You wouldn’t think being forced to stand on your tip-toes would be any harder while wearing ballet boots, but I’ll sit down (whenever I’m finally able) and argue the point all day long. The awkwardness of the pose lent itself to strained muscles I didn’t even know I had.
Master Laste circled me twice, trailing his signature silver chased riding crop over my body as he went. I kept expecting at least a token flick of the wrist from him, but he refrained from jumping the gun. He paused to whisper something to one of the stage hands, and then did another circuit around me.
At the completion of his lap, he suddenly flicked out with his wrist and landed a smack perfectly between my legs and held it there. He began sawing it back and forth between my nether lips, slowly increasing the pressure and pressing a deep groove into the thin latex.
As I made eye contact for the first time, I realized he’d been staring at my face as this had been going on. Even when the stage hand returned, he didn’t look away, but simply held out his free hand for his request. He gave me a medium-hard tap with the shaft of his crop before replacing it in his belt and starting with his plan.
He quickly removed my panties, although quick was a relative term, since they were too sticky and tight to come off easily. Once they were out of the way, he began rubbing his hand over the top of my mound, the other hand clenching my ass so he could control the pressure precisely.
It didn’t take long before he started working one of his fingers inside of me, my natural lubrication making it almost too easy for him. A minute later and it was two fingers, and then three. I was halfway expecting him to keep going until he was fisting me, but he soon withdrew and started inserting a dildo of some sort instead. It felt like a fire hydrant.
Despite my recent orgasm, I was fast approaching a new one; he sure knew how to push my buttons for maximum effect. It felt like he was fiddling around with it for a few moments, and it wasn’t until he’d finished when I figured out what he did.
He’d fastened a long dowel rod to the end of it and turned it into the classic ‘dick on a stick’. He held it deep inside of me while he was messing with it, but once he let it go I felt it fall a couple of inches before the pole hit the floor.
I thought it was a little sloppy of him, but shrugged it off (I would have really shrugged if I was able to move my shoulders) figuring ‘shit happens’ during a live show. I should have known better than to doubt him.
A quick flick of the crop on each of my thighs was the signal to spread my legs. I quickly complied, but obviously not enough in his mind, since he repeated the command twice more. Each time was more powerful, and I hoped I could achieve what he was looking for, since I was now at the extreme limit of how far my body could stretch while hanging like this.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a spreader bar being passed to him, and I felt a renewal of my earlier fear. The thing had to be over three feet long, and was probably closer to four. There was no way I’d be able to stand in these boots if he tried fastening the thing on me.
I was wrong, but the difference was almost academic. Even my monster eight inch heels lost contact with the ground by the time it was installed and I was forced to stretch my toes out to the max. My earlier wonder about the sloppiness of the dildo was also answered, as I found it pressed right up to my cervix by the time he was done.
I should’ve known better than to doubt he knew precisely what he was doing. It was about as deep as it could go without causing any discomfort, although it had a fingerlike protrusion pressing against my clit with a touch too much force for my liking. I wiggled my hips the tiny amount I was able in order to settle things properly, and while I couldn’t move far, the miniscule movement was enough to start getting me hot again.
As if he sensed what I was feeling, I saw him pull a remote out of his pocket and hit a button. I felt the dildo inside me roar to life, and I seriously began to wonder if his dick on a stick started life as a jackhammer on some construction site.
He then called for a chair and ordered the stage hands to continue with the costuming I didn’t have time for earlier. They started by putting the corset on me loosely, and tightening it in small stages so I could get used to the new restriction without any major problems.
‘Major problems’ was a relative term, though. Being stretched so tightly made lacing the corset easier for them, but added a bit of a pinch to my where my thighs were spread so wide. Plus small steps didn’t convert to much overall time, and I found myself grunting as the laces were pulled increasingly tight.
They’d just finished the second pass when I exploded into one of the best orgasms of my life. I’d been trying to hold perfectly still and contain the beast, but in retrospect it was a huge mistake. All my efforts did was add more water to the dam before it burst. It didn’t distract the stage hands, though; they just kept right on with their lacing.
Luckily they stopped just before I was about to complain, and I breathed a (shallow) sigh of relief. I guess this was my day for being either optimistic or just plain stupid, as they quickly replaced my simple leash collar with a rather severe posture collar, putting me into even more distress.
The front of it must’ve been at least four or five inches tall, and it forced my teeth firmly into the front of the oversized rubber ball I’d been wearing since the start. I really hoped this scene wouldn’t last too long, or I wouldn’t be able to speak properly for a couple of days after the shoot.
At a gesture from Master Laste, one of the stage hands reached down between my legs and flipped the switch from low to high and I began to panic. This was far too early in a two hour shoot for intensity at this level. I turned my eyes toward him and tried to convey my sense of despair.
He held my eyes without flinching and without expression, even as I began to cum yet again. Once I was past it and could focus my eyes again, I found him precisely like he was before my orgasm. He could have been a statue for all I could tell.
He raised a single finger and I felt the handlers start a new pass on my corset laces. I thought he was insane for a moment, but then I noticed I was actually breathing easier than I was ten minutes ago. My body adjusted faster than it ever had before, and I realized I had a good shot of making it through the night and winning this thing.
The ‘jackhammer’ was starting to become more than a little painful, but I knew I could push through the discomfort of the next inevitable orgasm, and into sub-space where everything would level out.
I was right on the verge, but came back to Earth when I heard every orgasm would be rewarded with ten lashes. Rather than suppressing my next orgasm, the words forced it upon me, and I found myself twitching in exquisite agony for what felt like days. By the time I could think again, I opened my eyes and found his face mere inches from mine.
“That looked like fun,” he chuckled.
He ran the end of his crop over first one nipple and then the other, never breaking eye contact with me as he slowly walked to the side and out of my field of view. My nipples were almost painfully erect, and the slow sliding of leather across them was almost indescribable.
Without warning, he moved his wrist back and quickly flicked it forward twice, landing a harsh slap on the tip of each exposed nipple. My breath stuck in my throat at the sudden intensity of the pain, but only for a moment. I shook and howled for all I was worth, although it wasn’t much given the nature of my current predicament.
Just as I was calming down he repeated the nipple hits again. While still painful, it wasn’t such a shock to the system this time, so I managed to keep my composure a little better. I concentrated on keeping my breathing even and regular, and forced myself to cope.
He spent the next several minutes alternating between stroking my nipples and smacking them. I was never sure what to expect, but after a time I no longer cared. Between the attention on my breasts and the vibrations down below, I began cumming over and over again.
I lost track of how many times I came, but it took me a few minutes to realize he’d finally stopped his assault on my now painfully sensitive nipples. I found myself dangling from my wrists, with the rest of my body completely limp and unresponsive.
I slowly managed to get my toes back under me again, relieving some of the stress from my wrists, which also helped me to breathe a bit easier. I felt the vibrations between my legs finally stop, and the dildo slide out. I felt almost hollow without it.
“It’s half-time, folks,” I heard Lilith say. “It’s time for us to change positions on our models, which will take about fifteen minutes. We’ll keep the cameras rolling, though, so feel free to stay tuned and don’t forget we’re taking your suggestions under consideration. Suggest as many things as you’d like to see, just remember to keep it within the realms of what’s possible. We’ll be opening up our voting for the winner in the second half, and don’t forget our contestants have a little bit of pain due to them.”
We still had an hour left to go? It felt like I’d already been here for more than the two hours I’d agreed to, and I wondered if they were messing with us. I could just barely see the wall clock out of the corner of my eye, and unless they changed it, then she was right; I could only pray I’d be able to finish the night.