Chapter 36


Two days later, Effie leaned back contentedly against the cushy leather seat on the bow of the catamaran as they bobbed on the ocean.

In the distance sat Mariposa Island, a tiny blip on the horizon.

Zander had mentioned going fishing for tonight’s meal and taking her somewhere as a surprise.

The long weekend had stretched out in a glorious, sun-baked, pleasure-fest of food, fun and fucking—lots and lots of fucking. So, in her mind, a surprise led to skin on skin. The thought made a wet shiver pulse in her sex.

They’d return home to Seattle late tonight, but she didn’t want to think about it. Instead, she gazed at the sea and the sun, and contemplated the surprise with eager anticipation.

The boat was set to a meandering cruising speed, manned by Jorge. The hot sun baked her legs while a pleasant ocean breeze cooled her skin. As she sunbathed, she surreptitiously studied Donna and Windom who stood together at the stern of the boat.

Windom steadied a large fishing pole secured to the side of the boat. She eyed the tattoo covering his forearm, of a race car with a hot babe behind the wheel. Never in a million years would her dad have a tattoo like that—or any tattoo—adorning his lumpy body.

Donna kept up an easy banter with him, but Effie couldn’t hear what they were saying. It looked like they were laughing and joking.

Clearly, those two were in love, even after years of marriage.

Zander was on the opposite side of the stern from his parents, chatting with Chloe while he fished. From where Effie sat, she couldn’t see them, but she heard occasional bursts of laughter.

Zander’s family was the total opposite of Effie’s. Between her fearful, anxious mom and her stressed, moody dad, she hadn’t experienced a tenth of the love she’d experienced in forty-eight hours with Zander’s family. In a short time, she’d enjoyed easy conversation with Chloe and Donna, and Windom loved to tease her and joke with her.

Maybe my mom was wrong about the wealthy. Not all rich people are depraved assholes, any more than the rest of us are saints. People are people.

She bunched the bag near her feet which held a towel and her mobile phone. Then, she stretched out on the seat, settling her head on the bag. It made a decent pillow. Closing her eyes, she let herself be swallowed by this glamourous life, surrounded by love. Here, she could pretend to be the adored girlfriend of her loving boyfriend, Zander. No, she and Zander never uttered the words “love.” But it seemed obvious to everyone that they were.

“Wake up, sleepy head.”

Effie jerked awake. “Oh! I didn’t realize I fell asleep.”

She looked up at Zander, standing shirtless and shorts-clad, leaning over her. A seductive smile crossed her lips. She’d never been the type to blatantly flirt, but with Zander, it came as easy as breathing…at least some of the time. Other times, her tongue still tied itself in knots.

“It’s time for the surprise. We’re going to go look at something.” He extended his hand to her.

She blinked and sat up, reaching for his hand. “Where are we?”

Ahead lay a small island with no looming house in the middle.

“It’s another island I’ve got my eye on. It could be perfect for a vacation home away from Seattle.” He cocked his head. His tongue flitted along the corner of his mouth and disappeared.

A spark of desire shot up her spine.

“Chloe needs to get her fish prepared for dinner.” He pulled her close against his sun-warmed body, and then murmured in her ear, “So, we’ll be left here all alone for an hour or so.”

The spark transformed to a hot fire of need, rolling along her thighs and up her belly. “Which one of you caught something?”

“I did. I caught a big Mahi-Mahi that Chloe is eager to get her hands on.”

“Sorry I missed the action.”

Zander smiled, easing her away. “There will be other times. I’ve got water, drinks, snacks.” He inclined his head toward the small backpack on his back. “But what I really need is you,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re the best food a man could ever want.”

The inner fire continued raging through her sex.

“See you guys later,” Zander called to his family as the catamaran drifted away from shore.

“Don’t forget us out here,” Effie said, with a smile.

They laughed and waved back.

“We’d never forget you,” Windom said. He glanced at Zander and lifted his eyebrows in some sort of secret communication.

Effie briefly side-eyed Zander.

He turned and gazed at her with soft eyes, like looking into a liquid moon.

She blinked and nibbled her lip.

“Ready?” he said, breaking the spell.

She nodded.

“You might want to take off your sandals for a minute. Unless you don’t mind them getting wet.”

She slipped off her shoes, held them in her hand, and, together, they trekked down the back steps of the boat, into the warm Florida water. Once on shore, she stepped into her sandals.

Zander placed his hands on his hips and looked about with an appraising eye. “What do you think?’

“About what?”

“About this island. The owner—a guy named Jeff—is hot to sell to me. He’s a friend of Kent’s.”

Effie’s lunch soured at the name “Kent.” She tried to keep her expression blank but probably squinted with distaste before she could get her emotions under control.

“What?” Zander said.

“Nothing. I think it’s your decision.” If we abide by the rules of the contract, I’ll be gone before you can close on the deal. But, honestly, if he’s a tenth as hot for me as I am for him, how could he possibly walk away? She bent over to pick up a colorful pebble. But, then, the rules are probably different when you’re a billionaire. When she rose, she fingered the smooth stone, then tossed it away.

“I want your input,” he said, casting a serious gaze in her direction.

“Well, then…” She pivoted in a slow circle, taking in the abundant trees leading to the sparkling clear water. Birds chirped and fluttered about. “How big is it?”

“It’s about twenty acres. It’s close to my parent’s island, and, by close, I mean within a twenty-minute boat ride.” He held his hand over his eyes and squinted into the distance. “See that island? At about 10 o’clock, to the left of that cluster of tiny islands?”

Effie squinted and nodded, looking past the retreating boat.

“That’s where the catamaran is headed. That’s where we were this morning. That’s their island.” He turned back around and continued his survey. “I’ve been looking into making it sustainable, battery powered and all that like we did with Mariposa Island. Jeff got started with satellite, so he could get Internet access out here, but that’s as far as he got.” He pointed to a satellite dish before taking her hand and leading her toward a copse of trees.

They had to push through undergrowth for a few minutes to get to the start of a clearing.

“After the satellite dish was installed, Jeff fell onto hard times. Gambling debts or something, I don’t recall. So, he wants to get out from underneath his debt. I’ve got the money, so…” With his hands on his hips, he cast his gaze about. “What do you think?”

“I think if you like it, you should get it. What kind of home would you build?” She brushed an ant from her leg. When she looked up, she met Zander’s intoxicating gaze.

“What kind of house would you want, if this island were yours?” The longing in his eyes was palpable, as if he held a rope tied around her heart and silently reeled it in.

The connection proved too potent to sustain. Effie dropped her gaze to the sand. Just what, exactly, is he asking me? “I’m the wrong person to ask, Zander. I’ve got no design experience whatsoever.”

“I’m not asking if you have design experience. Just humor me for a moment. If you had access to all the money you could ever want, what kind of home would you build?”

Desire rose its fiery head inside her belly. Is he telling me we might have a future beyond the contract? She decided to play along.

Pacing in a slow circle, she said, “Well, I’d want a pretty house with enough bedrooms so if Haley wanted to spend time here, she could.”

“Room for friends. Got it,” he said.

“And, I love your parents’ upstairs. It looks comfortable and inviting. So many bright colors in the artwork, but you can just melt into the couches and chairs. And, all those windows! Windows on all sides, letting you see vast stretches of ocean.” She spread her arms wide and took a few more steps. “The balconies on at least three sides are a must, same as their house. I’d want to dine outside a lot.”

“So, you’d need a great kitchen, then, right?” Zander said.

“And a chef like your sister to go along with it,” she said with a laugh. “I’m not a gourmet cook by any means. I can manage simple meals, but that’s it.”

“Cooking well can be learned. My sister would be happy to help you.”

Her heart nearly burst. He’s planning a future with me. “I’d want a big bedroom…with a soaking tub in the bathroom. The tub would look out over the canopy of trees and the ocean.”

“Yes, that sounds perfect,” he said. He stepped behind her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close Pointing to an area of cleared trees, he said, “I think the house can go there. Jeff had the right idea to build there.” He paused, then said, “I’m picturing a wrap-around deck that leads to a pool.”

“That sounds lovely,” she said.

The stirrings of Zander’s erection pushed into her rump. She brought her hands back to stroke his thighs.

“It does.” He pressed his arm tight against her and rocked back and forth as if they were trees in the breeze. After a moment, he said, “Come. I’d like to show you something.” He released her, laced his fingers with hers, and began stepping through the clearing.

They passed palm trees and dense foliage until they reached a wide lagoon, surrounded by trees. The crystal clear, brilliant blue water meandered around protruding sandhills. White sand shone through the shallow edges, leading to deeper waters.

“What do you think of this? We could swim here. It’s a unique mix of sea and fresh water bubbling up from a deep spring.”

Effie pressed her palms to her chest. “I think it’s beautiful.” She slipped off her sandals and made her way into the ankle-deep water. Her toes squished in the soft sandy bottom. “It feels wonderful.”

“Take off your pretty dress,” he said.

She tensed for a moment, still unaccustomed to his seductive commands.

“I want to see your beautiful body,” he said.

She glanced over her shoulder.

His eyes were laser points of heat, trained in her direction.

“I want you,” he said, simply, sending tremors of excitement through her body.

She lifted her head and glanced all around. Can I do this? Her sex screamed “Yes,” and all thoughts of modesty vanished as she let go into want and need. If only thoughts of a relationship with Zander weren’t merely a fantasy.

But, truth was truth. Soon her “end date” would be at hand. She may as well let go into the moment. Heartbreak would come soon enough.