
Abraham. See Bible

Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques

Académie française

Academy of Medicine

Action française


Afterlife: biological version of; denial of

Agulhon, Maurice, (The Republic in the Village)

Algave, Emile

Alliance Nationale

Allix, Jules

Almanach de la libre pensée

American Bertillon Prison Bureau

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

American Public Health Association, international nomenclature for causes of death

Ammon, Otto (1842–1916); note to Lapouge


Andler, Charles (1866–1933)

Annales de démographie internationale

L’année philosophique

L’année sociologique

Anthony, Raoul (1874–1941)

L’anthropologie (Topinard)

Anthropology: debate over definition; early history in France; and politics

Anticlericalism. See Secularization and anticlericalism.

Anti-Semitism; and Lapouge; Mortillet’s critique of; and socialism

Aphasia: Bergson questions Broca’s research; L. A. Bertillon’s brain suspected of; Broca’s discovery; Chevalier on Broca and Bergson; Duval on; Freud’s On Aphasta; Keane questions Broca’s conclusion

Arcelin, Adrien

Archeology, first journal

L’Aryen: son rôle social (Lapouge)

Asseline, Louis (1829–1878); autopsy of; brain of; brain at World’s Fair 1889; as group leader; and Guyot; founding Society of Mutual Autopsy; as politician

Assézat, Jules (1832–1876): brain, see caption to figure 12; in Lefèvre’s toast; place in the group

Assire, A.

Atheist stories of awakening or early dedication

Axenfeld, Alexandre (1825–1876)


Bacon, Francis (1561–1626)

Bakunin, Mikhail (1814–1876)

Barot, Odysse (1830–1907)

Barrows, Susanna (Distorting Mirrors)

Beauquier, Deputy

Beddoe, John (1826–1911), The Races of Britain

Béjin, André

Belot, Gustave (1859–1929)

Bergson, Henri (1859–1941); audience of; on Broca’s materialist understanding of the brain; as Collège de France chair; L’évolution creatrice; on immortality; life and work of; Nobel Prize; Matter and Memory; in praise of Finot; in Revue scientifique; Time and Free Will; vitalist philosophy of

Bernard, Claude (1813–1878)

Bert, Paul (1833–1886); anticlericalism of; arranges for Charcot’s chair at Faculty of Medicine; and Gambetta’s brain; life and work; publishes Royer’s work in La république française (and later as a book); studied with Charles Robin; and women interns

Berthelot, Marcellin (1827–1907); life and work

Bertillon, Alphonse (1853–1914); admired by Sherlock Holmes; attends L’école d’anthropologie; “Bertillonage” and criminal identification, see also figure 11 caption; brain goes to Manouvrier; description by Tarbell; discusses criminal anthropology with Tarbell; discussion of; and the Dreyfus Affair; and the Drummond Castle; essay prize; filing system; General Register of Identification; life and work; mug shot; niece Suzanne’s biography; phrenological reading by Letourneau; portrait parlé, figure 11; Les races sauvage; relation to freethinkers; in Revue bleue

Bertillon, Amélie (née Notar): Alphonse’ wife and anthropometrical assistant

Bertillon, Caroline (née Schultze); admitted to Paris Faculty of Medicine; Jacques’s wife

Bertillon, Georges

Bertillon, Jacques (1851–1922); article on the anthropology museum; Broca’s influence; De la dépopulation de la France et des remèdes à apporter; life and work; discussion of; and Dreyfus Affair; essay prize; financial schemes for raising birth rate; Génération consciente; helps found the International Institute of Statistics; instates Mother’s Day; on “Monstrosities”; in La nature; phrenological reading by Letourneau; pronatalist; La question sexuelle; relation to freethinkers; and Society of Mutual Autopsy; leaves Society of Mutual Autopsy; Le temps; wife (née Caroline Schultze)

Bertillon, Louis-Adolphe (1821–1883); Academy of Medicine; autopsy report and suggestion of aphasia; brain of; civil funeral of wife Zoé; death and last words of; death mask and skull of; founds demography; “Etude statistique sur les nouveau-nés,”; founding of Society of Anthropology of Paris; founding of Society of Mutual Autopsy; freethinker; funeral of; home life; life and work; meets Michelet; Moscow conference; and pensée nouvelle; political career; Prix Bertillon; role in freethinking group; rue Bertillon; in “scientific trinity,”; skeleton of

Bertillon, Suzanne: biographer of her uncle Alphonse; women of the Bertillon family

Bertillon, Zoé; argues with Michelet about Spinoza and Comte; death and funeral of; family; freethinking

Bible; Abraham in

Bibliothèque des sciences contemporaines; proposal of

Bibliothèque matérialiste

La bien et la loi morale (Royer)

Le bien public

Binet, Alfred (1857–1911)

Blachette, Felix, questionnaire of

Blanckaert, Claude; on Royer

Bloch, Jean-Richard

Blumenberg, Hans

Bonnechose, Cardinal (1800–1883)


Bordier, Arthur-Alexandre (1841–1910); and Moscow conference

Bouglé, Célestin (1870–1940); “Anthropologie et démocratie,”; attacked by Lapouge; defense of democracy against Lapouge’s anthropological racism; La démocratie devant la science; Les doctrines égalitaires; Essais sur le régime des castes; group intelligence weaker than individual; in letter from Muffang to Lapouge; letter to Brunetière; life and work; and Muffang; Qu’ estce que la sociologie?; revival of philosophy; “scientific morality,”; “social spirit,”; and sociology; and solidarism

Boulanger, General Georges (1837–1891); in Les hommes d’aujourd’hui

Bourgeois, Léon (1851–1925); and solidarism

Bourget, Paul; Le disciple

Bourneville, Désire-Magliore (1839–1909); Bibliothèque diabolique; career and secularization campaigns; ejecting nuns from Paris hospitals; Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière; Louise Lateau; ou La stigmatisée belge; member of Society of Mutual Autopsy; On permanent hysterical contraction; or A scientific interpretation of the miracles of Saint Louis and Saint Medard; preface to Histoires disputes et discours des illusions et impostures des diables; school for lay nurses, Society for the Propagation of Cremation, on witches as hysterics

Bowler, Peter

Bradlaugh, Charles (1833–1891)

Brain studies: Manouvrier’s

Brés, Madeleine (née Gébelin)

Brisson, Henri (1835–1912)

Broca, Augustine (née Lugol, Paul’s wife)

Broca, Paul (1824–1880), figure 5; accepts evolution; accused of materialist teaching at the Faculty of Medicine; aphasia; Bergson’s contradiction of aphasia; at the Bertillon home; brain autopsied by Society of Mutual Autopsy; Broca Affair; craniometrical theory and practice; and the Dictionnaire; with early freethinking society; extreme left politics; founding of anthropology with Bertillon; founding of Ecole d’anthropologie; Freud on Broca’s science of the brain; funding for conferences; as important freethinker; influence on Hovelacque; the “Institute,”; on Le Bon; letter to Vogt; life and work; and Manouvrier; Manouvrier on; Parisian skulls; performs first autopsy of Society of Mutual Autopsy; physical description; and polygenism; preface to L’anthropologie; Prix Broca; and revue scientifique; role among the freethinking anthropologists; rue Broca; scholarship on; in “scientific trinity,”; suppression of Royer article; and Topinard; Topinard on; traveling with anthropologists; on women’s intelligence

Brouillet, André (1857–1914): Un leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière (painting)

Brunetière, Ferdinand (1849–1906); “bankruptcy of science,” debate; and Bouglé; Brisson on; Catholic revival; and Finot, and Lapouge; life and work; Manouvrier’s response; response from Revue de métaphysique et de morale; Revue des deux mondes

Bruno, Giordano (1548–1600)

Bruno. See Guyau, Augustine

Buchner, Eduard

Büchner, Ludwig (1813–1897); in Pensée nouvelle

Buck, Carrie

Bulletin de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris. See also Bulletin de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris


Camper, facial index of

Candolle, Alphonse de (1806–1893)

Cannibalism, and religion

Carr, Edward Hallett (The Romantic Exiles)

Catholic doctrine, material continuity

Cephalic index, in Germany

Chadwick, Owen; The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century


Chaptal, Claudius, testament of

Charcot, Jean-Martin (1825–1893); Démoniaques; Difformes dans l’art; faith cure; Freud describes; influence on Freud; government support; hostility towards religion; and hypnotism; and hysteria; Un leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière (painting); life and work; on Lourdes; and Manouvrier; nosography; physical description; school for lay nurses; secularization of religious experience; “Tuesday Lessons,”, and wife Augustine at reading party, figure 14

Chatterton-Hill, Georges

Chaumié, Joseph

Chavée, Honore Joseph

Chérin, Clara

Chervin, Arthur (1850–1921); Annales de démographie internationale; as disciple of LouisAdolphe Bertillon; and Society of Anthropology of Paris

Chevalier, Jacques, study of Broca and Bergson

Chevalier, Victor: testament of; “Under the Dome of the Foyer of Instruction-Site of the Autopsy Exhibit,”


Civil burial laws

Clam, Major du Paty de

Clemenceau, Georges

Closson, Carl

Cole, Joshua (The Power of Numbers)

Collège de France

Collignon, René

“Combat” anthropology: accusation by La patrie; Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologique; Lefèvre’s; Letourneau’s; Thulié

Combes, Émile

Comte, Auguste (1798–1857); chair in the History of Science; disciples Littré and Wyrouboff; discussed by Z. Bertillon and Michelet; positivism and religion

Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur (1859–1930); “The Cardboard Box,”; “The Hound of the Baskervilles,”; “The Naval Treaty,”; Sherlock Holmes

Condorcet; on feminismn

Congrès libre pensée

Congrès scientifique international des Catholiques

Congress on Anthropology, Moscow (1879); figure 5

Congress on Criminal Anthropology, Brussels

Console and Classify (Goldstein)

Constans, Jean: authorization of Society of Mutual Autopsy; brings down Freycinet government

Conta, Madame

Coolidge, Calvin, immigration laws

Coudereau, Auguste: autopsy of; brain and skull of figure 12; founding of Society of Mutual Autopsy; mentioned at Duval dinner; role among the freethinking anthropologists; on science and religion

Courbet, Gustave (1819–77)

Craniometry: Bouglé on; Broca’s theories; Montessori on women’s superiority

Crespi, Angelo

Crime, Madness, and Politics in Modern France (Nye)

Criminal anthropology; Durkheim on; Manouvrier’s campaign against

Criminal identification using anthropological measurements; mug shot; portrait parlé

La critique philosophique (Renouvier)

Curie, Marie (1867–1934); and M. Curie

Cutilo, Don José Luis

Cuvier, Georges (1769–1832); fixity of the species


Dally, Eugène; on Asseline’s brain; and Moscow conference

Daniel, Glyn E. (A HundredYears of Archaeology)

Darlu, Alphonse; critical of Durkheim

Darwin, Charles (1809–1882) and Darwinism; Bergson’s critique; and Brunetière; and freethinking anthropologists; Garland admires; imagined in dialog with God; influence on Zola; and Lapouge; Lefèvre praises Royer in comparison to; L’homme d’aujourd’hui praises Royer in comparison to; Manouvrier on embracing; and morality; Origin of Species; rejects Royer’s translation; and Revue philosophique; and Revue scientifique; seen as one among many evolutionary theories; and Solidarism

Le Darwinism

Daudet, Alphonse (1840–1897); reading party at home of, figure 14

Daudet, Leon (1867–1942); Revue de l’Action francaise

Davenport, Charles (1866–1944)

Death: catholic; materialist; secularization laws

Les débuts de l’humanité

La démocratie devant la science (Bouglé)


De la dépopulation de la France et des remèdes à apporter

Deraismes, Maria (1828–1894)

Desmond, Adrian

d’Holbach, Baron Paul Thiry

Dias, Nélia

Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologique; origins

Dictionnaire philosophique

Diderot, Denis (1713–1784): and the Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologique; “Diderot Dinner,” hero of materialism; mentioned in Lefèvre’s speech; rue Diderot

Die Sonne

Dinner of Scientific Materialism


Discipline and Punish (Foucault)

Distorting Mirrors (Barrows)

Donnet, Cardinal

Dracula (Stoker)

Drago, Doctor

Dreiser, Theodore (1871–1945), Sister Carrie and naturalism

Dreyfus, Captain Alfred (1859–1935): Dreyfus Affair

Les droits de l’homme

Drummond Castle

Drumont, Edouard (1844–1917); figure 14

Drysdale, Charles

Drysdale, Elizabeth “Bessie” (1829–1907)

Dubois, Eugéne

Ducros, Aline

Duhem, Pierre (1861–1916)

Duilhé, Canon

Dumas, Alexander (fils)

Dupanloup, Bishop of Orléans; Life of Jesus

Dupaquier, Michel, on Louis-Adolphe Bertillon

Duprat, Pascal (1815–1885)

Durand, Marguerite (1864–1936)

Durkheim, Émile (1858–1917); antideterminism; and Bouglé; Elementary Forms of Religious Life; on God as an effect of society; on Kant; on Lapouge; Lapouge on; on Letourneau’s sociology; life and work; on Manouvrier; on pedagogy; position of sociology; Règles de la méthod sociologique; religion as bad at science; and Renouvier; on secularist campaigns; La sociologie en France; on soul as an effect of society; Suicide

Duval, Mathias (1844–1907): accused of materialism by La patrie; on Asseline’s brain; caricature of, figure 2; Le Darwinism; dinner for; on Gambetta’s brain; in Les hommes d’aujourd’hui; professor at the Ecole d’anthropologie; in Revue scientifique; role among the freethinking anthropologists; Salpêtrière painting; on Society of Mutual Autopsy and aphasia


L’echo de Paris

Ecole d’anthropologie; Bertillon (Jacques) professorship; courses taught; denounced as atheist; founding and description; and Society of Mutual Autopsy; Topinard ousted

Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Durkheim)

Ellis, Havelock (1859–1939)

Encyclopédique générale


Esprit des lois

Essais sur le régime des castes (Bouglé)

Eugenics; American sterilization laws; “degeneration,” and pronatalism; and Royer; and Sanger; and Society of Mutual Autopsy. See also Lapouge, Georges Vacher de


Evolution; Broca on; Darwinian vs. Lamarckian political science; “dialogue” between God and Darwin; freethinking anthropologists’ linear social evolution, Lamarckian and eugenics; Manouvrier’s contribution; Mortillet’s pre-Quaternary man

L’évolution creatrice (Bergson)

Evolution de l’education dans les diverses races humaines (Letourneau)

Evolution de l’esclavages dans les diverses races humaines (Letourneau)

Evolution du mariage et de la famille (Letourneau)

L’évolution de la morale (Letourneau)

L’évolution de la propriété (Letourneau)

Evolution du commerce dans les diverses races humaines (Letourneau)

Evolution religeuse dans les diverses races humaines (Letourneau)


Faculty of Medicine (Paris); and atheism; Bert arranges acceptance of women interns; Bert arranges for Charcot’s chair; Caroline Bertillon admitted; chair of histology; Laborde heads department of physiology; as less radical than the anthropologists; Manouvrier attends; professor joins autopsy society; Royer delivers speech on evolution

Faidherbe, General Léon (1818–1889)

Family Allowance Act

Farr, William (1807–1883)

Fauvelle, Jean-Louis: accused of materialism by La patrie; on Broca and Topinard; rejection of philosophy

Fédération Internationale de la Libre Pensée (Brussels)

La femme: Essai de sociologie physiologique (Thulié)

Ferry, Jules (1832–1893); and anthropology; authorization of Society of Mutual Autopsy; chair in the History of Science; Hovelacque locks out of National Assembly; life and work; secularization of primary education

Fewkes, J. Walter (1850–1930)

Finklehaus, Jean. See Finot, Jean

Finot, Jean (1858–1922) (Finklehaus):; on balance between science and “spiritual needs,”; books on longevity; cites Manouvrier; “Finklehaus”; founder of La revue des revues; on Fouillée; the “Infinite,”; life of; on longevity; morality; Le préjugé des races; La préjugé et problème des sexes; Progrès et bonheur; pseudonyms; on racist anthropology; La science du bonheur; on the soul; tolerance of religion

Flaubert, Gustave (1821–1880);M. Homais of Madame Bovary

Foley, M.

Foucault, Michel; Discipline and Punish

Fouillée, Alfred (1838–1912); “fin-de-siècle national character studies,”; Finot on; Humanitaires et libertaires au point de vue sociologique; influence on Manouvrier; against Lapouge and anthroposociology; La liberté et le déterminisme; life and work; Manouvrier’s influence on; and national character types; and solidarism

Fourier, Charles (1772–1837)

France, Anatole (1844–1924)

France Faces Depopulation (Spengler)

Franco-Prussian war

Freemasons: materialism of; and women

Freethinkers’ Dinners: for Diderot; Duval’s celebration; for Lamarck; for Voltaire; Topinard’s description

Freethinking anthropologists: accused of metaphysics; accused of mysticism; atheist definition of anthropology; careers; description of Institute; on free will; friendships outside work; influence on Zola; and Lapouge; memorials to; mood; on nationalism; origins and growth of; against philosophy; praised as national treasures; secularization campaigns; and Society of Anthropology; theory; Topinard’s version of; traveler’s questionnaires; theory of unilinear progress; visitors; on Voltaire’s deism; on women

Freethinkers society, Broca’s of 1848

French Revolution

Freppel, Archbishop Charles (1827–1891)

Freud, Sigmund: on Broca’s science of the brain; Charcot’s influence; on “deliria of nuns,”; On Aphasia; path from linking religious possession with somatic hysteria to repression; on replacing religion; on witches

Freycinet, Charles (1828–1923)

Frick, Wilhelm (1877–1946)

Functionaries; Lapouge on

Future: Finot’s vision of progress; Manouvrier on; Lapouge’s dystopia; Letourneau’s utopia; Richet’s predictions


Gadille, Jacques

Galileo Galilei (1564–1642)

Gall, Franz Joseph (1758–1828)

Galton, Francis (1822–1911): book on A. Bertillon’s shelf; contributor to Revue philosophique; contributor to Revue scientifique; and eugenics; Günther compares Lapouge; importance to Liard and Lapouge

Gambetta, Léon (1838–1882): anticlericalism of; autopsy of; brain of figure 12; and Charcot; and Constans; death and funeral of; importance to freethinking movement; life and work; politics as a branch of physiology; Panthéon tomb of; at reading party, figure 14; La république française; skull of

Garland, Hamlin (Hannibal) (1860–1940); credits Véron with verism

Gaultier, Paul

Gavarret, Jules (1809–1890); report on Society of Mutual Autopsy; sponsors Royer

Génération consciente (J. Bertillon)

Gillet-Vital; bust of

Girardin, Emile de (1806–1881)

Giraud, Marie-Louise

Gobineau, Count Arthur de (1816–1882); Broca on; Günther on; Manouvrier on; atarin-Tarnheyden on

Goldstein, Jan (Console and Classify)

Gould, Steven J.; on Manouvrier; Mismeasure of Man

La grande revue

Grant, Madison (1865–1937):; The Passing of the Great Race and Lapouge

Gras, Charles

Gratiolet, Louis-Pierre (1815–1865), on women’s brains

Guède, Dr. Alfred, questionnaire of

Guillard, Achille

Günther, Hans: merican approval; and Lapouge; Racial Elements of European History; Rasse: Monatsschrift der nordischen Bewegung

Guyau, Augustine (Bruno), Le tour de France par deux enfants

Guyau, Jean-Marie (1854–1888)

Guyot, Yves (1843–1928): caricature in Les hommes d’aujourd’hui; Chamber of Deputies speech on cremation; and Dreyfus Affair; founding Society of Mutual Autopsy; political career; role in freethinking group; La science économique; wrote for Libre pensée and Pensée nouvelle; testament of


Hacking, Ian

Haeckel, Ernst (1834–1919); Le monisme: Lien entre la religion et la science; The Riddle of the Universe

Halévy, Elie (1870–1937), founder of Revue de métaphysique et de morale (RMM)

Hamilton, Sir William

Hammond, Michael

Hamy, Ernest-Théodore (1842–1908); photo, figure 5

Hanau, Marthe, financial scandal

Harmignies, Léonce

Harvey, Joy

Hayward, J. E. S.

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831)

Hervé, George (1855–1932); Précis d’anthropologie

Herzen, Alexander (1812–1870)

Herzen, Alexander (1839–1906); Physiology of the Will

Histoire: Entretiens sur l’évolution historique

Histoire naturelle

A History of the Devil (Rèville)

Hitler, Adolph; and Lapouge

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Holmes, Sherlock

Homais, M. See Flaubert, Gustave

L’homme: Journal illustré des sciences anthropologiques; founding

L’homme libre

Les hommes d’aujourd’hui

Hough, Walter

Hovelacque, Abel (1843–1896); on anthropology as atheist and anticlerical; caricature in Les hommes d’aujourd’hui, figure 1; Les débuts de l’humanité; differentiates humans from animals; ejecting the nuns from the convents; founding Society of Mutual Autopsy; in Les hommes d’aujourd’hui; invites Topinard to “Dinner of Free-Thought,” and Lapouge; life and work of; linguistics, La linguistique; locks Ferry out of National Assembly; Moscow conference; on “Nationalism,”; Plus les laiques sont éclairés moins les prêtres pouront faire du mal; Précis d’anthropologie; role among the freethinking anthropologists; rue Abel Hovelacque

Hovelacque, Madame Abel

Hrdlička, Aleš; American Association of Physical Anthropologists; American Journal of Physical Anthropology; influenced by Manouvrier; life and work; on Manouvrier; The Skeletal Remains of Early Man

Huerta, Luis

Hugo, Jeanne

Hugo, Victor (1802–1885); and Society of Mutual Autopsy

Humanity’s place among the animals; Brunetière on; Hovelacque’s linguistic idea of; Letourneau on; Mortillet on (in Topinard’s book)

Hume, David (1711–1776)

A Hundred Years of Archaeology (Daniel)

Huxley, Thomas (1825–1895): Dally translates; influence on Broca

Huysmans, Joris-Karl

Hypnotism; Freud on; as hysteria

Hysteria; description of; fairground hypnotism acts; and the faith cure; Freud on; as scientific explanation of ecstasy and demonic possession by Charcot; as scientific explanation of witches by Bourneville; as scientific explanation of witches by Charcot; as scientific explanation of witches by Richet; as scientific explanation of witches by Weir; as scientific explanation of witches and the “deliria” of nuns by Freud


Iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière (Bourneville)

International Congress of Archaeology and Prehistoric Anthropology (1865)

International Institute of Statistics

International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference (1921)

Issaurat, Charles


Janet, Pierre (1859–1947)

Jaurés, Jean (1859–1914)

Jeannolle, Charles

Jesuits (Society of Jesus): banned; Mortillet on

La jeune France

Jewish population in France

Jomard, Edme-François (1777–1862)

Joyeux, Johann, testament of


Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804): Durkheim on; “neocriticism” championed by Renouvier; noumenal world and belief in God; Revue philosophique’s neo-Kantian critique of Lefèvre; Revue scientifique’s neo-Kantian critique of Letourneau; understood in France as mystical

Keane, A. H., translator of La philosophie (Lefèvre)

Kelvin, Lord

Kincade, Warren (aka Du Pont)

Klumpke, Augusta Marie (1859–1927): Dejerine-Klumpke’s Paralysis; first woman intern in France

Kselman, Thomas


Laboratory of Anthropology; description of practices; influence on A. Bertillon; Manouvrier enters

Laborde, Jean-Baptiste Vincent (1830–1903); against absinthe; autopsy of; death of; discussion of his light brain; end of tenure at the Laboratory of Anthropology; on Gambetta’s light brain; life and work; made head of Laboratory of Anthropology; president of Society of Mutual Autopsy

Laffitte, Pierre (1823–1903)

Laguerre, Georges, testament of

Lalouette, Jacqueline (La libre pensée en France 1848–1940)

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste (1744–1829), “Lamarck Dinner,” Lefèvre on. See also Lamarckianism

Lamarckianism: autopsy society’s use of; compared to Darwinian political science; and eugenics; and Manouvrier; political nature of reception; “Red Lamarckians,” and Royer. See also Lamarck

Lanessan, Jean-Marie De

Lapouge, Claude Vacher de; letter from his father

Lapouge, Georges Vacher de (1854–1936); on America; Ammon’s note to; and anthroposociology; anti-Semitism; L’Aryen: son rôle social, figure 13; atheism, attack by Bouglé; attack on Manouvrier, Bouglé, Finot, et al.; cephalic index; critique by Finot; critique by Fouillée; critique by Manouvrier; death and burial of; Durkheim on; on Durkheim; dystopian future; eugenics and socialism; and freethinking anthropologists of Paris; on French democracy; German translation of L’Aryen; and Günther and Nazi race theory; influence in Germany; influence on history of racism and racialist politics; and Hindré, Marie-Albertine (wife); “Law of Lapouge,”; and Liard; life and work; Manouvrier “is fuming,” network of disciples; nihilism and antimorality; as “pessimist monist,”; Race et milieu social; Reinach on; salary; rejects sociology as metaphysics; and Sanger; scandal with young girls; Les sélections sociales; and Society of Mutual Autopsy; on the soul; studies at the Ecole d’anthropologie; success of theories in the United States; telegenesis; and Topinard; utopian ideas; and women

Lapparent, Albert de (1839–1908)

Lavasseur, Emile (1828–1911)

Le Bon, Gustave (1841–1931), figure 5; corresponded with Lapouge; Godard Award to; on group intelligence; as popularizer of science; resigns from Society of Anthropology; on women’s brains

Lebovics, Herman

Un leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière (painting, Brouillet)

Lefèvre, André (1834–1904); at Asseline’s civil funeral; at Duval’s dinner; on “Fées” among the freethinking anthropologists; on the freethinking anthropologists as the originators of the free-thought movement; on the freethinking group’s origins under the Second Empire; on going beyond Voltaire; Histoire: Entretiens sur l’évolution historique; on Hovelacque; in La jeune France; life and work; against metaphysics; La philosophie; poetry and literary prose; against positivism; La religion; La renaissance du matérialisme; on Robinson suisse; serves on Paris Municipal Council; testament of; and Zola

Legoyt, Alfred (1815–1885)

Lemonnier, Charles

Lemonnier, Elisa (1805–1865)

Léon, Xavier (1868–1935): and Durkheim; founder of Revue de métaphysique et de morale (RMM)

Leroux, Pierre (1797–1871)

Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul (1843–1916)

Letourneau, Charles (1831–1902), figure 6; on Bertillon’s brain; at Bertillon’s funeral; La biologie; “combat” articles; courses at the Ecole d’anthropologie; Dally critiques his methodology; Evolution de l’éducation dans les diverses races humaines; Evolution de l’esclavages dans les diverses races humaines; L’évolution de la morale; L’évolution de la propriété; Evolution du commerce dans les diverses races humaines; Evolution du mariage et de la famille; Evolution religeuse dans les diverses races humaines; family vacations with Royer and Duprat, the Herzens, Brocas, etc.; founds Society of Mutual Autopsy; among freethinking anthropologists; on humans as animal; influence on Zola; and Lapouge; and Liza Herzen; leadership roles in the Société d’anthropologie; to Le Bon; obituary; La physiologie des passions; phrenological examination of young Bertillon brothers; praise of Royer; in Revue scientifique; Science et matérialisme; La sociologie d’après l’enthnographie; theory of unilinear progress; utopian ideas; on women

Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien (1857–1939); and Durkheim

Liard, Louis (1846–1917): bias against Catholic scientists; and Durkheim; and Lafitte; and Lapouge; life and work


Libre pensée; and Bertillon; as defining the core group; founding and history of; Issaurat; Lefèvre’s articles collected as a book; Lefèvre on; and Mortillet. See also La pensée nouvelle

Ligue de l’enseignement (Paris)

Ligue de la régénération humaine

Ligue d’union républicaine des droits de Paris


La linguistique; review of

Littré, Emile (1801–1881); founded Philosophie positive; in Society of Anthropology

Locard, Edmond (1877–1966)

Lodge, Sir Oliver

Logue, William

Lombroso, Cesare (1835–1909); book on A. Bertillon’s shelf; contributor to Revue des revues; contributor to Revue scientifique; contributor to Revue scientifique; criminal anthropology; “duel” with Manouvrier; and spiritualism


Louise Lateau; ou La stigmatisée belge (Bourneville)

Lourdes shrine

Löwith, Karl

Lubbock, John

Lucretius (On the Nature of Things)

Lugol, Augustine

Lyell, Charles


MacMahon, Marshal, abdication of

Madame Bovary. See Flaubert, Gustave

Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842–1898)

Manouvrier, Léonce (1850–1927); “L’anthropologie et le droit,”; applications to Collège de France; “L’atavisme et le crime,”; attack by Lapouge; autopsy of Laborde; and A. Bertillon’s brain; on brains and women’s intelligence; cited by Bouglé; on Brunetière’s “bankruptcy of science,” and Charcot; and Congresses on Criminal Anthropology; contributor to Ribot’s La revue philosophique; on the “conversion” to Darwinism; death; description; and the Dictionnaire; “duel” with Lombroso; Durkheim cites to refute Lapouge; at Ecole d’anthropologie; on evolution; Finot cites to refute Lapouge; Fouillée cites to refute Lapouge; and freethinking anthropologists; on Gambetta’s brain; lecture card, figure 10; “L’indice céphalique et la pseudo-sociologie,”; “L’individualité de l’anthropologie,”; influence on Hrdlička; judicial anthropology; on Lapouge; against Le Bon; Legion of Honor; life and work; with Marey at the Station physiologique; on morality; photo, figure 6; rebuttal to Tarde; redefinition of anthropology; Reinach cites to refute Lapouge; rejection of Topinard’s limitations on anthropology; on religion and clergy; rue du Docteur Manouvrier; science as a “positive religion,”; Second French Conference on the Rights of Women; speech at 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair; on the supposed declining height of the French; taught Lapouge; on Topinard; on women; defense of women interns

Mantegazza, Paolo (1831–1910)

Marey, Etienne-Jules (1830–1904)

Martindale, Don

Marx, Karl (1818–1883); “religious” eschatology of Marxism

Materialism: Bouglé on; compared to positivism, metaphysics, and Idealism; definition; Diderot as hero; Dinner of Scientific Materialism; Durkheim’s compromise; Finot on; Lefèvre on; Pillon on; rejection of metaphysics; Reinach on Lapouge’s; Réville on E. Véron’s “antireligious faith,”; Richet on; Royer on; Schemann responds to Lapouge’s

Matériaux pour l’histoire positive de l’homme, founding;

Matériaux pour l’histoire primitive et naturelle de l’homme

Le matin

Matsuda, Matt (Memory of the Modern)

Matter and Memory (Bergson)

Mayeur, Jean-Marie

McClure’s Magazine

McManners, John, study of death in Enlightenment France

Mémoires de la Société d’anthropologie. See also Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris

Memory of the Modern (Matsuda)

Mesmer, Anton (1734–1815), and mesmerism

Michaud, Régis

Michelet, Jules (1798–1874); and L.-A. Bertillon; discusses Comte and Spinoza with Z. Bertillon; on witches; on women and priests

Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873)

Milne-Edwards, Henri (1800–1885)

Miracle cult: and Catholic revival; Charcot on; Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologique; rise of; Zola on

Mismeasure of Man (Gould)

Moleschott, Jacob (1822–1893)

Monism: Bergson’s vitalism; and Lapouge; origins in Spinoza and Hegel; Royer’s

Le monisme: Lien entre la religion et la science (Haeckel)

Monnot, Paul, testament of

Monod, Gabriel (1844–1912), Revue historique

Monogenism and polygenism

Montandon, Georges (1879–1944), autopsy of Papillault

Montessori, Maria (1870–1952); Pedagogical Anthropology

La morale (E. Véron)

Morality; Bouglé on; Darwinism and; Durkheim and; Finot on; Fouillée on; Günther on Lapouge; Keane on; Lapouge on; and Letourneau on; Manouvrier on; Renouvier on; Richet on; Royer on; Sanger and Lapouge on; Véron on

Morning News

Mortillet, Adrien de (1853–1931)

Mortillet, Gabriel de (1821–1898); on anti-Semitism; and cannibalism; and Catholic conference on evolution; cautioned by Vogt; cemetery cross at Saint-Germain; and Charcot; death of; founded Ecole d’anthropologie with Broca; and founding of Society of Mutual Autopsy; and freethinking anthropologists; and Hrdlička; inserted line in Topinard’s book; Les jésuites; and Lapouge; lasting influence on archeology and anthropology; life and work; Matériaux pour l’histoire primitive et naturelle de l’homme; Moscow conference; nomenclature and system; photo, figure 5; physical description; Le préhistorique; pre-Quaternary man; on religious belief of early humans; rue Gabriel de Mortillet; secularization of street signs; speech before Chamber of Deputies; in Switzerland; theory of unilinear, progressive, evolution; on Topinard

Mortillet, Grunevald de

Mosse, George

Muffang, Henri

Musée de l’homme

Museum of Anthropology; engravings, figures 8, 9

Museum of Natural History (Paris)

Muybridge, Eadweard (1830–1904)


Nadaillac, Marquis de (1818–1904)

Napoleon III; and the church; liberal empire; museum

Naquet, Alfred Joseph (1834–1916)

National Museum of Antiquities at Saint-Germain

La nature

Nazism; German translation of L’Aryen; and Lapouge; and social sciences.

Neo-Malthusianism; origin of term

Nikitine, Barbe: testament of

Nord, Philip (The Republican Moment: Struggles for Democracy in Nineteenth-Century France)

Nordau, Max (1849–1923)


Numbers, attraction of

Nye, Robert (Crime, Madness and Politics in Modern France); on Manouvrier


Offen, Karen

Ogarev, Liza

On Aphasia (Freud)

On permanent hysterical contraction; or A scientific interpretation of the miracles of Saint Louis and Saint Medard (Bourneville)

On the Nature of Things (Lucretius)

On the Origin of Species (Darwin)


Papillault, Georges; autopsy of; church marriage

Paray-le-Monial shrine

The Passing of the Great Race (Grant): Lapouge on

Pasteur, Louis (1822–1895)

La patrie

Paul, Harry

Paulhan, Frédéric (1856–1931)

Paxton, Robert Owen

Pedagogical Anthropology (Montessori)

Péguy, Charles (1873–1914)

Pelletier, Madeleine (1874–1939)

La pensée nouvelle: and anthropology; and Assézat; and Bertillon; as defining the core group; founding and supression; Issaurat; Lefèvre’s articles collected as a book; Lefèvre on; and Mortillet. See also Libre pensée

Perrier, Dr. Regnauth, questionnaire of

Pétain, Marshal Henri-Philippe (1856–1951)

La petite république (newspaper)

Peukert, Detlev (The Genesis of the “Final Solution” from the Spirit of Science)

La philosophie (Letourneau); english translation of

La philosophie positive

Philosophy journals, character of: L’année philosophique; La critique philosophique; Revue de métaphysique et de morale; La revue philosophique

Photography: A. Bertillon’s mug shot; A. Bertillon’s portrait parlé, figure 11; Marey and Manouvrier’s motion studies

Phrenology; as “implicit atheism,”; Letourneau reads Bertillon boys’ skulls; Manouvrier on

Physiologie des passions (Letourneau)

Physiology of the Will

Pichon, Stéphen (1857–1933)

Pillon, François (1830–1914): L’année philosophique; Critique philosophique; “The struggle against clericalism,”

Polygenism. See Monogenism and polygenism

Pope Leo XIII: “Ralliement,”

Pope Pius IX: “Syllabus of Errors,”

Positivism; accused of religiosity by materialists; and the Collège de France; compared to materialism; definition of; Finot on; opinion of freethinkers; La philosophie positive; Revue de métaphysique et de morale on; Ribot; in Society of Anthropology

Pre-Quaternary man

Précis d’anthropologie

La préhistorique

Le préjugé des races (Finot)

Prix Bertillon and Prix Broca

Progress; Broca on; condemned by “Syllabus of Errors,”; in the Dictionnaire des sciences anthropologique; Hovelacque on; Lapouge on; Lefèvre on; Letourneau on; Mortillet on; Royer on; walking among “future fossils,”

Pronatalism: discussion of population scare; Guillard on; real birth rate; Royer’s article. See also Neo-Malthusianism

Protestantism: compared to Catholicism; population in France

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1758–1838)

Proust, Marcel (1871–1922)


Quatrefages, Armand de (1810–1892); Lapouge on; Manouvrier on; monogenism of; photo, figure 5; physical description; professor to L.-A. Bertillon; report on Society of Mutual Autopsy

Qu’ est-ce que la sociologie? (Bouglé)

Questions scientifique

La question sexuelle (P. Robin)


Race; and anthropology; caste system in India; Finot’s critique of racism; racism between British and French; weaker than custom

Race et milieu social (Lapouge)

The Races of Britain (Beddoe)

The Races of Europe (Ripley)

Les races sauvage (A. Bertillon)

Rayer, Pierre (1793–1867)

Le réalisme (Thulié)

Règles de la méthod sociologique (Durkheim)

Reinach, Salomon (1858–1932): career and family; dismissal of Lapouge; Mortillet eulogy

Reinwald (publisher)

La religion (Lefèvre)

Religion: belief and dogma as sweet; clergy as cruel

Religion, history of: Durkheim on; Keane on; Jean Réville on; E. Véron on

Religious belief of early humans; Hovelacque on; Lefèvre on; Mortillet on; in Revue des questions scientifique

Rémond, René

La renaissance du matérialisme

Renan, Ernest (1823–1892); death of; The Future of Science; influence on Brunetière; Life of Jesus; praise of Royer; in Society of Anthropology

Renouvier, Charles (1815–1903); Critical Essays; La critique philosophique; Science of Morals

The Republican Moment: Struggles for Democracy in Nineteenth-Century France (Nord)

Republican mystique

La république française (newspaper)

Retzius, Anders (1796–1860)

Réville, Jean (1855–1908); A History of the Devil

Revue d’anthropologie

Revue des cours littéraires. See Revue politique et littéraire

Revue des deux mondes

Revue encyclopédique

Revue international de sociologie

Revue de linguistique

Revue de métaphysique et de morale (RMM), and Bouglé; and Durkheim; founding; response to Brunetière

Revue occidentale

Revue pédagogique

La revue philosophique; and Manouvrier

Revue politique et littéraire (aka Revue bleue); Durkheim’s articles against anthroposociology; (under temporary name Revue des cours littéraires) and Véron

Revue des questions scientifique

La revue des revues

Revue scientifique (aka Revue rose); on Brunetière’s “bankruptcy of science”; debate over women interns; publication of Society of Mutual Autopsy questionnaire; reviews of freethinker’s works

Rhodes, Henry

Ribot, Théodule (1839–1916): life and work; and Manouvrier; La revue philosophique

Richer, Paul (1849–1933), artist and disciple of Charcot

Richet, Charles (1850–1935); anticipates Freud; articles on hysteria and somnambulism; on Brunetière’s “bankruptcy of science,”; coins “ectoplasm,”; Dans cent ans; description of hysteria; hysterics as female Diogeneses; Nobel Prize; Revue scientifique reviews of freethinker’s works; and spiritualism; “witches” as hysterics

Ringer, Fritz

Ripley, William (The Races of Europe)

The Rising Tide of Color (Stoddard)

Robin, Charles (1821–1885)

Robin, Paul (1837–1912); leaves Society of Mutual Autopsy; testament of

Rojas, Francisca

The Romantic Exiles (Carr)

Röntgen Wilhelm

Rouanet, Gustave (1855–1927): asks Manouvrier to critique Lapouge; reviews Manouvrier’s critique

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–1778)

Roussel Law of 1874

Roussel, Nelly (1827–1908)

Royer, Clémence (1830–1902); atheist conversion story; on being a woman scientist; La bien et la loi morale; on Brunetière’s “bankruptcy of science,”; calls the group “a little church,”; caricature, figure 3; contributor to Revue scientifique; on creationism; Darwin’s first French translator; Darwin rejects translation; death, last words, and burial of; determinism; Dreyfusard; and eugenism; on evolution (at the Paris School of Medicine); on evolution; evolution and progress; and the freethinking anthropologists; influence on Brés; influence on Jeanne Véron; joins Society of Anthropology; legion of honor; Letourneau calls “doubly revolutionary,”; life and work; on Manouvrier; and monism; physical description; private life; religious language; Renan calls “almost a man of genius,”; represents France at freethinkers’ conference; rue Clémence Royer; Second Congress of Criminal Anthropology; and Society of Mutual Autopsy; and substantialism; suppressed article on natality; vacations with Duprat, Letourneau, and Herzen; and Zola

Ruggiero, Kristin

Russett, Cynthia Eagle: on Manouvrier; Sexual Science

Rutherford, Ernest


Saint-Hilaire, Etienne Geoffroy (1772–1844)

Saint-Hilaire, Isidore Geoffroy (1805–1861)

La Salette shrine

Salpêtrière, hospital; Un leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière (painting)

Sanger, Margaret (1879–1966); and Lapouge

Sangnier, Marc (1873–1950), and the Sillon movement

Sarton, George (1884–1956)

Schemann, Ludwig (1852–1938)

Schopenhauer, Arthur

La science du bonheur (Finot)

Scientific Society of Brussels

Second Congress of Criminal Anthropology (1889)

Second Congress on Free Thought, “Rights of Women” (1893)

Second French Conference on the Rights of Women (1889)

Secular ceremonies: civil marriage in Europe; Diderot dinner; Duval dinner; Marseillaise as secular rite; religiosity as feminine; secular burial; secular marriage; Topinard on the Freethinker’s Dinners and civic ceremonies; Voltaire celebrations. See also Secularization and anticlericalism

Secularization and anticlericalism: Bourneville; “Broca Affair,”; Charcot; discussion of; distinguished from irreligion; and doctors; Durkheim on; Ferry; freethinking anthropologists’ various campaigns; Freud; Germanic materialists; history of; Mortillet; myth of early French piety; and nuns; Pillon on; progressive secularization of church and state; Proudhon on; Renan, “to not be a dupe,”; and teachers

Secular marvel at scientific paradox: Durkheim on determinism; Finot on the infinite; Lapouge on time and relativism; Lefèvre

Sée, Germain (1818–1896)

Les sélections sociales (Lapouge)

Sexual Science (Russet)

Le siècle (newspaper)

The Skeletal Remains of Early Man (Hrdlička)

Skulls: Broca’s collection of Parisian skulls; Broca’s craniometry; Duval caricature figure 2; Duval caricature discussed; freethinkers’ at Museum of Natural History of Paris; heads mailed to anthropologists; in Lapouge’s L’Aryen, figure 13; Manouvrier measures visitors to lab; measured at Bertillon home; nougat; phrenology; shaped skulls, figure 9; Smithsonian collection; Valéry measures, with Lapouge


Social Darwinism; Bouglé; Finot; Fouilée; Lamarckian versus Darwinian; Lapouge, see chapter 5; Manouvrier on; Spencer

Social science as inherently political

Société d’anthropologie. See Society of Anthropology of Paris

Société d’autopsie mutuelle. See Society of Mutual Autopsy

Société de psychologie physiologique; and Manouvrier; origin

Société de statistique de Paris

Society for the Propagation of Cremation

Society of Anthropology of Paris; A. Bertillon joins; J. Bertillon joins, Broca discusses founding with L.-A. Bertillon; collections; environment; founding under Broca; freethinkers join; funding; Manouvrier and; public utility

Society of Mutual Autopsy; and Bert; L.-A. Bertillon’s brain; and Bourneville; brains of Gambetta and Laborde; caricature of Thulié performing autopsy, figure 4; and Charcot; 1903 circular; declining scientific ambitions regarding autopsies; discussion of Thulié caricature; distinction of core group from later members; Gavarret cautions Ferry about; in Les hommes d’aujourd’hui; and journal editors; and Lapouge; Manouvrier on, in Revue philosophique, Monnot’s suicide; museum; 1904 questionnaires; official authorization; origins; poem for; statutes, figure 15; utopianism; E. Véron on; J. Véron and. See chapter 1

La sociologie d’après l’enthnographie


Solidarism; civil; and liberalism; natural-competition; natural-cooperation


Sorel, Georges (1847–1922)

Soul; Clemenceau’s doctoral thesis disproving; compared to cell; Durkheim’s “collective soul,”; Ecole d’anthropologie denounced as dedicated to disproving; Finot on; Foucault on; freethinkers on; Archbishop Freppel on; German vs. French materialism; human compared to animal; Lapouge on; Littré and Robin on the physiological nature of; Tatarin-Tarnheyden on Lapouge; Vogt on; Zola on

Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903); and social Darwinism

Spengler, Joseph (France Faces Depopulation)

Spinoza, Baruch (1632–1677)

Spontaneous generation

Spurzheim, Johann (1776–1832)

State of nature

Station physiologique, Marey and Manouvrier’s photographic laboratory

Statistique générale de France

Stepan, Nancy (The Idea of Race in Science)

Stocking, George

Stoddard, Lothrop (1883–1950); The Rising Tide of Color

Stoker, Bram (1847–1912); Dracula

Stoler, Ann Laura

Suicide (Durkheim)

Swiss Family Robinson (Wyss)


Taguieff, Pierre-André

Taine, Hippolyte (1828–1893)

Tannery, Paul (1843–1904)

Tarbell, Ida (1857–1944)

Tarde, Gabriel (1843–1904); empiricism and metaphysics; Les lois d’imitation

Tatarin-Tarnheyden, Edgar

Télégraphe (newspaper)

Le temps (newspaper)


Third left frontal circumvolution; Keane on Lefèvre

Thulié, Henri (1832–1916); anticlerical conferences; assists Broca with autopsy of Asseline’s brain and pens report; caricature, figure 4; co-founded Le réalisme; “combat brochures,”; La femme: Essai de sociologie physiologique; and founding of Society of Mutual Autopsy; and the freethinking anthropologists; in Les hommes d’aujourd’hui; life and work; president of Society of Mutual Autopsy; speech at Mortillet’s funeral; on Tolstoy; on women and families

Time and Free Will (Bergson)

Topinard, Paul (1830–1911); L’anthropologie; on Asseline’s brain; and Catholic scientists under a positivist regime; and the Ecole d’anthropologie; feud with freethinkers; and Lapouge; Lapouge compares his situation to; Manouvrier on; at Moscow conference; negative descriptions of; photo, figure 5; physical description; Second Congress on Criminal Anthropology (1889)

Tour d’Auvergne, Princess de la

Tourette, Gilles de La (1857–1904); biography of Charcot; “syndrome” and career

Toussenel, Alphonse (1803–1885)

La tribune médicale

Trocadéro (Ethnological Museum)

Turgeon, Charles (Le féminisme français)


Ujfalvy-Huszar, Charles de; photo, figure 5


Vacanard, Abbé Elphege (1849–1927)

Vacher de Lapouge, Georges. See Lapouge, Georges Vacher de

Valéry, Paul (1871–1945); on Lapouge


Verlaine, Paul (1844–1896)

Verne, Jules (1828–1905)

Véron, Eugène Victor (1825–1889); Les assocations ouvrières; death of; L’esthétique; exhumation of; and founding of Society of Mutual Autopsy; and the freethinking anthropologists; influence on Garland; La morale; on race theory; rejects academia under the Empire; La religion; skull of; testament of; theory of aesthetics

Véron, Jeanne; on her husband’s autopsy; on Royer; Society of Mutual Autopsy membership and testament; works. See also figure 15, caption

Vichy France

Victoria, Queen

La vie littéraire

Virchow Rudolf; against anti-Semitism; politics and anthropology

Virgin Mary. See Miracle cult

Vogt, Carl (1817–1895): advice to Mortillet; career; contributor to Revue scientifique; influence on Herzen; Lefèvre on; letter from Broca; materialism of; and Mortillet; in Pensée nouvelle

Vogt, W. Paul

Voltaire (1694–1778); and anticlericalism; centenary celebrations; influence on Ferry; influence on Royer; Lefèvre on; “Voltaire Dinner,”

Vucetich, Juan (1864–1925)

Vulpian, Edmé Félix Alfred (1826–1887)


Wallace, Alfred (1823–1913)

Weir, Jean: Histoires disputes et discours des illusions et impostures des diables; witches as hysterics

Wharton, Edith (1862–1937)

Whitman, Blanche

Williams, Elizabeth

Woltmann, Ludwig (1871–1907)

World Health Organization

World’s Fair of 1867 (Paris)

World’s Fair of 1878 (Paris), demography conference

World’s Fair of 1889 (Paris): Second Congress of Criminal Anthropology; Second French Conference on the Rights of Women; Society of Mutual Autopsy display

World’s Fair of 1904 (Saint Louis), Congress of Arts and Science

Worms, René (1869–1926); Revue international de sociologie

Wyrouboff, Grégoire: and the history of science at the Collège de France; founded Philosophie positive; life and work

Wyss, Johann David (Swiss Family Robinson)


Yung, Eugene


Zeldin, Theodore; on anticlericalism

Zola, Emile (1840–1902); Garland’s opinion; influenced by Letourneau; influenced by Royer; and Lourdes; naturalist movement; at reading party, figure 14; Rougon-Macquart series