We are old now.
Our age is not measured in centuries or millennia or even aeons.
We have seen the rise and fall of solar systems. We have observed galaxies spin and turn, and, once, we watched the entire universe die, only to be instantly reborn in music and light.
Before the Doctor, before the Master, before Gallifrey and the Time Lords, our race ruled the universe. Gone now. All gone. Just we few remain.
But while the rest of our race faded, their atoms mixed amongst the stars, we clung to a semblance of life, dancing to the Music of the Spheres. Our rage kept us in existence, and our loathing sustained us. We will have our revenge. We will rule again.
We are the Devourers of Worlds, the last of the Old Ones.
We are the Archons.
Decrypted data burst recovered from the TARDIS records.