Chapter 14


Effie, pressed against the empty dance studio wall in the gym in Zander’s apartment building, scanned her brain for any Saucy Lady videos showing women going down on a man. She refused to even entertain her lousy experiences with Jim. One video she’d watched several times came to mind.

The woman had gripped the man’s cock, fingering herself, and, as she sucked, she looked ecstatic.

In a bold-for-her move, she slipped away from the wall.

Zander tracked her every mood, pivoting in a half circle until his back faced the wall.

She put her palm on Zander’s chest and pushed him into the hard surface.

His pupils widened. A wicked grin spread across his face. “So, she’s going to get bossy with me, is she?”

Okay. Game on.

She crouched down before him, then tugged at his waistband, drawing his pants beneath his solid erection.

It popped free, hanging heavy and engorged. Zander cupped her head with his two hands, one cool and hard, the other warm and soft.

Imagining someone held a video camera, filming her for Saucy Lady, she pretended she had to get everything right for the camera. She fit her mouth over the head of his cock and licked.

“Oh, shit, Effie.” His fingers gripped her skull.

He tasted musky, but she found it kind of pleasurable. It was nothing like the “pencils and science laboratory” smell Jim had reminded her of, with his crooked penis. She gripped Zander with both hands, sliding her palms up and down. Opening her mouth as far as she could, she sucked along the length of him until she gagged a bit. She backed up and found a comfortable rhythm of sucking, gripping, and stroking. I hope I’m doing this right.

“This is so hot watching you from behind. Oh, yeah. Like that.” His fingertips dug into her scalp.

Afraid someone might walk in, she kept up the sucking, working hard to keep him from the back of her throat. Her fear of being caught coiled in the back of her mind, lurking like a snake about to strike. Arousal warred with apprehension. Her gaze kept sliding toward the door.

“Shit, yeah. That’s so hot, Effie. Fuck. I can’t hold it in.”

His hips bucked, and hot liquid streamed into the back of her throat. She struggled to swallow his slippery, salty offering.

“Oh, fuck, Effie.” After a few more pumps, his head fell back against the wall with a clunk.

His erection began to sag in her grip. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and rested the top of her head against his hard thighs. Her body buzzed with pleasure. Her breath came in hard pants while he stroked her hair. Finally, she bent her head back to look up at him.

“God damn, Effie. I’ve always wanted to do this. I never found anyone adventurous enough to try it,” he said, a piercing gaze directed at her.

“I guess I’m adventurous,” she said, pushing to standing. She tugged up Zander’s pants as she rose. Then, she fell into him.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I must have done something right to have met someone as wonderful as you.”

Yeah, too bad it’s a business transaction. A fantasy. A bubble that will dazzle, then pop. No contact after the contract ends, remember?

She lay her cheek on his broad shoulder.

The click of the doorknob sounded.

Effie jerked away from Zander.

A woman dressed in workout gear waltzed in, looking all trim and fit and muscular. Her auburn hair hung in a long ponytail down her back.

“Oh,” she said, spying them. “I’m sorry. I thought I’d prepare a little early for my class.” Her gaze skip-hopped over Effie and landed on Zander.

“We were just leaving. We came in here to have a talk,” Zander said. He smiled at the pretty brunette.

A wave of insecurity shot through Effie, accompanied by thoughts of lacy panties and musings on what he did in his spare time. “Right. We needed to have a chat. But, we’re done.” She turned to leave, scurrying toward the door. She side-stepped Workout-Girl, not wanting to touch her.

“Hey, wait up,” Zander said, taking a few easy strides after her. “Have a good class,” he called to the dumb brunette. He caught up with Effie in the hall, grabbing her hand. “What was that about?”

“She’s pretty,” Effie growled. “I’m a total klutz.” And you already have at least one girlfriend.

“Hey, now,” he said, slowing her with a tug. “Don’t be jealous of a stranger. You just gave me an awesome orgasm. I’m enjoying being with you today. And, she doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

“You have to say that,” Effie said, pouting. “It’s probably in the sugar baby contract. Somewhere in the fine print.”

He flashed a warm smile at her. “Look, I’m touched you’re jealous.”

“You are?” Shame heated her cheeks and neck. “Because I feel stupid right about now.”

He lowered his head for a kiss. “Don’t feel stupid. I can’t remember feeling this happy with a woman, Effie.” He tugged her toward his workout bag, snagged it up, and then drew her out of the gym. “You’re amazing. You’re the first person I’ve actually felt at ease with, telling you about my fake-arm.”

“I am?” Her brain scrambled from the sex, she struggled to recall what he referred to. Oh, right. He told me something about his prosthesis yesterday. I’m his confidant. Nothing more.

“You are,” he said, dropping his lips for another kiss. When he released her, they headed toward the lobby. They trekked across the polished marble floors. Several high-end shops occupied the bottom floor, along with a cafe. He looked up, and a scowl bruised his face.

She followed his gaze.

A couple strode toward them. The woman was ten times more beautiful than the workout teacher and about a thousand times prettier than her. She clearly recognized Zander as she beelined toward him.

And the guy looked like a total jock, all white gleaming teeth and practiced smile.

“Fuck.” The word exploded from Zander’s mouth.

The big-lipped, slender, redheaded woman came to a stop directly in front of Zander. “Hey, Zan,” she said, oozing familiarity. “You look tired. Are you getting enough sleep?”

She brushed his shoulder with her hand as if grooming him.

“Get your fucking hand off of me,” Zander said in a tone that gave Effie the chills.

“Who’s this?” Big-Lips stabbed her thumb at Effie, keeping her eyes trained on Zander. Without waiting for an answer, she said, “I didn’t realize you were into fat-hipped women. I thought you preferred my shape.” Her lacy bra peeked over the top of her low-cut blouse.

The lace looked familiar.

Oh, my God. She’s the girlfriend whose panties and bra are in Zander’s house.

“Yeah, Zander, are you bottom feeding?” the jock guy added. “Show some self-respect, man. You might be a cripple, but you still have the looks to get a decent date.” He side-eyed Big-Lips and smirked.

She tittered and reached for the jock’s arm.

“You two can just fuck off,” Zander said. “Stop with the garbage statements.” He released Effie’s hand.

He’s ashamed of being seen with me. Effie eyed the doorway, wondering how fast she could dart outside and disappear.

“I hoped we’d run into you. We really want you to come to our event. You know, bury old wounds. Fresh start,” Big-Lips said.

“Right,” said the jock. “But, for God’s sake, bring a better-looking date. I had no idea you were paying for this.” His lip curled into a sneer.

“What?” Big-Lips eyes grew wide. “What do you mean paying for it?”

“He went to an event and bought himself some pussy. That’s probably his sugar baby.”

“You have a sugar baby?” Big-Lips said, eyes wide. She flashed him a look of wounded outrage.

“That’s none of your business,” Zander snapped. “You stay the fuck away from me.” He whirled and stalked toward the lift.

Effie raced after him.

“Wait for me,” she called. She dashed into the elevator with him.

When the doors closed, he said, “God damn it. They’re the last people I wanted you to ever meet. They’re fucking imbeciles, those two.”

Effie pressed against the elevator wall, unsure of whether to get off at the next floor or accompany him to his penthouse. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t compete with beautiful women. My self-respect, what little is left, is worth more than my education.

Zander looked anguished. “I’m so sorry you had to hear their vitriol. Those two are evil.”

“Who are they?” Effie asked, her voice small and soft.

“She’s my fucking ex. She’s a bitch. She’s not supposed to be within…” He bit back his words. “She’s dating my biggest rock-climbing rival and adventure gear competitor, Bryant Mitchum. The asshole just bought ArcTix One.”

“Oh…” Effie said, her eyes widening. That explains his response to Haley’s shirt. But, it doesn’t explain his reaction to her or hers to him.

Zander continued. “ArcTix One is a smart, sharp company. They’re threatening to blow us out of the market. While Bryant is soaring to the top of the climbing world. He’s taking over everything I worked for.”

Effie pictured the Big Lip’s face when she heard Zander had a sugar baby.

Big-Lip’s glamorous façade cracked, like she wanted him back. Or, maybe they’re not done.

He turned a pleading gaze toward her. “Please don’t believe a word they said. They thrive on cutting other people to ribbons.”

His head fell back against the elevator wall. He banged it several times against the hard surface.

All she could think to say was, “Uh huh.”

“You must hate me. That had to hurt.”

“Uh huh.”

“Talk to me. What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” she said. “I, uh…I think I should get back to my dorm.”

Something horrible and dark and wounded flashed in his eyes. Then, he zipped himself together. “Of course. As you wish. I’ll have Antonio drive you back. I need to get to the office.”

She nodded, needing to get as far away from him as she could. Her breathing was so ragged she thought she might pass out. All she could think about was getting out of the contract. She’d give him back the diamond cube consolation necklace. Throw the workout clothes on his bed. As far as she was concerned, this was the end of the road for her.

No way could she compete with lacy underwear clad women who looked like a million bucks.