Chapter 23

They stepped outside, the sun just setting as they walked the two blocks to the Daily Scoop, where Beth ordered a large Moose Tracks cone and Lang, the same. They headed down the street and into the park, where they sat on a bench near the playground. There were a few children playing on the swings, their parents watching from the sidelines, most chatting on their cell phones.

“If ever have kids, I will never do that,” he said. “When they’re with their kids, why the hell do they need their phones?”

“People find it nearly impossible to disconnect,” she said quietly. “And, by the way, this is one of the best ice cream cones I’ve ever had.”

“It’s tasty,” he said. Not a huge fan of ice cream, he would gladly have chucked his in the trash but wanted to keep her company.

“I’m sorry for being such a grouch,” she said.

“You’re entitled.”

“This isn’t me at all. I’m usually cool, calm, and collected! All my siblings are the ones who are always shrieking and carrying on.”

“Maybe it’s time for you to do a little shrieking?”

“It makes me really uncomfortable.”

“Beth, you need to give yourself a break.”

“Those people are staring at us,” she whispered, indicating two women across the playground.

“No, they aren’t.”

She hopped up and began walking toward the wooded area at the opposite end of the park. A natural formation of boulders sat in the center of a small wooded area that ran to the edge of the park’s west side. Without hesitating, she plunged into the thicket and he followed, shaking his head.

When she reached an outcropping, she stopped and leaned against the stone face, still licking the remains of her ice cream cone. “You don’t have to stay, you know. We have our own cars. I just felt like we were in a fishbowl out there.”

Lang tossed his cone, marveling at how slowly and carefully she nursed hers. “I’ll stay. Don’t want you to get lost in the woods, never to be seen again.”

“Fat chance of that.” She gobbled up the last bites of her cone and wiped her mouth with a napkin. She could feel his eyes on her and regretted her decision to escape nosy neighbors by plunging into a secluded spot.

“Beth, talk to me.”

Unbidden tears filled her eyes. “There’s nothing to say.”

“I think there is. I’m sorry. Have I upset you?”

“It’s not you. It’s everything.”

Before she knew it, she was in his arms, sobbing on his shoulder. He turned so his back was to the rock face and pulled her closer. “Hey, hey, it’s gonna be okay.”

“No, it isn’t. It’s never going to be okay again.”

Whether to stem her tears or because he could no longer control himself, Lang’s lips found hers, and he captured her mouth in a deep, lingering kiss. She responded as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing against him. Lang silently thanked the crazy voice that had told him that morning to replace his wallet condom. He was already hard and crazy with wanting her, and it was clear she felt the same.

As one hand moved to caress, squeeze, and massage her breasts, the other reached down and unzipped her jeans, which Beth slipped out of, her panties following in quick succession. He pulled her top over her head in one swift motion and slipped off her bra. Her glorious, firm breasts were in his hands, and she moaned, throwing her head back, giving herself to him.

His tongue wove its way down her neck to her breasts, his mouth taking one, then the other, teasing and sucking. Breathless and half crazy with desire, Beth rubbed against his manhood, first with her body, then her hand. “What if someone comes?” she whispered.

“Who cares?” he asked huskily. “If I’m not inside you in thirty seconds, I’m gonna explode. I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you, Beth Morgan.”

“Take me, then,” she said, unzipping his jeans and releasing him. “Condom?”

“Your wish is my command,” he said, laughing as he slipped it on, lifted her onto him, and plunged into her depths.

Beth cried out as she rose to meet him. “Oh, Lang,” she moaned. “I…I…I love you.” Tears sprang to her eyes as she kissed him deeply, begging him to pull her closer, deeper with each thrust.

Lang heard her and almost returned the words, but instead he tried to show her the strength of his feelings through his caresses. His lips were everywhere, on her lips, neck, nibbling at her earlobes, teasing her breasts. As they crashed to climax together, their eyes met and mirrored each other’s. Their lips found each other’s, and they lost all sense of time and reason.

Afterward, he leaned against the rock face, holding her, closing his eyes, lips trailing soft kisses along her neck. “You okay?” She nodded against his shoulder but said nothing. It had grown dark and the night was cloudy, no moon or stars.

“This is just what I didn’t want to happen,” she said finally, but made no move to pull away from him. “How could this have happened again?”

“Because, my darling Beth, there’s a fierce attraction here, and neither of us is strong enough to resist it.”

Suddenly she stiffened. “Can you put me down, please, Lang?”

Slowly he lifted her and pulled out, setting her down gently. “What’s wrong? What did I say?”

“I have to get dressed,” she said. Fumbling around the ground, she found her clothes and dressed quickly.

“Beth, please don’t do this. Talk to me. Don’t leave like this. What have I done? What did I say?”

Fully dressed now, she came closer. One hand caressing his jaw, she kissed him long, deep, and slow. “It’s what you didn’t say that matters, Lang. I can’t do this. Please let me go.” She turned away and broke into a run.

After Lang collected himself, he followed, but by the time he reached the open field, she was gone. Instead of running after her, he walked slowly, circling the park’s perimeter in the growing darkness.

Do I love her? If you can’t answer that, buddy, it’s time to let her go.