You can invest in a good life and good health for your future by putting in a little time each day for personal upkeep, knowing you will get to “spend” all that time, plus interest, over the years of a long, healthy life. Use the checklist below to keep yourself on track each day. You can create your own and keep it with the list you made of suggestions from each key.
Daily Tasks
- _____ Drink 6 to 10 glasses of water
- _____ Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
- _____ Eat 2 servings of healthy protein (fish, poultry, eggs, beans, etc.)
- _____ Take a multivitamin or supplement(s)
- _____ Brush
- _____ Floss
- _____ Clean and moisturize skin
- _____ Make hair and nails clean and attractive
- _____ Exercise: (name activity and duration)
- _____ Dress in a way I feel good about
- _____ Wear comfortable and supportive shoes
- _____ Get a full night’s sleep
- _____ Reduce or avoid stress (How?)
- _____ Renew my spirit (How?)
- _____ Do something for someone else (What?)
- _____ Think about my long-term goals
General Reminders
- Protect your back when lifting.
- Avoid excessive sun exposure.
- Don’t smoke.
- Preserve your eyes by not straining because of inadequate light or using incorrect glasses.
- Smile and laugh often.
- Don’t do anything in excess.
- Get yearly checkups.
- Wash your hands frequently to avoid infections.
- Get six-month dental cleanings.
- Pray about everything throughout the day.
- Enjoy your life!