Peanut butter. Chocolate. Potato chips. Bread. This is the most stoner-y stoner food ever. Goodbye, brain cells. My work here is done.
8 slices bread (any kind)
1 cup chocolate chips
One 9-ounce bag potato chips (Salty kettle chips work best.)
Peanut butter
Cooking spray
1. Set a grill pan over medium heat.
2. Take 4 slices of bread and spread ¼ cup chocolate chips on them.
3. Spread peanut butter on the other 4 slices. Break the potato chips up in the bag and crumble even amounts over the peanut butter slices.
4. Spray the pan with cooking spray.
5. Carefully assemble the sandwiches and gently press down with your hand to seal the deal.
6. Grill for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown and the chocolate has melted.
7. Mic drop. It’s not getting better than this.