Here is a list of commonly used technology abbreviations.
ADSL | asymmetric digital subscriber line |
AOL | America Online |
ASCII | American standard code for information interchange |
ASP | application service provider (or active server page) |
BCC | blind carbon copy |
BPS | bits per second |
CAD | computer-aided design |
CC | carbon copy |
CDMA | code-division multiple access |
CGI | common gateway interface (or computer-generated imagery) |
COM | component object model |
CPC | cost per click |
CSS | cascading style sheets (or client-security software) |
DES | data-encryption standard |
DHCP | dynamic host configuration protocol |
DHTML | dynamic hypertext mark-up language |
DNS | domain-name system |
DRM | digital-rights management |
DSL | digital subscriber line (or loop) |
EDI | electronic data interchange |
EFF | electronic frontier foundation |
FAQ | frequently asked questions |
FDM | frequency-division multiplexing |
FSF | free software foundation |
FTP | |
GIF | graphics interchange format |
GPRS | general packet radio service |
GSM | global system for mobile communications |
GUI | graphical user interface |
HTML | hypertext mark-up language |
HTTP | hypertext transfer protocol |
IAB | internet architecture board |
IANA | internet assigned-numbers authority |
ICANN | internet corporation for assigned names and numbers |
ICQ | I seek you |
IDS | intrusion-detection system |
IETF | internet engineering task-force |
IM | instant messaging |
IMAP | internet message-access protocol |
IOT | internet of things |
IP | internet protocol |
IPTV | internet protocol television |
IRC | internet relay chat |
IRL | in real life |
ISDN | integrated services digital network |
ISP | internet service provider |
JANET | joint academic network |
JPEG | joint photographic experts group (or JPG) |
KBPS | kilobits per second |
LAN | local-area network |
LDAP | lightweight directory access protocol |
LINX | London internet exchange |
LTE | long-term evolution |
MBPS | megabits (millions of bits) per second |
MIME | multi-purpose internet mail extensions |
MMS | multimedia messaging service |
MOO | multi-user domain (MUD), object oriented |
MPEG | moving-picture experts group |
NAP | network access point |
NCSA | National Centre for Supercomputing Applications |
NNTP | network-news transfer protocol |
OFDM | orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing |
OS | |
OSI | open-source initiative |
P2P | peer to peer |
PAAS | platform as a service |
PCS | personal communications service |
PDA | personal digital assistant |
portable document format |
PGP | pretty good privacy |
PHP | hypertext preprocessor |
PKI | public key infrastructure |
POP | point of presence |
POP3 | post-office protocol (latest version) |
POTS | plain old telephone service |
PPP | point-to-point protocol |
QOS | quality of service |
RDF | resource-description framework |
RFC | request for comments |
RSS | really simple syndication (or rich site summary) |
SAAS | software as a service |
SMS | short message service |
SMTP | simple mail-transport protocol |
SOAP | simple object access protocol |
SQL | structured query language |
SSL | secure sockets layer |
TCP | transmission-control protocol |
TCP/IP | transmission-control protocol/internet protocol |
TD-SCDMA | time-division synchronous code-division multiple access |
TDM | time-division multiplexing |
TLA | three-letter acronym |
TLD | top-level domain |
TTP | trusted third party |
UC | unified communications |
UDDI | universal description, discovery and integration |
UDRP | uniform domain-name dispute-resolution policy |
UMTS | universal mobile-telecommunications system |
URI | uniform resource identifier |
URL | uniform resource locator |
UTF | |
UUCP | unix-to-unix copy protocol |
UWB | ultra-wideband |
VM | virtual machine |
VOD | video-on-demand |
VOIP | voice-over IP |
VPN | virtual private network |
VRML | virtual-reality modelling language |
W3C | world wide web consortium |
WAN | wide area network |
WAP | wireless-application protocol |
WASP | wireless-application service provider |
W-CDMA | wideband code-division multiple access |
WDM | wavelength-division multiplexing |
WEP | wired equivalent privacy |
WIMAX | worldwide interoperability for microwave access |
WLAN | wireless local area network |
WMA | windows media audio |
WML | wireless mark-up language |
WPA | Wi-Fi protected access |
WPAN | wireless personal area network |
WSDL | web services description language |
WWW | world wide web |
XHTML | extensible hypertext mark-up language |
XML | extensible mark-up language |
XRBL | extensible business-reporting language |
XSL | extensible stylesheet language |
Here is a list of countries of the world showing how many hours fast (+) or slow (–) they are relative to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The figures show the winter clock time; where summer time is normally observed, the hour is marked with*.
Algeria +1
Angola +1
Argentina –3
New South Wales, Canberra, Tasmania, Victoria +10*
Queensland +10
South Australia +9.5*
Northern Territory +9.5
Western Australia +8
Austria +1*
Bahamas –5*
Bahrain +3
Bangladesh +6
Belarus +2*
Belgium +1*
Bolivia –4
Fernando de Noronha –2
Coast & Brasilia –3*
West –4*
Acre –5
Brunei +8
Bulgaria +2*
Newfoundland Island –3.5*
Atlantic –4*
Eastern –5*
Central –6*
Mountain –7*
Pacific –8*
Chile –4*
China (mainland) +8*
Colombia –5
Katanga, Kivu +2
Kinshasa +1
Costa Rica –6
Croatia +1*
Cyprus +2*
Czech Republic +1*
Denmark +1*
Dominican Republic –4
Ecuador –5
Egypt +2*
Estonia +2*
Ethiopia +3
Finland +2*
France +1*
Germany +1*
Ghana GMT
Greece +2*
Hong Kong +8
Iceland GMT
India +5.5
Eastern +9
Central +8
Western +7
Iran +3.5*
Iraq +3*
Ireland GMT
Israel +2*
Italy +1*
Ivory Coast GMT Jamaica –5
Japan +9
Kazakhstan (West) +4
Aktau, Atyrau, Aktyubinsk, Uralsk +5
Almaty, Astana +6
Kenya +3
Korea, North & South +9
Kuwait +3
Latvia +2*
Lebanon +2*
Libya +2
Lithuania +2*
Luxembourg +1*
Malaysia +8
Malta +1*
Mexico, Mexico City –6*
Morocco GMT
Netherlands +1*
New Zealand +12*
Nigeria +1
Norway +1*
Oman +4
Pakistan +5
Panama –5
Papua New Guinea +10
Paraguay –4*
Peru –5
Philippines +8
Poland +1*
Portugal GMT *
Puerto Rico –4
Qatar +3
Romania +2*
Moscow +3*
Omsk +6*
Saudi Arabia +3
Serbia and Montenegro +1*
Sierra Leone GMT
Singapore +8
Slovakia +1*
Slovenia +1*
South Africa +2
Spain +1*
Sweden +1*
Switzerland +1*
Syria +2*
Taiwan +8
Tajikistan +5
Trinidad & Tobago –4
Tunisia +1
Turkey +2*
Ukraine +2*
United Arab Emirates +4
United Kingdom GMT *
United States
Eastern –5*
Central –6*
Mountain –7*
Pacific –8*
Alaska –9*
Hawaii –10
Uruguay –3
Uzbekistan +5
Venezuela –4
Vietnam +7
Yemen +3
Zambia +2