Chapter 20


Facing the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean, Zander placed his hands on the metal frame and leaped out of the buggy. Glancing at Kent’s buggy, zooming along the sand in his direction, he strode to Effie’s side. “Let’s change places.”

Her eyebrows launched. “Really?”

“Yeah, really.” He extended his hand.

She reached for it and climbed out. Glancing hesitantly at Zander, she made her way to the driver’s side. “This isn’t another one of your plans to off me, is it?”

“I swear I haven’t had a single plan to off you, Ms. D’Archangel. Scout’s honor.” As Zander hopped in the passenger seat, Kent braked his buggy next to them.

“Giving Effie a turn at the wheel?” He stared at Zander, another smile on his face that didn’t reach his eyes. “You sure look like you’re having fun.”

He side-eyed Effie before focusing his narrowed gaze on Zander.

Zander’s mood began to slip at Kent’s unspoken message. Keep it casual.

“We are,” he said, aiming a level-eyed glare at Kent.

Kent put his palms up. “It’s great to see you having fun again,” he said. He turned to Charlie. “You want to take a turn at driving?”

“No, thanks.” She smiled. Her long brunette hair whipped in the wind. “You keep on at the wheel.”

Kent gave one last sober gaze at Zander. He shook his head in warning.

Zander huffed out a sigh before turning to Effie. “Okay, you ready?”

“Yeah, what do I do?” She clutched the wheel with her gloved hands.

“Just drive, baby,” he said. He glanced at Kent’s buggy, then brought his gaze back to Effie.

“What just happened?” she said. “It looked like you two just communicated some hidden message to one another.”

“It’s nothing,” Zander said. “Work stuff.”

Her eyes narrowed. “How can you be thinking of work stuff when we’re out here having so much fun?”

“You’re right,” he said, forcing a smile. “Let’s get back to it. Let ’er rip.”

Effie cautiously pressed on the gas.

The buggy surged ahead.

“Good. Now just head for the horizon,” Zander said, pointing up the shore toward a distant outcropping. “Follow Kent.”

Effie forged ahead at an elderly pace.

Zander laughed. “Are we heading for Sunday church, old woman?”

She glared at him, her lips curving in a tight smile. “I’ll show you how an old woman drives.”

She floored the gas pedal, speeding north, parallel to the crashing waves.

The front wheels lifted slightly.

“Yipes,” she said, braking. Her body lurched forward with momentum, nearly banging her forehead on the small steering wheel.

Zander caught himself on the metal side bar. “Whoa, girl.”

“Sorry,” she said. “Let me have another try.”

She slowly accelerated again until she hit about forty-five miles per hour. As she drove, she experimented with turning the wheel back and forth, creating a serpentine pattern in the sand and surf.

“That’s great, Effie. You’re getting the hang of it. From now on, you drive.” A broad smile crossed his face.

“I don’t think so,” she said, grinning back at him. She pressed on the gas. “Okay, maybe I’ll take you up on your offer,” she yelled above the din of the engine.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the outcropping.

Kent and Charlie sat on some driftwood in front of a large boulder, chatting and laughing.

“Let’s stop here,” Zander said. After Effie braked, he jumped out of the buggy and leaned over to unstrap the backpack. “Want some water?”

“Sure, I’d love some.” She beamed at him in that bright, confident way she’d shown him at Rock Nirvana after she’d mastered a few easy climbs.

“I’ve got some snacks in here, too,” he said, stepping around the vehicle to hand her the water bottle.

She grasped it, twisted open the top, and took a long swallow. “What do you have in there?”

He spread the top of the pack wide. “Trail mix. Energy bars.”

“Yes, please,” she said, smiling, holding out her hand.

He chuckled, snacks for them both. Then, he took her hand and led her over to Kent and Charlie.

Kent glanced at their clasped hands. He leveled his gaze at Zander.

Fuck off, Zander thought, glaring, planting his butt next to Kent.

Effie sat close beside him.

“Good ride,” Kent said. “Just like the old days.”

Zander let out a short laugh. “What? This was so tame. You and I are used to far more dangerous stunts.” He blinked a few times, surprised at using the word “are” instead of “were.”

“How’d you like the ride, Charlie?” Zander asked.

“It was okay,” she said, glancing at Kent.

He nodded and patted her thigh.

I give them two weeks, tops. Zander tore open his trail mix and poured some into his mouth. He leaned back against the boulder and gazed at the waves. Maybe I could get back on a surfboard. That doesn’t require much in the way of hands. And, who would judge me? I’d be wearing a wetsuit.

The four of them grew quiet, taking in the sea and sun.

Finally, Kent broke the silence. “What say we do a little bouldering?”

He inclined his head behind him at the outcropping of rocks.

Zander lifted his eyebrows and glared at him. “I’ve given up rock climbing, remember?”

“I’m game,” Effie said. “I’ve been practicing at the rock gym.”

“Yeah, you have. You’re getting good,” Zander said, smiling.

“I’ve never done it, but I guess I’ll try,” Charlie said, unenthusiastically. She pushed to her feet, pivoted, placed her hands on her hips, and stared at the rise of boulders.

“Great,” Kent said, standing next to Charlie. “Zander? You in?”

“Nah. Go ahead. I’ll stay down here as a spotter.”

Kent flashed Zander a challenging glare. “Girls, you go on ahead. I need to talk with Zan.”

Zander eyebrows lifted. “We don’t need to talk about anything. Get on up the boulders, Kent.”

“This will just take a sec,” he said, a cold smile sliding into place.

Zander swallowed. He didn’t care to talk to Kent, but he said, “Go ahead, Effie. I’ll be right here.”

Effie jumped to her feet. She glanced between Zander and Kent. Then, she turned to Charlie. “You ready?”

Charlie sighed. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Effie began climbing.

Zander kept his attention on her for a few minutes.

She looked like she was born to climb. Her movements had become much more fluid.

As Zander watched her, his own longing to climb slithered free of his inner depths.

“I know you want to climb,” Kent said. “Go ahead.”

Fear spiked in Zander’s belly. “I said, no.”

“Quit being a pussy, Zan.”

Zander’s head jerked backward. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Quit being a fucking little pussy.” Kent’s eyes blazed.

“I don’t recall asking for your opinion on my behavior,” Zander said, his muscles tensing. He lifted his gaze to see Effie looking down at him, concern in her eyes. He waved. “You look great, D’Archangel,” he called, adding a thumbs up.

“You can’t avoid your passion forever,” Kent said.

“Rock climbing is dead to me.” Zander glared at Kent. “And what business is it of yours what I do?”

“You’re my friend. It was great seeing you let go for once. We need to get out and live, man. Like we used to. Ski the Alps. Climb mountains.” Kent placed his hands on his hips.

“Yeah, well I don’t want to climb again. Ever.” Zander directed his attention at Effie.

She’d ascended about thirty feet up the boulder outcropping.

Charlie had stopped at about fifteen feet. She turned around and sat. “Kent? Can you help me get down, now, please?”

Kent glanced at her. “Just a minute, baby.” He turned back to Zander. “Just fucking get back up on the rocks, Zan. Then, this thing with Effie won’t appeal so much. You seem to be living through her. It’s got to stop.”

Zander threw up both his hands. “Hold up there, Manning. You’re crossing a line. You’re getting in my business, and I don’t like it.”

“Yeah? What are you going to do about it?” Kent shoved his shoulder with one hand. “You pussy.”

Zander shoved back. “Quit calling me that, you prick.”

“Just fucking climb, already.” Kent’s arm shot out.

Zander jerked backward, thinking Kent meant to deck him.

“These rocks are easy, King,” Kent yelled.

“Well, if they’re so easy, why aren’t you on them?” Zander shouted. His hands balled into fists. Briefly, he considered the damage he could do punching Kent with a hard metal and plastic prosthesis.

“Kent, I need help getting down,” Charlie called again.

Zander glanced up at Effie.

She stared at him, her face furrowed. Then, she began down-climbing.

“And why are you acting so twitchy lately? What the fuck is going on? Is your sugar baby getting under the skin the same way that bitch did?” Kent said. “I wanted you to have fun, not turn into a lunatic again.”

Zander turned to Kent and said, “Quit being an asshole, Manning, and mind your own fucking business. Go save your girl of the hour. I’m done with this talk of yours.”

He pivoted and stalked away from the outcropping, heading toward the surf. Painful memories of his accident shot to the surface, stirred by Kent’s harsh words. Paranoia about being stalked by Trisha again soon followed. The thoughts flooded his brain, blinding him. His stride became a jog. Then, the jog turned into a full-on run. He headed for the hills, intending to run all the way back to the cabin. His legs propelled him in relentless fury. His feet dug into the sand, spraying it along his calves. He kept to the hills dotted with seagrass, away from the dune trails.

A short time later, the engine noise of dune buggies filled the air.

“Hey, Zander,” Kent called. “Zander! I’m sorry!”

“Zander!” Effie yelled.

Their voices came from far, far away.

He dashed along the sand to evade the fear that kept him pinned in the past. Every time he dipped his toe into those memories, searing pain shot through his soul. His mind began to warp and blur. He swore he saw a redhead in the distance, watching him. He had to get away from that fucked up reality he’d shared with Trisha Banks. He thought he’d put it behind him. But, with one phone call from the bitch, and one encounter while exiting the gym, all the crazy he’d fought to escape leaked out into his world. He sprinted away from his fucking artificial-hand reality. The loss of his hand had ruined him. Trisha had made him insane. But mostly, he ran away from any chance he had with Effie. He couldn’t deal with the feelings threatening to draw him closer to her.

Instead, he chose to run away from everything.