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Jenkins: They called a World Conference, so I must get to Ginia. It shouldn’t last long. You two hold down the fort while I am gone.
Adam: No problem Captain.
Jenkins: Anything else happens, let me know so I can let the World Leaders know.
In the middle of the ocean between Ried Continent and Monochello Continent. A group of hurricane hunters were flying towards the hurricane in a huge plane. There were two pilots and three meteorologists inside the plane. The head pilot was named Ron, and the co-pilots name is Larry. The three meteorologists were Matt, Damon, and Patrick.
Ron was looking at the radar.
Ron: We will be approaching the storm in one minute.
The plane looked like it was headed into a huge cloud wall. The clouds were pitch black with lightning flashing constantly. As the plane made it into the storm, the turbulence became heavy.
Matt: Winds are being clocked at two hundred-fifty miles per hour.
Patrick: Wow.
Ron and Larry could not see anything in front of them.
Ron: I can’t see anything in front.
It looked like they were driving at night with no lights on. The lightning illuminated the clouds and rain around them. Then they made it to an area where the clouds turned neon green.
Larry looked around outside.
Larry: Hey guys look at this.
The glass and metal of the plane started dissolving instantly.
Ron: (frantic) What the hell is going on?
They entered an area of acid rain. The pilots and meteorologists on the plane were killed instantly when the downpour of acid rain dissolved their flesh. The plane crashed near a large group of cargo ships that were getting pummeled by the storm. Large hundred feet tall waves and high wind gusts were tossing all the crates in the ocean. There were also about twenty waterspouts that looked like F5 tornadoes, tossing around the ships and crates.
About five miles from the group, another large cargo ship was handling the storm by itself. The captain was on the main deck.
The Captain watched everything going on around him.
Ship Captain: This is bullshit. The weather authority said there was supposed to be clear skies all the way. Where the hell did this hurricane come from? They didn't even warn us.
The rain stopped as they entered a neon green area. The clouds in the sky were a bright glowing neon green. When the rain returned, it started eating anything metal it encountered. The metal all around them quickly dissolved and they were exposed to the rain. The crew screamed in agony as the rain dissolved their flesh.
CHAPTER 3: The World Conference 1
At the Unison City Conference Center. All the Presidents of each continent, all head scientist, all Headmasters of each District, and all the heads of Outer World Observation Center, including Captain Jenkins attended. They all had their own podiums to stand at if they need to talk or ask questions. The world President, Mack Devoy, was in the center.
Mack Devoy took his podium to address the crowd.
Mack: Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, it appears that we have a few issues going on around the planet that needs to be addressed. First, let’s start with Hurricane Heather. Can I have meteorologist Nate Benson to give us an update.
Nate Benson stepped to his podium.
Nate: Thank you, Mack Devoy. As you know Hurricane Heather formed over Reid Continent in most polluted area. Causing the storm to have spots of acidic rain. The cause on why this storm formed so fast is still being analyzed. Nothing has ever happened like this and we were totally unprepared. Right now, the storm is in the middle of the Ried Ocean and is expected to make landfall on Northeast Monochello Continent. Fort City, and many of the towns and villages are doing a good job on making sure everyone is evacuated before the storm hits. The wind is now being clocked at three hundred miles per hour. We had to send in a bunch of Photo Probes to get information because a lost a team in the storm earlier today. We will continue to give updates as this storm continues its path. Thank you.
Mack retook his podium as Nate walked back to his seat.
Mack: Thank you, Nate Benson. Now can I have Geologists Bryson Jones to update us?
Bryson Jones stepped to his podium.
Bryson: Thank you, Mack Devoy. There have been reports all around the planet of mini quakes shaking cities, towns, and villages. The quakes seem to be getting stronger and more frequent as well. This has taken us by surprise, and we have everyone available working on finding out why this is happening. What makes this event scary is the fact that we have been seeing activity coming from all volcanoes around the world, including the dead and dormant ones, especially Mt. Finine. Ladies and Gentlemen, I don’t have to tell you why we need to keep an eye on these volcanoes. We have many members of my team analyzing the volcanoes to see if an eruption is possible. We will keep you informed as well. Thank you.
Mack Devoy retook his podium.
Mack: Thank you, Bryson. May I have Captain Leroy Jenkins of the Outer World Observation Center?
Jenkins walks to his podium.
Jenkins: Thank you Mack Devoy. We have seen major fluctuations in the air temperature and the core temperature since this morning. The ozone over Industry City is now seventy percent gone which is causing the huge heat wave over the area. As far as if that was a factor for the hurricane is yet to be determined. This took us by surprise also and we don’t have many answers as well. I'm sorry. We just don’t know why our planet is acting crazy right now.
Jenkins sat back down, and Mack retook his podium.
Mack: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. We will hold another conference tomorrow night and I hope we have more answers.
Mack got up and walked off with his bodyguards. Headmaster Johnson was looking at Unison District Headmaster Sean Peeples.
Johnson: Look at that bastard. Yeah, his army may be better than mine, but once we get those diamonds, he will be on his knees begging for me to accept his surrender and I will make him suffer.
Headmaster Peeples was with General Larus. Headmaster Peeples looked over at Headmaster Johnson and glared at him.
Headmaster Peeples: Why is that frigging idiot staring at me over there?
General Larus: He's still bitter about the surrender. Especially since he will have to announce the peace treaty at the conference in Monochello City tomorrow.
Headmaster Peebles: (chuckles) Well, he should have thought about that before he killed many innocent people on a power trip. Guys like him don’t deserve to be headmaster of any district. Guys like him don’t deserve to be a leader of anything. We did a good thing interfering with his civil war. So, if he’s bitter he can bring his punk ass over and I’ll whoop his ass personally again.
General Larus: (laughed) That would be funny.
Markus and Josh met up with the rest of their team at the riverbank in front of the temple. Joe, Mya, Dennis, Joel, and Kersi were waiting. Joel was petting a huge tarantula, Joe was skipping rocks in the river, Mya was brushing Kersi's hair, and Dennis was putting together his gun. Markus and Josh walked up
Markus: What's up Team?
Joel had a tarantula in his hand.
Joel: You see this huge spider I found by the river?
Josh looked at Joel in disgust.
Josh: And yet you're petting it and you don’t know if it’s poisonous or not.
Joel: It hasn't bitten me yet.
Josh: And what's your back up plan if it bites you?
Joel chuckled and glared at Josh.
Joel: It won’t bite me.
Joel started screaming.
Josh: oh my god it bit me.
Joel took off running to the temple as the others watched him. Mya became confused.
Mya: What the hell just happened?
Markus: If I heard him correctly, he got bitten by the spider.
Mya saw the spider and shot it three times.
Mya: He won’t be biting us.
Joe: Joel is always getting bit by something.
Dennis: And he keeps surviving the bites.
Josh went to the spider.
Josh: Mya, why the hell did you shoot the spider in its natural habitat? It is frowned upon to kill an insect in its natural habitat according to the Temple of Nature.
Mya shrugged her shoulder.
Mya: I panicked.
Markus decided to make the situation worse.
Markus: Ohhhhh, especially on Temple grounds.
Mya looked at Markus and Josh.
Mya: They won’t know, unless one of you is going to be a little snitch and tell on me.
Markus: They will know. They always know stuff like that.
Mya: We will see about that.
Kersi: I agree. High Priest Lee or High Priestess Blue always have someone or something watching. Remember when Markus killed that scorpion that was on his pant leg?
Markus was appalled that she mentioned that event.
Markus: Shut up about that Kersi.
Kersi: (laugh). I’m just saying. They found out because a bird was watching and reported it.
Josh looked around to see if any birds were watching.
Josh: So, in a way, if a bird was watching you, it will be the little snitch Mya.
Mya: I don’t see no birds around here right now.
Josh: There a lot of trees out here for them to hide in Mya.