How to eat them
These earthy nuts can be enjoyed in endless ways, from grabbing a handful on the go to adding slices to oatmeal or smoothies.
Why they’re good for you
Rich in monounsaturated fats, almonds have been shown to help keep cholesterol levels within a healthy range. They are also effective prebiotics, which means they feed the helpful probiotics in the gut and support a robust immune system. Almonds, like all nuts, are good sources of the antioxidant vitamin E, which may play a role in slowing cognitive decline with age.
Like all nuts, almonds pack protein and fiber, but they also pack fat. Moderation is key when you’re snacking on them.
How to eat them
Eat them on toast, or make your own Caesar dressing by chopping up four or five anchovies and mixing them with a bit of olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, parmesan cheese and a dollop of Dijon mustard.
Why they’re good for you
These bite-size fish show up in many signature dishes from Italy, Thailand, Spain and Korea. They’re high in protein as well as B vitamins, calcium, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. And since they’re so low on the food chain, they’re also low in mercury.
A serving of just 3 ounces packs nearly 20 grams of protein—that’s about a third of most adults’ daily needs.
How to eat it
Amaranth can be simmered into a morning porridge or popped on the stove like popcorn for a healthy snack.
Why it’s good for you
Though it’s often referred to as a grain, amaranth is actually a seed that’s rich in fiber and naturally gluten-free, making it appropriate for people with celiac disease. In addition, it’s a complete protein and contains cholesterol-lowering fiber.
The (high) protein to (low) fat ratio makes this an especially healthy and filling food.
How to eat them
Sauté up some kale or any other bitter green with chopped apple and some minced garlic for a simple side dish.
Why they’re good for you
“An apple a day” is a cliché for a reason. Apples are rich in a type of fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels, making them a heart-healthy snack. One study even found that eating apples led people to consume 15% fewer calories at their next meal. Another perk? They’re helpful for regulating digestion.
Apples are especially high in fiber, which is good for your gut bacteria and how full you feel after you eat.
How to eat them
Roasting artichokes takes some preparation—you have to remove the tough outer leaves, peel the stems, chop off the tops and soak them in lemon water so they don’t brown—but the process can be relaxing, and the result is delicious. Serve with a simple dipping sauce of Greek yogurt and curry. Of course, you can also simply buy them frozen, which are just as nutritious and far easier to prep.
Why they’re good for you
Artichokes have a meaty texture and are nutritional powerhouses, rich in folate, fiber, vitamin K and antioxidants. When selecting a fresh artichoke, pick one that’s heavy and firm.
They’re high-fiber and low-calorie, making them a dieter’s dream.
How to eat it
Use a peeler to shave raw asparagus spears into little ribbons that can be mixed into salads. You can also try them oven-roasted whole at 375°F for about 12 minutes and then served with sunny-side-up eggs for breakfast. When buying asparagus, avoid spears with smashed tips, which will spoil in the fridge more easily.
Why it’s good for you
Asparagus is a good source of folate, which is essential for a wide variety of body functions, as well as vitamins A, C and K.
The vitamins and nutrients packed into a single spear make them worth the splurge.
How to eat them
There’s really no bad way to eat an avocado, but it’s especially good only lightly adorned. Slice an avocado in half, drizzle with a little olive oil, salt, pepper and chili flakes, and eat with a spoon or mash it onto a couple of slices of toast. You can also blend half of one into a smoothie for a richer consistency.
Why they’re good for you
Avocados contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, many of which are easily absorbed by the body. Substituting an avocado for a source of saturated fat, such as butter or full-fat cheese, may reduce heart-disease risk.
No surprise, avocados are high in fat. A typical serving is one third to one half a fruit per day.
How to eat them
These tropical fruits couldn’t be simpler to eat on the fly, but they’re also tasty additions to other classics like peanut-butter sandwiches or oatmeal.
Why they’re good for you
Bananas are among the most popular fruits on the planet. They’re an excellent source of cardioprotective potassium, and they pack a nice amount of filling fiber too. Bananas are an effective prebiotic, enhancing the body’s ability to absorb calcium, and they increase dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin—brain chemicals that counter depression.
The greener the banana, the higher the amount of resistant starch, which makes you feel full longer.
How to eat it
This herb is actually a member of the mint family and is the star ingredient in pesto. Toss it into a stir-fry, add it to pasta or pizza, or shred it into a green salad. Just be sure you wait until just before serving to tear it.
Why it’s good for you
The oil extracts from basil leaves contain antioxidant compounds that have been shown to combat inflammation. Also high in vitamins, basil is a simple way to add a touch of nutrition to many recipes, and it pairs well with hearty vegetables.
This tasty herb is extremely high in vitamin K, which can help with blood clotting.
Beet Greens
How to eat them
If you’re a waste-conscious eater, save your beet greens! You can chop them up and stir them into soups and salads. Or cook them up with some onion and olive oil for a simple side dish.
Why they’re good for you
It’s hard to compete with the deep reds of beets, but don’t toss out the greens that sprout from them. The leaves of some beets are especially lush and thick, and they’re high in vitamins A and K. What’s more, one cup boasts a whopping 44 milligrams of calcium.
Like all leafy greens, they’re a good vegetarian source of iron.
How to eat them
They’re delicious roasted, but it’s easy to forget that beets can be enjoyed raw too. Slice them up super-thin and serve with a little salad dressing as a snack.
Why they’re good for you
Research shows that beets are a good source of antioxidants and have compounds that can help lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. They also look lovely on your plate thanks to betalains, the pigment that gives them their color. Betalains are destroyed by heat, so steam beets for 15 minutes or roast them for less than an hour.
Consider beets’ bright red hue a sign from nature that says “eat me.” They are packed with hard-to-get nutrients.
How to eat them
Bring two cups of steel-cut oats, a pinch of salt and eight cups of water to a boil. Then turn off the heat, leave it overnight, and top it with blackberries the next day.
Why they’re good for you
All berries are nutritious, but these are particularly high in fiber, which can increase how full and satisfied you feel after eating, as well as vitamins C and K and manganese. Research has also linked the compounds that make their colors so vibrant with the ability to lower inflammation and support the immune system.
Blackberries are low in sugar compared with other fruit. A cup contains just 7 grams.
How to eat them
Take a small jar or Tupperware container and fill the bottom with Greek yogurt. Add a thin layer of granola, followed by lots of blueberries. Drizzle a little honey on top, and let the mini parfait sit in your fridge overnight. Grab it and go in the morning.
Why they’re good for you
Blueberries are rich in a natural plant chemical called anthocyanin that gives these berries their namesake color. Blueberries may help protect vision, lower blood sugar levels, and keep the mind sharp by improving memory and cognition.
Be sure to wash your berries well. They’re packed with nutrients, but they can also contain high levels of pesticide residues.
Broccoli Sprouts
How to eat them
You can add broccoli sprouts to sandwiches or stir-fry dishes. If your usual salads are getting boring, sprinkle in a handful of broccoli sprouts before serving.
Why they’re good for you
Our skin, lungs, kidneys and liver are constantly detoxifying, but it’s nice to lend a helping hand. Eating broccoli sprouts, which look similar to alfalfa, may help with just that. Rich in natural plant chemicals, broccoli sprouts may have cancer-fighting and antioxidant properties that help our cells protect us from disease.
These sprouts contain many of the same nutrients as whole broccoli, though in smaller amounts.
How to eat it
Despite its name, buckwheat is actually wheat- and gluten-free. It can be used as the base for a dish in lieu of rice, in soups or in breakfast foods like pancakes or waffles.
Why it’s good for you
This whole grain, which is used to make soba noodles, is rich in fiber and is a complete protein.
One cup is low in fat and packs 23 grams of protein.
Canned Salmon
How to eat it
Canned salmon contains tiny bones, which you’ll definitely want to eat—they’re a great source of calcium that our bodies can more easily absorb than plant sources of the nutrient. Try making your own salmon burgers with eggs, spices and lemon zest.
Why it’s good for you
Less expensive than fresh wild salmon, the canned version is one of the richest food sources of vitamin D, which is good for bone health and calcium absorption. Its omega-3 fatty acids are another bonus.
One whole 170-gram can of wild salmon contains up to 60 grams of protein.
How to eat them
The simplest way to eat a carrot is to give it a wash and a good chomp.
Why they’re good for you
Orange carrots have long been a go-to crudité, but they also come in reds, purples and yellow—and they’re all nutritional stars. Standard orange carrots contain vitamin A, which is essential for healthy sight. Colorful carrots also contain other healthy antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene pigment. Lycopene is the same pigment that gives tomatoes their bright red hue, and it’s linked to a lower risk of certain cancers.
Though they taste slightly sweet, carrots are low in actual sugar and contain almost no fat.
How to eat it
Raw cauliflower can be a little tough on some stomachs, but roasted, with a little salt and olive oil, it’s a simple and surprisingly indulgent-tasting side. You can also toss it in a pan with veggies and roast chicken, or steam it, then purée or mash it as you would potatoes.
Why it’s good for you
Cauliflower, which can be found in white, purple, green and orange varieties, is thought to be a disease-fighting powerhouse. It’s rich in an assortment of phytonutrients that reduce oxidative stress in our cells. Interestingly, research has shown that cauliflower combined with turmeric has potential in preventing and treating prostate cancer.
Cauliflower, despite its deceptively pasty hue, is very high in vitamin C.
Chia Seeds
How to eat them
Toss chia seeds into oatmeal or yogurt to add a bit of crunch with a lot of nutrients. Chia seeds are a great ingredient for a homemade loaf of grainy bread, or they can be added to smoothies. Since they are extremely absorbant, they’re a great thickener.
Why they’re good for you
Despite their tiny size, chia seeds deliver an incredible amount of nutrition. In a two-tablespoon serving, you’ll find 11 grams of fiber, four grams of protein, five grams of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids and nearly 20% of a day’s worth of calcium.
They are packed with good fat—and protein.
Chili Flakes
How to eat them
If chili paste is a little too hot for your liking, try adding just a touch of chili flakes to a dish—it works for pretty much anything savory—for something a little more subtle but still palate-changing. Sprinkle onto eggs, pizza or avocado toast, or into a simple salad dressing of olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and parmesan.
Why they’re good for you
A 2015 study found that people who ate spicy foods three or more times a week had a 14% reduced risk of death, compared with those who didn’t eat much spicy food.
The more fiery the pepper, the greater the amount of capsaicin, peppers’ disease-fighting component.
How to eat it
Use one teaspoon of cinnamon and some honey to create a glaze for roasted carrots or butternut squash. You can also add it into a rub for meat like ribs and pork, or sprinkle it into smoothies or oatmeal.
Why it’s good for you
Cinnamon’s health benefits come from the oil found in its bark. These essential oils are suspected to have anti-clotting and antimicrobial power along with possessing the ability to reduce inflammation. Research shows that cinnamon may have the ability to improve insulin response too, making it a good companion to starchy or carbohydrate-rich foods.
Compounds in cinnamon may help control blood sugar.
How to eat it
Coconut is a good choice for people with a healthy taste for richness. Keep unsweetened shredded coconut in the fridge and sprinkle it onto a raw kale or collard green salad with a tangy vinaigrette. The small amount of fat it adds makes the salad’s nutrients more bioavailable.
Why it’s good for you
It contains a good helping of potassium, which can help reduce stroke risk, according to some research. Other research shows that adding a little coconut water to rice and letting it cool makes it less caloric. (Coconut water, however, is not a replacement for the real fruit, with some research suggesting that the water doesn’t always meet its nutritional claims.)
It’s high in fat and amino acids, which can help with muscle formation.