U2 ⌂ Wierdijk, Enkhuizen; 50 km (31 miles) NE of Amsterdam £ Enkhuizen 4 Leaves from behind train station # Indoor museum: 10am–5pm daily; Open-air museum: Apr-Oct: 10am–5pm daily ∑ zuiderzeemuseum.nl
Step back in time at this fascinating open-air museum which recreates daily life in a traditional fishing village on the Zuiderzee – a bay of the North Sea – in the early 20th century.
Beyond The Centre Must See
t The open-air museum, with its recreated houses and harbour
Enkhuizen was one of several villages around the edge of the Zuiderzee whose fishing-based economy was devastated when access to the North Sea was blocked by construction of the Afsluitdijk dam in 1932. The village’s fortunes were revived with the opening of this museum complex. The binnenmuseum (indoor museum) focuses on the Zuiderzee history, including an impressive display of historic boats. The buitenmuseum (open-air museum) consists of rescued buildings, reconstructed to create a typical Zuiderzee village, with demonstrations of local crafts.
t Traditional houses, lime kilns and modern boats at the museum
Enjoy the calm inland waters of the Ijselmeer aboard a traditional vessel, such as Aaltje Angelina, a 22m (72 ft) gaff-rigged stevenaak (sailing boat), which offers accommodation for 12. If time is restricted, take a day trip or sunset cruise on the Markermeer aboard Zuiderzee, a traditional tjalk (sailing barge), with Zuiderzee Zeiltochen.
Herring is preserved by being smoked over smouldering woodchips.