1. Penny Cartwright knew some hard losses and fell into the habit of trying to control her life and the lives of those she loved. Have you ever done something similar? Were you ever truly in control of the future, despite your efforts?
2. Because Trevor Reynolds hadn’t known a father’s love growing up, he found it hard to trust in a loving God. Are you able to rest in the love of God, no matter what human relationships have done in your life?
3. Penny let angry words linger between herself and Brad, and then when he died, it was too late to ask for his forgiveness. Has anything similar ever happened to you? What did you learn about the importance of forgiving and being forgiven sooner rather than later?
4. Although he was young, Brad had a deep faith and the ability to love others. That love drew others to him. Are you able to love those who are far from God, those whose personalities or lifestyles are different from your own?
5. The townsfolk of Kings Meadow pulled together to help a neighbor in need. God has given each of us a time and place to bond with and help others, and that begins with where we live. Have you found ways to reach out to your neighbors? In what ways do you care for those in need?
6. Trevor pursued a dream of fame as a singer that was never realized, despite his talent. What do you think about the lesson he learned from the book of Joshua regarding true success? Are you able to “offer up” the talent God has given you, for Him to use as He chooses rather than as you choose?
7. Do you have a favorite character from Keeper of the Stars? Who is it, and why?