1: Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Great Britain. 1942. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USW33–019093-C

2: Charles de Gaulle, half-length portrait. 1942. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62–96046

3: Pétain shakes hand with Hitler. 1940. Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-J28036, via Wikimedia Commons

4, 5, 6, and 7: Courtesy of Alfred Starr

8 and 9: Courtesy of the author

10: Vera Atkins, WAAF squadron officer. 1946. United Kingdom Government, via Wikimedia Commons

11: Lieutenant Odette Marie-Céline Sansom, George Cross, MBE. 1939–1945. Imperial War Museum, HALLOWES G M (MR), HU 3213

12: All rights reserved, Musée départemental de la Résistance et de la Déportation de Lorris

13 and 14: Courtesy of Anne Whiteside

15: Yvonne Cormeau. 1941–1945. Imperial War Museum, CORMEAU Y (MRS), HU 47367

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22: Courtesy of Yvette Pitt

23: Courtesy of Jean-Pierre Comert

24, 25, and 26: Courtesy of Archives départementales du Gers

27 (left): Photograph of Denise Bloch, no known author, via Wikimedia Commons

28 (right): Retrieved from

29: Captain Adolphe Rabinovitch, SOE. Imperial War Museum, SPECIAL FORCES CLUB COLLECTION, HU 98879

30: Diana Hope Rowden. 1942. Records of Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, United Kingdom Government

31: Produced by French government, no known source

32: Courtesy of Alain Geay

33 and 34: Courtesy of Ethel Starr Lagier

35: Hon. Assistant Section Officer Noor Inayat Khan (code name Madeleine), George Cross, MiD, Croix de Guerre avec Etoile de Vermeil. Imperial War Museum, DEPARTMENT OF DOCUMENTS VC-GC FILES/CARROLL F (WING COMMANDER), HU 74868

36: Retrieved from,%20Hans.html;

37: Paris, Avenue Foch, Siegesparade. 1940. German Federal Archives, via Wikimedia Commons

38 and 39: © Private Archives of Serge Ravanel, donation to AERI. Courtesy of Musée de la Resistance, via

40: Courtesy of Archives départementales du Gers, 42 J 385, Fonds Guy Labédan

41 and 42: By Jean Dieuzaide, courtesy of Michel Dieuzaide

43: SOE memorial plaque at Beaulieu, Hampshire. 2014. By Ericoides, via Wikimedia Commons