Chapter 12

“Didn’t take you long, did it? Who the hell was that cowboy?”

“He’s not a cowboy, Bill. He’s from Boston. Come on. We can talk in the office.”

Somehow, Lang’s kiss had emboldened her, given her strength and courage to face the man who had broken her heart so completely.

Once the office door had closed, Beth sat in her swivel chair and indicated one of two metal chairs for him. “I only have a few minutes, and really don’t have anything to say to you right now. But since you’ve barged in, say what’s on your mind so I can get back to work.”

“Or run after your new boyfriend.”

The man sitting across from her didn’t even sound like her Bill. “Can we please get on with this?”

“Aren’t you even going to tell me who he is?”

“Is this really why you drove all the way from Tucson? To check up and see if I’d gotten a new boyfriend yet? I haven’t, though it’s none of your business. Lang Dillon is a friend. Now, what do you want?”

“I want you back, of course.”

“Well, that’s not happening anytime soon. How long have you and Skyler been screwing?”

“Is that relevant?”

“What do you think?”

“It’s over. Totally over.”

“How long?”

“About a year.”

Beth reeled back as if she had been kicked in the chest. “A year? I expected you to say a few weeks or months.”

“Beth, it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t matter. She means nothing to me. I love you.”

“Oh, that’s flattering. You’ve been having a year-long affair that means nothing. Now, you’re willing to just drop your lover like a hot potato in order to keep your comfy life going.”

“That’s not how it is, not at all.”

Beth stared at him. She felt nothing. A numbness crept over her as she gazed at the man she had loved since she was eighteen. Bill was good-looking. Tall, thin, with sandy hair, he looked like the academic he was. His was the wiry build of a hiker and rock climber. She had loved their hiking trips but had never shared his passion for rock climbing. She had tried it a few times, then encouraged him to go alone. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if Skyler was a rock climber, but she stayed silent. It was none of her business, and she didn’t want to know about their relationship.

“Bill, it’s over. I can’t see any way around it. I could never be with you again. The image of you and her, in our bed, will never go away.”

“Oh, Beth, please.” He hopped off his chair and knelt in front of her, hugging her round the knees.

Horrified, she tried to stand, but he held on to her. “Bill, let go, now.” When she gazed down, she saw he had tears in his eyes. “Look, why don’t we give each other a couple of weeks, then get together when things aren’t so raw.”

“I’m afraid if we wait, I’ll lose you.” You’ve already lost me, she thought sadly as she extracted herself from his grasp and moved toward the door. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got work to do.”

“Where is he?”

Beth heard her brother’s voice outside the door and cringed. Just what I need. She raised a finger to Bill. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

“No, I’ll go. I’m not afraid of Ben Morgan.”

Bill stood, pushed by, and reached for the door handle. “Have fun with your new boyfriend.” His voice was cold and cutting. It was a voice Beth had never heard Bill use before.

She followed him out to find her brother standing by Bill’s car.

“Please step aside, Morgan. I’m leaving.”

“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.”

“Ben, leave him be! There’s nothing for you to do here.”

Ben stepped aside and Bill slipped into his car. “I’m doing this for her sake, not yours. If it were up to me, you’d be pounded into the ground. You’re an asshole, Sampson. Don’t you dare come here again unless my sister invites you.”

Bill stared straight ahead as he started the car. Without a word, he drove away.

Ben came to her side. “You okay?”

“Yes, oh savior of mine. And for the record, I was handling it.”

“Well, just wanted you to know I had your back.”

“I know.”

“I hear you’re having dinner with Lang Dillon. Is that wise?”

“He’s a friend and, to tell the truth, a welcome distraction right now.”

“Well, be careful, Beth. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Thanks, big brother,” she said, hugging him. “I’ll be fine.”