1. Caricature of Abel Hovelacque on the cover of the periodical Les hommes d’aujourd’hui
2. Caricature of Mathias Duval on the cover of the periodical Les hommes d’aujourd’hui
3. Caricature of Clémence Royer on the cover of the periodical Les hommes d’aujourd’hui
4. Caricature of Henri Thulié on the cover of the periodical Les hommes d’aujourd’hui
5. Group picture from the Moscow Anthropological Exposition
6. Photograph of Léonce Manouvrier, with signature
7. Photograph of Charles Letourneau, with signature
8. Exhibits at the museum of the School of Anthropology
9. Artificially deformed skulls from the museum of the School of Anthropology
10. A ticket to the annual Broca Conference
11. Bertillon’s chart of eye types
12. Brains in the Society of Mutual Autopsy Collection
13. Skulls from Lapouge’s L’Aryen
14. Reading party at the home of Alphonse Daudet, April 11, 1882