
All alone with Scruffy, I sat on the steps, looking up at the full moon. I listened to the crickets chirping and the owls hooting. I didn’t think there was a more peaceful place on earth.

The screen door creaked open. “Don’t stay up too late,” Dad said. “We have to bring Robin home from the hospital tomorrow.”

Scruffy and I gazed at the stars. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight.” I remembered my wishes. First, that Robin would be good as new. And then my second wish, that the accident would somehow not be my fault. My wishes hadn’t come true, at least not exactly.

The doctors said Robin would walk with crutches for a while. She would have to work hard at physical therapy. Mama had ordered a brace and special shoes. Even so, there were no guarantees.

I had wished with all my heart for the accident not to be my fault. But I had made a big mistake. I reached into my pocket and pulled out an assignment from Mrs. Smyre. I was supposed to write an essay on how I had spent my summer vacation. Most years this would have been easy enough. I would have written about swimming lessons, 4-H Camp, and our annual trip to the beach. But this was far from a typical summer. I felt older now, maybe even old. That’s what I would write my essay about.

I thought about each member of my family and how they loved me in a forever way. I remembered the wild ride with Granny to the hospital and finally telling the truth to my parents. I thought about Ruby Lee and how we were gonna be brave at school. I had found courage, just like the lion in The Wizard of Oz.

Some stuff still remained a mystery though. Like why my heart beat faster when Drucker smiled, or how faith worked, or why school integration had to be so hard. I didn’t think I’d ever understand those things, even if I lived to be as old as Granny.

Scruffy scooted closer to me and howled. “Aaiiee! Aaiiee!” It was that time of night again. He was missing Robin too.

“Don’t cry, Scruff. We’re gonna be all right. I even have a date.” I closed my eyes and thought of a new bedtime story for Robin. I grabbed my leather-bound journal to write.