To my young friends
“That person seems to be
enjoying life
yet is just and correct.”
Thus I would like to be spoken of—
as a person enjoying the unrestrained
trust of others
a uniquely magnanimous person
as I bring this life
to a close.
The blossoming cherry
the rustling bamboo.
The faces of people
the voices of youth…
Loving all these things
I tread the path
of happiness.
I don’t much desire
the ordinary forms
of happiness.
I want rather
the magnificent light
that arises from a lifetime
culminating in
the fulfillment of mission.
I have graduated
the age that dreams
of a rose-tinted future.
I have learned
that the energy of happiness
exists in the process of living today
roots sunk firmly
in reality’s soil.
In order to spread my wings
and soar through life
true to myself
I want to avoid
self-pity and complaint
even on the saddest days.
A life without laughter
is like a flower that refuses
to burst open in bloom.
However intense the conflicts
of society
I want to maintain
my ability to laugh.
With a sense of determination
and setting forth
seeing today as a time
for new endeavors
I open and delve into
the book of life.
They say there is much
fraudulence in the world
masquerading as wisdom.
I wish to live my life
with integrity and grace
abiding by the principles
of humanity
in pleasant conversation
and meaningful labor.
No matter how long it may take
to bring the grand enterprise of
my life to fruition
I will continue without cease
and with undiminished passion.
It is fine to doubt
to struggle in earnest anguish.
But do you end up a mere
captive of the darkness?
Or do you charge into the dark
making it the impetus
for your own construction
and transformation?
It is the final outcome
that matters.
I have just one thing
I’d like to say:
To give up
is to be defeated by oneself.
Knowing this, I continue to take
small but significant steps
advancing single-mindedly
toward the fulfillment
of my destiny.
I hear people say
they don’t fear death.
I don’t want to become
such a person.
For it is the fear of death
that deepens our joy in living
and demarcates civilization
from barbarity.
I will live out my life
as a human being
who struggles and is true
to myself.
I have no wish to become
a person famed
for character or action
to whom the epithet
“hypocrite” attaches.
I have absolutely no desire
to be a hero or a genius.
For I believe that
the most valid way of life
is one that is steadfast and
beautifully balanced.
Rather than live as a
brief and high-minded flower,
I want to live
a weed-like life
of tenacious vitality.
The end point of his success:
a sense of emptiness.
The ultimate goal of my life:
a friend’s high flight.
Today once more
I will continue
the victorious
procession of life
sharing the anger and laughter
of my fellow citizens.
I will become someone
who has deeply experienced
the pains of the world
and knows its ways.
For only from this arise
words and actions
that are valuable
incisive and just.
The dawning sky
a pure white rose
a fairytale princess…
Strive never to forget these things
even in an era
of disordered humanity.
To challenge others,
to confront oneself…
We do this because we know
it is the obvious means
of clarifying the realities of
right and wrong
noble and base.
I will not apologize
or attempt to justify myself.
Because I am confident
that I am energetically opening
my path in life
faithful to my own sound judgment
and belief.
There is no dreariness
in my environs.
There are at all times
vigorous and lively exchanges—
the seeking spirit of youth.
Even if my dearest friend
gave up on revolution
I will continue to advance
transcending all limitations
together with the winds of spring
the winds of autumn
rooted in the view
of society and the cosmos
to which I hold true
maintaining at all times
the magnanimous stance
of a pioneer.
I have no interest
in passing my golden years
in some splendid fashion.
So long as I can anticipate
with a smile
the completion of my purpose
the human revolution that is
the theme and subject
of my life
I will see that as a
magnificent, glorious
use of my remaining time.
I know clearly
how fine it is
to spread one’s wings
and sail into worlds
of human happiness,
how superior this is
to the desperate, bloodshot eyes
of the arrogant inhabitants
of society’s upper crust
as they seek after status.
Even in this humble structure
I stand on my own stage
reciting poetry
in the palace
of my heart.
Anyone can repeat slogans
about the dignity of life.
But what degree of humility
and joy do you find
in the fated existence
of your self
solemnly alive on this Earth
in one small
corner of the cosmos?
That will determine
whether your life is one
of imitation or of creation.
Life is a succession
of painful realities.
But I have built a golden life of the spirit
beyond the power of
anyone to destroy.
While his way of life may be affluent,
there is much wasted effort
and needless consumption.
My daily life
abounds with joys
and my heart is never
without employment.
I am not obsessed
with the fast flight of time.
Yet in order to construct
a lifetime of glory,
pursuing the path of humanity,
I deliberately focus
on the fleeting span
of each passing day.
Your anguish, I believe,
is of a still shallow nature.
Read history!
Placing yourself at the
juncture of centuries,
ponder the future direction
of your life!
I will live out my life
with courage to the end,
because I know
the mistaken fears
so common to
a life of theorizing
and formality.
death will visit
and the time of parting
will come.
But the bonds I share
extend eternally
and I therefore feel
no deep or bitter
Today has its terminus
but I will never disembark
before arriving in grand style
at a death that culminates a life
free from regret.
There is no need for
each little action
to be analyzed.
I take pleasure in my work
and invite others to consider
the entirety of my life.
Nameless and unknown
I will not be recalled
by later ages.
Yet I perceive
that my lights will shine
brilliant and eternal
in the causal history
of my inner being.
And so I have chosen to be
a person of faith
living boldly, generously.
Nothing is more foolish
than to weep for one’s fate
and be swept away by it.
Only by maintaining
an attitude of joyfully
challenging destiny
can we transform
the fundamental orientation
of life.
With this one day
that is today
as my touchstone,
singing a primordial song,
I initiate action
that is pure and exuberant
despite the pain.
I want to urge you
in the midst of days
of turmoil and sweeping change
to live out your incomparably
valuable life
always finding some time
each day
to squarely confront
your inner being.
I didn’t choose a quiet path
lined with flower beds,
but advance instead
along this thorny way
because I wished to create
a life eternally marked
by hot, impassioned tears.
The sun rises.
Today once more
to author a new page
of my own history
I set out from home
silent in thought.
What is success,
or its lack?
I have come to see it
as the degree to which
the development of one’s
standing in society
is accompanied
by the cultivation of
the inner life.
Even if I am called
that doesn’t bother me
in the least.
Everything hinges on how
I can manifest in society
not some minor talent,
but the resilient power
of my inner determination.
People often say that I am earnest
and given to taking on
unnecessary burdens.
To which I reply:
No need for worry.
I have my own plan and
order of construction.
knowing that it was
the first step ushering in
the dawning of modernity,
I do not deny the heart
its full range of motion.
It is only after experiencing
doubtful weeding and selection
that we can be fully grounded,
sublimely confident
in our humanity.
A life of simple honesty
is good, I think.
But foolishness
is detestable.
Never forget the simple honesty
of a tree that rises
into the sky
silent and uncomplaining
in the scorching heat.
I don’t want to lose myself
in the world of abstract thought.
For I know that
when conceptual abstraction
goes bad
the treasure of lived reality
—that which should be truth—
gets pared away
and discarded.
In a dissembling society
the presence of
masked persons
does not frighten me.
I know that because
I uphold the highest
and greatest law,
I cannot be caught
in the snares
of power and crowns.
The famous
are not necessarily assured
a peaceful death.
The people we are most deeply moved by
are those who can point
to the deepest roots
of both life and death.
I wish to be someone
capable of concentrating
the energies of the spirit.
But I do not want
to be stubborn,
for obstinacy
shuts out the breezes
of new awareness.
If you wish to rebel
go ahead and rebel.
The question is:
To what degree will that rebellion
serve as the rule and rhythm
of your growth?
Come what may
I will burn the flame of life
singing with the sun
through the daylight hours.
And on a still and moonlit way
pausing for a friend to rest,
I will ponder my meaning
as a human being.
I have no time
for world-weariness, nor for flight.
Each day I proudly continue
my efforts to bring
the work of self-transformation
to crystalline completion.
There are times when I am obedient,
times when I rebel.
There are times of gentle waves,
times of fierce tempests.
The special gift of youth
lies in responding to contradiction
with keen perceptiveness.
People laugh, calling youth
who sharply challenge
falseness and hypocrisy
naïve, “green.”
All the more reason young people
should charge ahead
filled with even deeper
inner struggle and outrage.
Reading your letter
I was deeply moved, in tears.
There I found the sparkling light
of human truth.
Let me also send a letter
to a friend.
However poorly written
I will entrust my very being
to penning a letter
at once anonymous and historic.
To you I wish to say:
Live out your life
with the undefiled purity
of youth.
Be someone who
when commanded to flee
responds with utter firmness:
“I will not.”
I read books
and I write.
I happily engage
in discussion and debate.
I choose not to reject
even the harshest criticism.
I want to maintain
a spirit of passionate seeking,
the ability to respect those
who forthrightly point out
my failings.
Self-respect informs me
there is no need
to bow before any person.
And yet my head lowers
in heartfelt gratitude
for the unchanging wellsprings
of your friendship.
More than anywhere
it is in the earnest exchanges
of struggling friends
watched over beautifully by the moon
that our lives flower
eternally fragrant.
While seeking a way of life
as a woman of the new era,
I wish to live to the very fullest,
youthful and true
to my core convictions.
Even if you are considered
an ordinary woman
in your gentleness and beauty
that should not bother you.
For you know
better than anyone
the ideals and courage
that lie within.
Looking out
at the falling snow,
befriended by the plum tree
in the garden,
today once more
I set out to work
for the sake of
the vulnerable.
For my own sake
I wish to bloom
strongly, beautifully.
Therefore I strive
to elevate the scale and scope
of my being.
The sun is obscured
by clouds,
the wind has risen.
But I have
the promised safety
and comfort
of tomorrow.
Always breathing
new life
into the home,
fulfilling my responsibilities
as its master,
never falling behind
the greater movements
of society,
I turn with daily certainty
along the orbit of the sun.
When a ship moves
there is the churning sound
of the propeller,
waves rise against the bow.
If we remain inert
we will not meet with criticism.
But having set out on the fated ship
of religious revolution,
I will continue to advance
considering it an honor
to be washed over
by waves of slanderous abuse.
You dance
on a stage lit
by brilliant lights.
I run
in the struggling shadows
of that stage.
These short poems, written in 1970 and 1971, were addressed to various individuals as the author’s personal encouragement to them. They are selected from Wakaki tomo e okuru (To My Young Friends), published in 1971.