Arengo: General assembly of free men, citizens, and patricians, responsible for electing the Doge.

Abulcasis: Living in Cordoba at the turn of the 11th century, he was the most important representative of Hispanic-Arabic medicine in Islamic Spain.

Brolo: (vegetable patch) was the name given to Piazza San Marco in those days because it was covered in grass and trees.

Ca’: Short for “Casa” (house). In Venetian, it stands before the name of a house.

Calle: Venetian word for a narrow street.

Campo: Venetian word for a city square, which in the early days often had vegetation growing in it.

Circassia: Region in the Western Caucasus, extending as far as the Black Sea, currently part of Georgia.

Consiglio dei Primates: Group of laymen representing the Church and noblemen assisting the Doge in his decisions and in applying the law.

Dogado: Ancient Dukedom of Venice, which included the city and the lagoons.

Domenico Michiel: Doge of Venice from 1117 to 1130.

Fondamenta: In Venice, a stretch of road along a canal.

Garzone (plural garzoni): Shop boy.

Palazzo: A large patrician house.

Rivoalto: The old name for the modern Rialto.

Rivus Altus: The old name for Canal Grande.

Sandolo: A light, flat-bottomed fishing boat widely used in the Venice Lagoon.

Scaula: A light boat, like a gondola, used internally in Venice.

Trotula De Ruggiero: Female physician who worked during the 11th century at the famous medical school of Salerno. Famous in the Middle Ages for her study of female ailments.