Chapter Nine

“Okay, so what do we know for sure?” Annabel is businesslike, complete with pencil poised over a notebook. We’re in a diner that makes me feel as if I’m in a movie about the birth of rock’n’roll. The countertops are red Formica, and gleaming chrome-and-plastic swivel chairs are lined along a bar. There’s a shiny soda fountain, and Buddy Holly is warbling away in the background. I’m halfway through my second Coke—I don’t think the first one even touched the sides of my throat on the way down—and chomping through a plate of the best fries I’ve ever eaten.

I doubt Annabel wants me to answer her question, so I dip another fry in ketchup and keep eating. Sure enough, she goes on. “The last time we know the peacock was there for sure was about a half hour before Penny heard the crash. That was before the electricians left.”

“Could the electricians have taken it? They had a truck parked out front.” I like to think I’m contributing.

“Good idea.” Annabel writes, Electricians? in her notebook. “Trouble is, we have two problems. One, they didn’t carry anything as big as the peacock out the front door, or Penny would have noticed. And two, they left before the case was smashed.” Annabel puts another two question marks beside Electricians? “After the electricians left, there was only Pete and Penny. Penny was at the front desk except for when she went to the washroom, but we don’t know where Pete was. Could he have stolen it?”

“Not on his own,” I say. “Where would he put it?”

“Besides, Pete wouldn’t need to smash the case—he has a key.” Annabel puts Pete’s name in the book but follows it with a question mark.

“So someone else,” I suggest.

Annabel writes, Someone else. “Okay. Someone else comes in and steals the peacock, someone who was tipped off that the power on the alarms would be out.”

“Pete could have tipped off his dad.”

Annabel rubs her chin thoughtfully. “That doesn’t sound like Kelly. It’s not the way he works. I’m not certain that he and Pete are smart enough to pull off something this complicated. And, don’t forget, Kelly was at the wreck with us when the peacock was stolen.”

“He could still be involved,” I say weakly.

“I suppose so.” Annabel puts Kelly beside Someone else and adds the inevitable question marks.

“We’ve got an awful lot of question marks,” I point out.

“I know,” Annabel says. She chews the end of her pencil. “I don’t see how we get around Penny hearing the crash. Even with her going back to her desk first, there’s not enough time for anyone to get the peacock out, into a vehicle and away. I don’t see how the timing can possibly work.”

“So we’re heading back to impossible.”

“No. We’re missing something.”

We sit in silence for a few minutes. Annabel doodles in her notebook, and I finish off my fries. Annabel is drawing keys and locks. Suddenly, she stops. “You saw the lock for the peacock’s case lying on the floor?”

“Yeah,” I say, wondering why this is important.

“It hadn’t been forced?”

“Didn’t look like it. But whoever stole the peacock didn’t need to force the lock. They simply went through the case with a club of some sort.”

“Exactly. So why was the lock open?”

“It fell apart when the case shattered?” I suggest.

Annabel shakes her head. “It was a high-tech lock. You’d need explosives to get it apart without a key.”

Realization dawns on me slowly. “So the case was unlocked with a key.”

Annabel nods. “And then someone smashed it to make us think that was how the peacock was stolen. That solves our time problem. The thieves had a full half hour after the electricians left to remove the peacock. The peacock was long gone when the case was smashed.”

“By Pete? Then he ran out onto the deck so that Penny wouldn’t find him beside the smashed case,” I suggest.

“Maybe,” Annabel says thoughtfully. “That would explain why Pete only came in when he heard Penny scream, not when the crash happened.”

“So Pete’s the thief ?” I say.

Annabel’s brow furrows as she concentrates. “But he couldn’t have worked alone, and we still have no idea how the peacock was removed. It wasn’t taken to the road, and it wasn’t hidden in the village. It couldn’t have been carried very far—someone would have noticed, and there wasn’t a lot of time.”

Again we lapse into silence. I’m trying to imagine what happened. I do my best imagining out loud. “The electricians leave,” I say. “Pete lets his accomplices in and opens the peacock case. At least two accomplices take the peacock out the back, so Penny doesn’t see them. Pete comes back into the museum, smashes the case and then goes out onto the deck. He probably assumed that Penny wouldn’t hear the crash.”

“She wouldn’t have heard it if she’d been at her desk instead of near the washroom,” Annabel says. “He probably intended for more time to pass before the theft was discovered. But when he heard Penny’s scream, he had to go back in.”

“So Pete’s involved.” I keep thinking aloud. “An international dealer is paying Pete, and maybe Kelly, to steal the peacock for him.” Then another problem surfaces. “But how could someone in New York or wherever know there was going to be a storm last night that knocked out the power?”

“He didn’t,” Annabel says excitedly, the words tumbling out of her. “The plan was to steal the peacock at night. That’s why Pete was so keen to work the night shift. That way he could power down the alarm system and have plenty of time to remove the peacock. They were ready to go, but they got tired of waiting and saw the power cut as an opportunity.” She calms down and frowns. “Of course, this is all speculation, and it doesn’t answer all the questions.”

“So what do we do?”

Annabel closes her eyes. She has the look of concentration she has when she’s reciting Pi. “If we’re right and the thieves were taking advantage of the storm, I doubt they were ready to ship the peacock out of Warrnambool. It’s still here, but it’ll be gone soon, probably tonight.” She opens her eyes and stares at me. “Is there anything else we could have missed?”

It’s my turn to close my eyes as I run back through the events, from arriving at the museum to searching the village. Nothing jumps out at me until I remember sitting on Reggie, watching Pete as he smoked his cigarette on the dock.

“That’s it!” I shout, startling Annabel and the waitress. “When we were on Reggie, Pete was on the dock across from us.”

“Ye-es,” Annabel agrees warily.

“His legs were dangling off the end of the dock. When you showed me the village yesterday, there was a red rowboat there. Today it was gone. Has anybody moved it?”

“I don’t think anyone was at the pond today except us.” Annabel sounds interested.

“Does the pond still link to the sea?” I ask.

“No, but it’s only a short distance to the beach.”

“Short enough that someone could haul a rowboat over it?” I ask.

“That’s how they did it.” Annabel is standing now. The alarmed waitress is staring. “Pete unlocked the case. The two accomplices took the peacock through the village, put it in the rowboat and took it out to sea. Come on! We have to get back to the museum. It’ll be dark in a couple of hours, and then it’ll be too late.”

I follow Annabel out, smiling apologetically at the waitress.