
First, I’d like to thank Tom Winnett, founder of Wilderness Press, for inviting me on this life-changing voyage. Without him, I’d still be just a photographer. Thanks also to all the other folks at Wilderness Press, current and former, including Caroline Winnett, Mike Jones, Jannie Dresser, Andreas Schueller, Larry Van Dyke, Roslyn Bullas, and Elaine Merrill.

Many people helped make this book by sharing their time, their information, and their expertise.

In the East Bay: Steve Fiala, Bert Johnson, Alan Kaplan, Juan Carlos Solis, Paul Ferreira, Anthony Fisher, Maryanne Canaparo, Bob Flasher, Pat Solo, John Steiner, Alvin Dockter, and Mike Koslosky.

In the North Bay: Ron Angier, Natalie Gates, Ane Rovetta, Denis Odion, Diana Roberts, Klytia Nelson, Ralph Ingols, Milan Pittman, Angela Nowicki, Lynda Doucette, Paul Larson, Al Vosher, Willard Wyman, Elizabeth Beale, Charles Potthast, Ronessa Duncan, Dawn Kemp, Marla Hastings, Cleve Dufer, Kevin McKay, Bill Cox, Patrick Robards, Gale Lester, Mia Monroe, Bill Michaels, Casey May, Scott Rasmussen, Glenn Ryburn, Fred Lew, Carlos Porrata, Landon Waggoner, Bill Grummer, Cheryl Lawton, Rich Lawton, Val Nixon, Greg Hayes, Bill Trunick, and Martha Wise.

On the Peninsula: Kristi Webb, Stephanie Jensen, John Kowaleski, John Escobar, Michael Newburn, Andrew Martin, Chris MacIntosh, Pete Siemens, Patrick Congdon, Deane Little, Tom Lausten, Lisa Zadek, Craig Britton, Kerry Carlson, Dennis Danielson, Ken Fisher, David Topley, Ward Paine, Larry Hassett, Mary Davey, Allan Lindh, Steve Tedesco, Mort Levine, Herb Grench, Jay Thorwaldson, Stephen Salveter, Elizabeth Salveter, Jane Huber, Janet Schwind, Elizabeth Dana, Rodger Alleman, Lorraine Alleman, Marc Auerbach, Nonette Hanko, Carrie Sparks-Hart, Ken Miller, Joyce Nicholas, Dave Knapp, Matt Freeman, Cindy Roessler, Paul McKowan, and David Sanguinetti.

Friends were enlisted (entrapped?) as photography models and sometimes as hiking companions. Thanks to Laura Wood, Paul Ash, Silvia Fernandez, Elena Ash, Jed Manwaring, Brenda Tharp, Steve Gregory, Vickie Vann, Ken Kobre, Betsy Brill, Mary Thorsby, John Macchia, Angela Macchia, Susan Rouder, George deTunq, Lea Redmond, Otto Schutt, Lee Eisman, Jay Tennenbaum, Jordan Tennenbaum, and Carla Palmer.

Enjoying the trails vicariously, Denise Rehse and Debi Devitt transcribed countless hours of taped notes. Ben Pease drew the excellent maps and made valuable comments and suggestions based on his extensive knowledge of Bay Area trails. Kate Hoffman and Jed Manwaring visited some of the East Bay parks included in this book and provided updated material.

On a sad note, two people involved with my first book, East Bay Trails, have since passed away. Dorothy L. Whitnah, a Wilderness Press author, reviewed my original outline and kept me informed of East Bay happenings. Galen Rowell, a great photographer and East Bay native, wrote the book’s foreword.

Finally, thanks to my wife, Maggi, for her love and support.