About the Editors

Michigan native Peter Hanson studied film at New York University and journalism at the University at Albany–SUNY. He is the author of Dalton Trumbo, Hollywood Rebel (a finalist for the Theatre Library Association Award), and The Cinema of Generation X. He directed the documentary feature Every Pixel Tells a Story and the award-winning short Stagehand, and cowrote the narrative feature The Last Round. His articles have appeared in Script and Written By, and he moderates a screenwriting-themed film series sponsored by Final Draft, Inc. His Web site is www.GrandRiverFilms.com.

Paul Robert Herman graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a degree in psychology. He earned his teaching credentials from the University of Colorado at Boulder, specializing in creative writing and film. After moving to Hollywood, he completed UCLA’s Professional Program in Screenwriting. He worked for several years as an assistant producer for an entertainment company in Pacific Palisades before branching off on his own. He has written, directed, and produced short films through his multimedia company, Jade Tiger Productions (www.JadeTiger.com).

In 2009, Hanson and Herman premiered the companion film Tales from the Script at the Palm Springs International Film Festival; Variety’s Todd McCarthy called the feature-length documentary “a lively collection of war stories.” The movie is set for release in 2010. Visit the film’s Web site at www.TalesfromtheScript.com.

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