References to illustrations are in italics. References to notes are given as follows: 32n (for marginal comments) or 32n1 (where the note is numbered and refers back to the main text). References to glossary definitions are given as follows: 275g. Illustrations and notes are indexed separately only if there is no other information on that subject in the main text on that page.
- Absinthe (Degas, c.1875–1876)
- abstract art, see also Constructivism
- abstracted, definition
- Abstract Expressionism
- abutments
- academicism
- acrylic
- Adam, Robert
- additive process
- Adoration of the Magi (Botticelli, c.1475)
- Advantages of Being a Woman Artist (Guerrilla Girls, 1988)
- aedicules
- aerial perspective
- aesthetics
- Age of Bronze (Rodin, c.1876–1877)
- Agrest, Diane
- Alba Madonna (Raphael, c.1510)
- Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life (Steenwyck, c.1640)
- alloys
- altarpieces
- American art
- Analytical Cubism
- ancient and classical history
- animals
- anthropocentrism
- Antiquity, Classical see Classical Antiquity Apollo and Daphne (Bernini, 1624)
- applied arts
- applied plaster
- AQA Specification
- Araeen, Rasheed
- architectural elements
- architecture
- formal analysis toolbox
- form and style
- function
- high-tech
- historical and social context
- materials
- techniques, processes
- and national/ethnic identity
- Orders
- patrons
- politics of space
- Armada Portrait (Gower, 1588)
- armatures
- Arnolfini Portrait (Van Eyck, 1434)
- artists
- as curators
- personal experiences
- status
- art market
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- assemblages
- assessment criteria
- atrium
- Australia
- automation
- Autumn Effect at Argenteuil (Monet, 1873)
- avant-garde see also Fauves; Surrealism
- Avenue at Middelharnis (Hobbema, 1689)
- Awakening Conscience (Holman Hunt, 1853)
- azurite
- Bacchus and Ariadne (Titian, 1520–1523)
- Baker, Sir Herbert
- Bal du Moulin de la Galette à Montmartre (Renoir, 1876)
- balustrade
- Bank of England
- Banksy
- Bar at the Folies Bergères (Manet, 1882)
- Barcham, William
- Baroque
- architecture
- High Baroque
- Bartholdi, Frédéric
- Baselitz, Georg
- bas-relief (basso-rilievo)
- Baudelaire, Charles
- Baudrillard, Jean
- Baudry, Paul-Jacques-Aimé
- Beevers, David
- bel composto
- Bellelli Family (Degas, c.1858–1860)
- Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
- Bible
- Biblical scenes
- Bickerton, Ashley
- Big Man (Mueck, 2000)
- Billingham, Richard
- binders
- biomorphic forms
- Bird in Space (Brancusi, 1928)
- birds
- Black arts movement
- blaxploitation
- Blue Nude (Matisse, 1907)
- Boccioni, Umberto
- Borromini, Francesco
- Bosnian War (1992–1995)
- Botticelli
- Bourgeois, Louise
- Boyce, Sandra
- Brancusi, Constantin
- Branded (Saville, 1992)
- Brenn and his Share of the Plunder (Jamin, 1893)
- Britannia
- British art
- Broken Column (Kahlo, 1944)
- bronze (sculpture)
- Brunelleschi, Filippo
- Bryson, Theodore
- built environment see architecture
- buon fresco
- Burn, Gordon
- Byzantine mosaics
- Caillebotte, Gustave
- canonical works
- Canova, Antonio
- cantilevered forms
- Canton Tower, Guangzhou (Kuit and Hemel, 2009)
- capitals
- Caravaggio
- Caravaggisti
- Carroll, Margaret D.
- caryatids
- Casa Battló, Barcelona (Gaudi, 1904–1906)
- Cassatt, Mary
- Catholic Counter-Reformation
- celestial effects
- centring
- Cézanne, Paul
- Chadwick, Whitney
- Chapman Brothers
- Charles X, King of France
- Charlotte Corday (Baudry, 1860)
- chasing
- Cheang, Sarah
- chiaroscuro
- Chicago, Judy
- children
- Chinoiserie
- Christ of Clemency (Montañes, 1603)
- Church, as art patron
- Church of Santa Maria della Pace, Rome (Pietro da Cortona, 1656–1667)
- Clark, T.J.
- Classical Antiquity
- classical history
- Classical Orders
- class (social class)
- Clement VII, Pope
- clothed figures
- collage
- collectors
- Colomina, Beatriz
- colonialism
- colonnades
- colour
- architecture
- painting
- sculpture
- columns
- commodification
- complementary colours
- composition
- architecture
- painting
- sculpture
- Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red (Mondrian, 1937–1942)
- concrete, reinforced
- Condivi, Ascanio
- confraternities
- Constructivism
- consumerism
- contexts
- American art
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- British art
- Catholic Counter-Reformation
- definitions
- French art
- Italian art
- Mexican art
- patriarchal society
- racism
- sexism
- social class
- continuous narrative
- contracts
- contrapposto
- contre-jour
- corbels
- Corinthian
- Cornaro, Federico
- cornice
- Cortona, Pietro da see Pietro da Cortona
- Cosimo de’ Medici
- Council of Trent (1545–1563)
- Counter-Reformation
- crenellation
- critics
- cross-hatching
- cruciform
- Crystal Palace, London (Paxton, 1851)
- Cubism
- curtain walls
- Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé
- daguerrotypes
- Dancer Looking at the Sole of Her Right Foot (Degas, c.1900)
- ’Dancing House’, Prague (Gehry, 1996)
- David, Jacques-Louis
- David (Donatello, 1440)
- David (Michelangelo, 1501–1504)
- David with the Head of Goliath (Caravaggio, 1609–1610)
- Dead Christ (Fernández, c.1625–1630)
- Dead Dad (Mueck, 1996–1997)
- dealers
- death
- Death of Marat (David, 1793)
- Death of Sardanapalus (Delacroix, 1827)
- Deconstructivism
- Deer’s Skull with Pedernal (O’Keeffe, 1936)
- Degas, Edgar
- Delacroix, Eugène
- delineating
- Depression (1929–1941)
- De Stijl
- Destroyed Room (Wall, 1978)
- Destruction of the Father (Bourgeois, 1974)
- Díaz, Porfirio
- Dinner Party, The (Chicago, 1979)
- discrimination
- Discus-Thrower, The (Myron, c.450 bce)
- Domenichino
- domes
- domesticity
- Donatello
- donor portraits
- Doric
- Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) (Polykleitos, 450–440 bce)
- Do Women Have to be Naked to Get Into the Met. Museum? (Guerrilla Girls, 1989)
- Drew, Jane
- drums
- Duccio di Buoninsegna
- Duomo, Florence
- Dürer, Albrecht
- Dutch art
- Early Renaissance, 99–101, 122–124, 199, 278g
- Ecstasy of St Teresa of Ávila (Bernini, 1645–1652)
- Egg, Augustus Leopold
- egg tempera
- Egley, William Maw
- Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave
- Eiffel Tower (Eiffel, 1887–1889)
- Elizabeth I, Queen of England
- emblems
- Emin, Tracey
- emotions
- Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries (David, 1812)
- engaged columns
- entablatures
- Entombment of Christ (Caravaggio, 1602–1604)
- essentialism
- ethnicity
- ethnocentrism
- everyday life (’genre’ scenes)
- Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995 (Emin, 1995)
- exhibitions
- Expressionism
- ex-voto
- Eyck, Jan van see Van Eyck, Jan
- façade
- faceted planes
- Fallingwater, Mill Run, Pennsylvania (Lloyd Wright, 1935–1938)
- Fara, Patricia
- fathers
- Fauves
- Félibien, André
- feminism
- Femme Maison (Bourgeois, 1994)
- fenestration
- Fernández, Gregorio
- ferroconcrete
- fibreglass
- Figure with Raised Arm (Baselitz, 1982–1984)
- film noir
- Flack, Audrey
- flâneur
- Florence
- flowers, symbolism of
- flying buttresses
- Fordism
- foreshortening
- form
- architecture
- definition
- painting
- sculpture
- formal analysis, 1, 279g see also materials, techniques, processes
- form/style/function, 114–155
- genres, 20–57
- social and historical context, 156–189
- subjects, 20–21, 23, 58–69
- toolbox, 2–3, 6–18
- formalism
- Forrester, Sibelan
- found objects
- Fox Talbot, William Henry see Talbot, William Henry Fox
- French art
- French Revolution (1789–1799)
- frescoes
- friezes
- Frink, Elisabeth
- Frith, William Powell
- Fry, Roger
- function
- Future Systems
- Futurism
- gables
- Gainsborough, Thomas
- gallerists
- Galsworthy, John
- Gapova, Elena
- gargoyles
- Garnier, Charles
- Gaudi, Antoni
- Gauguin, Paul
- gaze
- Gehry, Frank
- gender
- crisis of masculinity
- definition
- patriarchal society
- politics of space
- stereotypes
- genres
- definition
- film genres
- ’genre’ scenes (everyday life)
- hierarchy of
- history genre
- landscape
- multi-genre works
- portraiture
- still life
- Gentileschi, Artemisia
- George IV, King of Great Britain
- Géricault, Théodore
- German Expressionism
- gesso
- Ghiberti, Lorenzo
- Giacometti, Alberto
- Gin Lane (Hogarth, 1751)
- giornate
- glass
- glaze
- Glover, David
- Gogh, Vincent van see Van Gogh, Vincent
- Golden Section
- Golden Verses, The (Araeen, 1990–1991)
- gold leaf
- Goldsmiths College, University of London
- Gothic Revival
- Gothic style
- Gower, George
- Goya, Francisco de
- Gozzoli, Benozzo
- graffiti
- Graham-Dixon, Andrew
- Grande Odalisque (Ingres, 1814)
- Great Depression (1929–1941)
- Great Exhibition (London, 1851)
- Greenberg, Clement
- Greer, Germaine
- group portraiture
- Guernica (Picasso, 1937)
- Guerrilla Girls
- Guggenheim, Peggy
- guilds
- Hadid, Zaha
- Hall, Edwin
- Halsman, Philippe
- hand-printing
- Harbinger Bird IV (Frink, 1961)
- Harris, Ann Sutherland
- Harris, Jonathan
- Harvey, Marcus
- hatching
- Hatton, R.
- Haussmann, Georges-Eugène
- haute bourgeoisie
- Heart of the Empire (Lund, 1904)
- Hellenistic art
- Hepworth, Barbara
- herringbone brickwork
- Hicks, Carola
- hierarchical scale
- hierarchy of genres
- High Baroque
- High Renaissance
- high-tech (high-technology architecture)
- high-tensile materials
- Hindley, Myra
- Hirst, Damien
- historical context see contexts
- history genre
- Hobbema, Meindert
- Hockney, David
- Hogarth, William
- Holland, Henry
- Holman Hunt, William
- Holy Virgin Mary (Ofili, 1996)
- Holzer, Jenny
- hoop-tie
- Hopper, Edward
- horses
- horse-shoe arches
- Hugh, H.P.
- humanism
- Huyssen, Andreas
- hybridity
- Hybrid (Saville, 1997)
- Hyperrealism (Superrealism)
- iconography
- animals
- plants
- religious symbolism
- social relationships
- symbols of power
- icons
- idealisation
- ideology
- Ignatius Loyola, Saint
- Iktinos
- impasto
- imperialism
- Impressionism
- Impression, Sunrise (Monet, 1874)
- In a Cafe or L’Absinthe (Degas, c.1875–1876)
- indulgences
- infra-red reflectology
- Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
- installations
- International Gothic
- International Style (Modern Movement)
- Intervention of the Sabine Women (David, 1799)
- In the Loge (Cassatt, 1878)
- In the Turkish Bath (Ingres, 1862)
- Ionic
- Irises (Van Gogh, 1889)
- I Shop Therefore I Am (Kruger, 1987)
- isotoria (narrative)
- Italian art
- I’ve Got It All (Emin, 2000)
- Jameson, Frederic
- Jamin, Paul Joseph
- Japonisme
- Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
- Jones, Jonathan
- Jopling, Jay
- J.P. Morgan Media Centre, Lord’s Cricket Ground, London (Future Systems, 1999)
- JR (French street artist)
- Judith Slaying Holofernes (Gentileschi, c.1620)
- July Revolution (1830)
- Kahlo, Frida
- Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
- Kandinsky, Wassily
- kitsch
- Kneeling Mother Nursing a Baby (Modersohn-Becker, 1907)
- Kollwitz, Käthe
- Kooning, Willem
- Koons, Jeff
- Kruger, Barbara
- Kuit, Barbara
- L’Absinthe (Degas, c.1875–1876)
- laity
- laity, education of
- Lamentation of Christ (Giotto, c.1305)
- lancets
- landmark buildings
- landscape
- Landscape with Church (Münter, 1910)
- Lange, Dorothea
- Laocoön (first century bce)
- lapis lazuli
- Lawrence, Doreen
- Lawrence, Stephen
- Lazare, Louis
- Le Corbusier
- Lefebvre, Jules Joseph
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Leroy, Louis
- Levete, Amanda
- liberal arts
- Liberty Leading the People (Delacroix, 1830)
- light and tone
- Light of the World (Holman Hunt, 1853)
- lilies, symbolism of
- lime-proof pigments
- line
- linear perspective
- Livy
- Lloyd’s Building, London (Rogers, 1978–1986)
- Lloyd’s of London
- Lloyd Wright, Frank
- loggia
- London
- Lord’s Media Centre, London (Future Systems, 1999)
- Lorenzo de’ Medici
- lost-wax process
- Louvre
- low-tensile materials
- Lund, Niels Møller
- Lustmord (Holzer, 1993)
- Luther, Martin
- Lydia at the Tapestry Loom (Cassatt, c.1881)
- Madero, Francisco
- Madonna Enthroned (Duccio, 1311)
- Madonnas
- maesta
- male gaze
- Malevich, Kazimir
- Maman (Bourgeois, 1999)
- Manet, $EAdouard
- Man Pointing (Giacometti, 1947)
- Marat, Jean-Paul
- marble (sculpture)
- Marilyn Diptych (Warhol, 1962)
- Marilyn (Vanitas) (Flack, 1977)
- Marley, Bob
- Martyrdom of St. Sebastian (Pollaiuolo, 1475)
- Marxism
- Mary Magdalen in the Grotto (Lefebvre, 1876)
- Mary (Virgin Mary)
- Masaccio
- masculinity
- crisis of masculinity
- nudes
- masonry
- materials, techniques, processes
- architecture
- definitions
- mixed media
- needlework
- painting
- printing
- sculpture
- Matisse, Henri
- mechanical arts
- mechanisation
- media, popular culture and
- Medici family
- medieval period (Middle Ages)
- memento mori
- men
- crisis of masculinity
- nudes
- Meninas, Las (Velazquez, c.1656)
- meritocracy
- methodology
- Mexican Revolution (1910-1920)
- mezzanine
- Michelangelo
- Michael Jackson and Bubbles (Koons, 1988)
- Middle Ages (medieval period)
- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
- Migrant Mother (Lange, 1935)
- Milkmaid, The (Vermeer, c.1660)
- Millennium Dome, London (Rogers, 1999)
- Milunić, Vlado
- minarets
- miniatures
- mise-en-scene
- mixed media
- modelling
- modern history genre
- Modernism
- modernity
- Modern Movement (International Style)
- Modersohn-Becker, Paula
- Mogul
- Monarch of the Glen (Landseer, 1851)
- Mondrian, Piet
- Monet, Claude
- monochrome
- Monroe, Marilyn
- Monument to Balzac (Rodin, 1891-1898)
- morality
- Morgan, Stuart
- Morris, William
- Mother and Child (Hepworth, 1934)
- motherhood
- Moulin Rouge (film, 2001)
- Mr and Mrs Andrews (Gainsborough, c.1750)
- Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy (Hockney, 1970.1971)
- Mueck, Ron
- Muir, Gregor
- multiculturalism
- multi-genre works
- Mulvey, Laura
- Munter, Gabriele
- Mural (Pollock, 1943)
- murder
- Museum of Modern Art, New York
- museums
- My Bed (Emin, 1998)
- Myra (Harvey, 1995)
- Myron
- mythology
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Napoleon III, Emperor of France
- Napoleon I on the Imperial Throne (Ingres, 1806)
- narrative (isotoria)
- Nash, John
- Nationale-Nederlanden Building, Prague (Gehry, 1996)
- National Gallery (London)
- nationality
- naturalism
- needlework
- Neo-classicism
- Neo-Expressionism
- Neo-Plasticism
- Neo-Platonism
- Netherlands National Building, Prague (Gehry, 1996)
- New York
- Niépce, Joseph
- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Nighthawks (Hopper, 1942)
- noble savage
- Nochlin, Linda
- No Woman, No Cry (Ofili, 1998)
- nudes
- O2, London (Rogers, 1999)
- Oath of the Horatii (David, 1784)
- Obregón, Álvaro
- odalisques
- oeuvre
- Ofili, Chris
- oil paint
- O’Keeffe, Georgia
- Olympia (Manet, 1863)
- Omnibus Life in London (Egley, 1859)
- opacity
- Opéra Garnier, Paris (Garnier, 1862–1875)
- Orders
- oriels
- Orientalism
- Osborne, Peter
- Ostwald, Wilhelm
- other
- Ovid
- painterly
- painting
- formal analysis toolbox
- form and style
- genres
- historical and social context
- materials, techniques, processes
- mixed media
- patrons
- subjects
- Pakistani British art
- Panofsky, Erwin
- Pantheon, Rome (118–128 CE)
- Paris
- Paris Street; Rainy Day (Caillebotte, 1877)
- Parker, Roszika
- Parthenon Temple, Athens (447–438 bce)
- Past and Present (Egg, 1858)
- patina
- patriarchal society
- patronage, 190–229 see also critics
- artists’ social status
- art market
- collectors
- private patrons
- public patrons
- Patron, The (Bickerton, 1997)
- pattern/ornament/decoration
- Paul III, Pope
- Paxton, Joseph
- pediments
- Peninsular War (1808–1814)
- perspective
- aerial perspective
- Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy
- photography
- photorealism (Superrealism)
- Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (Hirst, 1991)
- Piano, Renzo
- piano nobile
- Picasso, Pablo
- pictorial space
- picture plane
- pietà
- Pietà (Michaelangelo, 1498–1499)
- Pietro da Cortona
- pigments
- pilasters
- pilotis
- Pintoricchio
- Piss Christ (Serrano, 1987)
- plane
- plants, symbolism of
- Plato
- plein air
- politics of space
- Pollaiuolo, Antonio and Piero del
- Pollock, Griselda
- Pollock, Jackson
- polychromer
- polychrome works
- Polykleitos
- polyptych
- Pompidou Centre, Paris (1971–1977)
- Pop Art
- Popes, as art patrons
- popular culture
- pornography
- Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler (Picasso, 1910)
- Portrait of Omai (Reynolds, c.1776)
- portraiture
- post-colonialism
- Post-Impressionism
- postmodernism
- Powell, Colin
- power, symbols of
- Prairie Style
- precisionist
- pre-Columbian art
- prefabricated parts/units
- Pre-Rapaelites
- primary colours
- Primitivism
- private patrons
- Prix de Rome
- processes see materials, techniques, processes
- Procession of the Magi (Gozzoli, c.1459–1461)
- propaganda
- Proto-Cubism
- Proust, Antonin
- Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss (Canova, 1793)
- psychological interiors
- public patrons
- Pugin, Augustus
- racism
- Raft of Illusions (Rancinan, 2008)
- Raft of the Medusa (Géricault, 1819)
- Railway Station (Frith, 1860–1862)
- Rain, Steam and Speed – The Great Western Railway (Turner, c.1844)
- raking cornices
- raking light
- Rancinan, Gérard
- rape
- Raphael
- readymade
- realism
- Red House, Bexley Heath (Webb, 1859–1860)
- Regency see also Neo-classicism
- reinforced concrete (ferroconcrete)
- religious subjects, see also Counter-Reformation Virgin Mary
- Renaissance
- Early Renaissance
- High Renaissance
- Rendell, J.
- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
- Resting Venus (Titian, c.1538)
- retablos
- Reynolds, Joshua
- Riace bronzes (c. fourth or fifth century bce)
- ribbon windows
- ribs
- Rietveld, Gerrit Thomas
- Rockingham, Marquess of
- Rococo
- Rodin, Auguste
- Rogers, Richard
- Romanticism
- Rome
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Royal Academy
- Royal Pavilion, Brighton (Nash, 1815–1822)
- Ruskin, John
- rustication
- Rutherford, Jessica
- Saatchi, Charles
- Said, Edward
- Salon
- San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome (Borromini, 1638–1646)
- Saville, Jenny
- scale
- Schama, Simon
- School of Saatchi (TV show, 2009)
- Schröder House, Utrecht (Rietveld, 1924)
- screen printing
- sculpture
- formal analysis toolbox
- form and style
- historical and social context
- materials, techniques, processes
- patrons
- subjects
- Seagram Building, New York (Mies van der Rohe and Johnson, 1958)
- secco fresco
- secondary art market
- secular
- Self (Quinn, 1991)
- Self-Portrait (Dürer, 1500)
- Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (Van Gogh, 1889)
- Self-Portrait on the Borderline between Mexico and the United States (Kahlo, 1932)
- self-portraiture
- semi-monocoque
- semiotics
- Serrano, Andres
- sexism
- sexual images
- sexual morality
- sexual violence
- Shark (Hirst, 1991)
- Sherman, Cindy
- signatures
- signs
- silicone resin
- site/location (architecture)
- size
- skyscrapers
- Slave Ship (Turner, 1840)
- Sleigh, Sylvia
- Smith, Barbara Leigh
- social class
- social context see contexts
- socialists
- social relationships
- Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
- soft sculpture
- space
- Spanish art
- Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)
- Spear Bearer (Doryphoros) (Polykleitos, 450–440 bce)
- Spender, J.S.
- spiders,
- Spiritual Exercises (Ignatius Loyola),
- spray painting,
- Statue of Liberty (Eiffel, 1885),
- status, symbols of see also patronage
- steel (building material)
- Steenwyck, Harmen
- stereotypes
- stigmata
- still life
- Stubbs, George
- stucco
- style
- Abstract Expressionism
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- Baroque
- Classical Antiquity
- definition
- De Stijl
- Futurism
- Gothic
- Gothic Revival
- Modernism
- Neo-classicism
- Neo-Expressionism
- Post-Impressionism
- Renaissance
- Romanticism
- stylus
- subjects
- animals and birds
- children
- dancers
- death
- definition
- emotion and feelings
- fathers
- mothers
- murder
- mythology
- nudes
- religious subjects
- war
- sub-text
- subtractive technique
- supercollectors
- Superrealism
- Suprematism
- Surrealism
- Sydney Opera House (Utzon, 1973)
- symbiotic relationships
- symbolic exclusion
- Symbolism
- synaesthesia
- Synthetic Cubism
- Tasso, Agostino
- Taylor-Johnson, Sam
- techniques see materials, techniques, processes
- tempera
- tenebrism
- tension piles
- Teresa of Ávila, Saint
- Thatcherism
- themes
- Thinking of You (Kruger, 1999–2000)
- thinner
- Third of May 1808 (Goya, 1814)
- Thousand Years, A (Hirst, 1990)
- Three Graces, The (Canova, 1815–1817)
- Titian
- tondo
- tone, in painting
- toolbox (formal analysis toolbox)
- tooling
- trabeated
- transepts
- transparency
- transverberation
- Trent, Council of (1545–1563)
- Tribuna of the Uffizi (Zoffany, 1772–1777)
- Tribute Money (Massacio, c.1425–1428)
- tripartite arrangement/composition
- truth to medium, 92, 104, 106, 216, 286g
- Turner, J.M.W., 176n, 183
- Turner Prize, 217, 218, 219, 220–221
- tympanum, 109, 146–147, 286g–287g
- ultramarine
- Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (Boccioni, 1913)
- United States
- Untitled (Billingham, 1994)
- urban documentary
- Urban VIII, Pope
- Usonian architecture
- Utzon, Jørn
- Van Eyck, Jan
- Van Gogh, Vincent
- vanishing point, see also linear perspective
- vanitas
- Van Mander, Karel
- Vasari, Giorgio
- Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers (Van Gogh, 1888)
- Vázquez de Leca, Mateo
- Venus of Urbino (Titian, c.1538)
- verdigris
- verisimilitude
- Vermeer, Jan
- vernacular architecture
- victims
- Victorian morality
- View of Delft (Vermeer, 1660–1661)
- Villa Savoye, Poissy (Le Corbusier, 1928–1931)
- Virgin and Child (Masaccio, 1426)
- Virgin Mary
- Vitruvian Man (Leonardo da Vinci, 1490)
- Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio)
- Viva la Vida (Kahlo, 1954)
- volume/mass/form, in architecture and sculpture
- volutes
- Walker, J.A.
- Walking Madonna (Frink, 1981)
- Wall, Jeff
- war
- Warhol, Andy
- Webb, Philip
- Weisman, Leslie Kanes
- Westwood, Vivienne
- wet-on-wet
- Wheatfield with Crows (Van Gogh, 1890)
- Whistlejacket (Stubbs, c.1762)
- White people
- Wigley, Mark
- Woman with Dead Child (Kollwitz, 1903)
- Woman with Her Throat Cut (Giacometti, 1932)
- women
- as artists
- and domesticity
- and morality
- as mothers
- nudes
- in religious art
- violence against
- wood (building material)
- wood (sculpture)
- World Heritage Sites
- Wounded Cuirassier, The (Géricault, 1814)
- Wright, Frank Lloyd see Lloyd Wright, Frank
- YBA (Young British Artists)
- Zaborowska, Magdalena
- Zeitgeist
- Zoffany, Johann
- Zygotic Acceleration, Biogenetic, De-sublimated Libidinal Model (Enlarged × 1000) (Chapman Brothers, 1995)