Aberdeen, MS, 35–36

Abernathy, Ralph, 120, 133, 134–35

academic libraries, public services of, 20

Achtenberg, Ben, 160, 165

Ackerman, Bruce, 12

Adickes, Sandra, 158, 159–60, 162, 240n39

adult education programs, 38, 41–42

African American library branches. See black library branches

African American newspapers and magazines. See black newspapers and magazines

African American reading interests. See black reading interests

African American veterans. See black veterans

African Americans in children’s fiction. See blacks in children’s fiction

ALA Bulletin. See Bulletin of the American Library Association

Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights, 11

Alabama Library Association, 188, 196

Alabama State College, 118

Albany, GA, 10, 131–42, 164

Albany State College, 132, 133, 134, 138

Alexandria (VA) Public Library, 48–50

Alvarez, Robert, 53–54

American Library Association (ALA), 13, 24, 33, 40, 64, 184–202, 206–8

Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC), 64, 189, 193, 196, 197, 208

Office of Intellectual Freedom (OIF), 207, 208

Anderson, Harold, 123

Anderson, William G., 132, 142

Andrews, Jimmie, 169, 171

Anniston, AL, 9, 55, 125–27

anticommunism, 50, 65, 97

anti-Semitism, 97, 162

Arey, D. Lurton, 97

Arsenault, Raymond, 9

assassinations, 1, 11, 12, 146

assaults, 118–19, 125–27, 166, 179

by police, 150, 152

Atkins, James A., 20

Atlanta, GA, 65, 130, 164, 185–86

Atlanta Council on Human Relations (ACHR), 58

Atlanta Public Library, 26–27, 41–42, 58–59, 205

Atlanta University, 21, 26, 52, 189, 191, 200

attacks. See assaults; bombings; murder of civil rights activists

Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History, 205

Audubon Regional Library System, Louisiana, 177–84

Baker, Augusta, 193

Baker, Constance. See Motley, Constance Baker

Baltimore, MD, 25

Banks, Charles, 29

Barker, Tommie Dora, 27

Libraries of the South, 186

Barnes, Catherine, 16, 43

Bartlesville, OK, 50, 192

basement libraries, 23, 38, 44, 74, 82–83, 88, 89

bathrooms. See restrooms

Baton Rouge, LA, 66, 67, 168

Beaufort, SC, 198

Beaumont, TX, 24

Becker, Norma, 158

Bell, Bernice Lloyd, 200

Berlin, Ira, 4, 31

Bess, Lettie, 174

Bessemer, AL, 11, 203

Bethea, Frankie, 147

Bevel, Jim, 54

Birmingham, AL, 9, 10–11, 66, 115–18, 160

public library, 22–23, 24, 186, 205

Black, Hugo, 183–84

Black Boy (Wright), 191–92

Black Codes, 2

black librarians’ education, 31, 41, 52, 186

black library branches, 15, 21–25, 29, 44–45, 62, 203

Albany, GA, 134, 135, 137, 138–39

Alexandria, VA, 50

Atlanta, GA, 27, 41–42, 205, 236n6

Birmingham, AL, 22–23, 115, 116–17

Charleston, SC, 36

Columbus, GA, 143

Danville, VA, 91

Gainesville, TX, 29

Greenville, SC, 76

Huntsville, AL, 39

Indianola, MS, 165–66

Jackson, MS, 21–22, 148, 149

and librarians’ training, 186

Little Rock, AR, 30

Louisiana, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175

Louisville, KY, 30–35

Memphis, TN, 23, 66

Meridian, MS, 148

Mobile, AL, 24, 113

Montgomery, AL, 52, 118, 119, 122, 125

Richmond, VA, 55, 56

Savannah, GA, 28–29

statistics (Depression era) on, 35

Vicksburg, MS, 166

black newspapers and magazines, 25, 34, 39, 40, 47, 190

black reading interests, 39–43, 157, 191

black veterans, 5, 49, 57, 67, 90, 160

blacks in children’s fiction, 39

Blalock, Patricia, 128, 202

Blue, Thomas Fountain, 31, 33–34, 40, 157

bombings, 121

Albany, GA, 138

Birmingham, AL, 7, 9, 11, 117

Nashville, TN, 70, 73

Bond, Julian, 164, 236n6

Bontemps, Arna, 72, 180

bookmobiles, 36–37, 46, 51, 52

Alabama, 37, 38, 39, 52

Georgia, 20–21, 36, 134

Louisiana, 169, 175, 177–78, 181

Memphis, TN, 66

North Carolina, 24, 36

South Carolina, 36–37, 76

Virginia, 60, 94

Boston Public Library, 18–19

Bostwick, Arthur E., 24

boycotts, 132, 165–66, 179. See also bus boycotts

Boynton v. Virginia, 9

Brady, Tom: Black Monday, 63

Brass, Bennie, 169–70, 171–72

Bridges, Ruby, 168

Broderick, Dorothy, 39

Broward County Public Library, 205

Brown, Henry, 180, 181. See also Brown v. Louisiana

Brown, Leola, 6

Brown, Linda, 6

Brown, Oliver, 6

Brown, Ruth, 50, 147, 192

Brown v. Board of Education, 1, 6–7, 12, 14, 43, 57, 71, 100, 115

resistance to, 6–7, 12, 130, 152–53

Brown v. Board of Education II, 6–7

Brown v. Louisiana, 181–84, 204

Brownlow, Louis, 88

Bryan, Albert V., 87, 88, 89

Bulletin of the American Library Association, 192, 193, 195

Burnett, McKinley, 6

bus boycotts, 63

Baton Rouge, 168

Albany, GA, 134

Montgomery, AL, 1, 7, 14, 52–53, 118, 119, 206

bus desegregation, 7–8, 9, 52–53, 75, 121, 132, 139, 151

bus stations, 89, 118, 124, 142, 182

sit-ins, 132–33

Byrd, Harry F., Sr., 6–7

Calvert County, MD, 51

Campbell, Will B., 1–2

card catalog access, 28, 83, 88, 94, 119, 120, 139

Carnegie, Andrew, 21, 206–7

Carnegie Corporation grants, 23, 26–30, 34, 37, 41, 185, 186

Carnegie libraries, 21, 27, 29, 30, 34, 131, 186

Carrollton, GA, 24–25

Carter, Jimmy, 182

Carter, John, 96, 98

Carter, Robert L., 152

Cary, Alice, 27

catalog access. See card catalog access

Catlin, James, 98

censorship, 189, 192, 202

chairs and tables, removal of: Albany, GA, 140

Danville, VA, 97, 98, 99, 100

Indianola, MS, 166

Jonesboro, LA, 177

Montgomery, AL, 122–23, 124, 125

Selma, AL, 128

Chaney, James, 13, 157, 159, 162, 163, 206

Charles, Ray, 131

Charleston County Free Library, SC, 36, 130

Charlotte, NC, 23, 44, 65

Chattanooga, TN, 70, 72

Chesnutt, Charles, 40

Chicago Defender, 39, 47

children’s books, 39, 63–64, 161, 180

children’s library services, 42, 47, 56, 83, 84–85, 161. See also story hours for children

churches: Albany, GA, 133, 138

Atlanta, GA, 130

bombing and burning of, 11, 117, 125, 133, 138, 157

Danville, VA, 91, 92

Durham, NC, 20

and library services, 20, 23, 24, 38

Louisiana, 36

Mississippi, 158

Montgomery, AL, 119, 120

Petersburg, VA, 85. See also Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL

Cincinnati, OH, 19

Citizens’ Councils. See White Citizens’ Councils

city bus desegregation. See bus desegregation

civil disobedience, 85, 119, 142. See also library sit-ins; lunch-counter sit-ins; read-ins; sit-ins

Civil Rights Act of 1957, 73, 146

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 12, 100, 142, 148, 163

Supreme Court cases and, 182

testing of, 158, 160, 169, 172

Title II, 15

Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1870, 2

civil rights legislation, 2–3, 7, 12, 62, 73, 158. See also Civil Rights Act of 1957; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1870

Civil War, 90

monuments, 76

textbook treatment of, 42, 43

and Winston County, AL, 121

Claiborne, VA, 83, 87–88

Clark, L. A., 152, 154

Clift, David, 195

Clinton, LA, 177–84

closure of government offices, 132

closure of libraries. See library closures

closure of parks, 118, 123

clubs and community organizations, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34. See also women’s clubs

Cobb, Robert L., 119–22, 123, 125

Coleman, Henry, 166

colleges and universities, desegregation of, 10, 11, 155, 164, 168

Collins, Robert F., 182

Colored National Liberal Convention, 19

Columbus, GA, 143–45, 206

Commission on Civil Rights. See U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

community center, library as, 27, 33–35, 38, 44

community organizations. See clubs and community organizations

community referenda. See referenda

Confederate flag, 97, 130, 141, 150

Congress. See U.S. Congress

Conley, Charles, 120

Conley, Ellen, 120

Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 10, 11, 115, 117, 205

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 5, 182, 204

and Freedom Rides, 9, 10, 118

and Freedom Summer, 13

in Louisiana, 169, 170–71, 172, 174, 176, 178–81, 204

in Virginia, 83

constitutional amendments, 1–2. See also Fourteenth Amendment

Cook, Karen J., 148

Cotter, Joseph S.: “Story Hour,” 32–33

Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), 157

Council on Library Resources (CLR), 193

Covington, KY, 44

Cox, Mary A., 152, 154

Cox, William Harold, 162, 164

Crosby, Margaree, 209

cross burning, 92, 97, 121

Cunningham, Jesse, 68, 71, 72, 187

Currier, Lura G., 147, 158–59, 167, 201

Cushman, Jerome, 197

Dallas, TX, 29, 56

Dalton, Ted, 98–99

dam site libraries, 37–38

Daniel, Joan Mattison, 78

Daniels, George, 98

Danville, VA, 90–100, 113, 122, 191, 194

Davis, Calverta Elnora, 76

Davis, Donald G., Jr., 157–58

Davis, Jefferson, 90, 91

Dawkins, Ben C., Jr., 175

DeBerry, Dulcina, 38, 39

De La Beckwith, Byron, 146

Delta Sigma Theta sorority, 20, 25

Democratic Party, 5, 139, 164

demonstrations and protests. See protests and demonstrations

Dent, Albert, 56, 57

deposit stations, 30, 37, 38, 52

desegregation of buses. See bus desegregation

desegregation of colleges and universities. See colleges and universities, desegregation of

desegregation of military. See military desegregation

desegregation of parks. See park segregation and desegregation

desegregation of schools. See school segregation and desegregation

desegregation of war industry. See war industry desegregation

Detroit, MI, 199, 207

Diamond, Dion, 83

Dillard, Alma Jean, 165

Dillard University, 56, 208

disease, fear of, 74, 75, 155

District of Columbia Public Library, 25–26, 40, 64

Dobbs Houses, 75

Douglas, Nils R., 182

Douglas, William O., 182

Douglass, Frederick, 40

Drew, Addine “Deenie,” 116

drinking fountains, 10–11, 57, 59, 114, 134, 178

Du Bois, W. E. B., 26, 27, 131, 157, 185

Duke, William W., 51

Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 40

Durham Colored Library, 20, 36

East Feliciana Parish, LA, 169, 179–81

Eastland, James, 162–63

Eatonville, GA, 46

Eddins, E. O., 63–64

Eisenhower, Dwight, 7, 46, 59, 63, 121, 164

Elberton, GA, 163–64

Elie, Lolis E., 182

Elliott, J. Robert, 135–36, 139, 237n17

El Paso, TX, 44

Enoch Pratt Free Library, 25, 192–93

Eshelman, W. R., 192, 193

Estes, Rice, 191–92

Evans, Buddy, 49

Evers, Medgar, 11, 146, 148, 150

executive orders, 4, 5, 62

Fairclough, Adam, 168

“Faith Cabin Libraries,” 21

Farmer, Will, 176, 177

Faubus, Orval, 63

Faulkner, William, 95

Fayette, AL, 46

FBI, 120, 125

federal funding, 36–37, 46, 49, 59–60, 62, 167, 192, 194, 196

federal troops, 7, 10, 63, 126

fees, 98–99. See also subscription libraries

Feingold, Mimi, 180

Fifteenth Amendment, 2

Ford Foundation, 193

Fortas, Abe, 183, 184

Fort Worth, TX, 56

Foster, Edith, 24–25

Fourteenth Amendment, 1–2, 3, 61, 75, 141, 175

Franklin, John Hope, 206–7, 209

“Freedom Libraries,” 157, 166, 201

Freedom Rides, 9–10, 55, 83, 89–90, 118–19, 133, 151, 156, 181–82

“Freedom Schools,” 157, 158, 159, 166

Freedom Summer (1964), 13, 157–62

French, Frances, 148, 149

funding, federal. See federal funding

fundraising, 20, 22, 24, 25, 28, 38

furniture, removal of. See chairs and tables, removal of

Gadsden, AL, 22, 59, 126

Gainesville (TX) Public Library, 29

Gandhi, Mohandas, 41–42, 54, 142, 225n95

Gardiner, Harold C., 193–94

gender segregation, 81

Georgia House of Representatives, 164

Georgia Library Association, 188, 194, 196

Georgia Library Commission, 20

Gleason, Eliza Atkins, 44

Golden, Harry, 97

golf courses, 61, 65, 154

Goodman, Andrew, 12, 157, 159, 162, 163, 206

Gordon, Diane, 172–73

Graham, Edward T., 59

Graham, Patterson Toby: A Right to Read, 15, 16, 23, 36, 39, 53, 201–2, 204

Great Depression, 24, 35–39

Green, Ernest, 63

Greenaway, Emerson, 199

Greensboro, NC: library, 34

lunch counter sit-ins, 8, 14, 61, 72, 90, 132

Greenville, MS, 147–48, 201

Greenville, SC, 37, 41, 76–81, 130, 209

Gregory, James J. H., 21

Gressman, Eugene, 2, 3

Greyhound buses, 118, 125

Grossman, William, 89

Hahn, Steven, 224n65

Halberstam, David, 203–4

Hamilton, Ed, 132

Hampton Institute, 41, 52, 194

Hartsfield, William B., 58–59

Harvey, Ruth, 92

Hattiesburg, MS, 158, 159–65

Helms, Charles, 78

Hendricks, Lola, 116, 118

Henry, Aaron, 157

Herring, Hugh W., 161

Higgins, Dorothy, 169, 171, 172

Holley, James W., 61

“home libraries,” 26

Honma, Todd, 209

Hopkins, Evans D., 90, 91, 99

Hopkins, James, 153

hotels and motels, 5, 8, 12, 90, 95, 116

and ALA conferences, 187, 188

Albany, GA, 137

bombing of, 11

and Civil Rights Act of 1964, 12, 142

Louisville, KY, 56

and Public Accommodations Act, 2

housing, 12, 15, 200

Houston, TX, 29

Hovey, Richard J., 59

Howard University, 20, 49, 186

Humble, Marion, 42–43

Hunter, Charlayne, 164

Huntsville (AL) Public Library, 37, 38, 39, 59

Indianola, MS, 146, 165–66

“integration, vertical.” See “vertical integration”

Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC). See American Library Association (ALA): Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC)

International Research Associates (INRA), 198–99

interracial marriage, 82

fear of, 63–64

Interstate Commerce Act, 9

Interstate Commerce Commission, 132

interstate transportation, 5, 82, 118, 125, 132. See also bus stations; Freedom Rides; train stations

Jackson, Blyden, 30

Jackson, Irene Dobbs, 58

Jackson, Maynard, 42

Jackson, Miles M., 194

Jackson, MS, 11, 47, 148–56

public library, 21–22, 147, 148–56, 206, 240n34

Jackson, Jesse, 17, 76–78, 203, 209

Jackson, Joseph, Jr., 149

Jackson Parish, LA, 175–77, 198

Jackson State College, 149

Jacksonville (FL) Public Library, 27, 40, 130

James, Earl, 119, 120

Janson, Guenter, 114

Jim Crow laws, 3, 4, 5

Johnson, Charles S., 48

Johnson, Frank M., Jr., 121

Johnson, Lyndon, 7, 12

Jones, Charles, 14

Jones, Clara Stanton, 207–8

Jones, Mrs. Frankie H., 91

Jones, Virginia Lacy, 189, 194, 197, 200

Jones, William D., 160, 161, 162, 164

Jonesboro, LA, 175–77, 198

Josey, E. J., 200, 205, 207, 208

Journey of Reconciliation (1947), 5

Justice Department. See U.S. Department of Justice

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 11

Keller, Rosa, 56, 57

Kelley, Asa D., 135, 136, 137

Kennedy, John F., 10, 11, 12, 136, 162

Kennedy, Robert F., 10, 118, 162–63

Kilbourne, Richard H., 182

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 10, 11, 14, 15, 52–53, 85, 204

and Albany, GA, 133, 134–35, 137, 138, 139, 164

assassination, 1, 12

and Birmingham, AL, 116, 117

bombing of home, 7

childhood library use, 42

Conley relations, 120

Gandhi familiarity, 42, 225n95

and Jackson, MS, 151

on “vertical integration,” 140

Knott, Cheryl: Not Free, Not for All, 15

Knoxville, TN, 20, 37

Kramer, David, 170–71, 172, 174

Kress stores, 79, 159–60, 164

Krug, Judith, 207

Ku Klux Klan, 7, 11, 65, 87, 149–50, 206

Danville, VA, 97

Freedom Rides and, 9

Louisiana, 181

Montgomery, AL, 125

Ku Klux Klan Act, 2

Lancaster, SC, 37

Lane, William Coolidge, 185

Laue, James, 9

lawsuits, 59–62, 84, 85

Adickes, 240n39

Albany, GA, 137

Birmingham, AL, 115, 116

Danville, VA, 92, 94, 100

Greenville, SC, 79, 80

Jackson, MS, 151–56

Memphis, TN, 71

Montgomery, AL, 120, 121–22, 126

Plessy, 3–4, 6

Savannah, GA, 130–31

Virginia, 82. See also Brown v. Board of Education

Lawyers Constitutional Defense Committee, 182

Lee, George, 146

Lee, Herbert, 146

Lee, Robert E., 82, 83, 85, 90

legislation, civil rights. See civil rights legislation

LeMoyne College, 23, 66, 67, 73

Lesser, Mike, 170, 171–72

Lewis, John, 54–55, 118, 205–6

libraries, academic. See academic libraries, public services of

libraries, basement. See basement libraries

libraries, bootleg. See “Freedom Libraries”

libraries, dam site. See dam site libraries

libraries, private. See private libraries

libraries, subscription. See subscription libraries

libraries, YMCA and YWCA. See YMCA and YWCA libraries

Libraries of the South: A Report on Developments, 1930–1935 (Barker), 186

library agencies, state. See state library agencies

library as community center. See community center, library as

library as place. See place (concept)

Library Bill of Rights, 187, 193, 195, 199, 210

library branches, black. See black library branches

library card applications, 99, 128, 145, 165, 170

library catalog access. See card catalog access

library closures: Albany, GA, 137, 139–40

Columbus, GA, 145

Danville, VA, 92, 94, 96, 97

Greenville, SC, 79–80

Hattiesburg, MS, 159, 161

Indianola, MS, 165

Louisiana, 178, 184

Montgomery, AL, 123–24

Petersburg, VA, 84, 88–89

Selma, AL, 128

library commissions, state. See state library agencies

library education, 31, 41, 52, 186

library fees. See fees

Library Journal (LJ), 190–91, 193, 195–96

library literature, 190–91, 196

master’s theses, 76, 189, 191, 194, 200, 251–53

library meeting rooms. See meeting rooms

Library of Congress, 49

Library Services Act (LSA), 46, 60, 63, 147, 177, 192, 194, 196

library sit-ins: Albany, GA, 134

Alexandria, VA, 48–50

Birmingham, AL, 116, 117

Columbus, GA, 143

Greenville, SC, 77, 78, 79

Hattiesburg, MS, 160–61

Jackson, MS, 148–56

Louisiana, 169–75, 178, 179–85

Memphis, TN, 72–73, 86

Mobile, AL, 114

Montgomery, AL, 119

Petersburg, VA, 83–88, 90

literary societies, 18

Little Rock, AR, 1, 7, 63, 70

public library, 29–30, 63

Litwack, Leon F., 18, 19, 39–40

Lockard, H. T., 69

Louisiana Library Commission, 36

Louisiana State University (LSU), 67, 168, 182

Louisville Free Public Library, 19, 30–35, 40, 56, 157

Loving v. Virginia, 82

lunch counters. See restaurants and lunch counters

lunch counter sit-ins, 8–9, 14, 72

Albany, GA, 141

Birmingham, AL, 116

Greensboro, NC, 8, 14, 61, 72, 90, 132

Greenville, SC, 78, 79

Petersburg, VA, 83

Luverne, AL, 37

lynchings, 7, 146, 149, 185–86

Macon, GA, 20, 50–51, 130

Malden, WV, 27

Malone, Cheryl Knott, 157–58

Malloy, C. J., 84

mandamus, writ of, 49, 50

March on Washington, 1941 (proposed), 4

March on Washington, 1963, 11

Marked Tree, AR, 48

marriage, interracial. See interracial marriage

Marshall, Thurgood, 71, 121, 152, 163

Martin, Farris J., Jr., 119, 120, 125

Martin, Lena, 22

Martin, Martin A., 92–93

mass media, 55, 65, 88, 98, 116, 117–18, 119

Albany, GA, coverage, 138, 198. See also television

“Massive Resistance” movement, 7, 130

master’s theses. See library literature: master’s theses

McCarty, Cynthia, 160–61

McClain, R. B., 125, 126–27

McComb, MS, 147

McKenney, Clara J., 82, 83, 84, 87, 88

McNeal, Archie, 193, 194, 195

McPheeters, Annie Watters, 23, 37, 41–42, 204, 205, 236n6

McPherson, James Alan, 29

McWhorter, Diane, 9–10

Means, Elaine, 209

Mebane, Chalmers, 90

meeting center, library as. See community center, library as

meeting rooms, 33, 187–88

Mellender, Shelley, 116–17

Memphis, TN, 46–47, 66–75, 113, 187

Cossitt Library, 23, 66–67

Lyceum, 20

Memphis State University, 70, 75

Meredith, James, 10, 155, 164

Meridian, MS, 148, 157

Miami Beach, FL, 190

Miami (FL) Public Library, 59, 70

Milam, Carl, 24, 186

Miles College, 116

military desegregation, 5

Miller, William E., 73, 75

Minden, LA, 36

ministerial associations, 51, 61

Mississippi Library Association, 188, 196, 207

Mississippi State Penitentiary, 151

Mississippi Summer Project. See Freedom Summer

Mitchell, Daniel, 176

Mize, Sidney C., 155–56

Mobile, AL, 24, 66, 113–14

mobs, 125, 127, 163–64, 179. See also lynchings

Monroe, LA, 169–75

Monroe, NC, 57–58

Montgomery, AL, 51–53, 118–25

bus boycott, 1, 7, 14, 52–53, 118, 119, 206

museum, 121–22

public library, 51–53, 118–25

Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), 119

Montgomery Negro Ministerial Association, 51–52

Moon, Eric, 190–91, 192, 193, 195, 202, 245n29

Moore, Ronnie, 171

Moreau, Joseph, 43

Morgan, Juliette, 53, 147, 202

Moses, Robert, 157

motels and hotels. See hotels and motels

Motley, Constance Baker, 8, 71, 136

Mound Bayou, MS, 29

murder of civil rights activists, 1, 11, 12, 146

Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, 13, 157, 159, 162, 163, 206

Murray, Samuel C., 59–60

Muse, Andrew, 92

Muse, Benjamin, 168

museums, 121–22

Myrdal, Gunnar, 48

Nashville, TN, 66, 70, 72, 73

public library, 53–54, 72

Nashville Negro Public Library, 29

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 7–8, 52, 63–64, 72, 186

Albany, GA, 133

Columbus, GA, 143, 145

Greenville, SC, 77, 78, 79, 80

and Ida B. Wells, 20

Legal Defense and Education Fund, 8, 81, 90, 152, 182

Memphis, TN, 67, 68, 69, 75

Mississippi, 146, 148, 150, 151–52

Monroe, NC, 57

Virginia, 82, 83, 84, 90, 92, 94–100

National Guard, 11, 163–64

National Lawyers Guild, 162

National Library Week, 193–94

national media. See mass media

Neshoba County, MS: murder of civil rights workers (1964), 13, 146, 157, 159, 162, 163, 206

Newman, Samuel, 97

New Orleans Public Library, 28, 56–57, 70, 168, 197

Newport News, VA, 59, 95

Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, 194

newspapers and magazines, black. See black newspapers and magazines

New York City: school segregation, 200

New York Garrison Literary Association, 18

New York Public Library: Schomburg Center. See Schomburg Research Center

Norfolk, VA, 74, 95

North Arkansas Regional Library, 198

North Carolina A&T College, 8

North Carolina Library Association, 188, 190

North Carolina Negro Library Association, 188, 190

northern public libraries, 18–19, 199

Not Free, Not for All: Public Libraries in the Age of Jim Crow (Knott), 15

Oboler, Eli, 195–96

Oklahoma City, OK, 27

Ouachita Parish Public Library, 169–75

Owens, Hugo, 60–61

Oxford, MS, 10

park benches, removal of, 153

park segregation and desegregation, 121

Albany, GA, 137, 144

Birmingham, AL, 115

Danville, VA, 90, 91

Mississippi, 153

Montgomery, AL, 118, 123

Parks, Rosa, 1, 7, 15, 52

Patterson, Catherine, 176

Petersburg, VA, 44, 82–90

Petersburg Improvement Association (PIA), 86–87, 89

Philadelphia, MS, 13, 146, 159, 206

Philadelphia, PA, 199

Philadelphia Library Company of Colored Persons, 18

pickets and picketing, 86, 132, 135, 165–66, 176, 177

Piel, Eleanor Jackson, 162

place (concept), 31, 33–35, 38

Plant City (FL) Public Library, 198

playgrounds, 47, 80, 86, 115, 137, 151, 153, 156

Pleasant, Bertha, 52

Plessy, Homer Adolph, 3

Plessy v. Ferguson, 3–4, 6

Portsmouth, VA, 60–62, 95

Powell, Dalzie M., 37

Powledge, Fred, 8–9, 11, 65–66, 137

Prater, Ruby, 22

presidential orders. See executive orders

Pritchett, Laurie, 133, 135, 137, 141, 142

private libraries, 94, 95, 96, 124

Profit, Joseph, 173–74

protests and demonstrations: Alabama, 113–29

Georgia, 131–42

Louisiana, 169–84

Mississippi, 148–67

Virginia, 85, 86, 100. See also pickets and picketing

Public Accommodations Act, 2–3

public parks. See park segregation and desegregation

public schools. See school segregation and desegregation

public transportation, 168. See also bus boycotts; bus desegregation

Pullman porters, 19, 39

Purcellville (VA) Public Library, 59

The Rabbits’ Wedding (Williams), 63–64

Rachlin, Carl, 181–82

Raleigh, NC, 24

Randolph, A. Philip, 4

Randolph, Wassell, 68, 69–70

Rayfield, W. D., 154–55

Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, 190

reading rooms, 25, 27, 29, 44, 59, 70, 126

Albany, GA, 134, 140

Anniston, AL, 126

Danville, VA, 93

and literary societies, 18

Montgomery, AL, 119

Nashville, TN, 54

New Orleans, LA, 28

Petersburg, VA, 83, 85

removal of periodicals from, 123

sit-ins, 73, 85, 134

read-ins, 143–44, 160, 169, 170. See also library sit-ins

Reagon, Bernice Johnson, 132

real estate redlining, 15

Reconstruction, 1–3

Reddick, L. D., 45

Reed, Emily, 63–64, 202

Reeves, Katie, 180

referenda, 93, 95–96, 98

Reid, Milton, 86, 87

removal of chairs and tables. See chairs and tables, removal of

removal of park benches. See park benches, removal of

restaurants and lunch counters: Albany, GA, 132, 139, 141

Birmingham, AL, 117

Danville, VA, 100

Greenville, SC, 79

Hattiesburg, MS, 159–60

Louisiana, 169

Memphis, TN, 75

Petersburg, VA, 87, 89. See also lunch counter sit-ins; snack bars

restrooms, 4, 25, 57, 74, 75, 121, 144, 193

at train stations, 133

Reyburn, Samuel W., 30

Reynolds, Quintus, 125, 126–27

Richmond, VA, 86, 90, 187

public library, 55–56, 72, 95

A Right to Read: Segregation and Civil Rights in Alabama’s Public Libraries (Graham), 15, 16, 23, 36, 39, 53, 201–2, 204

Riley, Virginia, 133–34, 135, 137, 138

riots, 63, 117, 118, 202

Rives, Richard T., 155

Robertson, Florence, 93, 99

Robey, Mrs. Clarence, 60

Robinson, Anne, 24

Robinson, Jackie, 138

Robinson, Larry, 176, 177

Robinson, Tommy, 173

Rochell, Carlton, 158

Rome (GA) Public Library, 23

Roosevelt, Franklin, 4

Rose, Ernestine, 186

Rosenwald, Julius, 35

Rosenwald Fund, 35–36, 38

Rossell, Beatrice, 195

Rothrock, Mary Utopia, 37

Rufus Lewis Regional Library, 206

rural library services, 35, 42

Alabama, 36, 38

Georgia, 20–21, 36

Louisiana, 168–69

Maryland, 51

North Carolina, 24, 36

Tennessee, 37

Rustin, Bayard, 5

S. H. Kress and Company. See Kress stores

Sampson, Donald, 77

San Antonio Public Library, 23–24

Sanders, Carl E., 139

Savannah, GA, 28–29, 66, 73, 130–31

Schomburg Research Center, 4–5, 186

school segregation and desegregation, 1, 6–8, 63, 81

Albany, GA, 137, 142

Danville, VA, 100

lawsuits, 82

Memphis, TN, 71

Mississippi, 152–53, 166

Mobile, AL, 114

New Orleans, LA, 168

in northern cities, 199–200. See also Brown v. Board of Education; colleges and universities, desegregation of

schools: black, 22, 37, 39, 166, 175

Harry Golden satirical plan for, 97

public library services in, 23–24, 26, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44

Rosenwald-funded, 35. See also “Freedom Schools”

Schwerner, Michael “Mickey,” 13, 157, 159, 162, 163, 206

Schwerner, Rita, 157, 206

Scoggin, Katharine, 49, 50

Scottsboro, AL, 37, 38

Second Reconstruction, 6–13, 15

segregation, park. See park segregation and desegregation

segregation, school. See school segregation and desegregation

segregation by gender. See gender segregation

Seigenthaler, John, 118

Selma, AL, 55, 125–27, 206

Settlemayer, John C., 58–59

sexually transmitted diseases, fear of. See “venereal disease” fears

Shaw, Spencer, 194–95

Shockley, William, 207

Shuttlesworth, Fred, 115

Singer, Joseph William, 4

sit-ins, 13, 67, 73, 117

buses and bus stations, 132–33, 151. See also library sit-ins; lunch counter sit-ins

sitting, discouragement of. See chairs and tables, removal of; park benches, removal of

Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL, 10, 11, 116, 117, 125

slaves and slavery, 1, 18, 121, 131

Smiley, Glenn, 225n95

Smith, Alice, 173

Smith, Oliver, 173

Smith, Virginia, 114

Smyre, Gwendolyn, 143

snack bars, 118

SNCC. See Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Sneed, Pearl, 21, 22

Sojourner Truth Club, 27

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 10, 116, 120, 133, 231n3

“Southern Manifesto” (anti–school desegregation), 6–7

Southern Regional Council, 11, 198

Soviet Union, 98

Spartanburg (SC) Public Library, 78

The Speaker (film), 207, 208

Spelman College, 58, 207–8

St. Francisville, LA, 179

state library agencies, 46

Alabama, 51, 52, 63

Georgia, 20

Louisiana, 177–78

Mississippi, 63, 147, 158–59, 167

state library associations, 185, 188, 190, 193, 194, 196, 201, 207, 245n29

states’ rights, 46, 96

Steele, Virginia, 201

Stevenson, Grace, 194, 201

Stokes-Jackson, Jimella, 159

Stoner, J. B., 97

story hours for children, 31, 32–33, 38

Stow, Charles E., 81

Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 41

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 9, 10, 55, 132, 150, 159

subscription libraries, 20, 28, 94

Supreme Court. See U.S. Supreme Court

Swanson, Paul K., 195

swimming pools, 118, 137, 140, 144, 178

tables and chairs, removal of. See chairs and tables, removal of

Talladega College, 20

Talmadge, Herman, 136

television, 10, 65, 117, 119, 122, 138, 175, 198

Temple, T. E., 92–93

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 37–38

Terrell, Mary Church, 27

textbooks, 39, 42–43, 159

theaters, 5, 12, 75, 169, 177

Albany, GA, 137, 141, 142

Birmingham, AL, 115

and Public Accommodations Act, 2

Thirteenth Amendment, 1

Thomas, Clarence, 29, 131

Thomas, Doyle, 92

Thomas, Eddie, 166

Thomas County, GA, 36

Thompson, Roby, 92, 93, 94, 98

Thompson, William Hale, 59

Thornley, Fant, 117, 118

Till, Emmett, 7, 146, 149

Tougaloo Nine, 148–56

Trailways buses, 89

train stations, 124, 133, 142

transportation. See interstate transportation; public transportation

trials, 163, 180, 206

Albany, GA, 134, 141

Jackson, MS, 150, 151

Memphis, TN, 72–73

Petersburg, VA, 85–86

Troy, AL, 55, 206

Truman, Harry, 5, 54

Tuck, Stephen, 13

Tucker, Samuel W., 48–50

Tulsa race riot of 1921, 28

Turner, Allegra, 66–67, 68, 75

Turner, Jesse H., 66–71, 73–75

Turner v. City of Memphis, 75

Turner v. Randolph, 71

Tuttle, Elbert Parr, 163–65

Tyson, Cleophas, 143, 144

Ulveling, Ralph, 199

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 41

universities, desegregation of. See colleges and universities, desegregation of

University of Alabama, 11, 121

University of Georgia, 164

University of Mississippi, 10, 155, 162, 164

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 7, 176, 196

U.S. Congress, 2, 12

House Committee on Un-American Activities, 14. See also civil rights legislation

U.S. Constitution. See constitutional amendments

U.S. Department of Justice, 136, 150, 180

U.S. Supreme Court, 72, 97, 139, 141

Brown v. Louisiana, 181–84

bus segregation (intracity), 7, 53

interstate travel segregation, 5, 9

justices, 29

Loving, 82

Plessy, 3–4

Turner v. City of Memphis, 75. See also Brown v. Board of Education

Van Jackson, Wallace, 187

“venereal disease” fears, 74, 75, 155

“vertical integration,” 97, 124, 128, 140, 153. See also chairs and tables, removal of

veterans, black. See black veterans

Vicksburg, MS, 166

Virginia State College, 84, 88

voter registration, 13, 58, 68, 98, 132, 146, 157

Voting Rights Act, 157

waiting rooms, 4, 133, 153, 182

Wakeman, John, 190, 191, 197

Walcott, Victoria, 205

Walker, Alice, 46

Walker, A. Maceo, 67

Walker, J. E., 67

Walker, Wyatt T., 83, 84–85, 86, 87–88, 116, 231n3

Walker County, AL, 36

Wallace, Anne, 185

Wallace, George, 11, 120, 121

Wallis, C. Lamar, 71, 72, 74

war industry desegregation, 4

The Warmth of Other Suns (Wilkerson), 4

Warren, Earl, 12

Washington, Booker T., 22, 27, 29, 30, 39–40

washrooms. See restrooms

water fountains. See drinking fountains

Watters, Annie. See McPheeters, Annie Watters

Webster Parish, LA, 40

Wedgeworth, Robert, 207

Wells, Ida B., 20

Wheeler, Joseph, 192–93

White Citizens’ Councils, 7, 45, 65, 118

Mississippi, 146, 165, 240n34

Montgomery, AL, 124

Selma, AL, 128

Wicker, Walter, 240n34

Wilkerson, Isabel: The Warmth of Other Suns, 4

Wilkins, Roy, 150

Will, Frances Allegra. See Turner, Allegra

Williams, E. C., 186

Williams, Garth: The Rabbits’ Wedding, 63–64

Williams, Jerry, 90, 92, 97

Williams, Linwood, 62

Williams, R. G., 84, 86, 88

Williams, Robert A., 90

Williams, Robert F., 57–58

Wilson, George, 49, 50

Wilson, Jerry, 160

Wilson Library Bulletin, 190, 194, 197

Winston County, AL, 121

Winter Park, FL, 34–35

women’s clubs, 35–36, 52, 60

federations of, 29, 51

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 36–37, 38

World War II, 4, 5, 6

Wren, Wills Randall, 150, 152, 154

Wright, Doris, 80

Wright, Gavin, 15–16, 147

Wright, James R., 46

Wright, Richard, 4–5, 46–48, 157, 192, 206

Black Boy, 191–92

YMCA and YWCA libraries, 55, 185

Young, Aurelia, 152

Young, Jack H., 151–52

Young, Whitney, 58

Zinn, Howard, 58

zoos, 118, 153