With each new book, my appreciation for the Revell team continues to grow. It’s quite astonishing to realize the care they take to get a book right—its cover, scenes and characters, grammar—and then the marketing and promotion too. Each person goes above and beyond to get a book ready for the shelf and into the readers’ hands. Special thanks to Andrea Doering (aka ACFW 2011 Editor of the Year); to Barb Barnes (Grammar Queen), Michele Misiak, Janelle Mahlmann, Robin Barnett, and Twila Bennett (Marketing & Publicity Geniuses), Cheryl Van Andel and Paula Gibson (Cover Artists Extraordinaire) for your keen eye with all the details. To Amy Lathrop, for being so much more than a publicist.
As always, my gratitude extends to Joyce Hart of The Hartline Literary Agency. The only agent who was willing to take me on! I hope I’ve made you glad for that fateful decision, Joyce. I know I couldn’t be in better hands.
A smile to my family, who has a way of keeping a healthy perspective about this writing gig—bumping into my chair as they pass by on the way to the washer and dryer, texting me with grocery lists during my radio show, using my computer to check their Facebook updates when they know they are not allowed to touch it. Sigh. Where would I be without all of you?! Without 3-D characters, that’s where.
My heartfelt appreciation goes to my first readers, Lindsey Ciraulo, Wendrea How, and Nyna Dolby, for being such a huge help with that critical first draft (and second draft too!). A thank-you to Chip Conradi, who took time to give me excellent legal insights. He helped to make the downfall of Schrock Investments as credible as possible. And to my husband, Steve, for sharing his know-how in the world of accounting and investments over coffee at our favorite little coffee shop. Steve doesn’t even like coffee.
A thank-you to Jeff Camp for answering questions about brain surgery. Jeff said he was particularly grateful for excellent care from the neurology staff at the University of California, San Francisco. A big hug to AJ Salch for answering equine questions with me. And one last thank-you to Lindsey Bell and Melinda Busch, my crackerjack Latin translators, for helping me with the phrase, Miracula fieri hic. Miracles are made here.
And to the Author of all miracles . . . how can I ever thank you enough? You’ve blessed me in ways I never imagined and never deserved. To God be the glory, amen.