We had some life goals. Get money to buy a house. Get better jobs. Get married. Have kids.
The last two were partly for our families, but we realized that we sort of did want kids. Just not right away.
Our families knew about the first four goals.
They didn’t know about our list.
Gwen insisted we get a list together of everything we wanted to do before and after marriage, before and after kids.
“Like, go on a month-long camping trip in the Adirondacks?”
She gave me her exasperated expression. “No. Like having a threesome.”
“What? Do you want—”
Gwen waved an envelope in front of me. “Here’s my list. You need to write one. Ten items, I think would be good. Whatever matches on both, we do.”
In no particular order, together we had:
I was surprised that she had included others in our sex life, especially the swapping.
“Have you met my parents?” she asked.
“Do they seem like they’re happy?”
“Not exactly.”
“It’s not just because they live in the ass end of the state. It’s because they’re both having affairs behind each other’s backs. And everyone knows but they refuse to acknowledge it.”
“I didn’t know this.”
“You’re always the last to know about everything,” she pointed out.
“And you think that us having sex with other people will prevent us from being in a miserable marriage?”
“It can’t hurt,” she said. “My parents should just get divorced.” She gave me a rueful grin. “Your parents are probably swingers. They seem happily married.”
“I think they’re just boring. But maybe instead of seeking out others we should try something else first.”
“Why do you want me to take dirty pictures?” she asked, indicating number seven.
“Uh…we’re both young and time is a bitch. We’re only going to get older and uglier as time goes on. I want some sexy photos of you in your prime for when I’m old and lonely.”
Gwen rolled her eyes but agreed.
Four and five proved the easiest to accomplish.
Gwen had a beautiful ass that I had experimentally and lightly spanked on more than one occasion during sex. She agreed and when we tried it for the first time, it surprised the hell out of her when I held her down and spanked her ass red.
She said it hurt and she couldn’t sit on a hard surface for a couple of days. But she also said it tuned her on and made the sex better.
It was easy to buy bondage equipment. It turned out that both of us liked being tied up and teased by the other. The hard part was hiding our equipment from friends and family.
I liked to restrain Gwen with cuffs and straps, put nipple clamps on her and use a vibrator to make her cum until she was crying.
She liked to tie me up and give me a long, slow blowjob that could last for over an hour. Sometimes she would sit on my face while doing it so I could eat her out and make her cum. Gwen became accomplished at creating the ruined orgasm. Repeatedly she would bring me to the brink and then stop.
It was torture.
It was heaven.
Eventually I’d cum after an hour of attention. She’d only need to lightly touch my cock and I was erupting.
The boudoir photos were actually sort of a disappointment. The pictures were nice and she was sexy in them, but they came off as a low-rent Playboy shoot that straddled the border between erotic and overly graphic. That would have been fine, but we couldn’t share them with anyone. I put them away in a desk drawer and only got them out occasionally. Gwen never asked to see them.
It was a minor medical crisis that changed everything.
She came home from work one day with a minor fever. At midnight we were in the ER because the fever was out of control and she had serious stomach pain.
I was certain the previous night’s energetic anal sex was the source of the problem.
It was just kidney stones.
It ran in her family.
The long and the short of it was that she was given pain meds and antibiotics. It was the antibiotics that messed up her birth control and two months later we found out she was pregnant.
A month after that we were buying a house.
Two months after that we were getting married. Not exactly a shotgun wedding, but Gwen didn’t want her kid born out of wedlock.
The one upside to her pregnancy was that she was incredibly horny in the second trimester. You’ve never truly had wild sex unless you’ve had it with a pregnant woman. Gwen didn’t hold back at all when she was pregnant. The sex was unlike anything else.
But then the baby was born and sex and everything else went out the window. Our toys went into the back of the closet with her boudoir photo book.
Then we had the second kid.
We were every bit the suburban family.
It wasn’t terrible.
But it wasn’t what either of us wanted.