Chapter 5


We fell right back into our old patterns, which was great. However, maybe I was more mature, or maybe it was because I was older, or maybe I was just sending off the right vibe, because I started noticing a lot of women at college, both older and younger, were paying attention to me.

That would have been fine. Gwen was more than enough for me. And I had skewed the odds in my favor when I went to college. Our school was a ratio of nearly two to one. There was a shortage of men on our campus.

At first that didn’t bother Gwen, but eventually it did.

I could tell. I wasn’t stupid.

“We should go out on dates,” she said one day after we finished fucking in my dorm bed.

“Isn’t that what this is? We do it every Tuesday and Thursday.” My second year roommate had a very set schedule. We had three hours in the middle of the day when we could fuck our brains out.

“I was thinking that we needed to expand our horizons,” she said.

I grinned. “Are you suggesting anal?”

She swatted me. “No! I got asked out on a date.”

My stomach sank through the floor. “By who?” I asked but I didn’t want to know.

“Mark Davies. He’s in my chem lab.”


“Would that be okay with you?”

Technically, Gwen didn’t have to ask my permission to date or fuck anyone else.

It was telling that she did ask.

“Uh…I suppose. Do you have something planned?”

“He said he wanted to take me to the comedy show at the Union this weekend. He said it’s because I have a great personality.”

“Oh. Huh. Yeah. I mean, you’re your own person. You can do that.” I couldn’t help myself. I had to say something. “This works both ways, right?”

“Why? What do you mean?”

“Tina Walter, the work study assistant in the Econ department?” I phrased her name as a question. “She flirts with me all the time.”

“Right,” Gwen said dismissively.

I shrugged. “Well, maybe flirting isn’t accurate. She said anytime I wanted to fuck her I just had to give her a call. If you’re going to be busy Saturday night…” I didn’t finish the statement.

I saw a hundred emotions flash through Gwen’s face. “Yeah. Sure. Take her out. Fuck her in her room. Or here.”

“Are you going to fuck Mark?” I asked pointedly.

“Maybe,” she hedged. “I haven’t decided yet.”

“Good. Let’s do it and compare notes.”

We only had a few minutes before we had to get to class. Oddly, this dating talk was making my cock rise and Gwen certainly noticed that.

She grinned at me. “You want to go again one more time?” she asked as she rolled on top of me.

“I don’t think I have a choice.”

We had just started—I had barely slipped my cock into her—when the dorm room opened and Harvey, my roommate, walked in. We weren’t exactly fully exposed, but it was obvious we were naked under the covers of my bed. 

“I’ll…be back in ten minutes,” he said, making a graceful exit, closing the door behind him.

Gwen laughed, but she didn’t get off me. “Ten minutes is all you need, big boy.”


So I went to a lame party with Tina while Gwen was out with Mark. I told myself everything was fine and this is what we wanted.

The problem was the party Tina took me to was extremely lame, even for me. Boring. She and I talked to the others in the house for a while, but they were mostly concerned with watching TV and drinking beer. Neither of these activities appealed to us, so we left for my room.

“My place is closer,” I told her.

That’s all the seduction she needed. That and access to the dorm’s interior to use the bathroom. Once that was done we went to my room. 

“What do you want to do?” I asked her, completely out of my element despite the setting.

“You know what I want to do,” she said, approaching me.

I did.

She pressed close to me and we kissed.

It was only then I realized how much shorter she was compared to me. 

That didn’t matter. We undressed each other and got into my bed.

Tina had straight brown hair that was cut to a short, practical bob. She also had big tits with large areolas. That wasn’t exactly a turn-on for me, but I wasn’t going to complain. I was surprised at how eager she was to have sex. In my twisted mind I still thought that sex was something only a very select few women liked.

I was wrong about that, it was just that women I’d been with were more than willing to have sex with me.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked when things were right on the edge.

This was the wrong time to talk about birth control.

Especially since I hadn’t planned ahead and figured all women were like Gwen, coming with birth control already installed. 

Stupidly I wasn’t worried about diseases.

“Shit. No. I…uh…I didn’t plan ahead. I’m out.”

I hadn’t bought condoms since my one time with Lissa.

“That’s okay. I have some in my bag.”

I loved a woman who came (heh) prepared.

There was a bit of awkwardness as she found her bag, got out the condoms, and gave one to me. More pause as I opened and rolled it on. Finally we were back and ready to go.

Slipping my cock into Tina was easier than my first times with Lissa or Gwen. I wasn’t sure if Tina was a giant slut or hypersexual. I didn’t really care, but she was really wet. I had gone down on her a bit as we were playing around. She had a full natural bush, a relic of the time, but she also had fat, puffy labia. Yes, I was comparing the women I’d been with but I wasn’t yet twenty. What the hell did I know?

Once I was inside Tina, we fucked like we were old lovers.

She loved it when I slammed into her.

I loved how welcoming her pussy was.

I loved it when she grabbed my ass and pulled me deeper into her.

When she came, her face scrunched up like she was in pain. I could feel her pussy clamping down on me.

I was proud that I didn’t cum right away and spoil the moment.

I did pause while she climaxed.

“You’re…you’re still hard,” she panted.

“Yeah. I didn’t cum.”

Her eyes gleamed with happiness.

“Can you keep going?” 

“Sure, I was just giving you a moment.”

“Fuck me,” she begged. “Fuck me hard!”

I could do that.

I did do that.

I didn’t want to admit to her or myself that I wasn’t really attracted to her. She was a nice enough person and had an okay body, but it didn’t do anything special for me. This was just casual sex.

But I still made her cum three more times. I left her moaning and breathing heavily.

“You have…you have to…to stop.”

“Why? Am I hurting you?”

She flopped her head back and forth. “No. It’s good. Too good. Too much.”

“Okay, I can stop.”

Her eyes snapped open. “Did you cum?”


“Ohh…finish off. Use me. Fuck me. Just…finish.”

It was a strange request but I wasn’t going to say no, not with my cock buried in her. 

I closed my eyes and pounded away. 

I fantasized that I was fucking Lissa.

In less than a minute I came.

I felt bad about using Tina that way, but she didn’t know.

“Oh…so good,” she moaned softly as I finished.

“Yeah. That was great.”

“I just want to rest my eyes a minute,” she lied to me. Her words were already slurred and she was drifting off. 

This didn’t bother me. More than once Gwen had spent the night in my bed; I’d done the same in hers. No big deal. Sometimes it took an understanding roommate or having a roommate elsewhere that night. I didn’t know where Harvey was that night. I didn’t really care either.

The bed was narrow, but we were dumb college students. After disposing of the condom, I lay down next to Tina and fell asleep with her.


It might have been ten minutes later. Or an hour. Or it might have been three a.m. I don’t know and I don’t remember. 

I was woken by a knock at the door. I figured it was Harvey and he had forgotten his key. I grabbed my robe and stumbled to the door to let him in.

I was wrong. It wasn’t Harvey.

It was Gwen.

She was upset. Flustered. It took me a second, but I realized she was crying.

Gwen didn’t say anything to me. She just pushed into the room. 

“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed to me.

I was confused, to say the least.

“Sorry? About what?”

Gwen was just about to sit on my bed when she realized it was occupied by Tina, who, by now, had woken and started to sit up.

That’s when it became apparent that Tina was naked. Because her breasts were exposed when the sheet slid down her body.



The same words were spoken by the women. Gwen’s in shock and Tina’s in surprise.

“I didn’t know you had…company,” Gwen said between sniffles. 

That was wrong. She was the one to encourage me to go out with—and fuck—Tina.

Tina moved to cover herself up and then extended her hand. “Hi, I’m Tina. Are you a friend of Shane?”

I realized that the two women didn’t know each other. It was a small college, but everyone didn’t know everyone. 

“Yes,” I spoke quickly. “A friend. Tina, Gwen. Gwen, Tina.” I glanced back and forth between the two. “I think Gwen’s had a bad night.”

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.” Tina got out of the bed, pulling a blanket with her, mostly covering herself.

I couldn’t not stare as Tina hugged Gwen. It wasn’t supposed to be sexy, but Tina was mostly naked. I could see her bare ass and the situation had me on an erotic edge. 

“What happened?” asked Tina. It was interesting that she went into girl talk mode even though they didn’t know each other. 

And Tina didn’t really know the type of relationship I had with Gwen.

This was going to go bad very, very fast.

I expected Gwen to say nothing and then run away. 

Instead she poured her fucking heart out to Tina.

In between sobs and gasps she said, “I went out with a guy, went back to his place, had sex…it was terrible.” Crying.

Tina stepped up. “Did he…you know… rape you?” She barely spoke the R word.

Gwen shook her head vehemently. “No. He…it…was…just awful. Bad. I didn’t want to be there, but I didn’t…FUCK!”

We both took a step back from Gwen’s outburst.

“Why’d you come see Shane?” Tina asked, glancing warily my way. “Is this guy a friend of Shane’s?” Tina eyed me suspiciously, as if I had done something wrong.

“I don't even know the guy!” I protested.

“Mark doesn’t know Shane,” Gwen confirmed.

“Then why did you come here?” Tina wanted to know.

It was a good question. It was a sincere question. Tina was a psychology major. And she wasn’t an idiot.

Neither Gwen nor I said anything, but the looks we exchanged said way too much.

“What's going on?” asked Tina, backing away. She looked on the floor and saw her clothing.

Throwing caution to the wind along with the blanket she had used to cover herself, Tina grabbed her underwear off the floor and started quickly dressing.

“What are you doing?” I asked. It was a stupid question.

“Getting out of here,” she said. Tina didn’t bother putting on her bra, she just stuffed it into her bag and pulled on her shirt and jeans before jamming her feet into her shoes. “I don’t know what kinky shit you two are into, but I’m not into it.”

“He’s just a friend!” Gwen protested. It didn’t sound sincere to my ears at all.

“Yeah. Right.” She grabbed her jacket and glared at us. “This is the worst way to try to seduce me into a threesome that I could possibly imagine. What’s wrong with you two?”

“We’re not trying to seduce you into a threesome!” I insisted. A second later I hated myself because that would have been awesome.


Gwen was getting angry. “I came here for sympathy! Not to be accused of being a lesbian!”

“Bi,” I corrected her.

“Ha! Good-bye Shane! Don’t ever talk to me. Both of you!” Tina slammed the door on her way out.

I blinked. “I was saying she was accusing you of being bi, not lesbian,” I clarified for Gwen.

“Yeah. I got that.” Dejected, she sat down on my rumpled bed and started crying again.

I sat next to her and just held her. 

Gwen spent the night.

We didn’t have sex.

We didn’t even talk.