Amy C. Prevost, Mitchell J. Nathan, and L. Allen Phelps
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Given the rapidly changing global economy and postsecondary education landscape, it is important to understand how high school educators and curricula are preparing students for both college-level course work and careers in engineering. Amid policymakers’ assertions that high school graduation should symbolize a meaningful level of college and career readiness for all students is a fundamental question: How and to what extent does pre-engineering education contribute to students’ career and college success? In this chapter, we review and present current research regarding the assessment of teacher beliefs, curriculum, and instruction in pre-college engineering courses. Our inquiry is grounded in Social Cognitive Career Theory (Brown, Lent, & Hackett, 1994); more specifically, the integration or explicit coupling of academic subject matter with technical education allows high school students to develop an informed set of career interests and a robust foundational portfolio of problem-solving, analytical, and communication competencies. These academic connections were examined in a four-year series of studies of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) instruction and professional development. This analysis of intended and enacted pre-engineering curricula, as well as patterns of teacher beliefs, enables secondary educators to (a) better serve the needs of all students, (b) explicitly embed mathematics into curriculum and raise mathematics scores, and (c) integrate STEM concepts in meaningful ways.
The current educational policy context demands that we define an integrated STEM education pathway that encourages both a deep understanding of core academic subject areas and technical capabilities. For example, in the vast majority of U.S. high schools—those receiving federal funding for career and technical education—programs of study are being implemented that integrate academic and technical subjects. These programs are available for students beginning in grade 11, culminating in postsecondary courses leading to college degrees and certificates in STEM and other high-demand, high-skill sectors. Moreover, Section 113 of the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Amendments employs a set of core indicators for program accountability requiring high schools and two-year colleges to track student performance in language arts, math, and technical skill attainment (see
Further, publications coming from agencies such as the National Academies (e.g., Rising above the Gathering Storm, 2008; Engineering in K-12 Education, 2009) call for educational leadership that optimizes knowledge-based resources to expand the number of students on the STEM career track, as well as education research that directly studies teaching and learning in pre-college engineering classrooms. More specifically, these reports have confirmed that a higher level of integration among the STEM fields is required for the following reasons:
1. As STEM education is currently structured and implemented, it does not reflect the natural interconnectedness of the four STEM components in the real world of research and technology development.
2. There is considerable potential value, related to study of motivation and achievement, in increasing the presence of technology, and especially engineering, in STEM education in the United States in ways that address the current lack of integration in STEM teaching and learning.
The National Academy’s Committee on Successful STEM Education (2011, 2) came to a similar conclusion about the central importance of integration:
Research in technology and engineering education is less mature because those subjects are not as commonly taught in K–12 education. Although integrating STEM subjects is not the focus of this report, the committee recognizes the variety of conceptual connections among STEM subjects and that that science inquiry and engineering design provide opportunities for making STEM learning more concrete and relevant.
Globally, proficiencies in STEM career areas have come into focus. Recent international assessments, such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), have examined students’ knowledge and skills among a substantial number of developed countries. The PISA data include information gathered on a series of international assessments given to 15-year-old students to gauge reading, mathematics, and scientific literacy. These assessments also include measures of cross-curricular skills and competencies. The emphasis is on functional skills that students have acquired throughout their schooling, making them particularly relevant for gauging preparedness of students who engage with STEM subject matter.
What have recently been termed “mainline goals” (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009) for high school students contribute to the case for studying pre-college engineering. These goals include (a) helping students excel academically in science and math, (b) increasing the number of high school students entering and completing postsecondary education, and (c) increasing the technological literacy of all students. For the most part, the goals are congruent with 21st-century skills or the Common Career Technical Core, identified by the National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education (see Well-developed career and technical education (CTE) courses provide students with project-based and problem-based learning activities that enhance their academic achievement. Clearly, pre-college engineering courses fall within this category. Kazis (2005) notes that CTE concentrators (those enrolling in 2–3 common CTE courses) have lower dropout rates than students in either the general or academic high school tracks, indicating that these students are more productively engaged in school. In addition, in postsecondary education, among students who enroll within two years of graduating from high school, the percentage who persisted (either remained enrolled or completed a postsecondary credential) was 87.2% for engineering technology concentrators (Bersudskaya & Chen, 2011). Moreover, CTE courses contribute a valuable linkage between academic rigor and applicability to the outside world—concrete connections are formed and students see relevance to what they are learning. The hands-on nature of career and technical education appeals to students with varied learning styles and encourages multidimensional learning and skill development. However, only 1 in 10 engineering technology concentrators choose an engineering college major (Bersudskaya & Chen, 2011), indicating that more can be done to encourage students to choose this educational pathway.
Twenty-five percent of all high school students are enrolled in CTE courses, and of those students, 80% take the same number of science and math courses as non-CTE students. Further, they graduate with equivalent test scores (Gray, 2004), leading us to conclude that CTE has a valuable place in helping students fulfill all of the goals outlined for STEM education (preparing top students for advanced degrees, developing scientific literacy for all, helping prepare all students for college, and equipping a future workforce) (NRC, 2011). Growth of jobs in STEM fields is projected to increase four times faster than the overall job rate, and there is concern that there are comparatively too few graduates prepared to fill these jobs. At the National Research Council’s 2011 workshop on successful STEM education, it was observed that one of the greatest threats to the United States is “failure to properly manage our educational system and our investments in research” (NRC, 2011, p. 3). Therefore, the aim of pre-college engineering should not only be to serve the academic “elite,” but all students who may have an interest in STEM careers. The trend of explicitly combining academic subject matter with vocational education has become increasingly common. The coupling of core academics with project-based curricula allows students to build a strong foundation of skills and work competencies along with knowledge of subject matter, opening up many options to every student upon graduation from high school (Plank, 2001).
Understanding how to assess teaching and learning in the pre-college engineering classroom allows us to frame studies of these classrooms within the education and learning sciences in order to improve teaching and learning in this field. The research reviewed in this chapter explores the nature of the integration of other disciplinary subject matter within pre-college engineering courses. We reviewed the intended and enacted curricula of the PLTW foundation courses to better understand how academic subject matter was used in the materials and in the teaching of the materials. In addition, teacher expectancy data, collected using the Engineering Education Beliefs and Expectations Instrument (EEBEI), illustrate how teachers’ beliefs and expectations regarding engineering and technical career pathways for different students allow educators to provide better support for students in making these academic connections. Specifically the studies examined in this chapter address two major questions about pre-college engineering education and learning:
1. What is the nature of engineering in the pre-college classroom; in particular how are mathematics skills and concepts integrated with the engineering curriculum?
2. How are teacher beliefs associated with their expectations about STEM career pathways for different students?
These questions ultimately inform the way in which we understand the teaching and learning transaction in the pre-college engineering classroom and can lead to improvements in meeting students’ needs. Further these findings can be extended to help us understand how these foundations assist students in continuing into courses of study beyond high school and into STEM careers.
Though scholars may attempt to provide normative accounts of what engineering education should be, our challenge is to describe what “engineering” is at the pre-college level by providing an empirical account of the nature of engineering education in the classroom. Much of what we know about this topic comes from observations of the enacted curriculum, studies of the intended curriculum, and surveys of teacher beliefs about what student factors and characteristics may lead to success in engineering and technical careers. Importantly, we are faced with conflicting purposes for offering pre-college engineering courses at the high school level, which makes studies of the pre-college engineering classroom of the utmost importance. Is the focus on providing educational opportunities for the advanced technological elite, or are efforts being made to include underrepresented students to provide technological literacy for all? Findings from recent studies of PLTW curricula shed light on how differences among teacher beliefs mirror these tensions (e.g., Nathan, Tran, Atwood, Prevost, & Phelps 2010, 2011). Further, the explicitness of mathematics integration with engineering is more common in advanced pre-college engineering classes. Explicit integration is important for knowledge transfer and is required if students are to apply their classroom learning to novel contexts (e.g., Judd, 1908; Bransford & Schwartz, 1999; Stone, Alfeld, & Pearson, 2008). Thus, it is important that all students experience well-integrated learning and have access to courses that emphasize this integration. A review of teacher training materials and how professional development affects teacher beliefs adds to our knowledge of where we currently stand with regard to the content, instruction, and purposes of pre-college engineering curricula.
Teachers, as agents of instruction and enactment of principles and policies, serve a unique and critical role in engineering education. Among the factors that shape teachers’ classroom practices are the knowledge, beliefs, and expectations teachers have for their students, and how those beliefs may frame teachers’ perceptions of the purposes of learning experiences. For example, Benner and Mistry (2007) found that higher levels of expectation from science teachers were positively and directly associated with student expectations, academic performance, and postsecondary academic attainment. Level of support from teachers and parents regarding math instruction is associated with students’ beliefs about mathematics, achievement goals, and efforts directed at learning mathematics (Chouinard, Karsenti, & Roy, 2007), and motivational beliefs matter when it comes to outcomes in STEM careers. “From the pre-college perspective, positive attitudes toward math … at an early age positively influence later math achievement, math and science course-taking, and math self-efficacy beliefs, all of which are the cornerstone of fostering intent to pursue STEM” pathways and careers (Wang, 2013, p. 1107).
A report from the National Academy of Engineering (Custer & Daugherty, 2009) argues that teachers’ views have serious implications for the perceived place and purpose of engineering in the K–12 curriculum. Several recent studies have delved into STEM teachers’ views regarding K–12 engineering education. Yaşar and colleagues (Yaşar, Baker, Robinson-Kurpius, Krause, & Roberts, 2006) used a survey instrument to measure K–12 teachers’ knowledge and perceptions of engineers and engineering practice, with emphasis on assessing teachers’ familiarity and views of the importance of design and their perceptions of engineers and engineering practices. They learned that all of the teachers in the sample were unfamiliar with design and engineering and had low confidence in their ability to teach it, yet also subscribed to the value of integrating engineering into the K–12 curriculum and recognized its importance for preparing their students for later careers. In a separate study, Cunningham (2009) showed that that curriculum plays a powerful role in shaping engineering instruction for teachers by helping them reflect on what they teach, how they teach, and who is likely to succeed in learning engineering.
While the role of the teacher and teacher beliefs and perceptions influence the engineering learning experience, there is little empirical evidence to adequately describe what has been identified as the “engineering teaching culture” (Steering Committee of the National Engineering Education Research Colloquies, 2006). In order to measure teachers’ views on pre-college engineering education, preparation for future studies in engineering, and expectations for success in engineering careers, Nathan and colleagues (Nathan, Tran, Atwood, Prevost, & Phelps, 2010, 2011) developed the Engineering Education Beliefs and Expectations Instrument for Teachers (EEBEI-T; pronounced “eebee tee”). The EEBEI-T was originally given to 143 high school STEM teachers located in a moderately large urban city in the Midwestern United States. Part one of the instrument includes a set of Likert scale items with seven reliable constructs (α ≥ .70). Reliability of the constructs was replicated with a second administration to a national sample of STEM teachers (N = 82).
Most teachers who completed the survey reported using students’ interests, prior academic performance, and cultural and family backgrounds to guide their teaching practices. Most teachers agreed that engineering learning takes place in multiple contexts, in and out of school. Yet a minority of teachers reported that they adequately integrate engineering activities and concepts into their courses. Teachers generally believed that to become an engineer a student must show high academic achievement in their math, science, and technology courses. In contrast, student socioeconomic status was not reported as an important consideration.
In addition to these patterns among all teachers, the EEBEI-T is sensitive to group differences between those teachers who taught engineering education within career and technical education programs and those STEM teachers focused primarily on college preparatory math and science. As a group, math and science teachers saw engineering as rooted in high performance in math, science, and technology. Engineering teachers, collectively, were far more likely to contend that their instruction effectively integrates engineering with math and science.
In the second part of the instrument, teachers read vignettes of four fictional high school students who had different academic, gender, and socioeconomic descriptions. The profiles were designed to compare in a more situated and tacit way the impact of high versus low socioeconomic status and academic performance on teachers’ views. The vignette data revealed that teachers tended to support enrollment in engineering classes and predicted higher rates of career success for students from more economically privileged family circumstances, though it appears that teachers are not consciously aware of these influences.
The EEBEI-T was administered to high school STEM teachers in the summer and then again during the following winter in order to measure the impact on reported beliefs of participating in the PLTW teacher professional development program and teaching the first semester of a PLTW course. Over time, teachers in the control group increased their level of endorsement for engineering classes, while those who actually went on to teach PLTW decreased their overall support. One interpretation is that nascent PLTW teachers formed a more realistic understanding of the demands of the PLTW program than their counterparts.
In findings highly relevant to the current chapter, newly minted PLTW teachers were more likely than a control group of non-PLTW STEM teachers to increase their reporting that STEM concepts were being effectively integrated in their classes (c.f., Cunningham, 2009). Given the importance of establishing an integrative view of engineering with science and mathematics (Moore, Glancy, Tank, Kersten, Stohlmann, & Smith, 2014; NRC, 2007; Schunn, 2009), these findings document the nature and dynamics of teacher beliefs, and provide an empirical basis within which to interpret reform-based changes in the classroom. Chapter 3 led by Moore specially discusses the implementation and integration of engineering in STEM education. Examining the reform-based changes in the classroom is important not only for understanding and characterizing the changes themselves, but also because teachers’ practices reflect and affect their beliefs. In this work, we examine these teaching practices through two lenses: the intended curriculum and the enacted curriculum.
Curricula—specifically, the text books, the worksheets, handouts, activities, and materials that make up the course—are critical resources to examine when looking for connections between instruction and learning. It is important to analyze intended curricula because they embody institutionalized beliefs about what material is important. Second, instructors internalize these views even if they conflict with basic principles of educational reform that they might otherwise believe in. Thus, the curriculum directly shapes the views of instructors and, likewise, directly shapes the learning experience of students (Nathan & Koedinger, 2000; Nathan et al., 2002). After examining many pre-college engineering curricula from a broad viewpoint, Welty (2009) likened the model used in most curricula as “beads and threads.” The beads represent how projects and problems are framed or packaged, including what technologies are used to introduce students to engineering skills and concepts. Examples include how cell phones work, how special effects are created in movies, or even something simple like the creation of Rube Goldberg devices. The threads in this model include the core concepts of the STEM disciplines that run through the beads: engineering design, technology, science, and mathematics.
Similarly, Nathan et al. (2008) took the foundations courses of one pre-college engineering curriculum in particular—PLTW—and examined it in great detail to determine how well the mathematics standards were represented in both academic mathematics courses and the PTLW foundations courses. The mathematics standards used were determined by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and encompassed both content (including the topics of numbers and operations, geometry, patterns, functions, and algebra) and process (how math is performed and knowledge is created and verified; methods of data analysis, problem solving, reasoning, and communication; and connections across fields) standards for grades 9–12. The three PLTW foundations courses include Introduction to Engineering Design (IED), Principles of Engineering (POE), and Digital Electronics (DE). These three courses are the building blocks for the PLTW program and are generally taken in the order given. PLTW has been adopted by over 2,700 schools (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009) and is present in all 50 states. This study examined the structure of both PLTW and a representative sample of mathematics curricula in grades 9–12. Both the mathematics and PLTW curricula were similarly structured—each was composed of units that contained lessons and activities—which allowed for comparison to each other with regard to standards met at each level.
The following topics were covered in the PLTW courses:
Introduction to Engineering Design consists of the following topics: (a) history of design; (b) introduction to design; (c) student portfolio development; (d) sketching and visualization; (e) geometric relationships; (f) modeling; (g) assembly modeling; (h) modeling analysis and verification; (i) model documentation; (j) presentation; (k) production; and (l) marketing.
Principles of Engineering involve exploration of the following topics: (a) definition and types of engineering; (b) communication and documentation; (c) design process; (d) engineering systems; (e) statics and strength of materials; (f) materials testing in engineering; (g) reliability in engineering; and (h) introduction to dynamics/ kinematics.
Digital Electronics is intended to address the following topics: (a) fundamental principles of engineering; (b) number systems; (c) logic gates; (d) Boolean Algebra; (e) combinational circuit design; (f) binary addition; (g) flip-flop circuits; (h) shift registers and counters; (i) logic families and specifications; (j) microprocessors; and (k) student-directed study topics such as design paradigm.
The questions then were, how was mathematics used in presenting these materials, and what NCTM standards were being met by the PLTW curriculum? The mathematics textbooks, which were used as a comparison, were chosen because they were used by educators in a larger engineering education research project. These textbooks represented the academic mathematics curriculum and included standard books such as Glencoe’s Algebra, Geometry; Core-Plus Mathematics Project (CPMP) Courses 1–4 in Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry; and Prentice Hall’s Focus on Algebra, among others (Nathan et al., 2008).
Findings of this study indicate that while the mathematics curricula did emphasize most of the NCTM content and process standards, they generally lacked emphasis on measurement and work with data and probability, which are two areas strongly suited for integration with the pre-college engineering curriculum. Since only algebra, geometry, and trigonometry texts were reviewed, it is possible that these standards are met in other math courses. However, the analysis of the PLTW courses intended curricula revealed very few points of integration across any of the three foundations courses, leading to the conclusion that mathematics is present in these high school engineering courses, but weakly integrated (Nathan et al., 2008).
A second study of the PLTW foundation courses’ intended curricula (as well as the assessed curricula and teacher-training materials) looked for explicit connections between mathematics and engineering concepts and skills in order to better characterize the mathematics contained within (Prevost et al., 2009). While the original study conducted by Nathan et al. (2008) looked at absolute and relative frequencies, this study aimed to identify the occasions on which math and engineering were presented in an explicitly integrated way—given the evidence by research in the Learning Sciences that explicit connections are important for knowledge transfer, academic achievement, and career readiness (Bransford & Schwartz, 1999). Explicit connection is defined as a specific point made with a mathematics principle, law, or formula, using mathematics vocabulary that depicts or demonstrates an engineering concept, task, skill, or idea (Prevost et al., 2009).
Findings from this study focused on three main areas: (1) What emphasis was placed on explicitly integrating students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics and engineering topics? (2) What changes are observed over the three-course sequence? (3) How well aligned are the intended and assessed curricula? Content analysis was performed on the student materials in the intended curriculum as well as the assessments included in these materials. In addition, teacher-training materials from the two-week mandatory teacher-training program were analyzed in a review of the texts from these sessions, yielding a more complete picture of how the curriculum can be used in the classroom. The analysis addressed dimensions of (a) clarity, comprehensiveness, accuracy, and depth of mathematical inquiry and reasoning, organization, and perspective; (b) engagement and timeliness; and (c) pedagogy, resources, and professional development materials (Confrey & Stohl, 2004). The mathematics standards used for this study were again the NCTM standards for grades 9–12 and included both content and process standards. In order to understand the relative emphasis of the standards within each course over time and within each portion of the course (e.g., teacher-training materials, assessments, activities, etc.), the percentage of each standard within a given unit was calculated by dividing the frequency of each standard by the total number of possible occurrences addressed within that unit. Overall, findings indicate that the explicit integration of math concepts and skills with engineering concepts and skills (as identified via scholarly publications, professional societies, and popular accounts) was again apparent, but weakly so. Over the sequence of the three foundation courses, it appeared that IED was the least well integrated, POE was somewhat better, and DE was the best in terms of integrating mathematics and engineering. While it makes sense that an introductory course would not cover much detail in either engineering or mathematics, this could be problematic for students who are enrolled in the PTLW sequence and have low math achievement, since they may only take one pre-college engineering course (Tran & Nathan, 2010). The project- and problem-based approaches to learning engineering presented in the PLTW foundation courses are a good start, but the low integration of academic mathematics with the engineering work could be improved by taking advantage of implicit opportunities and making them explicit (Prevost et al., 2010). The lack of explicit integration inhibits learners’ formation of broader generalization and abstraction of technical knowledge and does not allow learners to ground their understanding in concrete examples. These findings are consistent with findings elsewhere (e.g., Welty, Katehi, & Pearson, 2008). Further, Stone et al. (2008) found that when mathematics concepts were used in CTE courses such as the PLTW foundation courses, students did better on standardized math tests for both traditional math assessment and college placement, making a clear case for ensuring that explicit integration occurs within these curricula.
Two examples illustrate how a lesson could be shifted from being implicitly to explicitly integrated. Implicit integration occurs when both math and engineering are used, but the definition of explicit integration is not met. In addition, these examples also illustrate the type of information that can be obtained in curricular studies of this nature. First, in Lesson 2.3 of POE (2004), students study how data can be presented. In this lesson, algebra standards could be explicitly integrated by having students graph functions as well as data sets. Students could compare the graphs of different functions to those of the given data sets, thereby integrating additional algebra standards. Then, they could see how their own modeling ability compares to the software algorithm for finding a line of best fit (by using a trend-line in Excel, for example). The mathematics embedded in Excel could be explicitly identified and connected with students’ prior work, and from there it could be reused in later lessons. As a second example, in Lesson 4 of the POE (2004) curriculum, a slide presentation on sprockets and gears uses ratios to explain mechanical advantage. The math lessons in this presentation are well developed but are not made clear to the novice learner. For example, one slide derives equations for the gear ratio, but the term’s definition is elusive and the ideas of relationships between variables (direct, indirect) are missed. Torque, a central concept, is not defined. When these concepts are tested in activities, they have only equation-based questions, just as the abstract lessons have only abstract questions. The math is kept in the realm of formulas, so the connections between the mechanical principles and the math lesson are very limited. Both algebra and geometry standards could be better integrated—for example, it should be pointed out that the number of teeth on a gear is connected to circumference or arc length; explicit consideration of the concepts of linear and rotational motion would provide math content while elucidating the relationship between gears of different sizes.
Taking the analysis of the course materials a step further, Nathan et al. (2009) and Prevost et al. (2010, 2011) looked at the enacted curriculum—that is, how did teachers in several high schools actually teach the PLTW foundation courses when using the resources from the intended curriculum? Did the teachers explicitly integrate the math and engineering? In order to conduct these studies, researchers first recorded 14 hours of video in high school PLTW classrooms, representing 14 class segments. These videos were digitized and entered into Transana (Fassnacht & Woods, 2005), a computer application that integrates video, transcript text, and researcher codes to allow both qualitative and quantitative analysis in the classroom and other settings. Each classroom episode was divided into clips, and clips were coded to reflect the points of interest related to the use of mathematics skills and concepts, the use of engineering skills and concepts, and the nature of the integration of these areas. Researchers coded the video for the occurrence of concept, which denoted engagement with “big ideas” in engineering and mathematics (e.g., “modularity,” “projection,” etc.) and skills or process-oriented tasks that may or may not require conceptual understanding but are important for completing engineering work. Concept codes in this study encompass the content codes from the NCTM math standards. Similarly, skill codes include the NCTM process standards. These codes, along with those used for coding the engineering work done in the classrooms are described in Table 10.1 and Table 10.2.
Concept code | Description used to apply code |
Mathematics: Algebra | Understand patterns, relations, and functions; Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols. |
Mathematics: Geometry | Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and development of mathematical arguments about geometric relationships; Specify locations and descriptions of spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems; Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations. |
Mathematics: Measurement | Map out the measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement and application of appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements. |
Mathematics: Number | Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems; Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another; Computations performed fluently and reasonable estimates made. |
Mathematics: Logic | This is beyond the scope of the NCTM standards for high school math and includes the use of Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh mapping for the design of circuits and creation of robotic commands. |
Engineering: Design Basis | Emphasis on the importance of creating a pre-specified “statement of the problem” or system requirements. |
Engineering: Computer Simulation | Design or simulation of circuits and other digital commands using computer programming. |
Engineering: Debugging Circuits | Troubleshooting circuits by following logic commands; Reviewing wiring and design of circuits. |
Engineering: Modeling | A representation of a design or system. Can be “literal” (as in a physical or electronic one-, two-, or three-dimensional model of the design itself) or symbolic (as in when equations, graphs, or schematics represent interesting aspect of the design). Sometimes the model is explicitly coupled to an analysis or testing/evaluation task. |
Engineering: Re-engineering | Improvement upon an existing design. This may require “reverse-engineering” if design artifacts like drawings and models are not available. |
Engineering: Structural Analysis | Determine the strength of materials in a structure based on empirical testing or calculation of forces/stresses and understand the conditions necessary to conduct this analysis. |
Skills code | Description used to apply code |
Mathematics: Communication | Organize and consolidate mathematical thinking through coherent and clear communication to peers, teachers, and others; Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others; Use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. |
Mathematics: Connections | Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas; Understand how mathematical ideas build on one another to produce a coherent whole; Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics. |
Mathematics: Problem Solving | Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts, using appropriate strategies. |
Mathematics: Reasoning | Develop, select, and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs. |
Mathematics: Representation | Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas; Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena. |
Engineering: Understanding Constraints | Ability to keep in mind parameters of the project while creating a solution. |
Engineering: Creating Hypotheses | Generate an idea for testing based on knowledge of what might work (from math or physics, for example, or even other things that exist, such as a bridge in your neighborhood, something found in nature, or even experience). |
Engineering: Project Management | Figure out what must be done at certain time points in order to meet a deadline. |
Engineering: Use of Software for Design | Use of computer-aided tools for creating and modeling the project. |
In addition to looking at the enacted curriculum itself, the authors also explored the nature of the instruction in the classroom, breaking down how the time was spent by the instructor with regard to interactions with students (instructing students, tutoring individuals, or non-instructional tasks) and how students spent their time in class with regard to project work (working alone, in pairs, in groups, or with the instructor).
As with prior curricular analyses (Nathan et al., 2009; Prevost et al., 2010, 2011), these studies found that the amount of explicit integration of mathematics and engineering improved across the three foundation courses, with the most integrated course being the final foundation course, DE, and the least being the first course, IED. The material in DE was found to be explicitly integrated 77.5% of the time, which is consistent with the nature of the material presented in DE; that is, the mathematics and engineering used in digital electronics is practically inseparable and is equally skills and concept based. The curriculum incorporates Karnaugh mapping, Boolean Algebra (notation, transformation, and theorems), and the creation of circuits using breadboards, among other things. In comparison, explicit integration is observed only 29.4% of the time in IED and 51.8% of the time in POE, showing a continuing trend of improvement as the PLTW foundation courses progress with regards to explicit integration, which is consistent with earlier analyses of the curriculum. These numbers were determined by dividing the total amount of time included in clips coded as explicitly integrated by the total amount of time coded with at least one mathematics or engineering skill or concept.
To better illustrate what explicit integration is, specifically, Prevost et al. (2011, p. 16) give an example of students who are wiring a digital alarm clock on a breadboard, as the transcript appears in Transana. The circuit was designed in Multisims, and the dialogue presented is a discussion surrounding debugging the circuit. In order to complete this project, students must understand the inputs and outputs (logic functions). In lines 2–5 and 6–9, the instructor directs the student to the diagram that was created in a prior assignment to compare what was figured on paper to what had been wired (by counting and integrating each circuit). Thus, this example integrates mathematics skills of connection and representation; the engineering skill of using software for design; the mathematics concept of logic; and the engineering concepts of debugging circuits, modeling, and re-engineering.
1 S: Where are the switches supposed to connect to?
2 T: See what it says here. These are your ins. Okay. Just go off this (diagram of
3 circuits). Where’s the switch go? Here’s your in. So you gotta connect these two
4 legs together. So which ones are those? Let’s take number one here.
5 S: One and two have to be together.
6 T: (at the same time) So you gotta hook one and two hook together.
7 And what do you do to that? Then you hook that, to the switch. Make sure your
8 ground is seven. Power is VCC. Count down, count up. ‘Kay. Then you got four
9 of ’em. One two three four. Everything’s done off identical to that.
10 S: Okay
11 T: So on one integrate circuits one two three four.
12 S: So you basically just go off the diagram.
These studies also found that the amount of time the instructor spent directly working with students followed the established pattern. In DE, the most advanced course, the teacher interacted with the students 96% of the time. Since the DE curriculum is so project heavy, much of this time (74%) was spent working with students one-on-one or with small groups. This level of attention given to students by the instructor is the highest among the foundation courses, even though enrollment and course offerings for the more advanced courses are in far smaller numbers at our study sites and nationally. In the earlier courses, more time was taken out of the 40–50 minute period for non-instructional class management (60% for IED and 23% for POE). One can observe this as the nature of a project-based curriculum. In the introductory course, students cover several projects, devoting little time to each. In the later courses, more time is spent on each project so less time needs to be spent managing the class during set-up and getting started with each project (Prevost et al., 2011). However, with the goals of getting more students interested in engineering careers and helping students be able to perform at academic levels that would enable them to achieve these careers, a higher level of explicit integration is needed earlier in the curricular sequence.
The findings from our research surrounding the academic-engineering connections in pre-college engineering contexts and the different assessment methods used in these studies provide several implications for practice, professional development, public policy, and research. For practitioners—teachers using pre-college engineering curricula in their classrooms—the findings suggest new approaches for how curricula are enacted and assessed in the classroom. For school leaders and district curriculum developers, the implications for explicitly integrating STEM subjects in and across classrooms, in schools, and in community settings will require changes in professional development supports, as well as enhancements to extant organizational and professional cultures. For policymakers examining integrated STEM education initiatives, the implications for funding, performance accountability, teacher credentials, and successful school-to-college transition are discussed broadly. In addition, this work presents several different assessment approaches, which provide insights into how other researchers might further characterize teacher beliefs and practices related to pre-college engineering education. Lastly, as new research surfaces that map factors relevant to career pathways in STEM, we can overlay these findings to help us better meet the needs of students in these areas.
Implications for practice and professional development
Acknowledging the significant gaps in our understanding of how K–12 students learn and could be taught engineering concepts and skills optimally (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009), we offer some general implications for improving practice and professional development using the framework for engineering education described at the outset of the chapter.
To address the challenges of ensuring that all students are both college and career ready (Provasnik, Gonzales, & Miller, 2009), pre-engineering programs, academies, and/or courses must provide students with substantially re-designed learning environments. Effective learning opportunities are advanced when they are centered on students’ interests and capacities, knowledge production, community connections, and assessment (Bransford & Schwartz, 1999). Pre-collegiate engineering learning must enable students and teachers to make deep and explicit connections among the content of engineering (design, principles, digital electronics, introduction to engineering specialties), requisite or essential academic knowledge (physical and chemical properties of materials, biological structures), and the contexts in which the technical and academic learning is applied to addressing societal challenges. By linking learning to broader frameworks and societal purposes like the Grand Engineering Challenges issued by the National Academy of Engineering in 2008, and engaging students from diverse backgrounds, including girls and students from poor families, we can begin to understand how engineering and technology expertise is central to major societal problems, such as providing access to clean water, making solar energy economical, or restoring the U.S. urban infrastructure.
Turning to instructional practice, it is important to keep in mind the key lessons espoused by the National Academy’s Committee on K–12 Engineering Education (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009). Building on the Committee’s three lessons (pp. 140–143) and the studies presented in this chapter, teachers and high school leaders should:
1. Allocate sufficient instructional time to develop core engineering concept understanding through immersion in extended design activities that explicitly connect engineering skills and concepts to mathematics standards.
2. Encourage iterative, purposeful revisions of student designs that embody current and realistic challenges facing engineers (e.g., National Academy of Engineering’s Grand Challenges).
3. Sequence instruction to build from the easiest-to-learn engineering core concepts to the challenging-to-learn concepts, while integrating academic subject matter. As shown, the PLTW foundation courses do follow this pattern. Further, the project-based work students complete allows for assessment of student abilities in more than one domain—they demonstrate what they know through the successful completion of projects, as well as exams and other written materials.
4. Create new or expanded professional development practices. In many secondary school settings, these are needed to advance the implementation of engineering education. Our studies of classroom instruction suggest that teachers often ignore or overlook opportunities in design, principles, and digital electronics classes to illustrate how core scientific and mathematical knowledge is fundamentally important to correct, accurate engineering solutions. The missed opportunity to make explicit connections is, fundamentally, a teacher professional development challenge. As the Committee on K–12 Engineering Education (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009) noted, many teachers are afraid of teaching science and engineering; thus teacher development initiatives must defuse the feelings of ineptitude through engagement (p. 112). The substantial differences between math and science teachers and Project Lead the Way teachers (mostly CTE instructors in most states) is reflected in their significantly different beliefs about the importance of high academic performance in math and science for becoming an engineer. The EEBEI-T instrument can be used in schools to assess instructors’ views, both before and after systematic professional development experiences, on the academic connections between math, science, and technical skills and knowledge for success in the engineering career pathway. As noted earlier, participation in the PLTW summer institutes and an initial semester of PLTW instruction did not raise the PLTW instructors’ beliefs of the importance of academic achievement. Thus, new professional development models for culling out and teaching the explicit connections between core science and math content and technical or engineering principles and applications could be quite beneficial in advancing broader understanding and teacher knowledge about the centrality of engineering education.
5. Develop teacher professional knowledge and motivation. Without question, this is one of the key strategies for advancing pre-collegiate engineering education or integrated STEM education as envisioned by the National Academy committee. However, when high-quality instruction requires both recent content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in other related fields, wholly new school-level designs and innovations may need to be considered. The recent literature on STEM teaching suggests that some school districts and states are:
a. Creating STEM leadership or instructional teams to develop and implement integrated courses or core themes. Often, the introduction of team-taught courses, such as Engineering and the Environment or Engineering and Energy Solutions, can stimulate broader curriculum innovation.
b. Initiating STEM or engineering-focused small learning communities, such as career academies, with planning and professional development funds available from various federal programs administered by states, including charter schools, Perkins career and technical education, or math–science partnerships. Several regional and local foundations are supporting similar initiatives.
c. Developing local and regional alliances with universities to develop dual credit arrangements in engineering and related technology education departments. Project Lead the Way is the most prominent model for awarding college credit to high scoring students who complete end-of-course assessments in one of seven engineering courses. High school PLTW instructors are trained and certified at a two-week summer institute held at a state-affiliated engineering college or university.
Implications for public policy
As noted in the introduction, the extended and challenging global recession, which began in 2008, has continued to stimulate calls from the private and public sectors for education policies and programs capable of providing a high-skilled, high-wage workforce. Reports from the National Academies, national commissions, and prominent professional associations, such as the National Governors Association, continue to call for new strategic alignments of secondary and postsecondary education pathways in STEM, engineering, and health sciences. In the 2011 National Academies Workshop on Successful STEM Education, valued outcomes included preparing top students for advanced degrees and technical careers in STEM fields, developing science literacy for all, helping all students prepare for college, and equipping the future workforce to prosper individually and support the nation’s prosperity. Many of these reports offer interesting recommendations and are likely to significantly influence the future design and implementation of engineering education in schools and beyond.
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs’ Master Plan for Higher Education in the Midwest (Duderstadt, 2011) calls for the following:
• All higher education institutions must become significantly more engaged in partnerships with K–12 education to address the challenges of improving teacher quality, pathways for all students across and between education levels, college completion rates, and peer-to-peer relationships among faculty members to strengthen STEM education.
• To prepare students for tomorrow’s unknown challenges of careers and citizenship, universities must help students develop and assess the higher order intellectual skills necessary to cope with a future of continual yet unpredictable change (e.g., critical thinking ability, a commitment to lifelong learning, the ability to adapt to change, and the capacity to thrive in a world of increasing diversity).
In addressing the role of education in the state-level economic development strategies, the National Governors Association (Sparks & Waits, 2011) has recommended that governors:
• Set clear expectations for higher education’s role in economic development.
• Encourage employers’ input in higher education.
Engineering and applied sciences will be templates for other areas of study as they develop new programs and program enhancements (e.g., new certificates) in response to industry input and labor market demand data. In addition, engineering programs at the university, community college, and high school level will provide more faculty and students with opportunities to systematically access and engage industry partners via internships, research opportunities, project-based learning assignments, and faculty externships.
Despite limited evidence that these policies have an influence on teaching and learning outcomes in engineering education, these public policy changes are often viewed by policymakers as central to state or regional economic recovery or productivity. Whether viewed as a pipeline or mainline educational innovation, high-quality engineering education holds much promise for enhancing both the public and private returns to education investments in the 21st century.
Implications for research
Finally, the work presented in this chapter demonstrates that different assessment approaches are valuable to gain insights into teachers’ beliefs and practices. Our work includes the use of a statistically valid survey instrument to elicit teachers’ engineering education beliefs and expectations, the use of content analysis methodologies to assess existing curricula and the teaching behaviors enacted through the use of this curricula, and the use of video analyses to examine teachers’ actual behaviors in the ways that they taught or enacted their curricular materials. Each of these different methods for assessing teachers’ beliefs and behaviors yielded unique insights and provided further evidence that it is important for researchers to use a variety of assessment approaches in order to better understand teachers’ beliefs, behaviors, and instructional practices related to pre-college engineering education.
Going forward, pre-college engineering education research must identify influential factors and innovations leading to improvements in students’ career and college readiness, as well as other postsecondary education, employment, and personal outcomes. As noted at the beginning of this chapter, improving the efficacy of pre-college engineering education is a critical national public policy priority. Future research endeavors must be driven by the urgency to improve STEM practices that accelerate student achievement and outcomes. In addition, pre-college engineering education research endeavors are strategically positioned to develop or advance frameworks or theories that help explain how individuals, learning organizations, communities, and regional/global economies can be aligned or shaped to function optimally in the 21st century.
The authors would like to acknowledge the many important individuals who contributed in significant ways to the engineering education research project described in this chapter. We are especially indebted to Natalie Tran, Kyle Oliver, Ben Stein, Amy Atwood, Sandy Courter, Kevin Anderson, Traci Nathans-Kelly, Tom McGlamery, and Christine Nicometo.
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