
Ukrainian names see names.

underprivileged Since a privilege is a special favour or advantage, it is by definition not something to which everyone is entitled. So underprivileged, by implying the right to privileges for all, is not just ugly jargon but also nonsense.

unique do not use it unless it is true. Unique means, literally, of which there is only one.

unlike should not be followed by in. Like like, unlike governs nouns and pronouns, not verbs and clauses.

unnecessary words Some words add nothing but length to your prose. Use adjectives to make your meaning more precise and be cautious of those you find yourself using to make it more emphatic. The word very is a case in point. If it occurs in a sentence you have written, try leaving it out and see whether the meaning is changed. The omens were good may have more force than The omens were very good.


cutbacks (cuts will do)

large-scale (big)

the policymaking process (policymaking)

sale events (sales)

strike action (strike)

track record (record)

weather conditions (weather)

wilderness area (usually either a wilderness or a wild area)

This time around means This time, just as any time soon means soon. On a daily/weekly/monthly basis means daily/weekly/monthly. And at this moment in time means now or at present. Currently, actually and really often serve no purpose.

Shoot off, or rather shoot, as many prepositions after verbs as possible. Thus:

Companies can be bought and sold rather than bought up and sold off.

Budgets may be cut rather than cut back.

Plots can be hatched but not hatched up.

Markets should be freed, rather than freed up.

Organisations should be headed by rather than headed up by chairmen.

People can meet rather than meet with each other.

Children can be sent to bed rather than sent off to bed – though if they are to sit up they must first sit down.

Pre-prepared just means prepared.

This advice you are given free, or for nothing, but not for free.

Certain words are often redundant:

The leader of the so-called Front for a Free Freedonia is the leader of the Front for a Free Freedonia.

A top politician or top priority is usually just a politician and certainly only a priority.

A major speech is usually just a speech, an executive summary a summary and a role model a model.

A safe haven is a haven, a free gift a gift and a whole raft a raft (who has ever had half a raft?).

Most probably and most especially are probably and especially.

The fact that can sometimes be shortened to that (That I did not do so was a self-indulgence), but not if it causes confusion.

Loans to the industrial and agricultural sectors are just loans to industry and farming.

Member states or member countries of the EU may simply be referred to as members.

In general, be concise. Try to be economical in your account or argument (“The best way to be boring is to leave nothing out” – Voltaire). Similarly, try to be economical with words – but not with the truth. “As a general rule, run your pen through every other word you have written; you have no idea what vigour it will give to your style” (Sydney Smith). Raymond Mortimer put it even more crisply when commenting about Susan Sontag: “Her journalism, like a diamond, will sparkle more if it is cut.

See also community, sloppy writing.

use and abuse are much used and abused. You take drugs, not use them (Does he use sugar?). And drug abuse is just drug taking, as is substance abuse, unless it is abuse of prescription drugs.