Chapter 36


To say that Gwen became a porn star was way overselling it. With her permission, and mine, Rick posted several videos of Gwen having sex with him…and with Jordan…and with a few other men and women, myself included. There were really only four videos of Gwen but they were chopped up into several shorter segments so when they were searched online it looked like she had twenty videos.

But this was on Rick’s personal porn account. He had hundreds of videos he had posted over the years. Gwen was just a drop in the bucket.

He gave her some money as a thank you but I periodically checked the views on the videos featuring Gwen. They only amounted to a few thousand each. Hardly noteworthy in the online porn game. No one was making money from my wife’s porn career.

It did, however, kick her libido into high gear. I was the primary recipient of the benefits, but a lot of other men and women also benefited.

We noticed that the divorce rate of the Silk Sheets members was decidedly lower than average for Americans.

Barbara pointed out this was because there was very little jealousy between couples who were swingers.

We had a lot of sex. We had a lot of sex with each other. We had sex with other couples. We had sex on our own and came back home to tell the other one about it.

Gwen’s porn career took off…for about two months. There were a bunch of hits on her videos and then they petered out. That’s the life of the modern day porn star. No one ever recognized her. No one cared. Except me.

We had hardly any contact with Lissa.

That made no sense because she was possibly carrying my baby. That was a mind fuck.

She married Marshall in a quickie and small ceremony. Everyone seemed thrilled for them. We weren’t invited to the wedding or the equally small reception.

That was probably best for everyone involved.

Gwen and I would discuss it every once in a while, but it seemed like Lissa was more than happy to have the world believe that her second child was fathered by her then-boyfriend/now-husband. I wanted that to be the truth as well.

Eventually Lissa’s due date came. It was the same night as a Silk Sheets party. We went to the party. We weren’t going to sit home waiting to hear the news…or not.

At this party Rick had a mini art show. Gwen’s tits were on display, both at the party while she sucked Jay’s cock while Rhonda, Jay’s wife, watched. That was okay because I was railing Rhonda at the same time. Rhonda’s tits had been painted by Rick. It took me a while to find the painting of Jordan’s tits which her husband had done in an impressionist style.

Personally I thought that Rick needed to find his own style and stick with it rather than ripping off other people’s. But that was just me.

Fucking random people at the party, and buying the painting of Jordan’s tits and Gwen’s tits for two dollars each was more than enough to distract the both of us from Lissa’s ordeal.

“Where are we going to hang these?” asked Gwen as she looked over her shoulder at the two paintings in the back seat.

“In the bedroom.”

“What’ll we tell the kids?”

“That they shouldn’t come into Mommy and Daddy’s room without permission.”


We saw on Facebook that Lissa had a little boy, which was nice since she had an adolescent daughter already.

She didn’t contact us right away. That only made sense. There was no way I was going to push this issue.

Still, both Gwen and I were nervous about the outcome.

A few weeks after the birth Lissa texted me a short message.

What’s your blood type?

No context was given. None was needed.

I showed the text to Gwen.

“Well, fucking tell her!”

“It’s only a way to possibly exclude paternity,” I said.

“I know that. We have to start somewhere.

I texted back a single letter.


She didn’t answer right away. That made me nervous.

I’m A too. Marshall is B. So is the baby.

And that was that. It felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted from my shoulders.

Since Gwen and I had already learned our lessons, we continued to go to Silk Sheets parties. Her career as a porn star ended, but that was fine. She still modeled and fucked Rick on occasion. I think he just wanted to feel like he was a real artist and had a muse.

I had sex with Ainsley a lot. Maybe even more than her husband. He liked to watch us. She liked to be spit-roasted so it wasn’t like Charlie never got to have sex with her.

The day came when Barbara sent us a message before one of Silk Sheets’ monthly parties. You aren’t the babies any longer. Diane and Garrett Carson are both younger than the two of you. Maybe you’ll show them a good time?

“Are you feeling old, dear?” Gwen asked me. “Will you be able to keep up with a younger woman who wants to ride you like a bull and break your pelvis in the process?”

“Are you going to slut around with Garrett?” I frowned. “What the hell type of name is Garrett?”

“A young man’s name,” she said, licking her lips.

“You should definitely fuck him in front of his wife. Either she’ll be into it or we’ll never see them again.”

It was a low-key party, Hawaiian-themed. I got out my best cargo shorts and pineapple covered Hawaiian shirt. Gwen wore what she called a luau dress that had a loud tropical print.

“Look what it can do,” she said, pulling down the cups to the top, letting her breasts spill out. She did a little shimmy and it pooled around her feet.

“You’re wearing panties?” I asked her, looking at the thong that barely covered her with any modesty.

“I’m a classy lady,” she said, pulling the dress back into place. This time she pulled the straps over her shoulders but that still gave her plenty of cleavage.

Garrett didn’t have a chance.

We left the kids with a babysitter. As I was waiting for Gwen to adjust her makeup one last time I got a text message. I liked the handy pocket the cargo shorts had for holding my cell phone.

I might need you to take a DNA test.

Oh fuck.

The thought of getting my high school girlfriend pregnant in addition to giving me anxiety made my cock stiffen.

I stared at my phone, unable to process what I had to do.

The phone buzzed with another text.

Kidding. I was just thinking about the first time we had sex and you tried to fuck my ass.

Do you want to try that again?
