1. Joy is so excited about the Second Christmas sleigh ride that she begins planning what refreshments she will serve in October. Do you have Christmas traditions that you look forward to every year?

2. Joy’s sister accused Joy of coveting the bakery since their parents’ death. Can you see how easily it could happen? Have you found that you’ve been guilty of coveting something in your life?

3. Could you relate to Joy’s pain when the soon-to-be new owner wanted to change the bakery? Did she make the right decision when she refused to take the job?

4. Noah struggled with telling Joy he was her secret pen pal because he had been hurt in a past relationship. Was his failure to tell her who he was the same as lying? Would you be able to forgive someone as Joy was able to forgive Noah?

5. Joy was upset when she found out that the new owner planned to bring in frozen products and wanted to modernize the bakery while at the same time use the family name. Was there ever a time in your life when you felt as though you were expected to conform to an idea or practice you didn’t believe in?