Guilt pelted Noah’s conscience during the ride home. He had the opportunity to tell Joy that he was her pen pal and he couldn’t bring himself to do it, not when she seemed so adamant about stopping the letter exchange. He dare not think about how she would react when she found out.
Lord, in the short time I’ve known Joy, my feelings have grown. I believe she might be the woman I’ve been waiting for. I can’t keep this farce going. I have to find out why she stopped writing the letters.
Noah’s mind churned over the conversation with Joy the remainder of the ride home, as he completed the barn chores, and even while he worked in his shop on a special project.
The door opened, and his sister entered carrying a plate. “Mamm wanted me to bring you some supper.” Stella set the plate on the worktable. “Is everything okay?”
“Jah, why?” He continued scoring the rose-colored glass with the cutter.
“I think the last time you missed supper you were spending a lot of time with Ruby.”
He set the blade on the table and glanced sideways at his sister. “You can tell Mamm that I’m nett courting Ruby. I’m trying to finish a project before Christmas.”
“Mamm sent me out with chicken potpie, nett to pester you for the name of the girl you’ve been seeing.” Stella leaned closer and smiled. “So what’s her name?”
Noah molded the metal around the piece of glass and soldered the end.
“Is she Amish?”
His sister wasn’t coy, nor was she easily persuaded to mind her own business. He finished joining the pieces together, then held it up to inspect his work.
“What are you making?”
“A pair of glasses.”
“Rose colored?”
He set the glasses on the table, then moved over to the plate of food she’d brought and picked up the fork.
Stella slipped on the glasses. “These are strange. Everything looks different.”
“That’s the point.” Noah took a bite of the potpie. He was hungrier than he thought. A few minutes later, he scraped the last forkful off the plate. “Danki.” He handed his sister the empty dish and walked her to the door. “I have more work to do.”
“You’ve been spending a lot of time in Sugarcreek. She isn’t the motel owner, right?”
“Nay.” He opened the door, and as Stella was leaving, he said, “You can reassure Mamm that I’m only interested in courting a God-fearing, Amish woman.” Who just happened to bake the best peppermint cookies he’d ever tasted. Although his stomach was full, his mouth watered for a taste of Joy’s homemade treats.
Noah closed the door behind his sister, then returned to his worktable. He inspected the glasses once more, then slipped them on. His sister was right. Everything did look different.
Noah installed the cabinet’s last stained glass window, then stepped back to admire his work. It still amazed him that he was able to finish the motel job a week early.
“The stained glass matches the quilt perfectly,” Mrs. Paddock said.
“Thank you. I’m glad you’re pleased.”
“I’m more than pleased.” She bit into a cookie and her eyes widened. “This is good.”
“It’s called a snowball surprise.”
“I have to say, I’ll miss the baked goods you always bring.”
“Stolzfus Bakery is local—and Amish,” he said, watching her brows rise. “I’m sure your guests would enjoy Amish breakfast muffins or desserts.” He wouldn’t try to sell the Amish lifestyle to anyone if it wasn’t to help Joy.
Joy normally didn’t like working with sticky substances, and she wasn’t fond of the flavor of maple syrup, but the candy recipe had a star next to it in her mother’s cookbook.
“These are gut.” Meredith licked her fingers.
“Danki.” Joy scrubbed the maple syrup off the counter, then set the dirty pan into the hot, sudsy water to soak. Every day this past week, she worked hard to prepare a large assortment of sweets for the Christmas get-together. But mostly she worked hard to push her feelings for Noah aside and to tame her lingering thoughts about the cabinetmaker. How could she have allowed herself to fall for them both?
“You never answered mei question,” Meredith said. “What are you going to do when Noah and the cabinetmaker both kumm to the sleigh ride?”
“I doubt that will be an issue.” Joy shrugged. “I never heard any more from the cabinetmaker, and Sarah waited on Noah two days ago when he came into the bakery. He didn’t even ask if I was here or stay for kaffi. He just paid for his order and left.”
“I’m sure he knows you’re busy. Didn’t you say he had a project due by Christmas?”
Joy nodded even though she was sure Noah’s avoidance meant something more. “The last time we talked, Noah pressed me about why I stopped writing to the cabinetmaker. He isn’t interested in me. He was on a mission for someone else.”
The back door of the bakery opened and Lois entered, holding baby Stephen in one arm and leading Philip on her left. “Gut mariye.”
“Hiya.” Joy lifted Stephen out of her sister’s arms so Lois could remove her cape. “What brings you to town?”
“Someone wants to talk with us about the bakery.” Lois tugged on Philip’s coat sleeve and released his arm.
“Sarah didn’t get her name. Apparently a woman stopped by the other day asking to see the owner. She expressed interest in buying the bakery.”
“But Matthew said he wasn’t going to advertise it until after the sleigh ride.”
“He didn’t. I’m nett sure how she found out about the sale.”
“So where’s Sarah? She’s part owner.” Stephen fussed and Joy tried to soothe his crying by bouncing him in her arms.
Lois reached for her son. “She said she would go along with whatever we decide.”
“You mean whatever Matthew decides,” Joy muttered.
Lois glanced at her older son, who was eyeing the maple candy, then glared at Joy.
Meredith took Philip by the hand. “How about we go see what’s in the display case.”
Lois thanked Meredith and waited until they were out of earshot. “We couldn’t have kept the bakery open this long if it wasn’t for Matthew managing the finances. He’s done everything—”
The front doorbell jingled. A moment later, Meredith poked her head into the kitchen. “There’s someone asking to speak with the owner.”
Joy and Lois looked at each other, then went out front.
The salt-and-pepper-haired woman glanced up from the display case.
Recognizing the woman as the one who bought the heart of roses quilt at the Quilter’s Corner, Joy and Meredith exchanged glances while Lois greeted the woman.
Mrs. Paddock introduced herself as the owner of the Scenic Hill Motel and mentioned how one of her workers had supplied them with baked goods from their shop every day. “When I inquired about your bakery, I was told it might be for sale.”
The air left Joy’s lungs in a whoosh.
Had Noah leaked the news?
Her sister’s voice faded into the background of Joy’s reeling thoughts as Lois and Mrs. Paddock went into the kitchen.
Meredith elbowed Joy’s side. “Aren’t you going to go with them?”
She shook her head. “I need a few minutes.”
“Isn’t she the one who bought the rose quilt?”
Joy nodded. “She’s the woman Noah was making the stained glass for. And he must be the worker who told her about the bakery possibly closing.”
“You really think so?”
“He’s the only one who has bought pastries and cookies every day. Three dozen at a time.”
“Aenti Joy.” Philip sidled up beside her. “May I have a doughnut?”
Joy looked into the pleading eyes of her nephew and smiled. “Sure, pick which one you want.”
The young boy pointed to the one with sprinkles on the frosting.
Joy placed the doughnut on a napkin and led him to one of the tables. After instructing him not to get crumbs on the floor, she turned to Meredith. “Do you have a few minutes to watch him?” Now that she’d had time to compose herself, she wanted to find out more about the motel owner.
“I have all afternoon,” Meredith said.
Joy swept her hand over imaginary wrinkles on her apron and took a deep breath. Then the sound of the bell above the door caught her attention.
Noah smiled. “Gut afternoon.” His gaze darted from her, over to Meredith, then Philip, and back to Joy. His smile dropped. “Is something wrong?”
Joy marched toward him. “Do you have a few minutes to talk?” She pointed at the door. “Outside?”
“Jah, I wanted to talk with you about something too.”
She pushed the door open.
Noah hesitated. “Don’t you want to put a coat on? It’s kalt out . . . here.”
She continued out the door. “This won’t take long.” Leaving the shop, she crossed her arms as the icy breeze sent a chill down her back.
“What’s going on?” he said.
“That’s what I want to know.” She fought to control her shivers. “The motel owner you’re doing the stained glass for is here.”
A low growl escaped his mouth. He stared at the ground, his jaw twitching.
“Apparently one of her workers has been bringing in sweets from here and talking about this place.”
He lifted his head. “Is that why you’re upset?” Relief washed over his face as though her concerns were trivial.
“So it was you. You took the motel bakery items.”
“To share with everyone. What’s wrong with that?”
She looked up at the bakery sign attached to the building and her throat tightened. “You’re right. It is kalt out here.”
A long stretch of silence fell over the supper table that evening. Even Matthew, who was in favor of selling the bakery, didn’t say much after Lois shared the details.
Joy pushed the uneaten peas across her plate. She had prayed for God’s will and had tried to prepare herself to accept God’s decision, yet she was still struggling to understand.
“Mrs. Paddock said she would have her lawyers draw up an official offer,” Lois said. “She wanted to send an inspection team in to look at the appliances and an accountant to review the records, but I told her she would have to make arrangements with you after our Christmas sleigh ride.”
Matthew nodded.
Lois’s idle chatter continued until she must have realized no one was responding.
A few moments passed. This time Sarah broke the silence. “Well, I think it’s great news.” She paused as if waiting for someone to agree. When even Matthew didn’t, she said, “I’m glad I told her that we might close the bakery.”
“You told her that?” Joy said.
“Jah, the other day. She wanted to talk with someone about opening an account with us, and said something about serving our pastries in the motel breakfast room. I told her we probably wouldn’t be open much longer.”
A ball of fire rose to the back of Joy’s throat. She closed her eyes as an image of Noah’s confused expression crossed her mind.
“Joy, I don’t know if you were in the room when Mrs. Paddock mentioned hiring you to run the bakery,” Lois said, buttering a biscuit.
“I heard her.”
“At least nau you’ll be able to receive a paycheck for all your hard work.” Her sister handed a sourdough biscuit to Philip.
“And I’ll probably have someone interested enough in the bakery to show up on time to relieve me too,” Joy scoffed. If her sisters cared, they could figure some way to save the bakery. Together. As a family.
“I know what you’re trying to do,” Sarah said. “You want me to feel guilty for being happy. I can’t help that I never liked working there.”
“It was Mamm and Daed’s dream,” Joy said through gritted teeth.
“Jah, and after they died, you coveted the place.”
Matthew cleared his throat and furrowed his brows. “Can we finish this discussion after supper?”
Joy poked at her food.
Once Philip finished eating and was dismissed from the table, Matthew resumed the conversation. “I realize selling the bakery is an emotional topic, and understandably so. But we should all be mindful of one another’s feelings. Your parents wouldn’t have wanted the bakery to cause division in the family.”
Joy bowed her head. As painful as it was, her brother-in-law was right. Despite her sisters’ acceptance of the sale, Joy couldn’t help but wonder if they had done everything possible.
“Joy,” Lois said softly. “Matthew has talked the power company into extending credit two months in a row. The water bill is behind too.”
“I didn’t know.”
“I didn’t think it would come to this,” Matthew said. “Last year the fall color tours carried us through the winter. I assumed this year they would again, but the rain destroyed the season.”
“I didn’t know either.” Sarah frowned. “I should have been more sensitive. I’m sorry.”
Joy reached for her younger sister’s hand and gently squeezed it. “Me too.”
Tears streamed down Lois’s cheeks. “I wish there was some other way.” She clasped her hands with Joy and Sarah. “We can get through this together, right?”
Joy gave Lois’s hand a gentle squeeze and nodded. They kept each other strong after the fire. They would make it through this difficult time as well. Just as Joy accepted the bakery’s fate, another thought caused an unexpected heaviness to fill her chest. She might never see Noah again.