Some Gospel-truths Opened |
1656 | MW i | |
A Vindication of … Some Gospel-truths |
1657 | MW i | |
A Few Sighs from Hell |
1658 | MW i | |
The Doctrine of the Law and Grace Unfolded |
1659 | MW ii | |
Profitable Meditations |
1661 | Poems | |
I will Pray with the Spirit |
1662 or 1663 | MW ii | |
Prison Meditations |
1663 | Poems | |
Christian Behaviour |
1663 | MW iii | |
A Map, shewing the order and causes of Salvation and Damnation |
1663? | Offor, iii | |
One thing is needful |
1665 | Poems | |
Ebal and Gerizzim |
1665 | Poems | |
The Holy City |
1665 | MW iii | |
The Resurrection of the Dead |
1665? | MW iii | |
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners |
1666 | Oxford UP | |
The Heavenly Foot-man |
1671? | MW v | |
A Defence of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith |
1672 | (MW iv); Offor, ii | |
A Confession of My Faith and A Reason of My Practice in Worship |
1672 | (MW iv); Offor, ii | |
Differences in Judgment about Water-baptism no Bar to Communion |
1673 | (MW iv); Offor, ii | |
The Barren Fig-tree |
1673 | MW v | |
Peaceable Principles and True |
1674 | (MW iv); Offor, ii | |
Light for them that sit in Darkness |
1675 | MW viii | |
Instruction for the Ignorant |
1675 | MW viii | |
Saved by Grace |
1676 | MW viii | |
The Strait Gate |
1676 | MW v | |
Come, and Welcome, to Jesus Christ |
1678 | MW viii | |
The Pilgrim’s Progress, Part I |
1678 | Oxford UP | |
A Treatise of the Fear of God |
1679 | MW ix | |
1680 | Offor, iii | ||
The Holy War |
1682 | Oxford UP | |
The Greatness of the Soul |
1682 | MW ix | |
A Case of Conscience |
1683 | (MW iv); Offor, ii | |
A Holy Life |
1683 | MW ix | |
Seasonable Counsel, or Advice to Sufferers |
1684 | MW x | |
A Caution to stir up to watch against Sin |
1684 | Poems | |
The Pilgrim’s Progress, Part II |
1684–5 | Oxford UP | |
A Discourse upon the Pharisee and the Publican |
1685 | MW x | |
Questions about the Nature and Perpetuity of the Seventh-day Sabbath |
1685 | (MW iv); Offor, ii | |
A Book for Boys and Girls |
1686 | Poems | |
The Advocateship of Jesus Christ |
1688 | MW xi | |
The Jerusalem Sinner Saved, or Good News for the Vilest of Men |
1688 | MW xi | |
A Discussion of the Building, Nature, Excellency and Government of the House of God |
1688 | Poems | |
The Water of Life |
1688 | (MW vii); Offor, iii | |
Solomon’s Temple Spiritualized |
1688 | (MW vii); Offor, iii | |
Posthumous works |
1689 |
(MW xii); Offor, iii |
The Acceptable Sacrifice |
1689 | (MW xii); Offor, i | |
Justification by an Imputed Righteousness |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, i | |
An Exposition on the Ten First Chapters of Genesis, and Part of the Eleventh |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, ii | |
Paul’s Departure and Crown |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, i | |
Of the Trinity and a Christian |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, ii | |
Of the Law and a Christian |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, ii | |
Israel’s Hope Encouraged |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, i | |
The Desire of the Righteous Granted |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, i | |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, i | ||
Christ a Complete Saviour |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, i | |
The Saints’ Knowledge of Christ’s Love |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, ii | |
Of the House of the Forest of Lebanon |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, iii | |
Of Antichrist and his Ruin |
1692 | (MW xii); Offor, ii | |
A Relation of My Imprisonment |
1765 | Printed with GA |