenfeld, Elisabeth, 95
Mulberry (plantation), 94, 95–96, 131, 132, 485
Napier, Francis, 56, 267
National Era, 44
National Hotel, 267, 291
National Mall, 54
“negro curfew,” 5
Neilen, Patrick, 141
Nelson, Samuel, 337, 347
“Never-Never” clause, 274
New York Day Book, 194
New York Herald, 89, 92, 166, 195, 256, 269–70, 302, 318, 343
New York Tribune, 67, 86–87, 112, 114, 182, 343
New York World, 242, 246
New-York Times
Buchanan’s address and, 99–100, 103–4
Lincoln’s arrival and, 269
Lincoln’s inauguration and, 300
Peace Convention and, 298
Raymond and, 91, 343, 373
Seward’s memorandum and, 374, 375
Van Wyck and, 262
Nicolay, John
Campbell and, 376
end of war and, 480
Floyd and, 127
Lincoln’s assassination and, 488
Lincoln’s election and, 17, 18, 19, 88
Scott’s recommendation and, 364
secession and, 124
on Seward, 287–88
Seward’s memorandum and, 374–75
on Thompson, 180
travel to Washington and, 228, 271
Nina, 159
Norfolk Navy Yard, 475
North Carolina, secession and, 314, 468–69
Nott, Josiah, 36
nullification, 34, 39, 89, 105, 161
Oakes, Francis J., 188
Oakes, Ziba B., 112
Oceanus, 480
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 37, 133, 343
Orr, James, 97
Owens, William, 143, 144
Palmetto Guard, 405, 420, 426, 453, 458–59, 460, 476
palmettos, 115, 116
Parker, Francis LeJau, 420–21, 426, 432, 435, 436, 440–41, 457
Parker, George, 302
Parrott, Robert Parker, 334
Pawnee, 392, 433, 434, 439, 445
Payne, Henry, 334
Peace Convention, 214–15, 220, 242, 267, 272–75, 283, 298, 301
Pensacola, Florida, navy yard, 193
personal-liberty laws, 129, 195
Peterson, Charles Jacobs, 45
Petigru, James, 111, 116–17, 133, 151, 351
Pettigrew, J. Johnston, 151–52
Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, 175, 176–77
Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin, 255
Philadelphia Daily News, 247
Philadelphia North American, 255
Pickens, Francis W.
Anderson and, 199–201, 207–8, 335
Anderson’s wife’s visit and, 183
description of, 161
Florida secession and, 202
Fox and, 347–48
Lamon and, 351
Lincoln and, 394
Lincoln’s messengers to, 402–3, 406
naval expedition to Charleston and, 9
occupation of Fort Sumter and, 150–51, 159
seizure of forts and, 220–21
Shannon incident and, 379
status of Fort Sumter and, 378
surrender and, 463
suspension of mail service and, 408–10
telegram from, 370–72
Walker and, 290–91
war preparations and, 163–64
in White Sulphur Springs, 77
Pickett, George E., 382
Pickett, James, 398
Pickett, John T., 320
Pierce, Franklin, 100, 217, 279
Pinckney, Harriott, 11
Pinkerton, Allan
investigation of unrest by, 177–78, 249
reality of conspiracy and, 270–71
travel to Washington and, 256, 263–65, 268
warnings from, 242–43, 246, 250–51, 253
Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency, 176–78
Planet (horse), 225
Pocahontas, 392, 433
Poe, Edgar Allan, 22
Polk, James K., 100, 101
Poplar Spring (preparatory school), 32
popular sovereignty, 54–55
Porter, David Dixon, 119–21, 123, 326, 334, 392
Powhatan, 365, 391–92, 396, 397, 424, 433, 439, 445
Preston, Sarah “Buck,” 484
ptomaine poisoning, 267, 291
Race Week, 223–25
Railroad Age, 177
Rattlesnake Shoal, 424
Ravenel, Henry, 222
Raymond, Henry J., 91–92, 343, 373, 374
Redcliffe Plantation, 31, 221, 486
Republican Party. See also individual politicians
Lincoln’s Bates Hotel speech and, 238
Lincoln’s election and, 16
Revolutionary War, 163
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 110, 111, 114, 115–16, 208, 360
Rhoda H. Shannon (schooner), 378–80
Richmond Enquirer, 86, 202
Richmond Whig, 491
Ridgely, Anna, 88–89, 90, 488
Ripley, Roswell S., 313, 419, 454
Rives, William Cabell, 272–75, 283, 468
Roman, André B., 291, 382, 401
Rosenberg, Charles, 26
Rowan, Stephen C., 439, 445
Rudd and Carleton (publisher), 157–58
Ruffin, Charles, 476, 483
Ruffin, Edmund
agricultural work of, 62–64
background of, 62–63
Brown and, 69–70
Buchanan and, 100
at Bull Run, 481–82
in Charleston, 203, 313–14
M. Chesnut and, 484
on Christmas, 133–34
damage done to Fort Sumter and, 434–35
death of, 490–91
deaths of children of, 65
Declaration of Independence and, 129
departure from Virginia of, 292
in Florida, 143, 179–80, 202
Hammond and, 69
Harpers Ferry raid and, 66
isolation of, 64–66
Lincoln and, 78–79
Lincoln’s election and, 19
Lincoln’s inauguration and, 303
Lincoln’s nomination and, 74
on Morris Island, 404–5, 412, 420, 435–37, 441, 443–44
novel by, 70–72, 78, 210
secession efforts of, 61, 78, 85–86, 87, 113–14, 116, 117
shots fired from Fort Moultrie and, 134, 140
start of war and, 420–21, 426–27, 428, 431, 476
Stowe in opposition to, 45
surrender and, 459, 460, 461
in Virginia, 209
Virginia secession vote and, 389–90, 468, 475
during war, 489–90
in White Sulphur Springs, 76, 78
Ruffin, Edmund, Jr., 476, 489, 490
Ruffin, Elizabeth, 113, 134
Ruffin, Ella, 65
Ruffin, Jane, 65
Ruffin, Julian, 134, 490
Ruffin, Mildred, 65, 74, 78, 357, 490
Ruffin, Rebecca, 65
Ruffin, Susan (née Travis), 62, 64–65
Ruffin, Thomas, 476
Rush, Benjamin, 115
Russell, William, 216
Russell, William Howard
Bull Run and, 482–83
Confederate commissioners and, 382–83
Lincoln and, 363–64
in Montgomery, 293–94
in New York, 341–45
Seward and, 354–56, 383–84, 422
in South, 464–66, 470–73
Wigfall and, 452
Ryan, Thomas, 27
Ryan’s Slave Mart (Ryan & Sons Mart), 5, 27, 73
salesmen, licenses for, 68
Sanford, Henry S., 344, 355
Santee River, 163
Schurz, Carl, 195
Scott, Walter, 6, 11, 135, 305, 380–81
Scott, Winfield
Adams and, 169
assassination plot and, 248–49, 253
on division, 297
electoral count and, 212, 241, 242
Felton and, 176
Fox and, 327, 347
Lee and, 469
Lincoln’s arrival and, 168
message to Lincoln from, 252
plan to blow up Fort Sumter and, 353–54
recommendations from, 123, 164–65, 356, 362–63, 364
reinforcements and, 180
rumors of insurrection and, 194
Russell and, 422–23
safety measures taken by, 261
Seward and, 299
Star of the West mission and, 182
status of Fort Sumter and, 307, 325–26, 328–29
screw sloops, 165
secession. See also individual states
advocates for, 30
Anderson on, 28
Buchanan and, 98–99, 103
convention regarding, 110–18
explanation of, 129–30
Hammond’s concerns regarding, 96–97
impact of, 191
ordinance declaring, 114–16
reactions to, 119–24
in Ruffin’s novel, 70–71
Ruffin’s promotion of, 61
Secession Hall, Charleston, 115
Seddon, James, 283
Seminole War, 24
Seminole Wars, 107, 144
Sevastopol, 286, 472
Seward, Frances, 102, 260–61, 306, 311–12, 313
Seward, Frederick
as assistant to father, 312
Confederate commissioners and, 320
Lincoln and, 249–50, 251, 252–54
Lincoln’s inauguration and, 299, 302
Russell and, 355
Seward’s memorandum and, 373
Seward, William Henry
Adams and, 169
amendment proposed by, 275–76
assassination plot and, 249, 253
Buchanan and, 102, 103
Confederate commissioners and, 319, 320–21, 337–39, 346–47, 371–72, 388, 397–98, 401–2
correspondence of with wife, 311–12
description of, 344–45
on disaffection, 212
Hammond and, 54
health of, 312–13
inaugural address and, 281–83, 300
Lincoln’s arrival and, 265–66
memorandum to Lincoln from, 373–75
Powhatan and, 391–92
pro-Union sentiment and, 350
Ruffin and, 74
in Ruffin’s novel, 70–71
rumors of evacuation of, 318
Russell and, 344–45, 354–56
Scott and, 299
secession and, 213, 214
secretary of state position and, 167–68, 287–88, 298, 306, 307
slavery and, 59–60
on South, 55
on Southerners, 383–84
speech against abolition by, 195–96
start of hostilities and, 422–23
status of Fort Sumter and, 328
on supplicants, 326
Treason Committee and, 194
vote to resupply Fort Sumter and, 364–65
Seymour, Horatio, 343
Seymour, Truman, 107, 141, 357, 379, 431
Shadow Amendment, 276
Shannon, Sam, 370
Ship Channel, 25
Shrapnel, Henry, 323
Shutes Folly, 159
Siege of Vera Cruz, 123
Silver Bluff (plantation), 35–36
Silvester, Peter H., 124
Simms, William Gilmore, 6, 45, 69
Simons, James, 452, 454
Sinkler family, 225
Skillen, Kate, 159–60
Skinner, John S., 76–77
slave patrols, 5, 36
slave rebellions
fear of, 6, 40, 74–75, 102, 133
rumors of, 19
Turner’s, 40
slave trade/slavery
Anderson and, 27–28
books addressing, 44–46
in Charleston, 5, 26–27
M. Chesnut and, 304–5
Chesnut on, 95
defenses of, 196–97
escapes and, 36–37
Hammond and, 35–36, 39–41, 51, 55–56
Lincoln and, 58–59, 90
Lincoln’s election and, 20, 21
Mississippi’s secession declaration and, 191–92
Montgomery, Alabama, and, 216–17
opposition to, 39–40
proposed amendments regarding, 274, 275–76
Ruffin’s defense of, 70–71
Russell on, 345
secession and, 130
Seward’s speech opposing, 59–60
South Carolina College and, 33–34
South’s fear of abolition of, 92
strength of, 73
in Washington, 37, 297
whipping and, 36
smallpox, 112
Smith, Caleb, 327, 364
Smith, Dr., 370
Smith, G. W., 284
Smithson, Joseph, 39
Smithsonian Institution, 39, 54
Snyder, G. W., 379
Somnambulist and the Detective, The (Pinkerton), 242
sounding, 184, 187, 189
South Carolina
explanation of secession by, 129–30
Lowcountry versus Upcountry of, 63
secession and, 85–86, 98–99, 110–18
war preparations and, 219, 308–10, 314, 350
South Carolina College, 32–34, 85, 110
South Carolina Jockey Club, 113, 223–24
South-Carolinian, 51
Southern Times, 34, 35
Springfield Republican, 166
St. Andrews Hall, 113, 114–15, 224
St. Michael’s Church, 5, 26, 116
St. Philip’s Church, 26
Staggers, W. L., 217
Stanton, Edwin M.
Buchanan and, 154–56, 161
conspiracy to seize Washington and, 214
end of war and, 479–80
Treason Committee and, 193
Star of the West, 180–82, 184–91, 198, 202, 205, 316, 327
Stark, Theo, 370
“Star-Spangled Banner, The,” 487
starvation parties, 484
Stephens, Alexander H., 167, 197, 217
Stevens, Peter F., 316–17
Stockton, Emma, 484
Stone, Charles P., 248–49, 252
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 44–45, 46
Strong, George Templeton, 241–42, 270, 318
Sullivan’s Island, 22, 25, 315, 334
Summer White House, 77
Sumner, Charles, 383, 428
Sumter, Thomas, 4
Supreme Court
Confederate commissioners and, 337
Dred Scott decision and, 83–84, 299
Swain, James B., 374
Taber, William, 360
Talbot, Theodore, 200, 204, 207, 387, 395, 402, 411
Taney, Roger B., 83–84, 299
Taylor, Sarah Knox, 279
Taylor, Zachary, 279
election results and, 17, 18
severing of, 263
Tennessee, secession and, 214, 468
Tennyson, 293
Tennyson, Alfred, 6
Texas, secession and, 268
Thackeray, William, 293–94
Thirteenth Amendment, proposed, 274, 275
Thomas, Lorenzo, 377–78, 385, 399–400, 409
Thomas, Philip F., 154, 209
Thomas Freeborn, 392
Thompson, Jacob, 154–55, 180, 181
Thompson, John
on Anderson’s move to Fort Sumter, 150
on battle, 427, 430, 438, 450–51
on Fort Sumter’s defenses, 160
on Fox’s ships, 434
Thornton, William, 37–38
thunder barrels, 323, 352
Ticonderoga, U.S.S., 333–34
Times of London, 293–94, 355, 482. See also Russell, William Howard
tobacco, 341–42
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 388
Toombs, Robert, 156–57, 318, 319, 338–39, 346, 406–7
Toucey, Isaac, 102, 154, 193
Travis, Susan (later Ruffin), 62, 64–65
Treason Committee, 193–94, 261
Trescot, William Henry, 98–99, 145, 153–54, 156, 360
Trollope, Anthony, 293
Trumbull, Lyman, 90–92, 123
Turner, Nat, 40
21st Regiment U.S. Colored Infantry, 480
Twiggs, David E., 268, 377
Tyler, John, 220, 283
Un Ballo in Maschera (A Masked Ball; Verdi), 247
Uncle Ben, 392, 396
Uncle Robin, in his Cabin in Virginia, and Tom Without One in Boston, 45–46
Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Or Life Among the Lowly (Stowe), 44–45, 46, 293
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 125
U.S. Census, 5, 6, 7
U.S. Post Office, 117
vaccinations, against smallpox, 112
Van Wyck, Charles H., 261–62
Van Wyck, Robert, 261
VanderHorst family, 361
Verdi, Giuseppe, 247
Vermilion County Press, 284
Vesey, Denmark, 40
Vigilant Rifles, 116
Villard, Henry, 89–90, 166, 234, 240, 297
Virginia, secession and, 209, 213–14, 272, 292, 298, 389–90, 467, 468
vultures, 26
Walker, Leroy Pope
Beauregard and, 290–91, 309, 373, 389, 403, 406, 417, 418, 475
Confederate commissioners and, 320
Fort Sumter siege and, 8
prediction regarding outcome of war from, 476
Warden, Ethan, 311
Warne, Kate, 177, 178, 243, 246, 263–64
Washburne, Elihu, 122–23, 265
Chesnut in, 95–96
conspiracy to seize, 212, 221
description of, 38
slavery in, 37–38
Washington Constitution, 92
Washington Light Infantry, 116
Washington Monument, 54, 214
Webster, Timothy, 178
Weed, Thurlow, 18, 167, 373, 374
Weir, Robert Walter, 107
Welles, Gideon, 119, 266, 327, 364, 376, 391
wet ditch, 125
White House, 39
White Sulphur Springs, 76–78
Whiting, W.H.C., 309, 419–20
Whitman, Walt, 245–46, 481
Wigfall, Louis T., 145, 166, 170, 300, 380, 394, 411, 452–59
Wigfall, Mrs., 394, 447
Wild Scenes of the South, 70
Wiley, Leroy M., 228
Willard, Joseph and Henry, 267
Willard Hotel
Lincoln at, 265, 267–68, 272, 273, 275, 298
Peace Convention and, 214, 272, 273, 275
Russell and, 344, 423
Wilson, John Lyde, 13
Winyah Bay, 163
Withers, Thomas Jefferson, 33, 277–78, 330, 360–61
Witherspoon, John, 370
Woods, Charles R., 182, 184–85, 187, 189
Yancey, William Lowndes, 78–79
Yankee, 392, 396
“Yankee Doodle,” 462
Young, William Gourdin, 404–5, 453–56, 457, 458–59
Young Men’s Secession Association (YMSA), 30
Zouaves, 116