This bibliography lists the books and catalogues known to contain reproductions of the specific prints appearing in this book, as indicated in the notes, together with a few other items which have been cited. At the beginning of some entries, either in the form of a name followed by a period or of an abbreviation, are shown the space-saving forms which have been used in the notes.

For a detailed bibliography of books on ukiyo-e, the reader is referred to Michener, The Floating World, pp. 379-90. Among more recent publications of general interest that should also be mentioned are a reprint of Ficke's Chats on Japanese Prints (Rutland, Vermont, 1958), Michener's The Hokusai Sketchbooks: Selections from the Manga (Rutland, 1958), Oliver Statler's and Yamada Chisaburō's Kiyoshi Saito: His Woodblock Prints (Tokyo, 1957), Statler's Umetaro Azechi (Tokyo, 1959), and volumes in the Library of Japanese Art (Rutland, 1955-59) on individual print artists - Harunobu, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kaigetsudo, Kiyonaga, Munakata, Sharaku, Toyokuni, and Utamaro.

Baker. Catalogue of an Interesting and Varied Collection of Japanese Colour Prints, Original Drawings and Illustrated Books, the Property of Kington Baker, Esq. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London, 1916.

Binyon, Laurence, & Sexton, J.J. O'Brien: Japanese Colour Prints. London, 1923.

Blanchard. Illustrated Catalogue of the Notable Collection of Japanese Color Prints, the Property of Mrs. John Osgood Blanchard. American Art Association, New York, 1916.

Boiler, Willy: Hokusai. Stuttgart, ca. 1955.

Buckingham. The Clarence Buckingham Collection of Japanese Prints: The Primitives. Edited by Helen C. Gunsaulus. Art Institute of Chicago, 1955.

De Gruyter, W. Jos: Van Moronobu tot Harunobu. s'Gravenhage, 1952.

Einstein, Carl: Der Frühere Japanische Holzschnitt. Berlin, n.d.

Ficke, Arthur Davison: Chats on Japanese Prints. London, 1915; reprinted, Rutland, Vermont, 1958.

Ficke. The Japanese Print Collection of Arthur Davison Ficke. American Art Association, New York, 1920.

_____. The Japanese Print Collection of Arthur Davison Ficke. Anderson Gallerics, New York, 1925.

Frankfurt. Japanische Holzschnitte aus der Sammlung Straus-Negbaur in Frankfurt A.M. ausgestellt im Städel'sehen Institut, beschrieben von Dr. Julius Kurth. Frankfurt am Main, 1909.

Fujikake, Shizuya: Japanese Wood-Block Prints. Tokyo, 1953.

Gonse. Collection Louis Gonse. Oeuvres d'art de Japon, choix d'estampes et de livres des principaux maîtres de l'ukiyoyé. Hotel Drouot, Paris, May 11, 1924.

Hakone. (Hakone sale catalogues.) Hakone, November 1314, 1917, and October 22-23, 1919.

Happer. Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Japanese Colour Prints and a Few Kakemono, the Property of John Stewart Happer, Esq. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London, April 26, 1909.

Hayashi. Collection Hayashi: Dessins, estampes, livres illustrés du Japon. Paris, 1902.

Hillier, J.: Japanese Masters of the Colour Print. London, 1954.

Hirano Chie: Kiyonaga: A Study of His Life and Works. With a Portfolio of Plates. Boston, 1939.

Hubert. Collection Hubert (vente après décès) estampes et livres japonais. Hotel Drouot, Paris, March 23, 1928.

Jacquin. Rare and Valuable Japanese Color Prints, the Noted Collection Formed by a Distinguished French Connoisseur of Paris. Catalogue by Frederick W. Gookin. Walpole Galleries, New York, January 20-22, 1921.

Kawaura Ken'ichi: Ukiyo-e hanga zenshū ("Descriptive and Historical Album of Old Japanese Prints of the Ukiyo-ye School"). Tokyo, 1918.

Kunstwanderer, Der. Berlin, June, 1922, pp. 463-70.

Kurth, Julius: Sharaku (2nd ed.). München, 1922.

_____: Suzuki Harunobu. München, 1910; 2nd ed., 1923.

Lane, Richard: Kaigetsudo (Library of Japanese Art, No. 13). Rutland, Vermont, 1959.

Ledoux, Louis V.: Japanese Prints of the Ledoux Collection (5 vol.). New York and Princeton, 1942-51.

Lewis, Raymond E.: Masterpieces of Japanese Color Prints. San Francisco, 1954.

London. Exhibition of Japanese Prints: Illustrated Catalogue, with Notes and an Introduction by Arthur Morrison. Fine Art Society, London, 1909.

Manzi. Catalogue des estampes japonaises (premiere partie) composant la collection du feu M. Manzi. Galerie Manzi, Joyant & Cie., Paris, February, 1920.

Matsuki. Japanese Color Prints Including Many Important Prints from the Collection of an Old Samurai Family in Tokio, Brought together by the Well-known Connoisseur, Bunkio Matsuki. Anderson Galleries, New York, 1920.

May. Illustrated Catalogue of a Very Important Collection of Rare and Valuable Japanese Color Prints. Formed by the Widely Known Connoisseur, the Late Frederick May. American Art Association, New York, 1918.

Michener, James A.: The Floating World. New York, 1954.

Mihara. Ukiyo-e hanga tenrankai mokuroku ("Catalogue of a Special Loan Exhibition of Ukiyoe Prints selected from the collection of Mr. A.S. Mihara to Commemorate the Opening of Viscount Seiki Kouroda Memorial Hall, Uyeno Park, October 17th, 18th and 19th, 1930"). Imperial Institute of Art Research, Tokyo, 1930.

Mitsukoshi. Gendai mokuhanga shūsaku ten. Mitsnkoshi Department Store, Tokyo, February, 1958.

Morse. Japanese Prints. Important Primitives & Representative Works by Other Masters . . . From Three Private Collections: The Late Charles J. Morse . . . The Late Helen Fahnstock Hubbard . . . and Mrs. Charles J. Liebman. Parke-Berner Galleries, New York, 1927.

Noguchi, Yone: Harunobu. Tokyo, 1940.

OAZ. Ostasiatische Zeitschrift. Berlin, 18 vols, 1912-43.

Ōiso. (Ōiso sale catalogue.) Ōiso, June, 1914.

Onchi, Kōshirō: Nippon no yūshū. Atami, japan, 1955.

Orange. Catalogue of an Interesting and Varied Collection of Japanese Color Prints. . . . A Choice Selection of Brilliant Surimono; and a Number of Illustrated Books: the Property of James Orange, Esq. and Dr. T.C. Thornicraft. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London, 1912.

Ostier, L.: Primitifs japonais. Paris, 1954.

Ruth, Catalogue of the Private Collection of an Importer of Japanese Products Comprising Valuable and Important Japanese Colour Prints Including Works of the Primitives and Early Masters. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London, January, 1911.

Salomon. Objects d'art du Japon & de la Chine. Laques japonais, bronzes et cloisonnés chinois provenant de la collection Raymon Koechlin. Poteries japonaises, netzuke, gardes de sabres, bronzes provenant des collections Edmond & Marcel Guerin. Estampes, peintures, livres japonais, livres europèens sur l'art provenant de la collection Ch. Salomon. Hotel Drouot, Paris, June, 1926,

Schraubstadter. An Exceptionally Important Collection of Rare and Valuable Japanese Color Prints, the Property of Carl Schraubstadter. American Art Galleries, New York, 1921.

Shibui Kiyoshi: Catalogue des estampes erotiques primitives du Japon (2 vol.). Tokyo, 1926, 1928.

Sotheby. Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Japanese Colour Prints, the Property of a Parisian Collector. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London, April 17, 1918.

Statler, Oliver: Modern Japanese Prints: An Art Reborn. Rutland, Vermont, 1956.

_____: Shiko Munakata (Library of Japanese Art, No. 12). Rutland, Vermont, 1958.

Straus-Negbaur. Sammlung Tony Straus-Negbaur. Japanische Farbenholzschnitte des 17. bis. 19. Jahrhunderts. Eingeleitet von Curt Glaser. Beschrieben von Fritz Rumpf. Berlin, 1928.

Tokyo. (Tokyo sales catalogues.) Ueno, November 18, 1927; Ōmori, May 3, 1933.

Ukiyo-e Kabuki gashū. Tokyo, 1927.

UT. Ukiyo-e taisei (12 vol.). Tokyo, 1930-31.

UTS. Ukiyo-e taika shūsei (20 vol.). Tokyo, 1931-32.

V&I. Vignier, Ch., & Inada Hogitarō: Estampes japonaises primitives. . . . Exposées au Musée des Arts Décoratifs en fevrier 1909. Catalogue dressé par M. Vignier avec la collaboration de M. Inada. Paris, 1909.

_____: Kiyonaga, Buncho, Sharaku, estampes japonaises . . . exposées au Musée des Arts Décoratifs en janvier 1911. Paris, 1911.

_____: Toyokuni, Hiroshige, estampes japonaises . . . exposées au Musée des Arts Décoratifs en janvier 1914. Paris, 1914.

Wadsworth. Japanese Prints: A Selection from the Charles J. Morse and Jared K. Morse Collection, Lent by Mrs. Jared K. Morse. Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, 1951.

Wright. The Frank Lloyd Wright Collection of Japanese Antique Prints. Anderson Galleries, New York, 1927.

Yoshida Teruji: Harunobu zenshū. Tokyo, 1942.